Love and Lies Lady/Moon


Jan 20, 2011
in the realm of lust and seduction
Harry felt like crying again, he couldn't understand how everything in his life could have been ripped apart suddenly! Draco was sitting next to him, a scowl over the usually delicate and emotionless features, almost as upset as harry was. the two had made up during the final battle, after Draco had saved Harry's life they had formed a timid, and then blazing friendship that had lasted through a great deal of troubles. and this was topping the cake for harry.

married for almost three years, dating since he had graduated... Oliver Wood and Harry Potter had been an iconic name, and image of blazing glory and love ever since they publicly announced that they where Gay together. their team was unbeatable even! with Wood as the captain and Harry the seeker no one could compare to the three time world champions! that was, until Harry found out that Wood had another lover, and not just one...but THREE! and not just for a month, or for a year, but for Four years Oliver had been cheating on Harry. FOUR! harry had never even suspected.

"Do you need another Firewhiskey Harry?" Draco offered timidly, well aware that Harry's mood could go from sad, to pissed in an instant at the wrong words or statement. he was in luck though, as harry just shook his head and stared at his hands for a long moment. "i called that lawyer." Harry mumbled, "i'm too drunk to remember his name... that slytherin, he's going to be here soon... can't drink anymore or i won't be able to talk..." Harry was terrible about that, getting completely hammered when he was upset. he was only drunk right then, but Draco knew that Harry was going to hit the sweetrum and the spicedvod as soon as the lawyer left. and not even Draco would be able to stop him from getting so drunk that he thought he could sing.
Shane Vako stepped into the room, tilting his head as he looked at his best friend and the boy who lived. Studying the two for a minute he tried to decide what was worse, harry potter drunk, or Draco. At least with a sober Draco he didn't feel that he could get away with groping him inapporiately.

Slightly long red hair, cute around his face slightly, accently features almost so delicate that they were feminine. Yet, the slope of his jaw, the wideset eyes that were the color of good whiskey, declared him male. That lithe body kept him from being to feminine, though he did play up to the fact that he was pretty rather than handsome. They'd hardly been a day that he hadn't had a date. Yet, the date he wanted, was unfortunely straight.

"If you were going to drink, couldn't you have invited me earlier?I don't like playing catch up."He said as he moved to sit across from them, smiling slightly. You could take the boy out of slytherin, but you couldn't take the slytherin out of the boy. He'd grown up, but he still was as sarcastic and biting as he'd been as a teen.
Harry laughed darkly at the others sarcasm and Draco inched away from harry, in case the brunette decided to use the glass to smash Shane's face in. "you shouldn't antagonize him right now." he murmered softly to his old freind. "he's not very stable right now." he mumbled softly. "his husband of three years was just caught cheating with three other men at the same time, it turns out that Oliver has been doing this, not for three years, but four. let the guy get drunk." he ordered softly as harry swigged back another glass of firewhiskey before driving himself to his feet.

"i want that fucking mudblood to fucking PAY!" harry screeched in a drunken rage chucking the glass into the wall. "i want that fucking bastard to suffer! i want him to feel the pain he's putting me through right now!!!" he demanded panting hard. "goddamn publicity stunt my FUCKING ASS!"

"Wood told harry that he only married Harry for the publicity and fame." Draco informed Shane, keeping a close eye on the Boy-Who-Lived in case he turned that feral temper on one of them. "i'm very sorry about this by the way, i didn't know you where coming or i never would have given him the firewhiskey." he admitted smiling humorlessly. "i can cast a few sobering spells on him if you need me too but it's better to let him work the anger out on the inanimate objects first."
"I antagonize everyone, you know that. It makes me a good lawyer."Shay grinned a little, sitting down, leaning back in his chair as he studied the boy who lived, "Let him drink,I'll find out more this way."He said after a minute. And wondering what the hell Oliver wood was thinking when he left the boy who lived.

