Walking Home (Decadence and Candira)

Keith stopped, detaching his mouth away with a rather loud, sucking noise. "Hmm?" He was confused, blinking at her before it hit him.

His arm felt...good. He moved it around, bending his elbow before pressing his hand against where it had been nearly fractured. He bared some teeth. "Oh fuck!" He hissed. It still hurt, but it didn't hurt nearly as much as before. At least it wasn't the sort of pain that kept you in bed, paralyzed from excruciating pain after you had plenty of drugs.

Just then, the door opened, filling the room with the fluorescent lighting from the hallway. The lights in the room then turned on. Shit! Keith quickly shifted onto his back like before, raising his body up so he could cover up Sophie. In about a half a second, the nurse appeared from around the corner.
Sophie gasped, blushing, pulling herself back together so fast that if Keith had blinked he would have missed it. Before the nurse appeared, she was decent again. She blinked groggily, not appreciating the harsh glare of the fluorescent lights.

"Oh. It's good to see you're both awake. I'm afraid visiting hours are ending, miss. You'll have to come back tomorrow." She raised an eyebrow at the way they were positioned and then decided to check Keith. "Hmmm, well, you look like you've swollen a little bit, but ice will take care of that, and we'll take care of that...Oh, you must be hungry. I can bring something for you if you'd like."

Sophie frowned and sat up, sliding off of Keith's bed so she could do her job. "Excuse me ma'am? I was wondering if I could stay with him? You see, he doesn't have family to come and see him. Please?"

The nurse frowned and then looked over at Keith. "Well, I don't see why not if the patient has no problem with it."
"I don't have any problem with it at all," Keith replied, realizing he was full. "I'm also not very hungry, thanks." It was just like this morning. Keith was feeling so full, food was the farthest thing from his mind right now.

The nurse then nodded. "Well all right. I'll just go on back and fetch you some ice, how about that?"

Keith nodded, widening his eyes so that she'd leave them alone. There was something going on with his body, and it had something to do with Sophie's milk.

After the nurse left, he turned to Sophie. "We have to get out of here," he said, taking her hand. "Nobody's gonna believe this, but I'm almost fully recovered." He then swallowed before continuing. "I know for sure it has something to do with your milk. So...let's head to your car."

He flew off the bed, dragging her with him as he peered around the corner of the room, checking so it was clear enough to make their way back to Sophie's car. Nobody else needed to know about his little secret. It was just better that way.
"Keith, stop!" she whispered, nearly tripping over herself as he dragged her along. She turned him to face her and shook her head. "We can't just walk out now. Besides, they only wanted to keep you here overnight to make sure you didn't slip into a coma. All you have to do is pretend your arm hurts and we can get out of here tomorrow."

Sophie was all for protecting the both of them, and she thought they were strange enough, but this plan of his was just silly. "Once they're sure your concussion is gone, they'll clear us to leave. And since yours was only a light concussion, it could very well be over and done with. Okay?" She cupped his face in her hands. "It'll be okay, alright? Nobody has to know."

Still, now that he'd gotten her worked up like that it was pretty appealing to just do what he wanted and get out now.
He stopped before the door, looking back at her. Keith just felt like getting out of here, but she did have a point. "All right, miss," he said, making his way back towards the bed with her hand still held in his. He leapt back on, causing its metal frames to sway a little. "You're good at making me hurt. Why don't you hit me a few times to make the pain return?" He wasn't sure if she was going to take that seriously or not, but it didn't matter. What did matter, was that he could hear the returning clicks of the nurse approaching the room, and before he could acknowledge it, she was already inside the room with a pack of ice.

"Are you sure you're not hungry?" The nurse asked, feeling Keith's forehead before applying the pack to his arm.

Keith groaned, his cry of pain sounding very forced. "No, ma'am," he replied, shooting out an innocent smile. "I had a fantastic breakfast, and I'm still full from it!"

