Rescueing Montague: A 7th Sea Romance (darkangel76 & doom)

"And I love you my Beautiful wife." He looked up at her and grinned, almost like a little boy. He then started kissing her, between her breasts and down her stomach until her reached her pubic hairs again. He then slid his head between her thighs and began licking her again. Matthew had been taught by a Jenny that women like it when you do this, especially right after you cum in them. He had been shy about it at first, but he had lost that shyness long ago and now he would lick his cum off of his lover...his wife...whenever it pleased her.

He licked a generous portion which had a little blood mixed in, and then went up to kiss her, transfering his cum to her mouth. Mostly her blood was on the bed covers, but a litle remained. He went back down again and return with more, and again, until he had given her all his cum from his own mouth. Then he spread her lips appart and really went at her, licking her and sucking on her pussy lips. He plunged his tongue into her and rode it up to flick at her clit. He rode back and forth, enjoying her taste and her reactions to his menstrations. He sucked on her clit as well, licking the precious bud as he pulled it into his mouth. He used his fingers in her while he sucked on her, he was gentle, knowing she would still be a little sore. he was getting hard again, and asked if she thought he might take her again or if she was too sore.
Alexandria smiled at Matthew when he said the word ‘wife’. It had such a pleasing sound to it and it made her tummy flutter. She watched him with anticipation as he kissed her along her torso, making his way down her body. Her breath caught as he spread her legs wide and began to lick her, mess and all. Instantly, her cheeks reddened in embarrassment. But he was apparently unaffected, embarrassment so far from his thoughts.

Gasps escaped Alexandria’s lips at the sensation of Matthew’s mouth against her. And she bit down on her lip as she watched him make his way back up to her once more. When he placed his lips against hers, her eyes widened for the briefest of moments. She hadn’t expected his mouth to be full. Letting go and taking in the wonders of the moments, she granted him access and allowed him to transfer everything that was in his mouth into her own. Unsure of what to do, she swallowed. Her mouth and tongue were coated and she could still taste him despite the fact that she’d drunk the mouthful down.

Again, Matthew worked his way back down between Alexandria’s legs. And again, she could feel his hot breath against her core. She shivered a little and smiled. She now understood what he was doing. This time, expecting his mouth to be full, she kissed him greedily, drinking down every drop he transferred into hers. She could taste him on her tongue; she could even taste herself. And the blood. It was the most erotic thing she’d ever experienced.

When Matthew was finished cleaning Alexandria, he began to work her body with his tongue and mouth. He masterfully pushed every button, arousing her to a point where she didn’t think she could take it any longer. She could hear the suckling noises, could feel her clit rolling between his lips, his fingers stroking her on the inside making her quiver. The sensations were beyond intense making it difficult for her to even remotely think straight.

The ache in Alexandria’s clit made it throb. She knew Matthew would have to relieve her. Soon. Writhing and moaning, she began to reach for him.

“Matthew, please… please,” Alexandria begged. “I can’t take it any more. Oh god…” She arched her back a little as she writhed and moved, tilting her pelvis to give Matthew better access. “Take me again. Please. I beg you to give me release!”

Alexandria didn’t care how she sounded as she begged Matthew to make love to her again. She was aching, her body wanting his so very badly. All that consumed her was the pleasure, the drive for orgasm, the need to scream out as her body quaked around his.

“Matthew!” Alexandria shouted. “Please!”
The needfulness in her voice drove Matthew, making him push aside his fears of causing her pain. She would be sore, but he would be gentle. When he was up on her, his face only inches above her own, he slowly and gently pushed himself into her again. She was wet, perhaps even more so than the first time, and this excited Matthew greatly. A woman could fake her sounds of pleasure, but her body's reactions could not be faked.

He supported himself on his knees and elbows, making sure to hold most of his weight above her. He moved his hips very slowly, knowing that despite her words, her body would not be able to handle a full onslaught. He did make sure that at the bottom of each thrust he gound his palvis against her clit, he knew she would need this extra stimulation to reach her peak against the pain.

All the while he continued to whisper to her. His words held a soft molody, reminscant of his guitarr playing when she had first met him. He spoke of his desire for her, his need to be with her, his love and devotion to her. His whispered words were passionate, but were not driven by passion, instead love fueled them and gave them strength to reach her ears. he loved the sounds she made in turn, he lovely voice moaning and speaking to him. "How does it feel, my love. Tell me, describe to me how I make you feel."

