Bet Among Boys (T. Titans rp w/ Starfire)


Jan 18, 2009
Titans Tower stood on it's small island in the middle of the water in the city. It was growing late, but a flickering still came from the top most middle window. The large tv monister flickered with images of two fighters duking it out in mortal combat with one another. The larger one smashing the small greener one into the ground. "Game Over" flashed in red fiery letters on the screen.

"Dude!" Beast Boy screamed, throwing his controller down on the ground in defeat, while a rather overjoyed Cyborg cheered and strut like a peacock. "The Game cheats1" the pointy eared changling complained

"Nuh uh!" the large bionic boy replied back "You just can't beat the champ!...boooyah!" once again the cybernetic teen broke into a victory dance.

"Will you guys quiet down!" Robin shouted on the other side of the room. He had been deep in thought about something, the slim teen always seemed to be thinking about something behind that mask he wore. His gloved hand running through his spikey hair.

"Man whats got you all wound up!" Beast boy said as he took the form of a giant green octopus whose arms where tied in a knot. "Come on lighten up dude!"

Robin however could not lighten up, he had been wondering about things for some time. His mind was on the red haired tamaranian girl on the team, Starfire. He so desperetly wanted to communicate his words to her, but being the child apprentice to Batman had made showing his emotions a rather difficult thing. He once more went deep into thought ignoring the other two as they continued to fight over the game they had just played.
Ravin and Starfire had heard the noise from there room and walked over to then main room, Ravin wasn't so happy about all the noise. "can you both shut up? I'm getting a Head-ace from your constant bickering." She said lightly and floated over to a solitary seat in the corner and started to read. Starfire on the other5 hand was quiet amused at Cyborg and Beast Boy. "oh i know just what to do! I will make the Bagorthag of happiness!" She then disappeared into the kitchen and reappeared with what looked like red jello mixed with something out of this world.
Beast boy and Cyborg had not stopped even despite Ravins rather annoyed command, the truth was neither had heard her. Robin on the other hand changed as Starfire floated into the room along with the attractive sorceress as well. The two boys however had stopped instantly at the suggested from Star. "No...Star come on no need for that we where jjust...follin'!" Beast boy said, quickly slinging a furry gorilla arm over cyyborgs shoulders in a buddy buddy sort of way. "Yeah we're happy see..." Cyborg did the same to Beast boy and the two put on the most exaggerated grins they could.

"We're all tired," Robin said finally. "I think it's best we all go back to sleep....all pf us' his eyes turned into small white slits as he stared mainly at both Beast boy and Cyborg. However his gaze softened as he turned to Starfire, but he quickly replaced it with his normal gaze, one of profession and leadership, though the pounding in his chest had not stopped a bit.
Ravin looked up at Beast Boy and cyborg giving them a black bit yet wicked stare. "If your Happy then you both have a poor way of showing it." She said lightly and went back to reading her book as if she had said nothing at all. She then sighed at Rovin's word's and looked at him. "I don't need to sleep... I rested right after the mission, you should probably do the same." she went back to reading.

Starfire floated over to Robin nodding at Ravin's word's. "Yes, yes..... Ravin is right robin. Rest in needed for all when one is tiered from mission's of fighting." she said softly looking him over for any damage.
Robin on the other hand could not share in the same luxury. He, the Boy Wonder, was used to sleepless nights, but this was different. For so long he kept remembering the first time he'd met the green eyed space girl. She had been glad in cape and armour, not her usual purple two piece and boots, but she had been quiet a sight to behold. Whats more was her way of learning to communicate, he had to stop himself from blushing behind the black mask. "Alright...." he said defeated, he could not argue with her.

Beast boy and Cyborg on the other hand grinned seeing there leader, so easily give in. "Ooooohhhh..." BB said making lip smacking noises while puckering his lips in a fish like kiss.

