Bet Among Boys (T. Titans rp w/ Starfire)

Starfire smiled and nodded she then placed Robin's cock back in her mouth and bobbed lightly then took it out and began to lick it from base to head trying to get it as wet as it could be, she reached down into her thong and started to rub her slit and toy with her clit gasping as she did so. After all she wanted to have some fun too.
Robin smiled, his cock getting sloppy from her mouth. " seem ready Star," he said to her. He helped her to her feet, gently pushing her down onto the bed, her kegs spread, her pink pussy barely hidden by her purple thing and the glistening of her pussy juices making it seem all the more sexy. "A deals a deal too," he said not forget g his promise, he took his mask on. His eyes where a clear blue, like water and ice "Well? How do I look?"
Starfire blushed softly and looked to the side. "You look.... Hansom..." she said softly she looked up at him pleading a bit. "Be genital?" She asked as a final request before they started.
Robin smiled gently, this was a whole new side to her he rarely saw before. "I will be," he told her gently. He moved on top of her, kissing her lips softly, his hands tracing down to gently cup one of her breasts again, kneading the firm mound of flesh and playing with it. He would have liked to return the favor she had so graciously given him but he wasn't as knowledgable about this kind of stuff. He felt in between her thighs, feeling the damn entrance of her pussy, he slowly slipped her thong off and moved so his thick tip was against her entrance "Ready?"
Starfire gasped at this kiss smiling, his hand's on her sensitive breasts made her gasp a little moan coming from deep inside her, as he pulled her thong off She blushed almost vivid red the only other person that had ever seen her there was Ravin and that was only because they were playing with them-self's to Ravin's porn on the internet device. as he placed himself outside her she smiled at him. "Yes, I know it will hurt..... But for you it will be worth it." she said softly.
Robin smiled, spreading her legs so her pink pussy was spread open for him nice and wide. He held onto her hips as he pushed forward. It was oh so tight and warm, luckily she was so wet it made the first few inches seem easy. "Nnnh....Star..." he grunted as he slipped inch by inch into her tight little cunt. He wasn't even sure if he was half way yet, with a quick glance he was only a third in but it was really tight, though not impossible for him to thrust forward.
she felt her cunny start to be spread wide as soon as he got a bit in there was some resistance she gasped feeling it her eye's closing tight as she knew what was going to happen...... and then... she felt it.... he pushed past breaking her hymen her innocence lost she could never get married now...... or at least on her planet.... her eye's opened tear's forming as the pain took her she felt him go deep inside her a little blood leeking but that was normal.... she looked up into his eye's glad she could see his true face..... she was now his in every way.....
Robin moved slow, not wanting to hurt her to much, he felt her spreading slowly more for him, as he sank in he felt her loosen a little and looked to see he was deep inside and the faintest trickle of blood coming down. "Star?" he asked "Are you alright?" he asked keeping dead still inside of her. He felt her muscles clenching, it must be painful for her and he wiped the tears forming in her eyes. "Should I stop Starfire?" he asked not wanting to cause her anymore pain.
Starfire looked up at Robin softly smiling. "this is nothing... Ive fought monster's who have broken bone's of my body.... This pain.... Can be delt with.... Human book's say the pain is gone after alittle time.... So worry about me you must not... Ok?" she said tilting her head to him, she wanted him to use her how he wanted.
Robin smiled and gently kissed her lips. His hand moving up to trace her sides and gently cup her breasts. He kissed her deeply and slowly began to move his hips. He was gentle, it was there first time so he wanted to take it a little slow. He knew being fast wasn't a good thing. "Your so tight Star....mmmm" he said gently kissing her neck softly.
She gasped out as he began to move it was still a bit painful but she didn't care as she felt his kiss. her toung dipped into his mouth and let it dance across his she gasped softly as her large mound of soft flesh was grasped she didn't move not knowing what to do till the pain die.... and it did a soft moan issued from deep inside her the pain turning into something else.... and she couldn't put a finger on it.... it felt,.... good... "Please dont say that.... it's embarrassing...." she said softly. "your just real big...."
Robin found it a bit cute to see her embarrassed, he smiled a little as she said he was big. "Are tameranians normally this tight?" he asked her, as she mooned he began to move a little faster, she was beginning to loosen up as well, and her insides where getting wetter. He began to pant softly holding her hips as he pumped in and out faster. She was so beautiful as she moaned softly beneath him.