At her description he told her his own. "You body is like warm wet velvet. You squeeze me, and I feel your body's release of tension with each thrust. I feel your core, your heat, your strength and all flow through you to me and from me to you in return."

While he had been so careful, so gentle, she felt a change in him. His body signaled to her his impending release with a loss of control and a hardness to his thrust. This lasted only seconds, though, as she felt again his seed being buried inside her.
Alexandria bit down on her lip as Matthew entered her again. The pain wasn’t as bad this time as her muscles had already been stretched and knew what was to come. Besides, she wanted this. She wanted to be joined with her husband just one more time before they took a rest. After all, on a journey such as theirs, when would they next have such luxuries about them allowing them the comfort they now had as they made love?

Probably not for a very long time.

Matthew was gentle, taking his time and making sure that every move he made gave Alexandria pleasure. It was as if he knew exactly how to play her body. She was his instrument, much like his guitar, and he the expert playing her. The fact that she mattered so greatly was enough to arouse her and push her over the edge. But the way he moved against her body, it just made it that much better.

Alexandria’s legs felt weak and she could feel her breath coming in short, harsh rasps. Matthew felt so wonderful against her body, thrusting in and out, making them one. The pleasure she felt was far more than just physical. It ran deeper, much deeper. As her emotions began to run wild, taking over even her basest of instincts, she could feel her eyes becoming wet with tears. An ache she couldn’t explain growing in her chest, ready to burst.

“Matthew!” Alexandria shouted as she clutched onto Matthew’s shoulders. She knew he’d be bleeding a little as her nails dug into his flesh. But she couldn’t help it. All rational thought was lost as he ground against her, allowing her mind, body and soul to enter the realm of rapturous bliss yet again. “Oh god!”

Alexandria whimpered and gasped as her body lost itself to the orgasm her Matthew bestowed upon her. She shook and trembled with pleasure as her body became weak with exhaustion. She looked into his eyes, her pale ones watering as her tears spilled down her cheeks. She gave him a smile as she hugged him close, holding him ever so tightly.

“I love you,” Alexandria whispered. She then planted several kisses on Matthew’s face, starting with his cheeks, his eyes, his lips. Everywhere. The moment was too perfect and she didn’t want it to end and she feared never being able to experience such a thing with him again. “I truly am yours,” she said. “Even without those vows… I was yours.”

Alexandria’s pale eyes glistened and glittered as the tears continued to fall along her smiling face. She hoped Matthew could understand what she was feeling. No words could describe it, could even do it justice. So, she relied on her eyes and the expression they showed him. For the love and adoration she felt within was unlike anything she’d ever felt before. And it was in that moment, that she knew it was her place to be by his side. Always.
Matthew looked down at her, feeling her love and echoing her sentiments. He kissed her, conveying his feelings with his lips. He rolled onto his side and rolled her onto hers. He spooned her, held her close and soon sleep over takes her.


She knows she is dreaming. She is in some kind of tavern. The tables have been arranged in a circle, and Matthew is inside with another man. This man seems larger than Matthew, and has some kind of metal glove on his left hand. Matthew is armed, and the man has a large meat clever in his right. It is some sort of dual. *fades*

They are on horseback, she and Matthew and the man from the tavern Matthew was fighting. This man seems to be pointing off in the distance. Following his finger, she sees a castle half obscured in the mists of the morning. *fades*

She is looking at Matthew again and he holds his pistol, pointed at her. This time something is different, or maybe it is something she missed before. He is not looking at her, more like slightly to her left, like at something behind her.


She awakens refreshed after only a short nap. Matthew is beside her still, sleeping peacefully. Before his sleep had been fitful and restless, but with her naked form in his arms he seems able to sleep soundly.
Alexandria nuzzled close to Matthew, relishing the warmth of his body next to hers as he held her tightly against him. Happy and sated, it didn’t take her long to fall into a deep slumber. As she slept, her mind was filled with dreams, more fated visions of what had yet come to pass.

The visions were strange and in them a strange man Alexandria had never seen. It was hard to tell if he was friendly or not, so she knew she’d just have to wait and see. She just hoped that, in the end, she and Matthew came out unharmed and unscathed. The castle she’d seen wasn’t familiar and she found herself curious as to where it was located, when they’d actually arrive there.