The nurse gave him a puzzled expression, wrinkling her nose. "Well okay then. Just give me a ring when you're feeling it, or just send your girlfriend over to me," she said, jotting something down her clipboard before leaving. The door closed shut. The lights remained on.

Keith then looked over at Sophie, blinking.
Sophie was relieved when he agreed to stay. Happily, she followed him back to his bed, watching as he jumped back on. Even if he was feeling better, maybe he shouldn't be jumping around like that...And his comment got a rather contemptuous look from her. "Maybe I will," she said, looking up as the nurse arrived.

She watched as the ice was applied to his already bruising face. She felt incredibly guilty as she watched him, even if she knew he was feeling better. This was the second time she'd seen him get beat up, even a little, and she didn't like it. She snapped back to reality as he nurse gave them a funny look and started to speak to them again. Once she was gone she shot him a look.

"Oh that wasn't suspicious at all. Way to go." She sighed and sat on his bed. "You should have said you were hungry. If nothing else, I could have eaten for you." She yawned a little and looked down at him, finding it difficult to stay mad at him, even a little. "Next time, maybe I will hit you. You don't fake pain very well." She looked at him and frowned a little, her breasts a little sore from when he had drank her milk. "Where are we going to go when we get out of here tomorrow?" she asked.

Faye had left earlier in the evening with Zack after reaching the conclusion that Keith wouldn't be waking up any time soon. When they had been waiting for news or the opportunity to see Keith, he'd put his arm around her and let her lean against him. She smiled and before she knew it the boys from the shop were leaving via bus. She didn't think much of it at the time, but she wasn't sure what to think about what had happened today.
Keith slapped his hand up against his forehead. "Oh shit, how could I be so selfish!" he said, realizing how hungry Sophie was. He was so focused on getting out of the hospital, that he didn't realize a significant other needed to eat as well.

"I'll go ahead and call for some food," he said, ringing the nurse by pressing the button on the little remote attached to the bed. It was clear that he wasn't really needing the ice, so he lay it beside his cast arm.

He then thought about the next day after she brought it up. "Sunday," he said. "We could head back to your place if it's still safe. I have a feeling Jeff's gonna want to lay low for a little while before he returns. It's just his policy, I think. So what's on your mind?"

The nurse returned, looking a just a little annoyed. "What do you need?"

A shiny PR smile lit up Keith's face. "I just suddenly started feeling hungry, so I'm open on your suggestion for the food," he said, keeping his expression.

She let out a small sigh. "Certainly. I'll go right on and fetch you some dinner." With that, she was off.
Sophie smiled as he realized his little blunder. Even when he was being silly he found a way to be cute. It was good to know that she would be getting food soon enough.

"I guess my place wouldn't be a bad idea," she said, thinking about calling her dad to ask about that. Jeff having a policy made her chuckle. Like anybody that desperate to prove himself relied on a system. "Well, I need to get my car fixed at some point. And do you need any more clothes or anything from your place? Maybe if you do you could call some friends to go with us..."

The nurse came in and made her little sigh before leaving. "Honestly? Why bother offering if you're just gonna complain about it," Sophie said under her breath. She smiled at Keith and came back to his side, kissing his unbruised cheek.

"Thank you for feeding me," she said, hugging him. "Remember, you promised to be more careful with your life. Don't push yourself too much. Even if you do feel way better, you're not at 100 percent yet." She smiled and ran her fingers through his hair. She kissed him softly and stayed at his side for awhile.
"I can always ask Zack if you need your car fixed," he said, remembering the web of cracks over her windshield. "He has his ways, and you won't need to worry about the money. I'll take care of it for him." He thought about heading to her place the next day. "Sure, we'll leave first thing tomorrow..."

