Walking Home (Decadence and Candira)

"Actually, I'm thirty-one plus four," he replied, towering beside her with his arms crossed. Zack always had an angry, somewhat sarcastic look, but he was endearing enough not to appear sinister. Either way though, he still looked intimidating.

Once they were at Keith's room, Zack noticed the door was closed. "Well, hopefully, he's not getting catheterized, but it may help to check."

He opened the door, inching it open without causing a sound. Zack then stepped into the room and peered around the corner of an adjacent wall. He saw him sound asleep with his head resting against his girlfriend's.

"Aw." Zack whispered, feeling a slight twinge of jealousy. He then backed away out the door, wondering what Faye was doing.
She laughed at his little come back and stepped out of the elevator with him. She noticed the door was closed right away and decided that it might be because he was asleep. Since Zack was already checking, the Asian girl of his fantasies went in search of a doctor.

When he finally searched for her, Faye was asking a doctor what was happening as far as their friend was considered. The doctor in question seemed to be very happy to talk to her, his eyes staying on her face while she looked at him but roaming when she glanced back over at Zack. When she had the information she wanted, she thanked the man and walked back over to the room.

"So, is he sleeping?" she asked, her hands going into her pockets. "The doctor said he had a light concussion but should be fine now. Poor kid will be having headaches for a week though. Also, his arm isn't broken, but it's close enough, so it's in a splint." She sighed and leaned against the doorway. "I wish I could have been there sooner."
Zack appeared, backing from the doorway as he noticed the doctor's eyes scanning his Asian girl. He pursed his lips and glared at him with widening eyes. The doctor noticed him and swept his eyes from her, looking embarrassed.

"Yeah, he's sleeping," Zack said, taking his eyes off the doctor. "They're both in there enjoying a nice nap. Lucky guy," he said. Then he glanced at the doctor again, before looking back at her. "I didn't know they were offering free examinations in exchange for some information. His X-ray vision was fixed on you the entire time you looked away. He could have spotted a lump with that kind of attention."

He then leaned his back against the wall, turning his head to the side. "If you'd have been there sooner, there'd have been a homicide. More than a few, if I had been there with you."
Faye was relieved to hear that they were both at least alright. All things considered, Keith was a very lucky guy. But she wondered if there was more to that wistful tone of his. Maybe he missed having a girl around to care for him that way....not that he'd ever really had one.

She noticed his oh-so-subtle glaring and wondered what was really going on in that head of his. Was he actually jealous? No, not Zack. He just didn't like when people checked women out like that. Wait...what? This from the guy who would sleep with anyone he met at a bar? She shook her head and looked up at him with a little smirk. "Psh, you're just mad because if I caught you doing that I'd lay you flat."

"Yeah? I suppose. But that doesn't change the fact that while we were on our way, those two were in the thick of it. Did you know she was using her car as a weapon? When we got there, she was chasing them in it."
Zack began to chuckle at her word choice. "Lay me down flat? I would like to see that. Better me below you than on top, would it?" He looked at her, using his imagination. She looked like a total submissive in bed. Like crème brûlée. It was her luck that he was a total dominate, and he preferred to fuck than be fucked. But then again, she seemed to have a real good poker face, so he wasn't quite sure what kind of hands she dealt.

Then it was back to Sophie. The girl must have been desperate using her own car like that, but he liked that. It showed she had some fight in her, which was something he noticed was lacking in a lot of the barflies he met. Or maybe he was hitting on too many of the drunk ones. "She was, was she. I'll give her credit. She's a brave girl worthy of Keith, at least from what I'm hearing." Once he was finished saying that, he just kept his eyes on Faye, as though talking about that pretty redhead sparked some kind of interest in her. He didn't feel like talking about Sophie. He wanted the topic to shift to them again.
Faye raised an eyebrow at his statement, allowing her mind to wander for a moment to the possibility of what that might have been like. Before she could blush he brought her back to reality by talking about Sophie. She nodded in agreement to his thinking and smirked, shaking her head. "Yeah, she's worth her salt alright. But I think Keith might be the lucky one this time around. Much like you'd be lucky if you're ever under or on top of me." She smirked and then went back to leaning against the wall.

"Besides, if I had you under me, you wouldn't be getting up again for awhile." Well who said she couldn't flirt with him? In actuality, Faye was quite a switch. She often went from being quite submissive to aggressive, but usually in reverse because the men she got with were often too intimidated to initiate anything themselves, and then she just got tired of doing all the work. she couldn't say that she didn't enjoy herself, but a change of pace would have been nice for once.
He froze for a moment, nearly asking her to repeat herself since he didn't quite believe what she just said. "Excuse me?" He said, straightening up on his feet. "I'd be lucky not to break you if you were under me, but having you on top of me? Well, I'd consider that chance to be quite a privilege for you. Luck would be out of the question. Besides, if you're on top of me, who else would be above you?"