HIs head was killing him with just the touch of magic Harry was letting out, not to mention a body still honed from Qudditch. "If he wants a publicity stunt, I can give him one that'll end his career."Shay said absently, to lost in studying the boy who lived, and what he could do to the other man. Really, Oliver should have been more intelligent then this...then again he was a gryffindor, he wasn't thinking with the right head apparently.
Draco winced as harry went into the kitchen, the sounds of things smashing filling the air. "and there goes Woods fancy china." Draco mumbled to himself as he examined his nails. "and all of the pictures of Wood, and Woods broomstick." he chirped as the sound of splintering wood filled the air. "that should do it." he had helped harry through a great deal of troubling times and had the brunettes pattern down to a T. "Harry come back in here." Draco ordered shaking his head. "Wood's going to suffer enough as it is, Shane is going to make sure of it." he promised crossing his arms as Harry stumbled back into the sitting room and grabbed the empty bottle of firewhickey, it was no wonder the boy was drunk, he had fire called Shane only two hours ago, and he'd been perfectly sober then, angry, but sober. "you need to answer all of Shane's questions."
"Wood's only thinking with his wood.Moron."Shay said smirking a little, as he cloed his eyes, looking at the man."So, tell me everything. Frorm first meeting him till now. Leave nothing out."He said, more then willing to destroy the man, but he needed to know everyting that happened. Because he had already found the man-men that oliver had cheated with, and truly, the slytherin was going to be breathing in a shallow grave if Harry found out now. For the moment, he'd keep that fact to himself. Waiting patiently for Harry to tell him about their life together.
Harry launched into the story, too drunk to hold out anything. he talked for hours about his and woods life together, how they had met in school. forgetting that Shayne already knew that. how they met up in the state quidditch tryouts and how wood invited him out to dinner, and their tentative first dates as they tried to figure out if the other was gay, i mean how did you find out if someone was gay without insulting them? it was harder than it looked. it had been fixed by harry getting drunk and kissing wood full on the lips when the Quidditch captain took harry home.

after that it was rainbows and sunshine and a touch of BDSM. well, more than a touch, dating a great deal and having the time of their lives, harry went into great detail about the proposal, right out in the middle of the quiditch field after they won their first championship cup, the crowd had gone insane, and harry had burst into overjoyed tears, it had been all over the papers. then the marriage a year later, it had been beautiful with white lilies and pretty glistening feary and perfectly magicked snow falling from everywhere. harry had to pause to start sobbing once he'd finished that part.

then he went on to talk about how they used to sneak off during practice to fuck under the bleachers while the team mates where distracted, how Wood would use any chance or excuse to molest harry, who never said no and often asked for a few more rounds. both of them had almost been insatiable for the several years they'd been together. and then he went on to explain how he had found out that wood had been cheating on him, one of the men had called harry and informed him, apparently one of the three had not realized that Wood was married, being foreign and all and had called to inform harry and apologize. harry had confronted wood who had laughed in his face and told him he'd been doing it ever since they'd won their first cup, in fact a few months before!

then harry went on about how they where going to lose their fourth cup because wood was a fucking jackass, and ranted for about ten minutes about everything being a sham and how he never should have loved wood because he was a piece of trash that should burn in hell for all of eternity and be forced to play bad quidditch for the rest of his life! Draco snorted a little at that and glanced at Shay. "so, can you make the man suffer?"
Shay was smirking as he leaned back in his chair, staring at the cieling."Dray, you even question I can nail Wood's hide into the courtroom floor?I think I'm insulted."He said after a long moment, running his fingers through his hair."Of course I can make him suffer. I'm good at what I do."He said smirking. After years of being a jackass to every Gryffindor he ever met, it was finally going to pay off. The fact that Wood hit on him for longer then he could remember was just going to make victory all the sweeter.

Glancing at the boy who lived he sighed, looking at Draco."Are you hungry?"He asked. It'd been awhile since the two of them had been able to talk, and since he had a feeling Draco'd be keeping a eye on his client, he might as well stick around, eat, and see if he could come up with a perfect plan to destroy Wood. Which...would probably start by attending a qudditch match. But for now, he could feed Draco and Harry, since sadly, he'd been so busy with work he'd not had a date in days.
Draco hesitated for a moment glancing at harry his head tilted then. "sure, i could use a bite and i KNOW harry hasn't eaten all day." he admitted shaking his head. "let me get a sobering potion and get him fixed up so he can appear in public first, then we can go down to that nice place down the street, my treat." he decided picking harry up off the chair, who had decided it was a good time for a nap and took him into the kitchen, stepping carefully over the broken glass.

