Rescueing Montague: A 7th Sea Romance (darkangel76 & doom)

Re: Rescueing Montague: A 7th Sea Romance (darkangel76 & doo

Alexandria’s pale eyes went wide when Valroix told her about the road block. She knew without a doubt that the road block’s purpose was to find her brother’s killer. No doubt Marcus’ henchmen had spread the word swiftly about the swordsman who’d murdered him. The whole thing made her blood turn icy cold causing her to shiver a little.

Unfortunately, only Alexandria and Valroix knew the full truth of what had transpired in that alley. Not to mention the horrible things Marcus had done to her prior to the incident. But it would be her words against those of her brother’s most loyal. And who was she? She was a woman. And one of Sorte’ blood. She knew she wouldn’t stand a chance had she’d dared to protest anything against the swordsman.

Swallowing, Alexandria turned toward Valroix. Being of Sorte’ blood, she knew she’d have certain advantages, if they dared try and sneak away from the scene unfolding before them. She wondered if Valroix would let her assist, let her try and use her special abilities to save them from an unknown fate. There was only one way of knowing.

“We’ll never get by them,” Alexandria spoke in response. Her voice soft and calm. “We can’t risk you being found. We’ve come too far for our quest to end so early. I cannot allow it.” She licked her lips just then as she mustered up the nerve to suggest her plan for escape. “Sir, I am Sorte’. With that comes advantages…” her voice trailed and she moved closer to the swordsman. “If you stay close, we have a good chance of getting out of here undetected. But you’ll have to stay very close.”

Alexandria’s voice had dropped down to the barest of whispers as she finished speaking of her plan. She knew Valroix had understood what she’d been talking about, that as a Sorte’ she could use Glamour to hide them both from sight. But her abilities had their limitations. Moving even closer to the swordsman, she felt her breath catch, go erratic. Face flushing, she took a hold of his hand and placed it about her waist, her body somehow fitting against his in a way she hadn’t expected.

Again, those heated dreams filled Alexandria’s mind. Being so close to Valroix made them move to the forefront of her thoughts, made her body come alive. A strange want washed over her and she couldn’t help but wonder if he felt it too.

Looking deeply into Valroix’s eyes, Alexandria then said, “Just hold me… and no one will see us. Only we will be aware of the others’ existence.”
Re: Rescueing Montague: A 7th Sea Romance (darkangel76 & doo

Alexandra slid effortlessly into his lap and put his left arm around her waist. As she did so his right hand went up to cradle her head at the base of her skull. He was so gentle, so caring and this was magified by what she knew he was capable of on the opposite end of the spectrum.

He looked into her eyes and found that what he had thought was simply the beginnings of enfatuation was indeed love. He felt it like an artisian well, from deep withing his being, from his soul, and it sprayed forth from him, showering them both in its warmth. He could not contain it, even if he had wanted to.

As men opened the carriage doors and gave it a halfhearted search, Matthew pressed his cheek against hers and whispered so that only she could hear. "I love you Alexandria. I cannot help it. Forgive me, I will always love you." He felt a sense of relief as the words passed his lips. He knew that they were true, and he also knew that there was no way she could possibly love him in return. Oh but if she could! He would love her forever, until the stars burned out and there was nothing left but time and his great heart filled with love for her. She was his other half, the part that had been missing in him his whole life. He needed her, like air or water, he needed her. How could he face life without her? His hands and arms clung to her as if he would fall off the planet without holding onto her.

He kissed her cheek as the carriage began to roll again. He looked into her eyes, yearning for some glimmer of hope that she might one day find a way to love a wretch such as he.
Re: Rescueing Montague: A 7th Sea Romance (darkangel76 & doo

Alexandria moved into Valroix’s lap, her body molding to his as if it had been specifically designed to fit him and only him. The thought made her blush a little, wondering what else between the two of them would fit. Given the dreams she’d had, she was certain that everything between them would. And perfectly.

Valroix wrapped his arms about Alexandria just then, his touch so tender, so gentle. A stark contrast from the lethal way in which they’d moved when she witnessed him fighting her brother and his henchmen. The fact that he could use his hands to kill one moment and then hold her in the manner in which he was made a wave of intense heat wash over her entire body. The heat settling somewhere deep between her legs.

Alexandria’s eyes locked with Valroix’s ever so briefly before he pulled her close, pressing his cheek against hers. She held her breath when she felt him breathing against her ear, so warm and inviting. She had all she could do not to tremble right there in his arms. Her thoughts about her dreams becoming more and more vivid with each passing moment.

Suddenly, Valroix whispered in Alexandria’s ear, "I love you Alexandria. I cannot help it. Forgive me, I will always love you."

Alexandria’s pale eyes went wide as Valroix’s… Matthew’s… words registered in her mind. Were her ears deceiving her? Did she hear the swordsman… Matthew… correctly? As his words flowed into her, she could no longer think of him so distantly. Despite the dreams, she’d tried hard to hold composure, to let fate run its course. But his words covered her like a thick, warm blanket. So soft and soothing. So very wonderful. They made her tummy flutter and she could no longer hold back the shiver that ran along her spine, her limbs.

Matthew kissed Alexandria’s cheek, causing her to close her eyes so that she could focus on the feel of his lips against her skin. It was nice. It felt right. Opening them, she felt him pull back so that he could look at her. She had no doubt that he was looking for some sort of reaction to his words. For acceptance?

Her heart pounding, Alexandria felt the carriage begin to move once more. But Matthew’s words seared her soul. Her dreams, her visions, slowly unfolding before her, beckoning for her to follow the path to make them reality.

Voice lost, pale eyes wide, Alexandria just stared into Matthew’s eyes, letting herself become lost in them. Biting her lip, she leaned forward, her forehead touching his for the briefest of moments. She took a few shaky breaths, her body igniting, coming alive in ways she’d never experienced. Her arms shifted slowly, finding their way about his middle and she hugged him.

Smiling, strong emotions consuming her whole, Alexandria looked into Matthew’s eyes once more, her own so expressive. Taking a chance, she leaned in and gently brushed her lips against his, nibbling just a little on his lower lip as she pulled away.

“There is nothing to forgive, Matthew. Nothing…” Alexandria’s voice was the barest of whispers as she spoke. At that, she leaned against Matthew, her head resting against his chest as her arms held onto him tightly, allowing her to stay close to him, and for as long as he’d permit.
Re: Rescueing Montague: A 7th Sea Romance (darkangel76 & doo

It was a long tense moment for him as she stared into his eyes. He thought perhaps she was searching for truth in them, and she would of course find it. She stared and stared, finally she moved and pressed her forhead to his. It was such an intimate touch, one he was not used to. He had no way of knowing what he was suppose to do in return.

He felt her arms ancircle his torso, and then unexpectedly she kissed him, a bare brushing of lips and then she nibbled at him. He wanted to stop himself but he could not, he kissed her back. His own kiss became empassioned as her bosy was against his. He wrapped her lips in his own, testing her to see if she would allow his tongue entrance. He continued kissing her, it felt so good, so right. It was as if he had never kissed a woman before, not really. The intensity of their kiss became hotter as he reached under her skirts, feeling the bare flesh of her thighs.

She managed a whisper between kisses.

“There is nothing to forgive, Matthew. Nothing…”

He knew this meant she would return his love. He grew bolder, kissing her again and maneuvering her so that she sat astride his lap. He continued, kissing her deeply, and getting very hard in his trousers. He wanted this, the expression of his love for her would be their coupling. It was heated, and he knew he could take her, she would not stop him.