The nurse arrived with dinner. On the plate, there was broccoli, mash potatoes, corn, and warm piece of chicken breast with parsley flakes sprinkled over it. She also accompanied the meal with a small carton of milk. "There you go," she said, sliding the tray over a swiveling table that rested over the bed. "If you're having trouble finishing it..." she said, shifting her eyes toward Sophie. "I wouldn't mind if you let her finish it for you." She then picked up the milk carton, giving it a little shake while she kept her eyes on Sophie. "I wouldn't like seeing anything go to waste." She then left after that.

Keith looked at Sophie, barely keeping himself from laughing. "What the fuck was that?" he giggled. After a moment, he stared at the milk carton before turning to look at Sophie again. "So...as I was saying earlier. I think if I drank some more of your milk, it'd make me feel better. It's weird, I know, but that's what happened." He didn't really know how to make it sound less absurd than it really did, but that was what it was. "Try not to laugh, but I think your milk heals up my wounds," he said, feeling his face grow red as he said that.

* * * *​

Zack had to do a lot of thinking as he drove home with Faye. Marcos and Evan had already left on their own, and they basically left him and Faye at the hospital for hours while they spent the remainder of the afternoon cuddling in the visitor waiting area.

He couldn't believe it, but that fantastic fuck with Faye gave him a little epiphany about his life in general. Let's face it, Angela had been a real bitch, but it was time he had to move on. Sure, she had gone in and messed some shit up, made his business practices all crooked and whatnot, but now he was looking at in a new light. He was going to start a new shop, but it was gonna be different.

"I was thinking," Zack said as he neared his place. "Maybe we can bring back the old days, you know, how the shop used to be legit and all. How bout it?" He turned to look at Faye.
Sophie raised an eyebrow at the nurse as she gave her funny looks. When she left, she frowned and sat on the side of his bed. "What a weirdo." Still, she had no problems taking the food and eating it in that particularly neat fashion of hers.

"Hmmm, I don't know. I'll have to see what needs to be fixed. The windshield needs to be replaced, and there's blood in my car, but I did kind of use it like a battering ram. I'm not sure if there's anything else wrong with it. I didn't really have a chance to look at it." She paused to enjoy some broccoli and mashed potatoes, glad that she could be fed as well.

She watched him stare at the milk carton and blushed as she was sure she knew what he was thinking of in relation to it. "I believe you, because honestly, it can't get much weirder than it already has been in our relationship. You can't stop eating real food, though. Honestly, I don't have a problem with you drinking from me once in awhile, but it's still...I don't know. Something about it makes me feel weird."

She ate a bit more off the plate and stayed next to him.

Faye could tell that something was happening in Zack's head, so she let the ride pass in a comfortable silence as he thought. When he finally pulled up to his place, she knew the time was well spent. He was thinking of changing his shop for the better...or at least the more legal. Her eyes widened and she smiled a little.

"Really? That would be great. I'm proud of you," she said with a smile.
Keith listened to her as he propped himself to the side, observing her while she ate. "I know. It's so weird," he said. He brought up his fingers to her hair and stroked a lock behind her ear. "Maybe that explains why I love the idea of breast milk so much, especially as it's coming out of you. I've been obsessed with that idea for a while now, and whenever I'm bored, I like to draw them. Even before we got reacquainted again, I'd do it." He settled his head against his hand as he lay there with his elbow propped on the bed. He felt his eyelids growing heavy.

"Oh, I won't stop eating real food." He yawned, nearly closing his eyes. "Not while I still enjoy it." Keith then smiled, closing his eyes.

It was rather routine the following day. The nurses were ready to discharge him from the hospital, finishing up the paperwork. Keith was surprised Spencer covered his bill, and that the hospital never bothered to bug him about it. What they did insist on, was their dumbfounded amazement of seeing him all healed up so quickly.

"I...could have sworn...you were all swollen yesterday," the nurse said, eyes widened.

"My head still hurts," Keith replied in his low voice, sounding calm as though nothing was unusual. "Your ice pack did wonders to keep the swelling down."

"I must say," she replied, gazing at him. She then shook her head, looking away. "That's just great then. Wonderful news."