he came back Harry looked much more suitable, dressed in a pair of dragon hide pants and a button up shirt, draco dressed in a new suit, clean of the smell of alcohol. "sorry about that." Harry said sheepishly to Shane. "i don't think well when i'm pissed and upset, i usually hit the bottle and just.. forget about everything else, Draco's about the only thing that keeps me in line these days."
Shane laughed softly,"That's a scry thought. Dray keeping someone in line."Shane smirked slightly before shaking his head."Don't worry about it. At least you didn't throw something at me. Last case I was on not only was I cursed the miute I walked in the door, she broke my favorite paperweight over my head. She wasn't happy with getting served divorce papers."He said rubbing his forehead, a tiny white line through his eyebrow from the said paperweight. Looking at Draco he swallowed hard, trying to keep the longing off his face.

Despite years as what his friends affectionately termed "the slut of slytherin" Shane was tired of not having anyone, but the one person he wanted was currently dating a good friend. And a woman. It was hard on the ego. Smiling slightly at Draco he smiled slipping his jacket back on."Ready to go"He asked looking at the two.
Harry smirked a little and shrugged his shoulder, his green eyes fixed intently on Shay's face his eyes narrowing a little. Harry might have been a drunkard on the border of depression, but he was a seeker, he was very good at seeing things other people did not, and catching things that shouldn't have been noticed. "So, weren't you the guy in Slytherin who was refuted to sleep with anyone? even the Weasley twins?" harry asked Shayne curiously, a hint of something in his voice, probably hoping for a bit of fun after the whole divorce was over. harry had too much respect for himself to lower himself to a revenge fuck, or let himself become a pity fuck. even as he asked he'd opened the door to let the other two out, Grimmauld place was still under a protection spell, which was why he and Oliver had moved in there instead of into Wood's place, and other various reasons.
Shay grinned as he walked out with the other two, smirking slightly."Hey, I'll have you know the twins know what they're doing."He shrugged walking with the two. Even in school, he'd been trying to outrun falling in love with his best friend, and if anyone paid attention to who he slept with, he did sleep with everyone and long as they weren't blond.

Shivering a little as he heard the note in Harry's voice, smilign slightly. While he would never sleep with a client, there was always possiblities after this was done. And the added bonus of being able to tell Wood where to shove it.
Harry smirked a little. "i have to admit, they really do." he agreed nodding. not many people knew, harry being a very private person, but he had dated the twins all through his seventh year, well, the repeat of his seventh year anyway. he sighed a little and shook his head running a hand through his now long hair and flipped his head back a little to toss his bangs out of his eyes, making Draco snort. "pop idol." the blond muttered under his breath Harry whipping around to glare at Draco. "i swear to god, if you call me that again i am going to beat you with your own broomstick!" that just made Draco laugh and wiggle his fingers tauntingly at harry who huffed with his annoyance.

Draco had this thing about listening to muggle music, and lately he was into boy bands, who liked to flip their hair out of their eyes, like harry often did, a reflex action while out in the quidditch pitch carried out into day to day life, but it made Draco thing of the pop stars. plus it pissed harry off, so Draco just HAD to pick on harry about it. "if you don't behave, i'm going to order everything on the menu again." that made Draco's grin drop. "that was just CRUEL last time, you hear me? unnecessarily evil!"
"Ah, but Harry, if you beat him with YOUR broomstick, he'd just enjoy it."Shay smirked as he stepped through the door to the resturant, tilting his head at the waitress as she got them a table, tilting his head as he stared at the blond girl's ass. Just because he preferred men, didn't mean he only liked them. And she sorta reminded him of Draco.