In his mind he thought of the first time he had seen her. He remembered that he had thought her a common Jenny and now he was treating her like one. he pulled back, breathing very heavily, hardly able to take in air. "No, not...not like this. You deserve more. I cannot, I will not soil you." He gently lifted her back up and sat her across his lap sidesaddle. He held her tightly again, his grasp needful. "You deserve to be married. I do not know if you have been before, I have not. I must get things in my life right, I am not yet worthy of you. If ever I am, and if you would have me, we should be man and wife before we make love."

The carriage bumped against astick or something else along the road. It jostled them, and broke their stare at each other. He continued to hold her, making sure his body took the brint of any force. He could smell pitch tar and salt air now, he knew the docks were close. They were ushed from the carriage to a wheel house, where a ship was under repairs. The driver introduced the owner as a Vesten. He looked the part, large and broad, wearing a helmet made with horns. Matthew looked up at him, but showed no fear.

"I am Matthew Valroix du Martese. The Lady is a Sorte', and we have come to barter passage aboard your vessel. Name your terms."

The broad man hefted and chuckled. His hair had more grey than Matthew first saw, and perhaps his face had more lines. You didn't meet many old Vesten, they preferred to die young in battle. "Passage you say, to where?"

"The Northern Coast of Eisen." Matthew replied.

Suddenly the man was less jovia. "Three month trip around the northern horns."

"I understood you were making it anyway." Matthew countered.

The Vesten bowed slightly to Alexandria. "Fate witch don't normally go so far north. Why?"

Matthew cut him off, "Speak to me, sir. Our business is our own. We are willing to barter."

"Service aboard the ship, you as man of arms and she as fortune teller. She gives all my men a destiny spread. You bear arms against any who confront us, even your countrymen, agreed?"

Mattew looked as Alexandria for some confirmation that she would hold up her end of this bargain. If not he could counter offer.
Re: Rescueing Montague: A 7th Sea Romance (darkangel76 & doo

Alexandria was touched by Matthew’s words. His telling her that he thought too much of her to take her right there in the carriage even after she could tell that he was fully aroused and ready to have his way with her. And though it was more than apparent that she’d let him do so if it was truly what he’d desired, her own desire for him very plain, he still stopped, telling her that he wanted to marry her first. If she’d have him.

Marriage. The idea, though something Alexandria wanted desperately, seemed like a dream she’d never realize. Marcus had made it seem like she’d never find someone to share her life with. It had been his plan to keep her single for as long as possible, ensuring him an heir to their family’s fortune, keeping her under his thumb to abuse and control. But, her brother was dead now. She was free. Marriage was something she could have now and she wanted it. She wanted it with Matthew. Her Matthew.

Just as Alexandria was about to answer Matthew, tell him that she wanted him, wanted to be his wife, the carriage went over a bump. As they were jostled about, their intense gaze into each others’ eyes was broken, the moment lost. But she smiled inwardly as he continued to hold her tightly against him. Their conversation was far from over, just merely on hold.

Alexandria knew that they were nearing the docks as the salty smell of the sea filled her nostrils. Within moments, the carriage slowed and then came to a stop. Their driver escorted them to the nearby wheelhouse where they were greeted by a Vesten.

Alexandria eyed the Vesten warily, keeping a calm demeanor despite the anxiety she felt inside. Whether or not Matthew noticed her unease, she had no idea, but he seemed content enough to do the talking and she was glad of it. As the two men conversed, her mind wandered a little, recalling the dreams she had not too long ago. Dreams centering on both herself and Matthew.

As Alexandria thought on them, her heart began to race. They’d been heated dreams, dreams filled with passion, lust, love. But… she’d nearly forgotten, so caught up in the moment. Her eyes widened a little at the recollection, as she remembered the one dream where Matthew, her Matthew, had held a pistol aimed at her. Was he going to kill her? Surly not. He couldn’t. He wouldn’t. Would he? Her heart said no, but the vision was quite vivid. There was no mistaking what she’d seen. Would fate separate them after bringing them together? Would it be so cruel? She hoped not. Calming herself down, she bit down on her lip, deciding to let things unravel as they may. She couldn’t stop what was to come any way.

Suddenly, Alexandria snapped out of her reverie, the Vesten’s words sinking into her brain. Matthew looked over at her, his expression asking her for her thoughts and opinions on the matter. She gave him a nod. A destiny spread for each of the Vesten’s men was more than reasonable nor was it all that draining on her person. Taking a deep breath, she waited to see what Matthew would say to the Vesten who was so anxiously awaiting their reply.
Re: Rescueing Montague: A 7th Sea Romance (darkangel76 & doo

Their bargain struck, Matthew and Alexandria are lead onto the Vesten boat. They are shown around, and find it to be a mixture of the tradational Vesten Long boat and a more modern vessel. Despite the Vesten clinging to tradation, they seem to modify that tradation when the notion is military at sea. There are comfortable interior cabins for the officers, and the captain offers them his own. It is assumed that they are a couple since they travel togther and she is Sorte'.

Matthew closes the door and resists the instense urge to kiss her. He wants to so baddley, she will easily see it on his face. He has his honor to think of, though, and more importantly her own. He goes about unpacking his meager possessions. He has only one change of clothes, a pair of pistols, a musket, and sniper's belt, his guitaar, and some oddes and inns. He pulls a chair over to the door and then eyes her luggage.

"Do you need help with your unpacking?" He hopes she will say yes so that he can at least be of use to her. He either watches her or helps her at her choosing. He waits for her to broach the subject he had brought up in the carriage. He is not sure whether or not her silence is rejection, and does not want to loose heart without an actual statement of her unintentions. While waiting, he opens another line of discussion.

"I wish to give you one of my pistols. I can teach you to shoot it easily enough. Honestly, while the captain seems and honorable man, I cannot say the same for his crew. If I am overwhelmed you should at least make them pay for what they take from you." He eyes her now with a mixture of love and pain. His pain is from the fact that she had yet to bring up the subject from the carriage and is magnified by the fact that he fears he may not be able to protect her.
Re: Rescueing Montague: A 7th Sea Romance (darkangel76 & doo

Alexandria entered the Captain’s quarters along with her Matthew. The room was rather spacious, much more than she expected it to be. She’d prepared herself to be ready for the hardships of travel, expecting minimal comfort in most cases, so this was an unexpected treat and immediately made her smile. Oh yes, she planned to take full advantage of this situation since she knew coming across such accommodations would be few and far between.

Alexandria looked over at Matthew who seemed to be inspecting the room somewhat as she glanced around. He then closed the door behind them and placed a chair against it, obviously to give them some privacy as well as provide them with a bit more security. When he looked back over at her, she felt her skin get warm, her cheeks turn pink. She knew that the Vestens thought them to be man and wife, else they’d more than likely have arranged for them to have separate rooms. She wondered what they’d think if they found out otherwise. Thinking on such things made her mind wander to Matthew’s earlier proposition of marriage. Oh how she found herself wanting just that. To be his wholly and completely.

Smiling, Alexandria’s reverie was suddenly interrupted by the vision of Matthew pointing a pistol at her. It made her freeze. Would he really want to kill her? The idea of such a thing made her heart ache. Surely the vision had been wrong. But it was clear as crystal, as vivid as a crisp winter morning. She bit down on her lip, choosing to dismiss the dream. She couldn’t think on it. Not now.

“Do you need help with your unpacking?” Matthew suddenly said.

Alexandria blinked her pale eyes and gave Matthew a smile. “Please,” she answered and gestured toward one of her many bags.