Keith was ready to leave his room now as he looked back at Sophie. "So, you sure you want to drive this time?" he asked.
It didn't take Sophie long to finish off the plate the nurse had brought Keith. She smiled at his little joke and set the plate down. She put it on a tray and pushed that aside before snuggling back up to him for the night. "Alright wise guy. We'll see." That said, she fell asleep with him until the next morning when the nurses came to check on them.

She straightened her dress again and did her hair so that it looked nice in a braid, and then helped get Keith to the counter so they could check out. At the nurse's questioning Sophie just followed Keith's lead and played the adoring, supportive girlfriend.

Once they were out of the hospital she thought for a moment. "Hmmm, well, you do know they way to your pal's place better than I ever would, and my car DOES need to be fixed. Then again, I don't want to sit in the seat you got blood on. Decisions...."
Sophie must have been up a lot longer than he was if she managed to braid her hair while waiting for him. He didn't have a lot of time to see her finished product, so he couldn't comment on it. He wished he did, though.

He stood by the driver's side door, listening to her go on about decisions. "I'll drive, then," he said. He noticed some of the exterior damage on the car, running his finger over the slushy surface of the cracked windshield. "But I can't do anything about the blood. It should be dried up, anyhow. Zack should be able to take care of it."
As Keith asserted that he would drive, she wondered about his arm, frowning a bit as she thought of the pain he'd been in just that night. "Are you sure you're okay to do that?" she asked. "I mean, your arm is kind of messed up. You're going to have to at least pretend that." She gave him the keys, however, trusting him to take care of things for a change. It was a sign that she was growing, and that he was as well.

"Well, don't get used to driving," she said with a playful look. That said, she got into the car and put on her seatbelt. Somehow, she felt like she needed a shower.
Keith unwrapped the sling around his arm, looking around to make sure the nurses weren't around to notice. He raised his eyebrows at her and smirked, throwing the loose cloth at her before diving into the car and slamming its door. "It's not messed up anymore," he said, bending it a couple of times.

* * * *​

Zack was up early, happy as a chipper. How couldn't he be, sharing his bed with Faye that night. He stretched as he entered the garage, raising the door to the shop. Normally, they were closed on Sundays, but today, he was going to be a little generous while he let the sun soak up the greasy garage with its rays.

He somehow expected the car to appear and with that same, milky white patch over the windshield. Zack could only chuckle to himself and shake his head when he saw Keith in the driver's side. He walked up to car and slapped the hood.

"I'm sorry, kid, but we're closed today!" Zack said, busting out a faint grin.

Keith stuck his head out the window. His dark brown, faggotty emo hair swayed in the sunny breeze. "Is that how you treat your loyal customers?" he said, smirking.

"Only when they look as feminine as you do," Zack said.

He saw Keith's smile shift into more of a sneer. "You're just jealous 'cause you can't pull the look off as well as I can."

Zack could only nod. "Me jealous? No. But I agree on the last part. You definitely have the she-male look down much better than me, so that's that."

Keith just shook his head. "You see, Zack, it's all about the range. I can be a lot of different things, so I'm not all wound up to go in one, meat-headed direction like you, dude."

Zack sighed, later retorting.

And they went on and on afterwards, trading blows.
Sophie caught the sling and put it in the back seat. "Fine. But don't think I won't kick your ass if you're not gentle with my car." Generally, Sophie took very good care of it--making sure to change the oil and various filters when needed, taking it in to get its tires rotated and replaced, washing it, making sure it was safe from the elements and whatnot.

She loved her car, and hated to see it this way, but at least it didn't match Keith's condition anymore. For that she could be glad. It had something to do with her breast milk, though she would never be absolutely sure why. She remembered how the tentacle had gotten bigger when it had drunk from her, and it made sense why, she supposed. But it still bothered her a little and she couldn't put her finger on why.