And then there was that vision of Matthew, pistol in hand. Alexandria knew if she’d been awake, her body would’ve been trembling. Only… something was different. There was more than before from her earlier dream. Was he looking behind her?

Suddenly, Alexandria’s pale eyes flew open. She felt relatively rested, but knew that her time asleep had been short. Allowing her body to relax once more, letting the visions of her dream pool deep within her mind, she let it drift. She thought about the wedding earlier that day, how she and Matthew had been joined as one. It made her smile, feel warm inside. It also made her wonder about their future adventures together and whether they’d be successful in finding Montague.

Closing her eyes once more, Alexandria focused on the feel of Matthew’s skin as it touched her own. It was warm and relaxing, making her feel so very safe and comfortable. Clearing her head and listening to his soft rhythmic breathing, she nestled herself deeply against him.

“I love you,” Alexandria whispered as she felt her body slowly finding sleep once more as the ship lolled and rocked upon the sea.
The last of her dreams were inhabited by the music of a Castillian guitar. As she woke up she saw why, Matthew was at the foot of the bed playing. His back was to the bulkhead, his eyes closed, he was humming along with the music. It was a Vodacce love song, one she knew well. He hummed it and when he came to the refrain he inserted her name instead the standard name. He opened his eyes as the song ended and said. “Good afternoon my love. We have food if you wish. I could draw you a hot bath? Or we could just lie together.”

He slid his body in beside hers, holding her and smelling her. “It is good that we are alone together. I want to ask you what did you dream of last night? You know my mother was Sorte', so I know what the dreams could mean. Portents of the future are very powerful, and I believe you may have had such dreams.”

He moved to the food and brought some over. He feeds her from his own hand, giving her the first bite of everything and only eating himself when she pushes away what is offered. In this way he clearly shows her that she comes first. He listens to what she will tell him intently, hoping she will share what she knows of their future.
Alexandria smiled sweetly, her body still exhausted from her earlier love making with Matthew. Her Matthew. Her husband. She took a bite of the food he offered her, relishing how amazing it tasted as the flavors danced upon her tongue. She hadn’t realized just how hungry she was, so tasting such wonderful food was absolutely decadent.

“You’ve managed to learn a bit about dream interpretations?” Alexandria asked plainly, the inquisitive timbre in her voice making it clear that she was curious as to how much Matthew truly knew. “Some are easy to discern while others are very much muddled, often times disturbing.” She paused a moment, her expression thoughtful. “But yes, I did dream. I’ve been dreaming since I first met you.”

Alexandria wondered what Matthew would think of her divulging such information upon him. As her husband, she wanted no secrets between them. She wanted him to know all and not be afraid to ask even though some of the things she’d dreamed weren’t going to be easy to talk about. Especially when they involved him.

Clearing her throat a little, Alexandria shifted her body so that she could look into Matthew’s dark eyes. “My latest dreams were of an armored man.” Her eyebrows furrowed a little as she thought over the scene she’d been shown. “It appeared that you and he were in a fight of sorts, a duel. I’m not sure who the victor will be…” her voice trailed. “Though it depends on whether or not he does something before the fight first.” Take a deep breath, she continued. “He shows us the way to a castle, a place we’ll be heading for at some point. I’m not sure if he’ll do this before or after your duel. If it’s before… I’ve no idea which of you will win, if that man turns out to be friend or foe.”

Alexandria could hear her voice gaining a slight ring of panic. She tried to focus on her breathing just then, calming herself down. No need to get alarmed just yet. The future was always murky at best and events leading to such things had yet to unfold before them.

“There’s another thing, Matthew. Something I’ve been dreaming since the day we met. It’s yet to happen, but…” again Alexandria’s voice trailed. “There will come a time you aim your pistol at me.” She paused just then and averted her pale eyes from Matthew’s dark. Swallowing, she looked up at him once more. “At first I thought you were going to kill me. I didn’t want to believe it, not when all my other dreams of you and me, together, came true.” She could feel her cheeks redden as she hinted at the more erotic dreams she’d had of the two of them. “But last night, I noticed something. You might have been looking elsewhere, not at me.” Scowling, she added, “Oh it is too hard to say. I still can’t believe it. You had to be looking at someone or something else. I just know you wouldn’t betray me like that.”