As they unpacked Alexandria’s belongings, her mind began to drift again. Her eyes constantly glanced the single bed in the room. The bed that they’d have to share as she couldn’t let her Matthew sleep on the floor. No. She wanted him to hold her, to be near her. But would he if they weren’t married? Even if she promised herself to him for all time? Surely, he’d grant her that at the very least.

Wanting to continue their conversation from earlier, the one about marriage, Alexandria stopped what she was doing and looked at Matthew as he moved about the room with her things. Her pale eyes were wide, crystalline pools of emotion, saying so much without saying anything at all.

“Matthew, I…” Alexandria began. But her words were cut short.

"I wish to give you one of my pistols,” Matthew said, interrupting Alexandria. “I can teach you to shoot it easily enough. Honestly, while the captain seems and honorable man, I cannot say the same for his crew. If I am overwhelmed you should at least make them pay for what they take from you."

Alexandria gave Matthew a nod. “If it pleases you, I will do as you wish,” she stated, trying to make it plain that his wishes and desires mattered deeply to her. As her eyes fixed on his, she saw that something was troubling him, but she couldn’t quite tell as to what it was. Feeling her own anxieties, she then added “But before we get into that, I need to speak to you about something.” She paused a moment, taking a deep breath. “I wish to speak to you about the words you uttered in the carriage.” She could feel her cheeks turning pink as she remembered their kiss, the way his hands felt on her body, his words expressing his desire to make her his wife. Her eyes suddenly became wet with unshed tears. Nervously, she pushed some of her dark hair over her shoulder. “I wanted you to know that I wish to be yours mind, body and soul. That, if you’ll have me, I am yours for the taking, that I wish to spend my days with you and you alone.” She walked over to him and touched his cheek with her delicate hand. “You are a worthy and honorable man, Matthew Valroix du Martese. I do hope you haven’t changed your mind about me. You have but to say the word and I will never speak of this again.”

Alexandria averted her eyes and gave Matthew a low curtsey, showing him honor, respect as well as devotion. She felt her breath catch as she lowered her posture before him, her mind hoping, yet thinking on the vision of him readying himself to kill her. Maybe, just maybe, she could avoid such a fate. Then, even if she couldn’t, at least she’d have some happiness before dying.
Re: Rescueing Montague: A 7th Sea Romance (darkangel76 & doo

“But before we get into that, I need to speak to you about something.” She paused a moment, taking a deep breath. “I wish to speak to you about the words you uttered in the carriage.” She could feel her cheeks turning pink as she remembered their kiss, the way his hands felt on her body, his words expressing his desire to make her his wife. Her eyes suddenly became wet with unshed tears. Nervously, she pushed some of her dark hair over her shoulder.

Here it comes, he thought, she will tell me she cannot marry me. She will make some excuse, make it sound gentle and kind. I must be strong, I knew it would never work.

“I wanted you to know that I wish to be yours mind, body and soul. That, if you’ll have me, I am yours for the taking, that I wish to spend my days with you and you alone.”

He was shocked. He must have heard her wrong. How could she want him? He was a hopeless drunk, barely human and certainly not a man. He had put on a good show, he had pretended to be a man, but in truth he was merely a shadow, a wraith who could hardly be considered worthy of praise let alone love. Yet it had been just like the Romantics had claimed it would be, he had fallen in love with her. He had no control over it when it happened, and it had been so fast. It was like when he was a boy and had fallen in the well. He hardly had time to realize it was happening befre he had splashed into the water. This had been the same. One moment her was alone in the world and the next he was falling and the next he was in over his head in love.

What small hope he had harbored was now fanned into a flame. Surely he had heard her incorrectly. Surely she wasn't professing love for him. It wasn't possible. Sure she may be attacted to him, find him pleasing in form and function, but he was kidding himself if he thought someone so elegant, so completely perfect for him could possibly actually love him. It was more than he deserved. He was completely taken aback, his face showed surprise, shock, awe and hope all at once.

She walked over to him and touched his cheek with her delicate hand.

Her delicate hand felt him, touched him. She was serious! She was professing for him exactly what he felt for her. It wasn't possible. He must be dreaming! But her touch was real, warm, and sensual. He felt her, and he knew that was impossible in a dream, wasn't it? Now his heartbeat rose as he thought that this might actually be happening. The impossible was coming true. He choked on whatever words were trying to escape his lips.

“You are a worthy and honorable man, Matthew Valroix du Martese. I do hope you haven’t changed your mind about me. You have but to say the word and I will never speak of this again.”

His eyes were now filled with tears, he was shocked, his hands shook - no his whole body shook. His mouth was dry and he felt like his heart was in his throate and his tomach at the same time. How? How can I be worthy...horoable? How? NO! What is past is done, and right now all that matters...

"Alexandria..." He knelt before her, taking her hands in his own. "I do not know how this is possible, that you could think me worthy and honorable. I cannot understand it, explain it, even fathom it. Right now, I don't care, I just know it. I know that my mind, body, and soul are already yours. They belong to you and you alone. Here and now I swear to you, by all that I am, that I will never leave you. I will never be unfaithful to you. You are like air, I cannot live without you. I was drowning in my own depression, you rescued me. I cannot ever make that up to you, but I will never stop trying." He kissed the back of both of her hands, gently and lovingly. "Theus help me Alexandria, I love you. I had no idea what that meant before you. I thought it was just wanting someone, but its not. Its giving to them. I give you everything I have, everything I am. I do this freely and of my own will. Your merest whim is my very command. I," he felt tears falling down his cheecks, washing away the terrible things, the guilt and depression her felt - that had infected his soul! He wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling his head to her flat warm stomach and just holding her ever so closely. He words were chocked now, pushed out between his tears. "was nothing before you. I was a shadow. You have made me real. I am yours, for all of time, I belong to you. I accept you, I take you for my own. You will never want for anything I have or can provide, this is my sworn promise to you, my love, my all."

There came a knock on the door. At first he ignored it, but it became more insistant. "We have barely unpacked, what need have you of us?"

The voice from beyond the door spoke. "The Captain says the Sorte' is to begin her duties. The men want their fortunes read."
Re: Rescueing Montague: A 7th Sea Romance (darkangel76 & doo

Alexandria felt her heart literally stop for a moment when she saw Matthew’s expression, his entire manner, suddenly change. She could tell that he his mind was working, trying to decipher the words she’d just uttered. Had he changed his mind? The idea of that made her tremble. And though she feared the vision of him readying to kill her, she could not shake the feelings she now had for him. And even if she could, she had no desire to do so. For to die by his hand would be sweeter than dying by another’s. However, none of that even mattered. That thought was secondary to the feelings flooding her as she waited for him to say something. Anything.

Suddenly, Matthew knelt down on the floor before Alexandria, taking her hands in his. Watching him place himself in such a vulnerable position nearly caught her off guard. It made her dizzy as she began to realize what he was about to say. Happy anticipation washed over her, running along each nerve fiber of her body. Trembling, her lips began to quirk up into a smile. And then his words came… words of love and loyalty. Words expressing the sincerest devotion. It was so overwhelming; so much more than she thought was possible. As she listened to him profess himself to her she felt like she was about to faint. But the thought of falling, collapsing into his arms hardly seemed like something she’d wish to avoid. In fact, it was something she wouldn’t mind in the slightest.

At that, Alexandria’s heated dreams rushed to the forefront of her mind. She could feel her Matthew’s caresses and touches, his lips on her own. She could hear the sound of his voice as he demanded that she beg for him. Her skin flushed just then as a warm feeling settled deeply within her core. This moment was too good to be true. And Marcus was dead and gone, no longer that wraith standing guard and keeping suitors away. She truly was free. Free to make her own choices. Free to choose Matthew.