"Knock it off BB...lets get going...almost midnight and been playing that game all day," Cyborg said giving the green shapeshifter a smack to make him quit. The two left the room, ignoring the deadly look Robin gave as they left, though his ears picked up on the conversation they where having quietly to themselves.
Starfire didn't understand what Beast Boy was trying to say of do when he made that face so she just smiled at him and giggled as Cyborg hit him. Even Ravin smiled a bit but then quickly went back to her normal Emo face as she read her book. Starfire then looked at Robin lightly. "Ummmmm Robin? Can I come to your room later on tonight? i wish to speak to you on a mater that must be spoken on." She said lightly a small blush appearing on her face.
Robin snapped back into space, he had caught then last few words the two where having, and it sounded like they where up to no good, most likely a prank of sorts, but he thought it would be good to follow them. When he heard Starfire's voice he however quickly became a bit more relaxed and turned to her. "Um...well..." he said, she had never been in his room, nor had he really been in hers despite the one time they where looking for Beast Boys mutated moth baby. "S...sure....of course," he said, he noticed her blush, he wondered what it was about but he couldn't say no as he stared into those beautiful green eyes. " I...I better go make sure those two aren't doing anything...stupid," he said and quickly dismissed himself, trying not to be rude or anything, he knew how delicate her feelings where, how easy she could be hurt, and that was the last thing he'd ever want.
Starfire turned around and looked at Ravin giving a nod to her, Ravin closed her book and looked up at Starfre lightly and sent a black shot of blackish lightning at star's belly. "There you go... You cant get pregnant tonight...." Was all she said and walked out the room. Stafire blushed and nodded and walked to her room and got ready for tonight.

Later on in the night Starfire would walk up to Robin's door in a purple see-thou baby-doll sleeper's top and a purple thong. She sighed blushing big she then took a deep breath and shook her head giving her cheek's a few smack's to make the blush disappear, she then smiled softly at the door and knocked.
Robin found the two on the roof, having a very serious sounding arguement, though of course any arguement between BB and Cy where never that serious. "Oh come on dude you saw that smile....Raven is so into me!" Beast buy replied at a rather skeptical looking Cyborg.

" your sounding funny..who'd wanna be with a pointed eared little gnome!" the bionic boy replied. Beast boy however wasn't amused by the taunting and was going red in the face.

"Oh yeah...well..." he seemed about to burst. "I BET I CAN SLEEP WITH MORE GIRLS THEN YOU CAN!" he shouted seemingly unaware of what he really said, though Cyborg got a rather sly look on his face.

"Alright then it's a bet....who ever can get with the most girls by...say the end of summer...wins and loser has to parade around the winner like a cheerleader," Cyborg replied, thinking Beast boy wouldn;t go for it.

BB however surprised him and shook his hand, thats when Robin decided to make himself known.

"What are you two up to!" He demanded, the two where surprised, though Robin could always sneak up on someone it seemed. They both tried to make up esxcuses but he heard it all, however there was something about him that liked the idea. "I'm in.." he said, making both the two boys go slack jawed before he vanished.