At that, Alexandria nuzzled close to Matthew. She wanted him to know that she trusted him completely. That she was his and always would be. Visions of the future or not, there had to be an explanation. It would unfold in its due time. Until then, she’d let fate do as it wanted, so long as she could remain forever in Matthew’s arms.
darkangel76 said:
Alexandria smiled sweetly, her body still exhausted from her earlier love making with Matthew. Her Matthew. Her husband. She took a bite of the food he offered her, relishing how amazing it tasted as the flavors danced upon her tongue. She hadn’t realized just how hungry she was, so tasting such wonderful food was absolutely decadent.

“You’ve managed to learn a bit about dream interpretations?” Alexandria asked plainly, the inquisitive timbre in her voice making it clear that she was curious as to how much Matthew truly knew. “Some are easy to discern while others are very much muddled, often times disturbing.” She paused a moment, her expression thoughtful. “But yes, I did dream. I’ve been dreaming since I first met you.”

Matthew smiled sweetly. Sometimes one dreamed of things one wanted, but if she had been dreaming of him in a portents way since their first meeting...he knew now why she had fallen in love with him. "Yes, I know a bit, but my knowledge is very finite."

darkangel76 said:
Alexandria wondered what Matthew would think of her divulging such information upon him. As her husband, she wanted no secrets between them. She wanted him to know all and not be afraid to ask even though some of the things she’d dreamed weren’t going to be easy to talk about. Especially when they involved him.

Clearing her throat a little, Alexandria shifted her body so that she could look into Matthew’s dark eyes. “My latest dreams were of an armored man.” Her eyebrows furrowed a little as she thought over the scene she’d been shown. “It appeared that you and he were in a fight of sorts, a duel. I’m not sure who the victor will be…” her voice trailed. “Though it depends on whether or not he does something before the fight first.” Take a deep breath, she continued. “He shows us the way to a castle, a place we’ll be heading for at some point. I’m not sure if he’ll do this before or after your duel. If it’s before… I’ve no idea which of you will win, if that man turns out to be friend or foe.”

Matthew looked at her as she at him. Her eyes were no less captivating now that they had been when he had first met her. His want for her seemed only to increase and not decrease, as now looking into her eyes made him feel feverish. He focused on her words, though. "A man I am to fight who shows us the way to a castle. Most intrigueing. I haven't lost a fight in a very long time, but if it isn't a duel to the death I could see teaching a fellow some manners. Younger men often have to be shown what one is capable of before they will agree to be agreeable. Go on..."

darkangel76 said:
Alexandria could hear her voice gaining a slight ring of panic. She tried to focus on her breathing just then, calming herself down. No need to get alarmed just yet. The future was always murky at best and events leading to such things had yet to unfold before them.

“There’s another thing, Matthew. Something I’ve been dreaming since the day we met. It’s yet to happen, but…” again Alexandria’s voice trailed. “There will come a time you aim your pistol at me.” She paused just then and averted her pale eyes from Matthew’s dark. Swallowing, she looked up at him once more. “At first I thought you were going to kill me. I didn’t want to believe it, not when all my other dreams of you and me, together, came true.” She could feel her cheeks redden as she hinted at the more erotic dreams she’d had of the two of them. “But last night, I noticed something. You might have been looking elsewhere, not at me.” Scowling, she added, “Oh it is too hard to say. I still can’t believe it. You had to be looking at someone or something else. I just know you wouldn’t betray me like that.”

At that, Alexandria nuzzled close to Matthew. She wanted him to know that she trusted him completely. That she was his and always would be. Visions of the future or not, there had to be an explanation. It would unfold in its due time. Until then, she’d let fate do as it wanted, so long as she could remain forever in Matthew’s arms.

He held her naked body against his own. He knew their time together here in this room would be fleeting, that the rising sun would bring duty and esponcibility again. He wanted to savor every second of their time together. He gently pulled her to look into his eyes. "No matter what you saw, I would never harm you or allow harm to come to you. Whatever you saw must be some ruse. Perhaps we should think on that. If ever I hold my pistol to you, you may know that I have any motive other than harming you. I suppose this is a bridge we will cross in time."