He could remember how young she was when she first began appearing at his shop. So ambitious and determined, yet so inexperienced and green. She used to look up to him, but she caught on quick. A little too quick for his liking, and so she went from the wide-eyed assistant, to this threat he was staring eye to eye on over who really owned the shop and his boys. Sure, Zack knew the trade, and his expertise was simply unmatched, but she had the savvy, and the networking skills.

"And once you've earned that privilege, how would you keep me down like that?" Zack continued, turning his body so he'd face her. He took a step forward, looking down at her. This was surprising, but it was also very enticing. So the girl was up for a warm tussle.
She laughed at his comment about breaking her, finding the image really funny. The rest of his ego-booster of a comment was just icing on the cake. It was really quite amusing to see how he was defending his male pride with such vigor. She remembered times when he used to defend himself like this in the garage when she started to gain her popularity. She often wondered if it was because he was being outdone by a woman, or if he just liked to be the center of attention.

Now, as he stood over her, he was again an imposing and impressive figure and she just couldn't resist stepping up to his challenge. "Once I've earned it, huh? Who said I wanted it?" She looked up at him defiantly, and despite her little flippant answer, she was quite turned on by the situation. Damn him. "And I'd have my ways of keeping you down. Ancient Chinese secret," she teased, bowing, though her parents were only part Chinese. Most of her ancestry was actually Korean.
Zack threw his head back and laughed. He had to admit, that was pretty good, but it opened the door to many new things. Many of which were dirty as all fuck. "Who said you'd want it?" He said, repeating what she just said while his brilliant green eyes stole a glance at her crotch. "I think you might want to ask yourself that question. The body never lies."

It was a bluff. Hell, this was embarrassing enough to pretend to know what was going on with her, but what was the worst thing that would happen? He'd get slapped? He couldn't laugh any harder at that possibility. He'd probably enjoy it more from her than an angry pout. He had to admit, this was getting exciting.

He glanced around. They were alone in the hallway, and the doctor was gone. He then looked back at her. "Too bad there's no trained physician around to check. I'd love to, but I lack the proper certification." He just glared at her wistfully. "I might break something," he added.
She shook her head. He had no idea how close he was to getting a shiner. "I think you might want to step back if you want to keep all of your limbs," she said, shooting him a look. "The only thing you know about my body is how my fist feels on your face. And now you're worried about certification? Please." Faye rolled her eyes and pushed him back, her fingers splayed over his chest. She let her hand linger there for a moment as she warned him. "As if you could even handle me."
He let her push him back, taking a few steps backward as he felt her hands press against the rise of his hard chest. She had a lot of nerve doing that, and he had to admit, it was tough to read what she was thinking of. Yet, her hand was there on him for quite a while, and the thought of those slender fingers doing any harm to him made him want to laugh. Which made it that much more exciting.

He seized her wrist with one hand, feeling her skin in his rough fingers. The edge of her glove rubbed against the top of his thumb. "I'm already handling you," he then said, staring straight into her brown eyes.
She smirked. "You really shouldn't have done that." In a flash, her martial arts training was put to the test and she had him against the wall with his arm twisted in her grasp. She was short, but she knew exactly how to get out of situations like the one he'd just put them in. "I told you I have ways, didn't I?"

That is what had played out in her mind, instead, she merely looked up at him with her brandy colored eyes and a sly smile that suggested she knew far more about handling him than he did about handling her. Still, having her small hand in his powerful one was a little more enticing than she had actually expected, so for now she let him think he was winning. "Maybe. But I've got your number, Zack. I know how to handle you."
What the hell was going on. He expected shock and surprise on her pretty face, as though he had her backed in a corner. Instead, she looked up at him with eyes that made him feel like she was in control, and that she could simply twist his huge arm around like Jet Li and break it whenever she wanted to. This wasn't horrifying or even humiliating at the least. Zack was getting turned on. It suddenly felt really good down there between his legs, and if he wasn't careful, she could see a rising tent in his jeans soon.

He coughed, shifting his legs a bit. He kept his eyes fixated on the caramel in her eyes. "Oh really, Faye, you really think so," he said. "I think you're in a little over your head here." The grip on her hand softened while he said that, as though he were transferring all the warm, sensual feelings he was suddenly struck with over to her.