The redhead watched as Keith and Zack had a verbal tussle in a way that she found only men could really do without actually fighting each other in the end. She smiled from her seat and listed for a bit until she saw the girl from yesterday.

Faye was in a fairly excellent mood that morning. She'd had amazing sex with the guy she'd had her eye on since she got into the shop, and she'd gotten to be around the happy-go-lucky side of him again. And to top it all off, he was going to start getting back to legitimate work once they worked out a plan. Oh, she was enjoying life at the moment.

She was, of course, doing the walk of shame to the shop, but she had fresh clothes there. Her hair was loose today, but looking nice and groomed as she walked toward the shop. She smiled as she recognized the car that was there and who was in it and came running over to say hi.

Oooh, that poor car was in pretty bad shape. Oh, the things she could do to make it better. Realizing that she'd been distracted, she jumped up behind Zack and hung from his shoulders. "Hey Keith! Hi Sophie. We were worried about you, kid, but when we went to see you, you were all conked out. What's up kids?"

She knew she'd interrupted a tradition of verbal sparring, but hey, she had to get to the real reason they were here sometime.
Zack was just about to say something back to Keith until he felt those slender arms pouncing him from behind. His eyes widened, and from then on, his mind was preoccupied with Faye. "Oh, good morning," his low voice growled, turning to face her. His lips touched hers when his head turned, causing Keith to raise his eyebrows at the two of them.

Keith wanted to say something, but he decided not to, as he immediately got the idea. No wonder his buddy Zack was looking more generous today. He wasn't going to prod. So instead, he looked over at Faye. "Yeah, I was wondering what you two were up to, since I didn't see any of you stop by," he said. "But yeah, I was wondering if you and Zack could help us out by fixing my girlfriend's car."

"Oh, so now you're asking for free service," Zack said. He crossed his arms, giving Keith a playful frown. "You got a lot of nerve, Keith. You're really fucking lucky I'm in a generous mood today."

"Somehow, I figure you'd be," Keith said. "So how much is it gonna cost to fix up the windshield, smooth out some dents, and do some interior cleaning?"

Zack scoffed. "Get the fuck out of there!" he said, approaching the car to yank Keith out of it. "Don't worry about that shit. Just get on inside with your girlfriend and wash up or something. There's a shower and some food in the fridge. You don't smell as nice as you should, Keith. I think Faye has some perfume for you."

"Oh, fuck you," Keith grinned, getting out of the car.

"Well, thank you very fucking much," Zack replied. "Now shoo!" He waved his arms at him. "Go! Get! Andalé!"
Faye grinned at his hello, enjoying the way he growled. She kissed him softly, not particularly worried about what this would do to Keith's mind. She let go of his shoulders and smiled at Keith and his pretty girl. She rolled her eyes as the two of them went at it again--an action that was mirrored by Sophie. "Just gimme a minute to grab some stuff from my locker, kiddies. Then I'll take you somewhere so you can wait." That said, she gave Zack a little wink and then dashed off to her locker for the things she'd wanted. Once they were in a duffel bag, she ran back to them and found that Sophie was already waiting outside of the vehicle.

"Want my help, Zack?" she asked, looking over at him. As she got ready to lead them back to his house to wait. "I can be back in a few."

Sophie was hoping for a shower, actually. Just a quick one. Maybe some fresh clothes. But as she looked at the Asian mechanic, she got the feeling that none of her clothes would be suitable for borrowing. She didn't mind wearing the dress again if it came to that, but a shower would be nice. Then again, she could wait if she had to.

The redhead smiled at Zack and was about to thank him, but they were being shooed. So she shrugged and prepared to follow after Faye.
Zack turned around, catching a glimpse of Faye's fine form. "Why of course, my lady," he said, smiling. "I'll need a hand getting this windshield replaced." He approached her, casually swinging an arm around her waist and giving her butt a nice squeeze. "Then after that, as the sealant dries, we'll begin working on the body." As he said that, his hand felt along the curve of that shapely ass, sliding down the back of her thigh. "Then we'll get started on the interior," he finished, keeping those light green eyes on her.