He held and kissed her, his kiss quickly growing in passion. By Theah he wanted her again. He knew that she would be too sore, though, and he would have to console himself with the knowledge that he could have her if he wished. He held her against him, trying to will his erection away but having no luck. Her nearness, the feel of her skin, her breath on his neck all were working concert to keep him needy. He stroked her back lovingly, wishing he were an artist so that he could draw her. At length he made himself ask her, "Are you sore? I hope I did not hurt you too baddly. I know that a woman's first experiance is often painful, moreso if her lover is uncaring about her. I hope that I did not hurt you, it was my wish that you felt as little discomfort as possible from being with me."

He wanted her again so baddly. Just once more before the sun rose and broke their brief honneymoon. Just one more chance to make love ot her in a real bed before they were forced into woods and back alleys of Eisen and Montaigne. Her body was so beautiful, so delicate. He wanted her so very baddly. He could think of nothing else with her so close to him. he ran his hands up and down her back, resisting the urge to grab her ass, her beautiful ripe ass. He thought of her on her knees before him, entering her from behind. He thought of her breasts boucing against her body as she cried out in pleasure. He found himself running his fingers along her ribs, brushing his finger tips against her breasts. She had him, did she know? "You own me Alexandria. With a snap of your fingers you could have me. You rule my body. I want you so..." It was an open invitation, she could take it or not as she choose. He was hers and she his. They belonged together, in life and death she ould be his always. He found only joy in this idea...
Though Alexandria trusted Matthew with all her heart, with all her soul, hearing his words that he’d never harm her were indeed a welcome thing to hear. The reassurance only added to her resolve and faith in their love and bond as husband and wife. She’d never doubt again, not ever. Not a part of her would ever waver or falter. No. When it came to her Matthew, she’d trust him with all that she was. Mind, body and soul.

Alexandria was glad that Matthew wasn’t upset at the visions she’d had. Being half Sorte’ he knew the power of such things, the meanings. And, of course, he also knew there wasn’t anything she could do about them. They just were and they never lied. She was, however, glad to have him know about them. Perhaps it would allow them to solve the mystery behind them that much sooner.

Trying not to dwell on such things, given that their time together in such a way was short, Alexandria instead focused on how Matthew’s lips felt against her own. How his body felt as it pressed against her every contour, her every curve. Oh she could stay that way with him forever, if both time and duty permitted. But alas, it did not. The hours were passing by too quickly and she knew full well that such luxuries as they currently found themselves in would be few and far between, if existent at all, in the relatively near future. Who knew when they’d next have a proper bed? Or proper sleeping quarters? Or even a roof over their heads?

Kissing, touching, Alexandria could feel her Matthew becoming aroused. His blood-engorged shaft pressed firmly against her, but he kept himself in check, not wanting to push her too much since she’d only just lost her innocence to him.

His expression one of want and concern, Matthew the spoke, “Are you sore? I hope I did not hurt you too badly. I know that a woman's first experience is often painful, more so if her lover is uncaring about her. I hope that I did not hurt you, it was my wish that you felt as little discomfort as possible from being with me.”

Alexandria just smiled back at Matthew, her face full of love and longing. She truly felt lucky to have such a husband, one who cared about her as deeply as he did. Just as she was about to answer him, however, he spoke once more.

“You own me Alexandria,” Matthew began. “With a snap of your fingers you could have me. You rule my body. I want you so...”

Matthew’s words made Alexandria gasp. She’d never thought of herself holding any sort of power or sway over someone, let alone a man. This man. Her husband. The idea of that made her smile, made her feel special and important. Cherished and loved. Looking deeply into his dark eyes, she reached a hand up to cup his cheek. She moved to be closer to him, wanting no spaces between their bodies as they held each other tightly. She was indeed sore, but it wasn’t the sort that made her uncomfortable. Instead it was a reminder, a rewarding keepsake she could hold onto for a while so that she could keep the memory of this moment with her for a long while to come.

Smiling at Matthew, Alexandria then snapped her fingers and giggled softly. “Does this mean I can have you now?” she asked, a hint of playfulness resounding in her words that were full of the love she had for her husband. “I think I’d very much like that one more time before we sleep in each others’ arms,” she stated.

Nuzzling Matthew’s neck, Alexandria wrapped her legs about his body, allowing her own to move in ways that caused it to come alive with sensation and fire. The passion deep inside her core was beginning to flair causing her body to ignite, her sex to ache with want.