Just as Alexandria was about to reach for Matthew, just as she was about to speak, there was a knock on the door. Blast! Immediately, she scowled.

Matthew pulled away from Alexandria, but it was clear he was just as annoyed as she was. With a grunting sigh, he shouted, “We have barely unpacked, what need have you of us?”

Alexandria swallowed. She was fairly certain she knew what the Vestens wanted. It was what all men wanted whenever they found themselves in the presence of a Sorte’. Their destinies read to them.

"The Captain says the Sorte' is to begin her duties. The men want their fortunes read," the voice from behind the door shouted back.

Alexandria let out a long, slow exhale. Her conversation with Matthew would have to wait. Again. It was pure torture! Hanging her head a little, she moved to retrieve her cards from one of her bags. When she found them, she slowly, almost reluctantly, headed for the door. As she twisted the knob, she turned her head a little, her pale eyes connecting with Matthew’s dark ones. She gave him a smile, her heart swelling beneath her breast. She hoped she’d be able to speak more on this matter later, when her duties were fulfilled. At that, she blew him a kiss and exited the room.

For some reason, it felt strange to be parted from Matthew though he wasn’t very far away. She’d always been independent, even more so due to her brother’s restrictions and constant hovering. So such feelings were knew and strange. Typically, she’d be angered by it. Upset to be feeling such things. But she wasn’t, it was quite the opposite. Fate had shown her the way to Matthew and she was forever grateful for that. But what struck her even more was that he was ‘unbound’. He was truly choosing her, usurping Fate’s fine tugs and pulls on the threads of all who were tangled deeply within her web. It made his profession that much dearer. That much more wonderful.

Trying to steady her breath, Alexandria walked over to the Vesten who had come to fetch her. He gestured for her to follow him, to follow to where she’d be doing her destiny spreads for the crew of the ship. It would be long and grueling to read them all. She just hoped that the men would accept what Fate had in store for them and not take things out on her as it sometimes happened. She was merely her messenger, not the one pulling the strings. Often times, she needed to remind those she read of this fact.

Once they approached the small area set up for her to do the readings, Alexandria began to shuffle her deck. She took her seat and looked upon all those who’d already gathered around, anxious and eager to be the center of her talents. She looked to the Vesten who’d escorted her and nodded.

“I’m ready to begin, Vesten. Who shall be first?”
Re: Rescueing Montague: A 7th Sea Romance (darkangel76 & doo

Alexandria completed her hours of labor and returned wearily to the cabin she shared with Matthew. He was not there. Everything was neatly arranged and placed in a way that a man would if he were trying to make things appealing for a woman. He is good at it, but not exactly as good as a woman would be.

She has time to change and bathe if she chooses, before his return. There are no tubs on board, but there are sponges and soap with the wash basin, so she can clean her important parts under her clothing. This is more than she will have if they are treking through the wilderness, and she is aware of that fact.

Matthew comes in and is sweaty and his hands are raw. He has clearly been working the rigging, a skill most intenrant sailors possess. It seems Matthew has speant time on board a vessel before. He enters quietly, hoping not to disturb her if she is sleeping. Seeing her awake he smiles, a true smile, one that brightens his entire face. The smile is for her alone it seems. "Was it a trying day? For me, I hardly remember the time I speant away from this room. Its like I was flaoting..."

He looks at her with surprising sincerity. "It is within the Captain's power to marry us. I do not have a proper ring for you. In fact you have seen all my earthly possessions hre in this room. If you wish to wait for one, I will understand."
Re: Rescueing Montague: A 7th Sea Romance (darkangel76 & doo

Exhausted from performing the tasks demanded of her, Alexandria made her way back to where she and Matthew were to stay while on board the ship. She’d managed to read nearly one third of the crew and was thankful that they’d graciously accepted whatever it was she had to tell them since some of the spreads she did had outcomes that were less than desirable. Fate just was and the fact that the Vesten crew seemed to understand this made things that much easier on her. It meant she didn’t have to fear their reactions, the possibility of one of them lashing out and making her pay for something she had no control over whatsoever.

Alexandria rubbed at her blue eyes. She’d never done so many readings in such a short time. Despite the crew being honorable in allowing her to tap into her skills and tell them their fortunes, they were relentless in how quickly they demanded answers. They’d have kept her going if she hadn’t nearly collapsed from fatigue and begged for them to let her rest. Perhaps they’d be easier on her in the days to follow.

When she reached the door to the cabin, Alexandria twisted the knob and entered. She closed the door behind herself with a happy sigh, thankful to be given the chance to rest. She glanced about the room, but Matthew was nowhere in sight. However, it was clear that he’d wasted no time in arranging their things. It made her smile to see how wonderful his attempts were. He’d put much thought into the placement of everything, yet another trait of his she found herself loving.

Stretching, Alexandria walked over to her bags holding her clothing. In one of them she found her nightdress. It was white and made of cotton, a lace-up ribbon worked its way along the bodice’s front, ending at the scooped-neck collar. She quickly changed into the garment, carefully laying her clothes and underthings on the bed. Across the way, she saw a pitcher and basin, along with some soap and a sponge, and immediately took the opportunity to wash herself. Such luxuries would be few and far between as they traveled. So she planned on taking full advantage of anything she could, not taking a single thing for granted.

Alexandria poured some of the water into the basin and picked up the sponge. She submerged it into the water, lathering it up with soap. She then began to wash her body, wiping away the grime of the day. Hiking up her nightdress, she lifted one leg and rested her foot on a stool. Bringing the soaped up sponge to her leg, she gently rubbed it along her thigh to her knee and down along her calf. She scrubbed and rinsed and repeated with her other leg. She moved on to her nether regions, taking great care to clean her more private and intimate parts. Lastly, she pushed up her sleeves and washed her arms, followed by her bared chest and neck. It felt nice to be able to wash, even if it had to be done without the means of a tub.

Once clean, Alexandria put everything away and back in its place. She then discarded the dirty water from her washing and rinsing. Feeling somewhat refreshed, though still very tired, she fixed herself and walked over to the bed. Turning down the sheets, she got into the bed and snuggled deeply under the covers. The moment her head hit the pillow, she drifted off to sleep.

Alexandria’s eyes snapped open the moment she heard the door creak open. She sat up in the bed and smiled when she saw Matthew walk in. He looked as though he’d been working quite heavily, his body drenched in sweat, his hands rough and raw.

"Was it a trying day?” Matthew asked, genuinely concerned for Alexandria’s state of being as well as mind. “For me, I hardly remember the time I spent away from this room. Its like I was floating..."

Alexandria nodded in understanding as she pushed the covers down and made to stand up. Her white nightdress hung loosely over her slim, but shapely body, her chest bared due to the low cut of the gown’s collar.

Matthew just looked at her, his expression sincere, serious. "It is within the Captain's power to marry us. I do not have a proper ring for you. In fact you have seen all my earthly possessions here in this room. If you wish to wait for one, I will understand."

Matthew’s words were more than Alexandria could have hoped for. Smiling brightly, she walked over to him and placed her arms about his middle. “A ring is but a symbol of connection, nothing more. A piece of metal with a price. Would you place a value on a bond that we share? Would you define it as such?” She looked up into his eyes, her own blue ones watering ever so slightly. “I do not need such trifles to prove I am your wife. The ring can wait.”