Zack's huge hand began to caress hers, pressing her palm against his chest so she could give it a good waxing. His large mound of hard clay was soft at first, but later stiffened to stone from the feel of her deadly fingers. "So you really think you know how to handle me, Faye," Zack said. His breathing grew heavier as he smirked. "Well, why don't you show me then." His thumb swirled around the top of her thumb, running alongside the thin cartilage rising from its base.
Faye hadn't been expecting him to look at her the way he was, nor had she imagined that he might actually be getting turned on. It was a pleasant surprise. But one that made her a little more cautious than she liked to be. She pushed aside that brief moment of doubt and took a step closer to him as he played with her hand letting her fingers stay on his chest.

His words sounded oddly like a challenge, and when mixed with the way he was touching her, it made her heart race. She watched his face, her gaze fixed on his eyes as he swirled his thumb around hers. It was obvious he was turned on. And it was making her hot too.

She smirked and shook her head. "I hardly think this is the place for that kind of thing," a cheeky grin stuck on her face. "It's not the best time for it either. Besides, you're not really ready for me."
His grip stiffened a little as he listened to her. "For the most part, you're right," he said, beginning to smile. He then turned his head to look around, spotting an empty room next to Keith's which looked unoccupied. He looked back at her again, undressing her with his eyes. He could feel an erection threatening to bulge. "But I have to agree to disagree," he said. He then turned around and made off towards the room while still keeping a firm grip on her hand.
She could feel him stripping her down with his eyes, wondering what she must look like and she found herself wondering the same thing about him--what did he look like? What did he feel like? And his statement puzzled her. "Mostly right?"

Faye's eyes widened as he started to haul her off. She resisted him for about two seconds, but she was so surprised he didn't need to do more than tug at her. Her heart raced as she finally realized what was going on and looked around them, glad that there were no nurses or doctors in the hall at the present.

"Are you crazy?" She asked, the surprise in her voice pretty apparent. "This is so not going to happen," Faye said, though she let him pull her into the room with him.
He was pleased she didn't try too hard to resist, even though she did, but that was expected. She was such a challenge, and she was also so different from the other women he slept with. That, and he hated the fact she was so in control of everything--more so than he was in many degrees. Zack wanted every piece of her, and there was no time to waste as he lead her into the empty room, quietly sliding the door closed behind her. The heavy door clicked shut.

Zack then immediately threw himself into her, smothering her against the solid door with his heavyset body. He grunted as he did so, closing the distance between their lips until they were about to touch. He hadn't been this close to her before, and just hours ago, he never wanted to, but right now, it just felt so, so good. His hardening cock began to rise for her, dripping with precum as it struggled to find some space in the tight crotch of his dirty jeans. His hands went down to her hips, squeezing her athletic build in his palms.

"Oh, I am. I'm really fuckin' crazy, you should know that," Zack said in between heavy breaths. "But to be here alone with you in this room...not quite."

He took her lips into his mouth, closing his eyes. He wanted to devour those Asian lips, and melt them like chocolate over a steaming engine.
Zack was far more aggressive than she'd thought he would be. Surprised, she gasped a little as he slammed into her, effectively pinning her to the door. She looked up into his eyes, her heart in her chest as she felt the familiar tug of desire in her stomach. Within seconds he'd gone from miles away to right into her face, so close she could literally almost taste him. Everything about him was magnified--the way he looked, the way he smelled, the way he felt against her, how warm he was.

Faye felt his arousal as he pressed against her, and she felt her own breathing get heavier as he told her he was crazy. The look in his eyes--half lust, half crazed--certainly matched. And then he was kissing her. For a moment she was stiff in disbelief, as if she wasn't sure it was actually happening. And then her eyes closed and she started to melt into him.

He branded her with that hot kiss, basically reaffirming the notion she'd had that he was the best person for her as far as sex was concerned. She kissed him back and let him hold onto her hips as her hands found his strong arms. Soon she would be putty in his hands.
Zack uttered a grunt of satisfaction from the feel of her wet lips soaking his. He slid his tongue into her mouth, where he found hers. He was going to wrestle with that same tongue which pissed him off, and feeling its juicy wetness all over his own tongue aroused him further. Oh fuck, why hadn't they done this sooner?

His hands once again squeezed the soft bumps of her hips, sliding up that hourglass curve. They dipped in as they rose up the crescent of her torso, before diverging while his hands reached her breasts.

His bent knee touched her thigh, feeling how soft and firm they were from beneath that annoying layer of denim.
Faye moaned softly, giving in as he parted her lips to play with her tongue. She wrestled with it as they kissed passionately. Her hands slid up his arms to his shoulders and pulled him even closer as his hands slid up her body. She groaned as his knee came between her legs. Unconsciously, she spread her legs for him and wondered how she'd held herself in check for such a long time.

Then again, she knew the reasons all too well. But he didn't seem to care about anything but her and the way he was touching her at the moment. And that was just fine with her. His taste would stay with her for awhile. It was just the way she'd imagined, only better.