He remembered Starfire was going to his room, he wanted to go and be sure it was tidy for her, he normally wouldn't have cared, but for Starfire he didn't want to seem the slob. However no sooner had he gotten back then did he hear her knock on the door. He opened it slowly "I um...." he was dumb struck by her cloths, he never saw her in her pajamas, and he wondered if she simply slept like this, he could see her nice round breasts through her top, and it took all his will power not to simply get a hard on right away.
Starfire smiled softly as she looked at Robin and twirled around showing him her body. "You like? I read that if a girl goes into a boy's room she is to wear something like this...... " She said softly smirking. It was only half way true thou. she then looked at robin lightly and smiled at him. "May I come in?"
He took in every inch of her as she twirled to display herself gore him. From the top to bottom she was gorgeous every curve of her body making his heart flutter. " this?" he asked curious he wasn't aware she was still studying Hunan behavior, at least not this skirt of behavior, her facts where right though the entire story was lacking a lot, "Yeah sure," he replied remembering his feelings foe her, cooky ge really pass up a chance lie this? He let her cone in, a bit self conscious about his room, paper littered the desk, images of villains tacked to the walls, mission details and other information spread everywhere, the weight sets where put up, it was an impressive amount, not lie her or Cyborg but he was strong none the less. "So, whist was important you need to say?" he asked unable to keep eye contact with her, as his eyes kept glancing din her body.
Starfire looked around the room lightly at all the poster's and paper's on the ground she saw one of Robin's Boomerang's on the ground and bend over to pick it up her bottom facing him, her thong barely covered her slit and as she bet down it moved over to the side a bit showing some of her young pink to him before she leaned up and walked over to the table setting it down. She then turned around to Robin. "Well, ummmmm..... I wanted to talk to you about something of me and of you,but well...... Welll it's hard to exspain...." she said softly blushing a bit.
Robin could not help but try and take a good look as she bent over. He saw the faintest bit of her slit, the pink lips seemed so inviting and perfect, oh how he wanted to see more of it. He kept himself composed though as she straightened back up and went to put the boomerang on the table. "Um, well I'm sure what it is, it can't be too difficult," he said though that sounded a bit wrong. He cleared his throat. "Actually I've been thinking about something as well," he mentioned before pausing. "A..about our first meeting, and how you learned to speak english," he said hoping she remembered it.
Starfire nodded. "the kiss helped me learn your woulds tongue...." she said simply. "Now, Robin..... I think there might be something wrong with me.... I mean every time i see you.... I get hot, but down here...." she said placing a hand over her barely covered pussy. "i get so hot sometimes that it's describable.... Do you know what of the reason this is?" she asked.
Robin once more felt himself about the blush a little, and this time he could not hide it. "Um..w..well" he said he knew what it ment that was for sure, though he found it difficult to explain it for some reason. "It means your attracted to that person...and you want to," he thought of a word to use, but it just tumbled out. "You want to have sex," he said to her, he couldn;t lie to her, even if he would have forced himself on her this point, he could not lie and tell her what he wanted to do to her was anything else.
Starfire blushed at this and was quiet for a moment, she then looked up at him. "well ummmmm, do you want to...." She asked him turning her head away for a moment a wet spot starting to appear on her thong as her pussy started to become moist with want and need. She looked up at him and got off the table walking over to him and pulled off her top her full breasts now exposed to him her nipples hardening.
Robin watched her remove her top, her full breasts in all there glory shown to him, he felt himself gulp gently, though he was not going to try and make excuses. He had been dreaming about this for so long, and he knew she needed it as much as he did, and wanted it. "Yes Star..." he said, moving as well to kiss her on the lips. Like the first time a feeling of excitment rushed through him. He let his hands move up her sides to cup her breasts in his hand, the movement was a bit clumsy, but he squeezed her wonderful mounds roughly. His gloved hands teasing her nipples a bit as they began to harden.
Starfire gasped as he kissed her her arm's wrapping around his neck she closed her eye's it felt different then the first time they kissed.... There was something more to it. As her grasped her sensitive breasts he would moan into the kiss, she broke it smiling at him. "Robin.... can you take off your mask this once?" she asked softly and lovingly.
He was a little hesitant at the request, but he took a step back, he first undid his cape, the material falling down, then followed his top, which he then left his chest and arms exposed to her. "I've never taken it off before Star," he said to her, as if he would not, however he decided to have a bit of fun with her. "Do you know what a blowjob is Star?" he asked her "If you can give me a good blowjob...I'll take it off for you only okay?" he suggested waiting to see what she'd do.
Starfire blushed knowing full well what a blowjob was. After all her and Ravin had watched porn plenty A time. she got down onto her knee's and unzipped his pant's and pulled his cock out, shed looked at it for a few second's before putting it into her mouth and suckling softly trying to get it hard first before she moved.
Robin was a bit surprised as she got down on her knees [/i]"She must have done alot of research[/i]" he though tto himself before letting out a very pleased grunt. Her mouth felt warm and slipper, and as she sucked on his cock gently, it slowly began to harden, even though he had been a bit stiff just by looking at her already. " that Star..." he said to her as her head bobed a little on the tip of his cock. Slowly it began to swell and rise, despite his very slim build, his member was something to behold, nearly thirteen inches long and two inches thick, it was a like a very skinny tree with an abnormally huge branch.
Starfire looked up at Robin bobbing her head on his large member amazed at it's size, she took it out her mouth and rubbed her cheek on it. "Wow Robin.... Your as big as a Gogsnout on my home planet.... Is this normal for human's? Even the male's on the Computer device don't have this big a Cock as for the wording the female human's call it." She said softly and licked the rim of the head smiling a bit.
He smirked, she did seem to know a bit about this stuff and now he knew just how she had learned. "So you where looking at porn on the internet?" he asked her, oddly enough the image of her staring at a porno, possibly even playing with herself made him all the more aroused and his cock twitched in her mouth a little. " not everyone is...this big," he however did not really get to compare but it made him a bit proud for her to be in such awe of his size. "You like my big cock Star?" he asked as she licked and smiled while looking up at him with those beautiful innocent green eyes.
Starfire nodded softly to him listening to his word's. "Yes I watch it sometimes with Ravin, she take's Joy in watching cartoon's having the sex with tentacle like thing's..... I asked her about it and she showed me lot's of thing's." She said softly as he asked her if she liked his cock she blushed and nodded. "Yes i like it.... But I dunno if it will fit inside me seeing nothing has ever entered me."
Robins eyes widened for a moment, but then again he had never really took into account her inexperience himself, he would have thought on her home world she might have done something. " will be your first time with me then Star?" he asked, the idea of being the only inexperienced one had been a heavy weight on his shoulders, but it was no longer an issue. " will help..if you make it nice and slick with your mouth Starfire...I'm sure you've seen the girls on the computer do it right?" He secretly had to remember what she said about Raven and her little fantasies though.
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