* * * *​

Keith couldn't believe his eyes. His eyes widened, nearly growing incredulous at the sight of seeing Zack so haphazard with the PDA. The old man had been so fucked by his ex-wife, that Keith could never believe the big guy could ever find his heart again. Yet, Zack and Faye? Oh, this was just so...oh my god. Although, seeing them get all frisky like that had him thinking about touching someone. He looked over at Sophie with predatory eyes, walking up to her. He took her hand. Then he looked over at Faye. "It's okay, Faye," he said to her. "You don't need to lead us. I know where to go, so we'll leave you two alone." He almost felt like winking after he said that.

He returned his eyes to Sophie. "C'mon," he said. "It'll take at least a couple hours for them to finish the windshield alone, so we may be here for most of the day." He looked at the braids in her hair, and he wanted to smile, but he just maintained a devilish smirk as he nibbled on his lip ring. He gave her another squeeze on her hand and led her towards Zack's place.
Faye was almost as surprised as Keith was that Zack was being so forward. The difference was that she liked it a great deal. She smiled as he put his arm around her waist and practically purred as he squeezed her, his hand slowly sliding down her thigh. She was getting wet already. Oh, damn, he was good. She smiled and put her arms around his neck. "Mmm, I love it when we work together." His use of innuendo only got him points in her case. She grinned, enjoying the revival of his sense of humor.

"Alright then, let's get to work."

Sophie was a little taken aback at first, not used to seeing this kind of intimacy in person. Still, she couldn't help but smile at it, and find herself oddly affected by it as well. She was almost envious, though it was mostly because she would probably never have been comfortable enough to let something like that happen to her in public. It had a lot to do with her body image--that she possessed such a figure seemed to give men free license to assume she was some kind of whore.

That and her parents had raised her to be a lady and not do such things in public. Tact and class were ever present. That didn't mean, however, that she wouldn't have enjoyed being held that way in private. And just as she was starting to think this, she caught Keith staring at her like she was breakfast.

Her eyes widened a bit and she let him take her hand. "Bye Faye, and thanks!" It was all she got out before Keith was pretty much dragging her along. The pretty redhead let her braid swing along behind her as he squeezed her hand and led her to what she assumed was Zack or Faye's house. She wasn't sure what to make of his grin, but she was just glad he seemed to be back to himself again.

And then she flashed back to walking home with Keith. She smiled and quickened her pace a little to keep even with his.
Her grin was making this job a little dangerous. Zack didn't mind, since it was distracting, but in a good way. It was like one of those calender models coming to life while he worked, except that Faye was more than just eye candy. She was going to help him replace this windshield.

He quickly began work on the car, deftly unbolting and removing the parts from his side, before attempting to cut the sealant. Every now and then, he'd fix his eyes on Faye, observing what she did before diving back to the car. After they were done with the procedure, it was time to remove the windshield. Zack grabbed two suction cup handles and tossed one at Faye to use. He flattened the dual rubber pads against his side of the windshield, immediately thinking about Faye's breasts being pressed against smooth glass. He looked over at her.

"Ready?" He asked her, prompting her to lift her side of the windshield off.

* * * *​

Keith held her hand, keeping his brisk pace towards Zack's place (actually, one of his places), which was a small building adjacent to the garage. It was his old place he usually stayed at when he was too lazy to go home, or when his ex-wife kicked him out of the apartment. Nowadays, it was more of a hangout for the boys at the shop, and thanks to Faye's management, everything was kept tidy and rather clean.

The refreshing scent of Glade filled his nostrils after he entered the doorway, it being the kitchen first. An old, white, 50's style fridge hummed beside the wall, while a steel sink and a hard, yellow counter accompanied it. In the middle, was a small, circular table with four chairs. It looked rather welcoming.