At that, Alexandria pressed herself close to Matthew and nuzzled up against him. She was beyond elated. He truly wanted to marry her. And soon, it looked like they’d be man and wife.
Re: Rescueing Montague: A 7th Sea Romance (darkangel76 & doo

He was actually glad that the bed clothes covered her as he entered the room. The reason is when he saw her standing before him in the light, his rational mind shut down. The cotton was white and almost sheer. Her skin, a healthy cream color, stood out against it, and the effect is opaque, giving him hints of what was beneath as she strode into the pool of light thrown off by oil lanturn.

His jaw dropped as he gawked at her walking towards him. When she got closer her could clearly see her nipples, and aurolas, as they were much darker than the cotton, as well as the triangle of pubic hair she sported below her waist. He flet his mouth go dry, and his lips numb as she came closer. he was forced to rest against the door for fear his legs might not support his weight.

She wrapped her arms around him and he felt her warmth and smoothness beneath the gown. He reached around and felt her ass with both hands, taking a firm grip on her as he pulled her against his now growing erection. Oh Theus, I want her! I need her. This is torture, how am I suppose to guard her chastity when I myself want to take more than any man alive?

He beant his face to hers and kissed her. His passion began to consume him. Why did they need vows to another? Had they not already made them to each other? Wasn't a marriage just a ceremony which bound two people together? Weren't they already bound in such a fashion?

His kiss had light a fire in him, and now it was on the cusp. If he allowed it to continue to burn it would consume him whole and take her honor with it. He already knew she would give into his seduction, she had made that plain. Could he do that? Wouldn't that just make him the fiend he had believed himself to be, the man he had just worked so hard to overcome?

He made his decision with unbelieveble willpower. He gently broke their kiss. "Alexandria, I want you, more than anything, more than I have ever wanted anything. He put two fingers to her lips, "But I must not give into this temptaion. I must wait and make you my wife. It is the honorable thing to do, I must protect your honor. In the morning, we will rouse the captain and beg him to marry us. Until then, I will hold you, but we must not touch each other in an unseemly fashion."
Re: Rescueing Montague: A 7th Sea Romance (darkangel76 & doo

Alexandria pulled away slightly so that she could look up into Matthew’s dark eyes. She gave him a smile and felt her tummy flutter as he leaned closer, pressing his lips firmly against her own. He kissed her passionately, with more feeling than he had shown her earlier when they’d kissed in the carriage. It was one of such longing and desire, making her feel special, cherished, like the wife he claimed he wanted her to be. His hands then began to roam her body causing her to gasp, making her breathe hard and fast. The sensations she felt as he touched her, they were simply exquisite, lighting a fire deep within her soul.

Suddenly, Matthew pulled away, breaking contact with Alexandria’s lips. She found herself letting out a small whimper at the loss of contact and bit down on her lip to quiet the soft sounds.

“But I must not give into this temptaion,” Matthew whispered, bringing two of his fingers to Alexandria’s lips. It was as if he anticipated her protest. Protests she knew she’d utter had he not made the gesture to quiet her. “I must wait and make you my wife. It is the honorable thing to do, I must protect your honor. In the morning, we will rouse the captain and beg him to marry us. Until then, I will hold you, but we must not touch each other in an unseemly fashion."

Alexandria smiled at Matthew. His words and actions were more than endearing. She also found them to be rather admirable. He was a far cry from the man she’d originally thought him to be when she first laid eyes upon him. He’d been a drunk, treated her abhorrently, thinking her nothing but a woman of the night. The fact that he respected her said it all. It made her feel like the most important thing in his life, which was something she hoped for.

“I understand and I admire your will to protect both our honor,” Alexandria spoke, her voice soft, the barest whisper. Cheeks flushed, she smiled at Matthew. “Tonight you shall hold me. Tomorrow you shall have me.”

Alexandria nuzzled Matthew’s neck and hugged him tightly. She then pulled away and slipped back into bed, pulling the covers up and around her body. She looked over at Matthew, the blush still rather apparent on her face, and smiled.

Feeling a bit bold, she grabbed a hold of the blanket’s edge and turned it down slightly. The gesture exposed part of her leg as well as the mattress. She rested her hand on the empty space beside her and locked her gaze with Matthew’s.

“Will you hold me, my love?” Alexandria asked. She hoped he’d oblige her for it wouldn’t be long until they were married and thus free from the rules of society’s eyes. “My bed is cold without you here to warm it.” She paused a moment, nervous that he’d deny her only because he feared the temptation of being too close. She understood the fear, for she felt the temptation as well. But like him, her resolve was strong. It wouldn’t be long now. “Please, my love. Hold me. Let this be the first request you fulfill for your… “ Her voice trailed and she smiled, “Your wife.”
Re: Rescueing Montague: A 7th Sea Romance (darkangel76 & doo

His wife. The words made his pulse quicken. "Yes, but I am sure you don't want to lie beside a swaety pig. Let me bath first." He took off his shirt, again hurting because he had drunk away all his guilders instead of spending them on good clothes. He would have two choices of which shirt to get married in, and neither were appealing. He got to it, washing his chest, under both arms, and his face. He got rid of as much of the grime and sweat as he could, hoping it would be enough for her to accept him. When he was finished he came over and tennatively climbed into the bed with her.

He lay on his back beside her and held his arms open, inviting her to lay in them with her head against his chest, against his heart. The covers drawn up and the rock of the ship made short work of his ability to stay awake. His sleep was fitful...

In his dreams she was crewl. "You thought someone like me could love someone like you? Your a filthy beast, a drunken slob of an insect. I was using you, and now I laugh at you." And laugh she did, joined by a chorus of those he had never met. He was confused, had she not just expressed her love for him? Told him she wanted to be his wife? As if reading his mind she answered, "I was using you. I needed a steady sword hand to guard me, and you were the easiest mark. I used you and now I am leaving you to wallow in your own filth." She laughed again and his heart sank, broken, into his stomach.

He tried to say something, but his mouth wouldn't work. He tried to shout, but when he opened his mouth the only sound was of a distant cannoball being launched...

He sat bolt upright in bed shouting "No! NO! NO!" He looked at her, awake now from his shouting. "How could you be so crewl?" There were tears in his eyes and clearly he was still living in his dream.

There was a boom from outside the ship. This woke him completely and he looked at her mortified that he had only been having a nightmare. The boom, though was unmistakeble. He stated the obvious, "We are under attack." Then the bell sounding general quarters came. "I promised to help defend the ship." He said saddly. He knew that defending the ship was defending her, but if he had to choose, he would choose her without a second thought. He pulled his shirt and boots on quickly and retrieved his weapons. He looked back at her. "Your Sorte' will be helpful. I don't want you outside this room, though. I want you safe, but I know you will come. Stay close to me, I will not allow harm to come to you."
Re: Rescueing Montague: A 7th Sea Romance (darkangel76 & doo

Alexandria couldn’t help but softly chuckle at Matthew’s words. She’d accept him in any way he came to her now; it wouldn’t matter to her in the slightest. His sweat hardly bothered her, but she had no objections to watching him bathe either. Her eyes lingered on each spot the sponge got to touch on his body. One day soon she’d be able to touch all those places and more. The very thought made her skin feel hot and she found herself longing for him to touch her in the ways he did in her visions.

When Matthew was finished, satisfied that he was clean enough, he walked over to their bed and got in next to Alexandria. Sensing his hesitance, she gave him a reassuring smile, letting him know that she more than approved of his lying beside her. After all, it was she who requested that he hold her, as his wife, in the first place.

