Special Island Resort [Akiriu & Eclipse Jalorda]

Dec 14, 2010
In the middle of the sea, on a large island, sat a stately looking hotel. Both modern and luxurious, it was a surprise destination for trainers surfing through the often dangerous tides. This mysterious resort is the perfect place to kick back, relax, and enjoy the islands, unique, entertainment. It's owned by a shadowy group of people, identified only by the dark red letter "R" monogrammed on the corner of the towels and printed onto the memo pads. On this particular day the already dangerous waves were whipping up furiously, tossing trainers around, the island resort being a singular safe spot.
One trainer took the opportunity to prepare for future time. Kenji looked at the resort as a chance to train, maybe catch another Pokemon. "I wonder if there are Pokemon?" He pondered. He pulled his denim jacket closer to him, his hair blowing wild in the wind. His eyes focused on his Mightyena. He looked back at his trainer, an eager growl escaped its lips. "Easy, Rex. Almost there." Kenji said.
A maid had been pulling down the curtains when she spied a trainer approaching, being whipped about by the wind. At any other time she would've cracked a joke about a flying type being angry with him, but at work she was purely professional. "Customer arriving!" She called out, and two other maids immediately scurried off to prepare their empty rooms. The maid herself gave a signal to the front counter receptionist, who nodded and started up the computer. One of the best ways to assure repeat customers was by astounding them with speedy service. And this usually came with a lot of preparation.

(I forget, is this gijinka-pokemon, anthro, or regular?)
(Gijinka-pokemon with ninetails. I would catch a vulpix which would evolve as soon as I caught it. We also discussed pregnancy. *-*)

Kenji walked off the boat as it docked. His Mightyena followed, full of energy. "Let's go." He passed a forest and he smirked. He walked into the resort and walked to the receptionist. "Hello." He said, an aura of confidence about him.
(Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh. ^^ MMkay. b^-^d mixed up storylines, but no one's going to tell you to accept the free pokeball in every room. cough, hinttastic, cough)

The receptionist smiled brightly at the trainer that entered. "Hello! Welcome to the Special Island Resort! Where you can relax by the pool, engage in pokemon battles in the battle arenas, and catch rare and exciting pokemon imported from all five regions." She said brightly. "You look like the type to be here for some good training. Might I suggest the trainer's suite? Direct access to the wild pokemon fields and just a short walk away from the battle arenas." She suggested with a bright smile.
(I love the hints *-*)

"Sure. That's sounds interesting." Kenji replied. "Do you think it's safe to go outside now?" He asked. He storm had yet to start thundering, but he didn't want to risk his Mightyena.
"Lovely, let me check you into the room and I'll check the weather reports." The receptionist said brightly, typing quietly for a few minutes. "Alright, here's your roomkey, a map of the grounds, and a brochure of the complimentary services we offer at the resort. As for the weather conditions, it's been reported that it's unwise to go outside until the storm is over, but luckily it's going to disperse within two hours." She said brightly. "If you'd like though, we do carry supplies for a safari zone esque experience. You can find bait, firm biodegradable foam balls, and safari balls in a shed right on the edge of the fields. There is also a complimentary Resort Ball in your room. Think of it as a privately manufactured master ball." She said warmly.
"Thanks. I'll be sure to use it." Kenji said, smiling. He took the roomkey, he brochure, and the map and proceeded to his room. "This is a nice place." He said, opening the door to his suite. He looked over the map. "Looks like I can catch a vulpix." He muttered. His Mightyena looked up at him, curious. "Don't worry, I'll keep training you as well." Kenji assured him.
The receptionist watched the trainer leave with a small smile on her face. She waited patiently until he was out of earshot before picking up the phone. "Hello? Executive? Yes, this is Grunt Marianne, Another trainer has entered the inn. I'll send you the information now. Hopefully the experiment will go well, this time." She murmured, typing onto the computer.