Keith turned around, with his hand still holding Sophie's. The door, which had one of those swinging arms on the top, shut itself closed. As far as he knew, they were both alone here, and his wicked gaze never quite changed. He took a step forward. "You do realize that you're really turning me on by just standing there, being you," Keith said, looking at her braids before going to her eyes.
Faye let him go when he started to get things ready to replace the windshield. She really was like a pin up girl...but a pin up girl that knew how to dismantle an engine and put it back together. Just as Zack unbolted and removed on his side, Faye did the same to hers, doing an impeccable job of being thorough and precise. Once she was finished cutting the sealant, she caught the suction cup and attached it. "I'm ready when you are." When he signaled her, she lifted.

Keith's pace almost made her stumble a few times, but she managed to keep up with him as he led her into a small building. Once they were inside, she took note of her cozy-looking surroundings before he turned on her with a rather wolfish grin on his face.

"Oh? Just by standing still?" she asked, tilting her head, wondering just what it was that he was finding attractive. "You think so? How come?" She stayed where she was, kind of amused and confused at the same time.
As always, Zack had underestimated her. She was probably just as fast as he was at this. He could only smile as he kept his eyes on hers. His exposed arm flexed, gripping the handle. The windshield began to wobble as it rose from the car. Zack kept another hand on it to keep it from swinging around. "Over there," he gestured with his chin over by the wall where they kept all of the old windshields. He walked the large, thick piece of glass over there with her, beginning to wonder how Faye kept such an impressive, feminine figure working at this shop. He'd figured she'd begin to look more like a man after spending so much time here with the boys.

* * * *​

"You just do," Keith said, getting her to talk. He didn't mind just standing here, hearing her speak to him. He took a few steps into her until he was beginning to back her against the wall. "You can just say anything, and it'll just make everything feel sexier. You never thought that one day, you could do that, huh?"
Faye grinned. She was a toned lady for sure. And she definitely had enough strength to take care of the task at hand. But in reality, women rarely build up impressive bulk unless they are on steroids. Their muscle mass does not increase without some aid. Besides, she had help when the shop was full of boys. Heavy lifting wasn't a big problem when boys were drooling over you.

She set the glass down with him and smiled. "Okay, boss. Shall we replace it?" she asked, stretching a bit.

She was kind of expecting his answer to be something a little dirtier. But she didn't mind that it wasn't as he backed her against the wall. His actions were so charged with sexuality that it more than made up for it. Sophie leaned against the wall and listened to him, smiling softly. "Wow. Anything? I'd make a joke if you weren't being so serious." She smiled and kept her eyes on his. "But you're right. I never thought I could do that."
Zack grunted in response. He walked over to where they stored some spare windshields. Luckily, Sophie's car was an easy match for the available ones they had at the shop, which he was ready to sell off anyway. He approached a clean windshield covered in a yellow cloth and removed it, revealing a fresh, clean one to replace the old one. Zack pressed the suction cup against the corner of it, waiting for her to do the same, before lifting while using his other hand to support the bottom. Then they lowered it over the giant cavity of Sophie's car. Zack exhaled slowly as he lowered it, keeping his eyes on the corners to make sure they lined up. A dirty blond strand flicked away from his eye. "How are you doing over there?" Zack asked, keeping his eyes on the glass.

* * * *​

"I think you've been conditioned to go against what you are," Keith said. He rested both hands against the wall--one beside each side of Sophie's head, keeping his arms straight as though he were about to stretch his hamstrings. His shoulders slung upwards and he dipped his head low to look down at her, teasing her with slow, feline movements. "You ever thought that maybe, just maybe, there was something more rebellious waiting to break out of that shell of yours?" He paused, rolling his eyes up in contemplation. Then he swung back the hair concealing one of his eyes with a swift flick of his chin. Some dark brown strands clung to the medical bandanna wrapped around his head. He looked at her again. "The urge to have sex in your parent's bed comes to mind. You ever thought about something like that?"
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