She moaned softly gasping the feeling was getting more of her she began to feel hot down there to her cunny starting to moisten all the more till lewd wet smack's could be heard when flesh hit fleash. "i dunno...... SEx is not highly said.... but we cant gett marryed if out girl ring is taken out of the wedlock...." she said between moan's and pant's wanting more of him.
Robin thought it sounded very similar to how humans used to be, though now that did not seem to matter. He moved faster and harder, thrusting in and out of her slit her breasts bouncing gently each time he would push in. "Star...I ..I'm gonna go faster," he told her, feeling the need to get rougher rising. He wanted to hear her voice, her screams of pleasure, the sound of her voice in pure bliss as he thrust in and out.
she moaned softly gasping as she felt him moan she didnt mind at all as he told her her was gunna go faster in fact she wanted him to. "just.... AHHH.... be carful.... AH... god's..... it's not safe right now..... Ooooo.... very dangerouws." she said warning him she didnt care if he layed his seed inside her, but as a woman of her planet she had to tell him the risk.... her hip's began to move on there own bucking into him her moan's coming out faster.
"Wh..what do you...nnhhh...mean?" he asked her as she said it was dangerous. He began to move in and out alot faster, feeling her body move with him as he thrust even deeper into her. It was alot easier now, and he held her hips as he began to pound gently in and out of her pussy. He felt like he was electric, the pleasure was making his heart race, and his mind go a bit numb as he pumped in and out of his beautiful space girl.
She gasped almost drooling at the feeling ov him trusting in and out of her wanting all the more of him her hip's bucking on time and her breasts bouncing more her eye's going from normal to green. "never mind..... Just... AHHHH! MATE WITH ME!" she yelled out her leg's draping around his waist she body and mind taken over by the heat of the moment wanting nothing else she was getting close even thou it was a bit early
Robin did not need to know everything about girls, from earth or space, to know what was happpening. He began to thrust even harder into her damp pussy, there bodies almost slamming together as he began to get even rougher. "Oh....aaah...S..Star...I'm close!" he grunted to her, trying his best not to so quickly. He began to suck on her nipples, doing anything he could to have his beautiful tameranian princess cum hard.
she she moan gasping she then went wide eyed as she felt him suckel her breasts she couldn't take it any more and climax this was unlike any climax she did when she played with herself. "AHHHHHHHHH!" she leaned her head back and two beam's of green light shot from her eye's and took out a hole in the roof her cunny tightening like a vice clamp on him milking him for all he had.
Robin had been careful to stay out of the line of fire, he guessed this was what she wanted to warn him about, he made sure to remember that. As she clamped down on him though he couldn't hold back. "Ohhh....damn!" he grunted, hilting his length deep inside of her. His cock erupting inside as she squeezed him, his seed pouring out and filling her up. Her muscles felt like they where trying to suck him in even more, and where really making his orgasm last even longer as he felt like he might have released more then normal inside of her.
\she panted laying Back she was weak and felt so full in fact it was a dangerous time for him to plant his seed inside her but luckily raven had took step's to make she she didn't the magic would stop her from bearing him a child this time she then closed her eye's and pasted out. althou a green head looked into the room from one of the hole's. O.O
Robin also felt drained, once they both seemed finished he gently pulled out of her dripping slit and laid down next to her. "That was...amazing Star," he told her softly, to bad it was his room that now had gotten wrecked, but it was still something that didn't bother him all to much. He laid down close to her.

"Dude...Robins already way in the lead," Beast Boy said, a bit upset that not even an hour into the bet Robin was winning, he thought it was just something Robin had done to win, not anything else. BB did not get it that the two had real feelings for one another. "Oh...dude what will I do," he said panicking.
Ravin was walking by as she sat BB freaking out she tilted her head closing a book that was in her hand's. " cant find your game controller again?" she asked him seeing he normally acted like this when he couldn't find anything dealing with game's. she watched him carefully wondering why there was a big hole in the floor nearby.
Beast Boy looked up as Raven went by. "No...that's....where is it actually?" he said suddenly getting off topic. "I mean...gonna um..." he couldn't say why he was so upset, after all that was a rule of the bet. "Stupid Robin...," he grumbled knowing he was stuck. He was fuming from frustration. Robin was a smooth talker, and Cye was well he was cool to.
Ravin sighed softly and closed here eye's and then opened them. "it's under to sofa in the main hall in block 3C" she said simply and kept watching him. "also i need a bit of help in my room need to find something.. mind helping me out?" she asked simply she was starting to open up a bit more lately.....
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