Bet Among Boys (T. Titans rp w/ Starfire)

Beast Boy smiled as she found it so quick. "Oh..uh sure..." he said strange she asked for help. He wondered why she didn't just do what she did for his game controller. "What did you lose?" he asked her following her to her room, the thought of the bet had quickly gone out of his mind.
Ravin raised a brow to him and nodded and started to lead him to her room her hip's swaying a bit her cape was gone so he could see her ripe ass covered bu the one-peace latex suit. "it's a personal item..... one that cant be found via magic..... due to a spell i put on it." she said simply looking back at him. "if you find it ill reward you with one thing and you get to pick." she said simply not knowing she was setting herself up.
Beast Boy nodded he was actually staring at her as she walked in front of him to her room. He found the way her hips moved kind of sexy, he realized this was his chance. "Um ok..what is it?" he asked her already hoping he found it soon.
she blushed not talking till they were in her room, as they entered her room she spoke"it's a golden box.... about 13 inches long and 4 wide think it might be under something...... but don't look in it at all...." she said and looked at him her eye's glowing with black magic. "if you do you will punished." she said with a wicked tone. her eye's stopped glowing black and she went over to the bed and lifted it with her magic and started to look.
Beast Boy turned into a blood hound thinking if it was Ravens it would smell like her. He sniffed all over the room, he kept wondering what it could be, thinking it might be some mystical item or something. He however was finding no luck in actually finding it, her whole room smelled like her. He looked seeing her bend over to look for it, he stared at her nice firm backside and almost began to drool.
Raven didn't notice this seeing she was looking under one of her dresser's part of the letex move over a bit showing a bit of her pink to the young male but she was to busy to notice this factor, near BB a golden like glimmer would shine from under a book shelf. raven sighed sitting up a bit. "dang it.... were is it?"
He was mesmerized by the sight of her pink slit, against her pale skin it was so noticable. He however was distracted by the glimmer, being a dog he was color blind and could not tell what color it was, he however morphed back and pointed. "Whats that?" he asked pointing at the gold glimmer on the floor.
Raven head him and looked around following his finger she saw it and smiled a bit, walking over to the book shelf she pulled out the golden box and nodded before putting it up on the shelf. "that is what we are looking for." she said simply and turned around and looked at him "ok..... now that you helped me find it you get to pick a reward..." she said simply watching him.
Beast boy found it really hard to ask her what he wanted. "Um....well" he said looking at her breasts covered in her latex suite. "I want to.....want you to make me feel you know..." he said thinking that was the best way to put it. He half expected her to simply throw him out of the room so he gulped as he waited for her answer.
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