“Mmm…” Alexandria sighed as she nipped Matthew’s jaw line. “Yes. I’d very much like for you to take me. Please, my husband. Just one more time before the sun rises and we must be parted in body alone for some time? One more time before duty gets in the way?” Her pale eyes pleaded with him, letting him know that she was all right, that she truly wanted this despite the soreness. The moment and the pleasure outweighing it in large numbers. Giving him a sweet smile, she then whispered, “I love you, Matthew.”
darkangel76 said:
Matthew’s words made Alexandria gasp. She’d never thought of herself holding any sort of power or sway over someone, let alone a man. This man. Her husband. The idea of that made her smile, made her feel special and important. Cherished and loved. Looking deeply into his dark eyes, she reached a hand up to cup his cheek. She moved to be closer to him, wanting no spaces between their bodies as they held each other tightly. She was indeed sore, but it wasn’t the sort that made her uncomfortable. Instead it was a reminder, a rewarding keepsake she could hold onto for a while so that she could keep the memory of this moment with her for a long while to come.

Smiling at Matthew, Alexandria then snapped her fingers and giggled softly. “Does this mean I can have you now?” she asked, a hint of playfulness resounding in her words that were full of the love she had for her husband. “I think I’d very much like that one more time before we sleep in each others’ arms,” she stated.

Nuzzling Matthew’s neck, Alexandria wrapped her legs about his body, allowing her own to move in ways that caused it to come alive with sensation and fire. The passion deep inside her core was beginning to flair causing her body to ignite, her sex to ache with want.

“Mmm…” Alexandria sighed as she nipped Matthew’s jaw line. “Yes. I’d very much like for you to take me. Please, my husband. Just one more time before the sun rises and we must be parted in body alone for some time? One more time before duty gets in the way?” Her pale eyes pleaded with him, letting him know that she was all right, that she truly wanted this despite the soreness. The moment and the pleasure outweighing it in large numbers. Giving him a sweet smile, she then whispered, “I love you, Matthew.”

As she spoke these words Matthew felt her grinding her body against his thigh. He felt her pussy heating up and her moisture soon trailed up and down the muscle of his upper leg. "And I love you, Alexandria, more than anything. You should know that."

He slid his hand between them and caught her clit with his fingertips as she was in the right position. As she slid away his finger tips flicked her clit. He proped himself on his other arm and smiled as she caught onto the game. When she slid up high enough his fingers would catch her clit and she would drop again, causing her clit to turn up as it went away from his fingers. He smiled and kissed her deeply, allowing her to masterbat on his thigh and fingers.

He eventually rolled off, knowing she would be disappointed he said, "Trust me, I know what I am doing." he lay on his back and reached over to the table beside their bed and got a small knife. He manueved himself into the center of the bed and bade her climb onto him. He helped her, holding her by her hips and positioning her above his strong erection. It was best this way, since she was sore, she could control the thrust, and not go further than she was comfortable with.

He too had free access to her body, her breasts especially caught his attention. he watched the seductive way they sway with her motion. He reached up with both hand, grasping them with a gentle need. he played with her nipples and watched her face. "So beautiful, so special...mine." He felt her taking more of him into her, enjoying the heat and moisture of her sheath. He bite his own lip, holding back so as not to orgasm too quickly.

As he sensed her approaching her ultimate peak he handed the knife to her, trusting her to use it properly.
Alexandria’s body felt so warm as she climbed on top of her Matthew. Though she was sore, she wanted this moment with him more than anything. And she was saddened to know that soon this special time would be over. At that, she let him guide her on top, her body sliding over his like a fitted glove. She looked down into his eyes and smiled.

“So beautiful, so special… mine,” Matthew said as he teased Alexandria’s nipples and caressed her breasts. Just then, he handed her the knife.

Alexandria looked at the blade for several long moments, her body instinctually grinding itself against Matthew. Slowly, sensuously. She pushed aside the soreness as pleasure began its consumption of her body. Letting out a soft moan, she suddenly held the blade against his chest. She pressed it against his skin, though not hard enough to break the skin.

“Oh Matthew…” Alexandria sighed, her body responding to Matthew’s touches, the moment. Everything. She closed her eyes briefly, but it wasn’t long before she opened them. Pale eyes fixing themselves on dark.