"And I think I will order everything, I haven't eaten today."he said sitting down rolling his eyes. He knew Draco listened to muggle music, and-shudder- boy bands. Though how the man could be straight, continually astounded him."The fact that you listen to boy bands makes me wonder about your sexual orientation Dray."He said as he started looking over the menu, doing his own little hair flip, out of habit. Though it'd been years since he'd played, the former slytherin keeper did keep some of the habits, mostly because men ohhh and awwed over the qudditch players with a passion.
Harry snickered a little. "oh i tried that." harry admitted shaking his head as he looked over his own menu. "i whipped it out and he started screaming and carrying on like i tried to cast the killing curse at him. wuss." Harry taunted Draco who was looking highly uncomfortable. "yes.. uhm, anyway." Draco stuttered, showing just how uncomfortable he was. he usually got through the day being harry and shay's best friends by 'forgetting' that they where gay, and he got very uncomfortable when he was reminded of the fact. it wasn't that he was homophobic, he just knew he was pretty and hated being reminded that both harry and shay flirted with him when he didn't realize it.

"anyway." Harry chirped, deciding to be nice to Draco for a while. "how are you and that sl.. i mean, girl of yours doing?" harry asked, changing the subject, his emerald green eyes watching Shay closley as Draco groaned and shook his head. "go ahead and call her a slut Harry, turns out you where right. she's broken up with me and got herself a new lover." "really?" harry asked looking startled. "who!?" "...lavender Brown..." Harry gaped at Draco and then burst into laughter, clapping his hand over his mouth, at least trying to contain himself for his friends sake. "oh shut up.." Draco grumbled scowling a little.
Shay smirked a little as he watched their waitress, tilting his head. Mostly paying attention to the other two, but using the girl as a distraction as not to think about how Draco reacted when reminded he was gay."Oh that's priceless.You suck so badly in bed you made her gay."He grinned a little as the waitress walked over to take their orders. Totally unrepentant at making fun of Draco, Draco should be used to it by now.

"I'll have the steak and fries. Medium rare."He said with a wide smile, laughing softly as she stuttered writing it down before looking at the other two, waiting for their orders.
Draco went beat read and made a move to start yelling at Shay, like he usually did but paused when harry whispered something in the blonds ear making the blond turn beat red and entirely too smug. Draco nodded and settled down, looking over his menu again before ordering a ceaser salad, no cheese and dressing on the side, he was very health conscious. Harry on the other hand ordered a greasy hamburger, extra cheese, and a large slice of cheesecake, with a smoothie on the side. Draco had a water...Draco was boring, or so harry complained, the blond completely ignoring his brunette friend a smirk on his lips. "when you get fat, don't come crying to me." "hey! i work out three hours a day to stay in shape for quiditch, and then i usually have three or four hours of practice to go with it, the day i get fat is the day we need a new captain." harry paused and looked down at his belly. "of course, we already do, cheating, filthy, goddamn son-of-a-bitchen bastard."
Shay leaned over to look at Harry's stomach, poking him."You're not fat, and the bastard isn't worth worrying over. Soon enough he'll be cleaning brooms instead of riding them."He said before poking him again."What did you say to Draco?That was a interesting shade of red he turned."He said curious looking at the blond, raising a eyebrow. Looking at the slip of paper under his elbow, looking way to amused with himself. Wondering when the waitress had set it there, he smirked.

"See, I can get numbers by just walking in a room. Poor Draco has to actually try to get dates.....then they end up gay on him."He teased loking at the phone number on the piece of paper. And maybe he would take her up on the offer. Maybe...
Harry snorted a little and shook his head. "that's between me and Draco." harry teased chuckling a little as he yawned a little a younger man walking over, looking a little nervous. "e...excuse me but. your harry potter right? i.. uhm, i'm a, i work for the Wizarding Times and i.. uhm, if you don't mind would.. i mean, would you mind if i asked you a few questions before your food gets here?" the man was stammering over his words and bright red, clearly affected by Harry;s fame. Harry necessitated and glanced at Shay and then Draco before he nodded. "sure i could answer a few i guess." Harry muttered looking nervous, he had never been one for the whole fame scene.