The fact that they might be caught or walked in on made this more exciting than it already was and she felt her body warm to him, even as he clenched his shirt in her hands.
The sound of that cat mewing made his tongue even more vigorous. For the moment, cats were okay in his book. He explored further, brushing the side of her tongue while swirling in a vortex of their warm fluids. He exhaled himself, exuding more of his scent, which was comprised of nothing more than a cool-smelling aftershave and deodorant mixed with motor oil and grease. To those who loved the garage, it was intoxicating; to those who simply hated the smell of cars and greased up engines...well, they were missing out.

"Faye, oh fuck," Zack said, breathing wildly in between kisses. "I want you so bad, I'm gonna make you hurt." One of his hands dipped right into her warm crotch, where it was already spread wide for him to grab. He gripped her there, pretending to play a really bad doctor. Fuck the lack of certification, he molested her down there with clenching palms, rubbing that area in circular motions which pinching at it with his large fingers. Now he was wondering how tight she was down there.

Her fingers held onto his shirt, stretching it over his large biceps. They were round and barreled all right; she wouldn't be able to wrap both her hands around them, that's for sure. He'd just flex, and it'd make it that much harder for her fingers to touch, with his veins surging all up on its peak. His muscles in his arms tightened as he felt the electric shock of attraction surge past his fingers as he felt alongside her torso. His white shirt clung to him like a second skin; his nipples appeared over his chest as small jean rivets poked at the thin layer of cotton. As he breathed, ragged and heavy, his shirt just seemed to tighten to the point that they would almost tear along the sides. Every bit of his oozing masculinity was threatening to burst through his shirt. Oh, Zack was eager to come out of that shirt. He just needed to reach that inevitable step.
Never, in all of her little daydreams, had she imagined that they would be doing this in a hospital, but now that they were, she didn't mind at all. Her tongue danced with his and she branded him with some kisses of her own. She smelled lightly of flowers and honey, with a small mixture of that same smell of grease and oil, though less got on her when she worked.

"I want you so bad, I'm gonna make you hurt."

She gasped as his hand attacked her pussy. "God," she murmured, his fingers fucking torturing her. Faye moaned softly, her body arching into his as he went at her. The shirt beneath her fingers was practically straining to be held together, and she was quite ready to rip it off of him. Before she got to that point, however, she pulled it up and over his head, throwing it down before her hands began to explore his naked torso.

He was amazing, and she loved it. She was itching for more, her body, practically screaming for him at this point.
Ah, so she was now removing his clothes. Zack could only groan, murmuring how much he wanted to be inside her while he raised his arms up for her pull that shirt off of him. The sterile air of the hospital room cooled his sweaty skin, which were tanned and kissed by the glorious sun. He flexed his pectorals as they were revealed to her, shuffling up to the attention of her hands. He felt himself grow rock hard by the time he felt those deadly hands of hers all over him. Those fingers, which probably knew how to subdue him with just the right press, were touching him gently, and his muscles twitched from their touch.

"Oh, you've got my number all right," Zack whispered, kissing all around her cheeks, scratching at her soft skin with the bristles of his developing beard and mustache. He kissed the lower ridge of her jaw, licking at it with a wide tongue, tasting her sweat and honey.

His hands scrambled around his belt buckle, loosening it. Just moments later, his jeans fell to the floor, crumpling next to his ankles. Protruding from the hem of his straining, white briefs, his stiff cock was choking from the elastic, turning a reddish purple at the head. Just like Zack, it was proportionately large, holding a lot of his essence in its thick shaft.
Faye accepted his little murmurs of desire with ones of her own. Her lips found his again as he ran her hands over his tan, taut chest, exploring his muscles. Enjoying herself immensely, she smiled at his comment. "Told ya so," She said, moaning softly as he kissed her cheeks. She didn't even mind the stubble--it only really added to his charm at this point. She gasped and moaned as his lips found her jaw and neck.

A moment later he was practically naked, deliciously so. And she was still fully dressed. "Mmm, I think we're a little unbalanced," she said, her hands moving down his chest to take hold of his thick cock.
She couldn't be more correct. His eyes widened as he felt her fingers grab hold of his stiff cock. Then those same green eyes fell into a calm trance, looking down and swimming in the pool of brandy in her eyes, drunk with a burning lust. He grinned at her, gritting his teeth in the process. It was time to find out what she was really like beneath that hard shell.

Both his hands went up to her breasts, pressing his over-sized palms against them. He gently squeezed at them, basking in how soft they felt, despite not being gargantuan. They fit her slender frame perfectly, accentuating her curvy, athletic build. His fingers played with her chest some more, before diving down towards the hem of her tank top, peeling it up, exposing her midriff, and then her breasts. His eyes stared into hers with that same swirl of crazed lust behind that emerald sheen.
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