Alexandria nestled herself deeply under the blankets, her body close to Matthew’s, though not nearly close enough. She wrapped her arms about him and she rested her head against his chest. The slow and rhythmic rise and fall of his chest as he breathed, the gentle thumping of his heart. It was so soothing, so lulling. Hugging him tightly, it wasn’t long before she fell into a deep, deep slumber.

Suddenly, Alexandria was awoken to a loud noise. Her pale eyes snapped open and she turned to look at Matthew who was sitting up, his expression worried, angry. The way he looked at her made her shrink back a bit in fear. Was he angry with her? What had she done? The last thing she’d said to him was that she wanted him to hold her. And she was certain that such a request was hardly the sort of thing to set him off. Her eyes wide, she reached out to touch his arm. Again there was a loud noise, it sounded like a canon.

Matthew shook his head and blinked, his eyes focusing on Alexandria. She gasped, realizing that he must’ve had a bad dream to speak so coarsely to her only moments ago.

“We are under attack,” Matthew said.

Alexandria sat up, her arms moving about Matthew in a sort of embrace. Just then a bell rang from the outside. She bit down on her lip, fearing the worst.

“I promised to help defend the ship,” Matthew added, his tone sad and distant. He got up out of the bed and grabbed his shirt and boots, quickly putting them on.

Alexandria didn’t hesitate, she got out of the bed and went immediately to Matthew’s side. She looked up into his worried face, her own expression clearly stating that she wasn’t leaving his side.

Matthew just looked at Alexandria. "Your Sorte' will be helpful. I don't want you outside this room, though. I want you safe, but I know you will come. Stay close to me, I will not allow harm to come to you."

Alexandria let out a small sigh. “I’m glad you understand, my love. I cannot and will not leave you.” She gave Matthew’s arm a squeeze before she went to put on her own shoes. She then grabbed her cloak, placing it on her body and pulling the hood up over her head. “I will try my best not to get in the way. I won’t do anything overly foolish, I swear it.” She took his hand in her own and kissed it fervently. “Just let me know what I can do to be of use to you. I will help you until there is no breath left in my body, if it comes to that.”

Alexandria gave Matthew a smile before placing her lips against his. She kissed him hard and passionately, fearful that she might not get to taste his lips for quite some time. She needed the imprint, the memory of their touch before they ventured outside their quarters to face the unknown terrors on deck. When she finally broke their kiss, the reluctance more than noticeable, she hurried to their door.

“We must make haste, I do not wish them to think you aren’t upholding your word to help,” Alexandria spoke, her pale face fraught with worry for her love.
Re: Rescueing Montague: A 7th Sea Romance (darkangel76 & doo

Matthew surrendered to her kiss, adding his passion to her own. He felt his body rising, growing hard at her touch and her kiss, insistant that that make love soon. When she tried to withdraw, he put his hand behind her head in a gentlely keeping her in the kiss. He added his tongue, knowing he was pushing things further than he should given his promise not to take her before they were married. It was all he could do to allow her finally to leave his embrace.

She called him her love, so gentle and reassuring after the terrible images of his nightmare. She did love him, he had nothing to fear...or she was a very good actress. He refused to allow himself to believe that. She was his love, if she did not love him in return, it would be too much to bear. He realized he would anly know, really know, once they had completed the mission she had given them. Rescueing Montague du' seemed a fools errand. How could he hope to accomplish something so...impossible. Only with her love, and even that he had the nagging doubt of in the very back of his mind.

As she made her way to the door, he stated, "Perhaps you could bless some of the deck crew, and curse those who attempt to harm us if it comes to that." He wanted to tell her of his dream, of his fear and doubt, but there was no time, another cannon ball made a loud explosion in the water near their ship. The other ship was finding its range.

She spoke of haste and his word, and he knew he had to leave the safety of this room. His last words to her before they opened the door, "I love you more than life itself." And then he walked out with her into a nightmare.

The Ship's Sorcerer was attempting to call up a fog bank to hide them. Matthew looked about on the deck and saw more than one ship coming toward them in a coordinated way so as to box them in. Matthew found the Captain at the helm. "What flag do they fly."

The Captain's answer was terse and practically spit out, "Vendel."

Matthew looked about. Neither ship was in range of his rifle. He asked the Captain, "Where do you need me?"

The Captain gave him a strange look, but then pointed to the firing deck. "They say you were with Montague, at his famous stand. You would be best help there, with the archers. We do not use black powder weapons, they are against our beliefs. You may use yours, though. Kill whatever comes into range."

Matthew nodded. He pointed out the sorcerer, at the prow by himself. He was drawing something on his forearm with a knife. She knows how Vesten make their sorcery, by drawing runes on their skin in their own blood. He is calling on the Grumvater, the deity the Vesten worship, for aid. "Perhaps you can bless him. If he can create a fog, we can hide in it and maybe outrun them. Its a chance..." Clearly Matthew thinks it is their only chance. The other vessels are more than a match for the primative weapons of the Vesten. Sorcery is what levels the playing field here...
Re: Rescueing Montague: A 7th Sea Romance (darkangel76 & doo

Alexandria nodded at Matthew’s words. As soon as she got on deck she’d seek out the Weather Sorcerer and give him a blessing. For the briefest of moments, she considered the idea of altering fate, turning the tide of the battle. It could be done, but at a great price. She knew things would come back at her; they always did when tampering with fate. And it wasn’t something she wanted to deal with unless she had to. For now, she’d take the simpler course of action. One that could still help them tremendously without causing her to suffer any pain.

Another cannonball struck the water causing the waves to crash against the boat. Alexandria found it difficult to keep her footing as the boat rocked about. She felt as though she’d stumble each time she took a step. Fearing a fall, she reached to hold onto something, anything. She held fast to anything within her grasp that was still solidly attached to the vessel.

Alexandria heard muffled shouts all around her as the crew and captain began telling Matthew where they wanted him. She couldn’t make out the words, but she felt her heart stop for a moment when she saw where he was heading. He was being placed on the front line. He looked at her, his gaze intense and pointed out where the Weather Sorcerer was. She looked up and found the wizard easily. He was bellowing some sort of chant. She couldn’t make out the words, but she had an idea of what he was doing. Such magic wasn’t completely foreign to her. Her eyes immediately took noticed of the blade in his hand as he carved symbols into his flesh. A blood price for the spells being cast.

Alexandria looked again at Matthew, her pale eyes telling him that she loved him deeply. To stay safe, to return to her once the battle was over. She knew she wouldn’t be able to stay parted from him for very long. If he was going to die, then so was she and their quest to find and rescue Montague would be taken up by another Daughter Of Sophia.

Swallowing, Alexandria looked again at the Weather Sorcerer. Setting her jaw she moved closer to where he was and prepared herself to say a blessing specifically for him, to aid him in his spell casting. She closed her eyes for a moment, to help her concentrate, to block the chaos that was unfolding all about her. When she opened them once more, feeling strangely calm, she looked up at the Weather Sorcerer. He looked down at her as if on cue; their eyes locking for only a second but it was enough. She mumbled her blessing and immediately noticed a thick fog beginning to form. The low clouds were dense, chilling to the bone. Shivering, she pulled her cloak tightly about her slim body for underneath all she had on was her nightdress and a pair of shoes. She was hardly dressed for battle, but it would have to do. She had no choice given the surprise of their attack.

Fearing for Matthew and desperately needing to be close to him, Alexandria felt satisfied that the Weather Sorcerer would now be able to successfully cast any spell he wished. Now her task was to be by her love’s side. To bless those placing their lives at risk on the front line. Anything to aid them in what they were about to encounter.