In the meantime, the pokemon were huddled in caves scattered through the island. In one such cave a vulpix sat, napping in the back while the rain pittered outside. She had hatched on the island, and knew no other life than being there. She yawned, flopping over. There was no reason for a fire type such as herself to mess about in the water.
In a couple of hours, Kenji was well rested. The sun had shone through his window. He stretched, leaving his Mightyena to rest. "You earned a day off. Plus you're little brother's itching to exercise." He said smirking. He walked out to the safari zone, the resort ball in his pocket.
Vulpix was awoken as a Timburr decided it was high time she get out of the cave. She yelped at the low kick, getting up and running out of the cave. "Stupid Cave Dwelling Pokemon" She mumbled to herself, before stretching and heading out through the fields. A fantastic day like this, was the perfect time to go get herself some fish. By begging the grass types to help her out. She headed along a mountain ridge, heading for the grassy areas.
Kenji stopped at the shed. He grabbed a pack of safari balls. He preferred to catch Pokemon with berries instead of balls. "Let's see what I can catch today" he muttered to himself. He moved through the tall grass, moving slow and silent.
Vulpix crept towards the edge of the rock, staring down into the thick tall grass. She waited patiently, staying completely still untill... deerling! She jumped off the rock, catching onto the dear like pokemon, giggling as it immediately began to run around the tall grass. She yelped as it finally managed to kick her off, dropping into the grass. Vulpix chuckled and began to creep through the grass, looking for another grass type.
Kenji moved diligently. A seedling passed him by and he got on all fours, laying on his stomach. As it passed he sighed. "That was a close one." He gasped. "Almost got caught. He sovereign forward by something made him hesitate. A vulpix was close by. Hopefully he was unnoticed, he really wanted to catch one. It would be a perfect companion like Mightyena but still be fun to train into a ninetails.
Vulpix grinned, pouncing on a budew. "Vulllll... pix!" "Come on now, I just want some magikarp! Oh don't freak out like tha-ow what's the vine whip for?!" Vulpix growled, jumping off the budew and unleashing a small ember. She prodded the fainted pokemon, rolling her eyes and flopping to the side. "vulp." "There goes my afternoon." She mumbled to herself. Vulpix usually planned her afternoons around fishing, and doing so required a grass type. She wished her favorites didn't always get caught.
Kenji snuck forward, moving closer to the vulpix. His heart was racing, never being so close to one. He took out some berries and made himself visible. "Hey Vulpix, you want some berries?" He asked reaching to grab a safari ball. He unwittingly grabbed the resort ball. "I wight hurt you. I'm safe." He said trying not to set her off.
Vulpix jumped, hearing rustling in the grass. She was alarmed to see a human, and snarled at him. She blinked in surprise when he walked up to her with a couple of berries. She stared at him, and slowly crept closer, nabbing a berry and scooting away from him. Vulpix chewed on the berry, surprised by how tasty it was. The human must've brought some off island berries with him or something.
Kenji removed his hand from the pokeball. "It's okay. I have more, see?" He reached I to his pocket and pulled out more berries. He reached out to pet her softly on the head. "Just relax, I wont hurt you."
Vulpix very happily ate the berries, relaxing a little more near the human. He wasn't all that bad. She went rigid as he pet her head, staring at him with a wary stare. After a few seconds of attempting to look dangerous, Vulpix relaxed again. The human just seemed to want to pet her and feed her berries, and that was all well and good in Vulpix's eyes.
Kenji pretended to reach for more berries. Instead, he grabbed the Resort Ball. "Don't worry. I won't hurt you." He muttered softly. He activated the ball as he pet Vulpix. "Soon I'll be able to do this with you all the time."
"Vulllppi...." "I know you won't hurt me, silly hu-" Vulpix was cut off as a red beam flew out and collected her, pulling her into a small, confined space. She felt herself being lulled to sleep, but as she did, she felt... funny. Like she was being stretched... and energy flowed into her... She felt strong.. .but funny. Strange. Not uncomfortable but unfamiliar. Was she... was she evolving? That didn't make sense. She was caught, you didn't evolve by being caught. Did you? She was confused...confused and so tired.
As the ball sealed, Kenji smiled. "At least I can keep you safe from harm now." He muttered to the ball. "Come on Vulpix I'll even give you more berries!" He said as he brought her out. He reached into his pocket and pulled out more berries.
She was startled when she was called out of the ball, she had just been about to take a nap. It was a really relaxing place, that pokeball. She stretched, finding her limbs longer than she remembered them being. She lazily opened her eyes and took a look, sitting up with a shock. The first thing she knew was that she had evolved, 9 swirling gold colored tails flowed from her lower back. She also boasted a long golden mane, smooth and soft to the touch. But that's about where the ninetales traits ended and the strange traits began. Most of her body, aside from her ears, mane, and tails, was devoid of fur. Instead she wore, what did the others call it, pokemon accessories? Tan short shorts, a golden yellow tank top, similarly colored fingerless gloves, and, what were they, sandals? She looked at the human, the trainer, significantly confused. "Nine...tales?" "What's going on?"
Kenji was genuinely shocked. "A-a-a Ninetails?." He stuttered. But this couldn't be right. He caught a Vulpix. They don't evolve from just getting caught. And she's human, well there is the tails, the mane, and the ears. How could this have happened. Kenji stepped down and sat next to the Ninetails. "Are you okay?" He asked reaching out to lend a hand so she could stand.
Ninetales blinked in surprise and hesitantly accepted his hand, shakily standing up. She was fairly sure that she was not supposed to stand like that. But, she was, and it wasn't too, uncomfortable. Ninetales tilted her head and stared at her paw and his hand, and realized that, aside from the accessories, they looked the same. Her ears tilted down and her eyebrow wrinkled. "Ninetales?"
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