Licking her lips, Alexandria slowly began to drag the blade along Matthew’s chest. She was mesmerized by the way his skin gave way to the sharp metal moving against it. It was hauntingly beautiful and the trust he was showing her. It was enough to make her break out into goose bumps. Breath quickening, heart rate increasing, she suddenly bit down on her lip.

Ever so gently, Alexandria pressed the blade harder against Matthew’s skin. Within moments, she saw tiny scarlet drops form where the metal met flesh. His life force looked like berries, resting against his chest. So sweet, so succulent, begging to be tasted. Without further hesitation, she leaned down and let her tongue slowly lap up the precious blood that was pooling where she’d cut him. The moment the liquid danced on her tongue, she felt her eyes roll back in ecstasy. He was decadent, beyond delicious. She was tasting his soul, his very essence.

He was her Matthew. Hers. And she loved him more than anything in the world.

Alexandria finished suckling Matthew’s blood off his chest. Propping herself up, she looked into his eyes, a trickle of blood still on her lips. “I love you,” she whispered, the intensity of her voice, her look… no words could do it justice. And no words could even begin to describe the emotions and sensations coursing throughout her veins as the blood of her beloved began to nourish her, become one with her body. Uniting their souls.
Matthew had played the game before, but Alexadria had not. She took to it immediately, though, as if she had thought about it before. Perhaps this had been one of her dreams, it was hard to say. What was difficult to discern was her heightened lust for him, it was evident in her look, the lust in her eyes. She wanted this, more than anything before.

He let his hands roam freely about her as she traced his chest with the knife's edge. He felt her sides, waiste, hips, and coming to rest on her lovely ass. Her sensual motions atop him were magnified in his mind be feeling her move, the muscles in her body responding her her own want. He heard her breathing quicken, felt her pulse racing, watched as she bite her lip in anticipation of the exstacy which she seemed to be staving off for want of more pleasure.

The blade bite his flesh, leaving a trail of fresh scarlet blood droplets. He hissed his pleasure, fighting and controling his own need as it rose so quickly with her. His hands sinched her buttocks, his fingertips would leave fresh bruises on her plaint flesh. Then she beant down and licked the blood from him, changing the angle of his penetration and pressing more of her weight onto his cock. He groaned loudly through gritted teeth won another battle to keep his body in check.

She sat back up, her lips red from him and a tiny trickle sliding down from the corner of her mouth. Her eyes were glazed over as she pronounced again her love for him. He could take no more. He reached up and took her, his palms on her back, and gently rolled himself on top of her. He kissed her lips, tasting the salty coppery blood and began to push himself inside her, finding the rhythem that would grant his release. He trailed kisses and nibbled down her her chest. On his elbows her pushed her breasts together and likced them, nibbling on her erect nipples. "I love you, Alexandria," he groaned as his breath met her skin, "I'm going to..." his last words were lost to exstacy.

As all Sorte' know, she knew the moment it happened. She felt their union producing new life inside her...
Alexandria’s breath caught in her throat when Matthew suddenly moved her to be beneath his body. She couldn’t help but moan as he nibbled at her flesh, licking and teasing her sensitive breasts in a way he knew would drive her toward the edge. Oh yes, he knew exactly how to touch her, what made her body blaze with need for him and him alone. Her Matthew. Hers. And she loved him so.

“I love you, Alexandria,” Matthew rasped, his hot breath caressing Alexandria’s skin in the most delicious way. She looked up at him, her pale eyes glazed with love and lust. “I’m going to…”

Matthew never finished his sentence. There was no need. As his voice trailed, Alexandria felt his body lose control, unleashing its seed deeply within the depths of her body, coating her thoroughly. The moment she felt his cock twitching, she lost it, her muscles tightening, milking him desperately as if they needed his seed to quench its burning thirst.

“Matthew… Matthew…” Alexandria panted, her hips bucking. Rising to meet Matthew’s as he thrust against her as they rode out their orgasms.

As they enjoyed their moment of bliss and release, Alexandria’s eyes suddenly went wide. Something had happened. A miracle. The most beautiful gift that any two joined souls could share.

Alexandria was with child.

Being Sorte’ Alexandria somehow knew it immediately. There was no guessing about it. In that moment of beauty, she and Matthew had conceived a child. She bit down on her lip just then, her pale eyes welling up with tears. A nervous giggle escaped her lips just then and she reached up to touch his face before kissing both his cheeks, his eyes, his lips.