“Matthew!” Alexandria shouted as she raced to be nearer to him. The adrenaline coursing through her body made her hands shake, her teeth chatter. When she saw him she let out a small sigh of relief. Again, she closed her eyes, trying her best to clear her head, to get herself ready to bless the men engaging in battle.

When Alexandria opened them, she could see Matthew’s threads of fate. Threads she couldn’t touch, couldn’t affect. It was beyond frustrating to know she couldn’t help him in some way like she could the rest of the crew, her abilities useless in aiding him. He was unbound. Every decision he made was his own. Every little thing that happened in life unaffected by everything save his own will and wish. Heaving a sigh, her pale eyes sought out those of the men on the front line. Running closer to the battle, she allowed her eyes to drift over and lock onto those of as many as she could, mumbling her blessings to each and every man daring enough to look back into her own.
RE: Rescueing Montague: A 7th Sea Romance (darkangel76 & doo

The futhest ship broke off it's persuite, but the closer of the two remained on them. It seemed intent on a fight despite the fact that there was a weather sorcerer aboard. As Alexandria blessed the front line, Matthew gave her a solomn nod and mouthed his love for her.

The Laerdondum stepped up as well, carving another rune onto his skin and pointing with his knife. A searing bolt of lightening smashed into the other ship's main mast, splitting it in two, causing it to limp through the sea and setting fire to the main deck. After that, he collapsed from exhaustion.

One of the arrow man beat his chest and the others joined in. They were feeling the effects of her blessing and it was charging them with strength and hope. The tide had turned. It was subtle, but it was there. Where she had been looking into hopless eyes, now she saw victory and courage. They began a war chant, filling the hull with their baritone voices. Matthew, swept u in the moment, joined them. At the last moment the attacker verred off, taking the better part of valor.

A throbbing Huzzah rose from all throates, save Matthew. He stood stoically, watching their enemy in retreat."They fly Montainge flags." Is his reply if asked for the reason he doesn't celebrate. The captain is overjoyed, kissing Alexandria on both cheecks and pumping Matthew's hand like a mad man. "Anything you want, just name it. Without you two on board, we would not have survived this. I will not forget that, I don't forget my friends."

Matthw smiles and replies, "We have a request. Marry us. Now, right now." The Captain is pbviously taken aback by this request, and looks to Alexandria for confirmation. "Is he serious? Do you want be married?"
Alexandria smiled weakly as she witnessed their victory in battle. But she also noticed the solemnity of her Matthew, his expression almost that of sorrow. She looked across the way at the retreating ship. They were from Montaigne. Closing her eyes for a brief moment, she wished those retreating a safe voyage home. Whether or not her thoughts would have an impact mattered little given their current situation, but it made her feel better all the same. She just hoped it would help her love cope better with what had just happened, that he'd been force to fight against his kinsmen.

As things slowly began to settle, the crew and Captain elated over their victory, Alexandria began to make her way to Matthew's side. She couldn’t stay far from him, not even during the midst of battle. She'd wanted to be right there, right next to him. But she knew he wouldn't have that and it meant everything to her to see that he was happy.

When Alexandria reached Matthew's side, she gave him a smile, her pale eyes saying so very much. She wanted him to know that she understood his sudden sadness at having fought against his own and that she’d be there for him if he needed her. Just then, the Captain walked up to her. He smiled quite broadly as he took a hold of her and kissed her gently on each cheek, thanking her for her aid. He then turned to her love, shaking his hand with such joyous gratitude.

"Anything you want, jut name it," the Captain began, his eyes sparkling with gladness at their win. "Without you two on board, we would not have survived this. I will not forget that, I don't forget my friends." His voice was laced with joy.

Matthew looked down at Alexandria who stood beside him and then back at the Captain once more. Smiling, he said, "We have a request. Marry us. Now, right now." His voice was full of desperation as it nearly pleaded with the Captain to fulfill the request he just made.

The Captain's eyes went wide. Sputtering he turned to Alexandria. She felt her heart racing beneath her breast. Would they finally be legally bound to each other? It was too good to be true! Looking at her, he asked, "Is he serious? Do you want to be married?"

Alexandria nodded. "Yes, Captain. Very much so." She couldn’t help but smile as she spoke the words. Instinctually, she linked her arm with Matthew's, standing as close to him as she could. Looking up into his eyes, she added, "There is no better time than right now. Please…"
The Captain looks pensive, but is willing to comply since you both seem ready. He asks Matthew for the lether cord he uses to tie back his hair, which Matthew gladdly gives over. His hair is longer than she may have guessed, giving him a much less serious look when it is down.

The Captain asks them to join hands, and then he threads the cord around their wrists in a figure eight, then he begins tying a very intricate braided knot. "The Vesten consider the law of marriage sacred. Once bound together, the Grumvater will not easily allow the union to be disolved. Stories of men and women seperated for years only to be rejoined through the power of this bond abound in my culture. It is not a bond to be taken lightly. We have no means of divorce in my law, so once you are bond, it is for life. Do you accept this bond and vow to each other?"

Matthew answers with an enthusiastic and immediate yes. Assuming that Alexandria also answers yes the Captain continues. "Let all within the sound of my voice bear witness to the union of this man and this woman. Let all present swear to uphold and defend this union. Let all present know and remember this day as the day that Alexandria and Matthew became one, a unified whole rather than unfulfilled seperate entities."

As these last words are spoken, the sun rises above the waters, castig a bright glow onto their union. The crew, with one voice, lets out a "So Swear We All" to the Captain's admonishments. Vesten, it seems, take marriage very seriously. Alexandria can feel a magic being placed into the knot which now binds them. The magic moves quickly from the knot to them both, as the Grumvater blesses their union. Once so blessed, the union cannot be disolved without bringing the Grumvater's curse down upon them.

Matthew's mood has now brightened considerably over a few moments ago when he fought against his countrymen. He knows that it is very likely that he will have to do this again, but right now he has been married to Alexandria, in the old Vesten fashion, and he knows that their union cannot be disolved. He knows now without any doubt that she truely wants him and loves him.

The Captain concludes, "In honor of your union, I grant you reprieve from duties aboard this ship until the next sunrise. Go and be with each other. Love each other, make love to each other with the blessing of the Grumvater and all those aboard this vessel."

A rousing HuzzaH is heard and loudly echoed by each member of the crew. Matthew turnes to Alexandria and taking her face in his free hand he gently but passionately kisses her. He then lifts her into his arms and carries her to the cabin they now share as man and wife. He carries her across the thresh hold...
Alexandria stood next to Matthew, the Captain presiding over them, binding them together as one in marriage. Her entire body felt warm and light as he spoke the words leading to their union. And honestly, she couldn’t be happier. The battle was over and victory was theirs, which though it saddened her love that he had to fight against his countrymen, left the entire crew in good spirits. It made the atmosphere for their impromptu wedding absolutely perfect. And with the dark glittering water all around them, the scenery was just breathtaking. She couldn’t have asked for a more romantic setting.

The ceremony itself was a total blur. Alexandria was too caught up in the emotion of the moment, her heart overflowing with love for her Matthew. She couldn’t believe that they were finally getting married. It was a dream come true. She had to admit that it seemed like fate was trying to get in the way. That it was angered by the fact that Matthew was unbound and trying to find a way to weave him to its intricate web. But now that they stood there together, their hands linked with cord, making their souls one, she knew that fate had stayed away and let things fall where they may. She knew she belonged with Matthew. Her dreams were proof enough of that. Just then, a tiny shiver ran along her spine as she recalled the things they’d do together, the pleasure and love to be had.