"Really!?" the man asked looking shocked. ", i mean... uhm... is it true that you and Oliver Wood are experiencing a rocky relationship?" "i'm filing to get a divorce." Harry admitted the man looking startled again. "why is that?" "Oliver cheated on me, and apparently has been for several years, and that's his own admission." "are you going to quit the team?" "no, i won't be so selfish as to risk our chance at the cup, besides Oliver is the one at fault here, not me. if anyone is going to be kicked off the team it's him." Harry growled the young man blushing hard. "i...i see.. and.. uhm." he hesitated again glancing at the three men and Harry nearly burst into laughter. "no, their not my new lovers. Draco here is straight, and he's been my freind for years, and the red head is my lawyer... i'm actually not sure of his sexual orientation but i'm assuming it's Bi." the man blushed harder and nodded. "er...t..thanks..." he stuttered before vanishing, looking overjoyed as he sat back in his own seat Harry shaking his head.
Shay laughed softly as their food arrived, starting to eat. Not saying anything for a few long moments before smirking."Poor kid."He said eating before looking at harry."You know it took Draco here years to realize I was bi."He said amused, already invisioning the news article that was going to be printed. It was going to be great. And most likely featuring him and Draco somewhere. Sighing softly he smiled slightly, eating contentedly.
Harry snorted a little. "i get so tired of that." he admitted softly shaking his head. "but if you ignore them, or tell them to buzz off..." "they make shit up and then everyone's in the doghouse." Draco finished, nibbling on a tomato as harry sank his teeth into the cheeseburger and took a sip of his smoothie. "besides, Draco's dense, he didn't even realize i was gay until me an Oliver started Dating." he admitted Draco turning faintly red again. "he just doesn't notice things, that's why he could never beat me at quidditch." harry taunted Draco turning red with rage. "you CHEATED! that's why i couldn't win!" "i'd like to see you prove it!" "YOU TOLD ME!" "i'd like to see you make other people believe that."
Shay smirked,"You know he didn't cheat Draco, you were just to busy staring at me to chase the snitch."He teased before finishing his steak, sighing softly. Sipping his firewhiskey he ran his fingers through his hair, looking across the room at the waitress, wondering if he could convince her to go home with him. He needed a break from work, and spending time with Draco always made him want to go screw the nearest person."It's a good thing Draco's pretty, otherwise he'd be royally fucked."he teased leaning back in his chair, enjoying their company even though he was listening to them, he was watching the waitress.
Draco went even more red. "you guys are cruel." he complained rather weakly shaking his head as harry reached over and stole Shay's firewhiskey and took a sip shrugging his shoulder as he popped a fry. "besides, Draco might be pretty but that doesn't mean that women realize he's straight." he stated smirking. "i mean come on, the guy likes Boy Bands for fucks sake." Harry teased and Draco scowled and shoved Harry out of the booth and onto the floor. "and you like licking jello shots off of woman's breasts." Draco countered and Harry laughed, winking at the blond. "i like jello."
Shay laughed,"There's nothing wrong with licking Jello shots off woman's breasts. Or men's...You really should be bent, blondie. Boy bands, for fucks sake.."He smirked a little slanting a look at Draco before sighing. Wishing Harry's teasing was true, and the blond was as bent as everyone seemed to think he was. "I'll see you two tomorrow.I'm going to enjoy qudditch tomorrow."He said smirking at the two before getting up walking out, needing to leave. Already feeling the firewhiskey getting to him, and he really,really wanted to kiss Draco.

Pausing long enough to convince the waitress to go home with him, he tossed a smirk at the other two before leaving with her. Really, for the first time in weeks, actually looking forward to getting laid. Eyeing the blond woman, he swallowed. It was rare that he screwed a blond, but when he did...they were all pale, delicate looking, and smaller then him. Laughing as he walked with her, he looked forward to the qudditch game the next day. Oliver Wood-Potter was going to regret the day he decided to cheat.
Harry laughed and Draco sputtered indignantly and shook his blond head Harry laughing a little as he watched Shay vanish with the blond leaning forward to whisper something to Draco who laughed and nodded.

the quidditch game was going to be brutal. and Wood keeps looking at me. harry thought to himself scowling a little as he shifted his quidditch robes in place. as if he hadn't expected me to show up, he even had the substitute ready for the game, that fucking bastard. as if i'm the one that needs to be ashamed. he shook his head and walked past Oliver without a second glance, ignoring the mans looks of lust and amusement as he peeked out into the stands, easily picking out Draco, who was sitting next to a new woman. probably a 'revenge girlfriend' she was certainly pretty enough. it amused him to no end to see that she was red headed.
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