“Matthew…” Alexandria began. “I want no secrets between us.” Again, she kissed Matthew’s lips, her own turned upward in a bright and happy smile. “This night you have given me the greatest and most sacred of gifts. You, my love, have made me a mother.”
He rolled onto his back, pulling her close and breathing laboredly from the effort. Her words caught him off guard but were otherwise welcome. He knew she could sense the moment of coneption since he had so many dealings with Sorte' in the past. A wide range of emotions hit him at once. He was thrilled to be with her and that she was going to have a child. He was also worried for her and their child. They were going into great danger, how could he protect her and their baby while completing such a harrowing task.

"I am overjoyed at the prospect of being a father, but..." he thought hard about how to say this, "the task before us will be difficult and now dangerous for three instead of two. Perhaps we should try to get you some sort of armor."

His mind was a whirlwind of thought and emotion. How could he justify taking her with him and endangering their child? He struggled wishing he had a plan. If he had some of his old comarades with him, she would be safe with them. He thought and thought but could not come up with a proper plan of action. "We need help. Perhaps that is what your vision was about. We should look for help when we make port."
Alexandria felt a pang of pain tear through her heart when Matthew voiced his worry over the news she’d just broken to him. Before this moment, she’d never really given much thought to motherhood. Her mind had always been occupied with the Daughters of Sophia and the tasks they’d set before her to accomplish. It had been on her previous situation when her brother had still lived and had more or less kept her prisoner. Since meeting her love, her world had turned upside down entirely. And now she found herself preoccupied with things she never would have expected. Love, a man she would die for and now… a child.

Alexandria just hoped that Matthew wasn’t upset over what had just happened. It had obviously not been planned. But for some reason, whatever it may be, the cards fell as they did. She hoped he truly wanted this baby they now were responsible for on top of their search for Montague. Though she’d only just conceived, she found herself loving the child intensely already, thoughts drifting a little toward the future. Would it be a boy, a girl? How would fate weave her web about the child? So many questions, so many worries. But the love would be steadfast and strong despite it all. The one true constant as everything about her was chaos.

Looking into Matthew’s eyes, she nodded. “Yes, I do believe something to protect our child will be in order.” She paused a moment and contemplated his mentioning of assistance. It wasn’t a bad idea at all, especially now. Times would only become more difficult and the chances they’d have such luxuries as they did aboard the ship were slim to none. “Yes, perhaps we should.”

Alexandria hoped they’d be able to find someone trustworthy once they reached port. Time was crucial now. Being in the early stages of pregnancy, she would be most vulnerable. The sickness would come, high risks of losing the baby if she didn’t take it easy. In a way, it was infuriating, but they had no choice and she would not compromise her child, a creature she was already loving with all of her heart. A baby that was half her, half Matthew.

“Matthew?” Alexandria then asked. “You’re happy about this, right?” Her pale eyes pleaded with him that he would be, but in her heart she wanted to hear the truth. Even if it was something she didn’t want to hear. Regardless, she knew her Matthew would love their child. But at the present, she needed to know for some reason. She couldn’t explain why and wouldn’t bother trying to understand it either. Looking into his dark eyes, she licked her lips, her body tensing ever so slightly as she awaited his answer.
Matthew pulled Alexandria close, his gesture telling her he was happy, but that wasn't enough. He knew she needed to hear what was going on in his mind and that he needed to share it. He had to organize these thoughts, making sure what he said was what he meant.

"Yes, I am very happy. I am happy you are pregnant, that we will have a child. I am concnerned with the timing, thats all. If it had waited...but it did not and now I must protect you both. I am capable, just concerned, as I should be. Now rest. You will need your strength and food is you are to succeed at both the Queen's task and carrying out child."

He caoxes her to sleep. When she awakens anew it is to a knock on their door. "Honeymoon is over, lovebirds. Your back to work in ten."

Matthew Smirks, "No rest for the wicked, my love. We will resume our alone time again, I am sure." He watches her get dressed while he gets dressed himself. Obviouse from his reaction is that he wants her again, but there is no time. As they enter the dining hall for their first and most of the men's last meal they get good natured cat calls and some fun made at their expense. These are sailors, after all, but it is not meant to be taken baddly. They do the same to each other, so really its like they are a part of the group...
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