Smiling, Alexandria found herself saying ‘Yes’ when asked if she accepted the bond between herself and her love. She could feel the magic running between the two of them. Never had she felt closer to Matthew, never had she felt such love. Suddenly there were shouts of joy echoing all around her. They were married. They were one.

Just then, Matthew pressed his lips against Alexandria’s. Her tummy fluttered at the intensity of the kiss. It was one of passion, of love, of lust. Everything. She kissed him back just as fiercely, letting him know how strongly she felt toward him, how consumed she was by this joyous moment.

Suddenly, Alexandria felt her feet leave the ground. Matthew was picking her up, taking her into his arms. Immediately, she rested her head against his shoulder, giving him an affectionate nuzzle. She’d heard the captain say that they had until the next sunrise to be together without interruption. And from the look in Matthew’s eyes and the speed in which he carried her back to their quarters, she knew full well that they’d take advantage of the small amount of time granted them.

Matthew gently set Alexandria down on their bed once inside their quarters. She looked up at him above her, her heart racing. Giving him a smile, she placed her hands on either side of his face, her fingers gently brushing at his hair.

“I am yours now, Matthew Valroix du Martese. Though I’ve always been yours.” Alexandria could feel herself blushing as her skin became warm. “You are my heart and my soul. Now and forever until my last breath is taken from me.” Gently, she pulled Matthew close until she was finally able to touch her soft lips against his own.
They kissed again as man and wife, and Matthew felt free. He had total freedom now - all the worries and cares he previously harbored had totally dissapated with their union. He now needed feel no remorse at taking her as he had wanted to, no guilt or shame since they were married, and no burden that she may no love him. All those nagging voices were silenced. She had freed him from the shackles of alcohol as he had freed her from her brother. Together they could take on the world, and they would have to. Today, from sun up to sun up, there was nothing else, no Montague, no quest, nothing but her.

He lay her in the bed they could now share as husband and wife, and he lay beside her. He untied the cloak she wore and opened it, revealing her nightgown and her desired body. "What shall we do now, my wife?" His question was a teasing one, he knew what they would do. He stood beside her and removed his shirt and boots as he had before, only this time he did not stop. He dropped his trousers to, exposing his manhood to her. It was plump and long but not too long. It seemed as though it would fit perfectly inside her body. His testicles were swollen and heavy with sperm.

He crawled back into bed with her and slide her nightdress up to her waist. He looked at her glorious womanhood, the quivering flesh that would assept his cock. He ran his hands over her thighs and kissed them, first left thenright, until he reached her center. He could feel the heat from her flesh and smell her aurosal. He licked her greedily, lapping at her juices like a man dying of thirst and she the only source of water. When he parted her lips he saw her maidenhead. He felt a stab of guilt, knowing he would cause her pain.

He bit his lip and looked up at her, "Alexandria, this is going to hurt. I cannot change that. I can however offer you a choice. Should the pain come from my hand or my manhood?"
“What shall we do now, my wife?” Matthew asked. His words made Alexandria’s heart race, her tummy flutter. He called her his wife, and the effect of calling her by such a name was so very profound. It touched her deeply, causing the love she felt for him to roll off her body in waves. She wondered if he could sense it, feel it.

Matthew was an unbound. The webs of fate were unable to touch him or sway him, their influence all for naught as far as his future was concerned. It made Alexandria wonder how fate had been so kind to her, allowing her to cross paths with such a man. And to think that he chose her. He had his pick, unable to be swayed by anyone or anything. Yet, here he was with her and only her, his body above hers as their eyes locked together.

Matthew looked down at Alexandria as he untied her cloak, making her body shiver in delightful anticipation. Underneath the garment, she still wore her white nightdress. The flimsy material was thin and soft, revealing most of her body to his scrutiny without so much as removing it from her person. She looked up into his eyes, her husband’s eyes, and immediately knew he was baiting her. Despite that, she didn’t mind. In fact, she rather liked seeing this side of him, seeing him so free. She watched him, transfixed, as he began to slowly remove his clothes, not stopping until his body was fully revealed. And oh, he was magnificent.

Alexandria couldn’t have asked for a more desirable husband. He’d proven himself in more ways than one. He had honor, loyalty, valor. She knew she could trust him with her life… but that dream, that vision. Surely there was more to that than what fate had allowed her to see.

Interrupting Alexandria’s thoughts, Matthew crawled into their bed. He gently slid her nightdress up her body, revealing her flesh to both his eyes and his touch. Breathing heavily, hoping he liked what he saw, she licked her lips as he began to kiss her thighs. The sensations were beyond exquisite as her body was slowly set ablaze, her arousal becoming more and more noticeable. She could feel the burn between her legs as her juices began to flow. Her body knew what it wanted and she trusted him implicitly. She knew that with the pleasure there would be pain. But she knew he’d make the pain as minimal as he could, that he wouldn’t have it any other way.

Closing her eyes, Alexandria suddenly felt a rush of pleasure wash over her body. Matthew’s mouth was on her sex, his tongue licking and teasing, tasting her thoroughly. His ministrations only further aroused her body, making the want and desire she felt for him that much more. Never before had she felt such a thing and it was unlike anything she’d ever imagined.

Whimpers of euphoric bliss escaped Alexandria’s lips as Matthew worked her sex, arousing her further. Suddenly, he pulled away and softly said, "Alexandria, this is going to hurt. I cannot change that. I can however offer you a choice. Should the pain come from my hand or my manhood?"

Alexandria fully understood, having already anticipated the pain that would inevitably come. But the fact that Matthew was so concerned, enough to vocalize them, it made her heart soar. She gave him a smile as she reached down to gently caress his face.

“My love, I’d prefer to be forever altered by joining with you as a man and woman most naturally would,” Alexandria began, her body on fire. “I want you to make love to me, your eyes looking into my own, seeing the love I hold there for you as I give you the gift of my body. A gift, I’m glad you accept and will hopefully take many times over.”

Alexandria blushed as she stared back up into Matthew’s eyes. Swallowing, she waited for him to reassure her, to whisper more words of love and desire as he readied himself to take her. Anxious, she spread her legs wide and let her body relax as her heart thumped beneath her breast. Again she smiled and gave him a nod letting him know she was ready for him.
He whispers to her of his love, his devotion, and his need. He sets her ablaze with his words of desire. He caresses her flesh with his breath and her mind with his want. He rested himself above her, on his right arm. He was between her open thighs, his left hand rested on her breast. He becomes a little impatient as he removes her nightdress so that he can feel her flesh against his own. When it is off he sighs as he touches her breast, molding the flesh to his hand. he lickes her nipples, sucking each one in turn, his eyes always on hers. He feels elated, his joy seems boundless as is his love for her and devotion to her. Looking up into his eyes she sees a love she thought only her father could have for her, but different in that it is edged with a lust, a wanton need for her.

The tip of his cock nears her entrance. She can feel heat radiating off of it. She can feel it pulsing with a life of its own. It strikes her that he is about to put a livig part of his body into her, a part that is hot and pulses with life. He touches it to her outter lips, teasing her with it. he reaches down and guides it to open her lips but to go no further. "Beg me, Alexandria, beg me to make love to you. I want to hear your words, your sweet words of want and need. Tell me how much you want it, you crave it in you. Tell me what you will give me for it."

He waits, patiently, forcing her to beg longer than she thought necessary, but he just smiles and bids her continue, he is enojoying it far to much to allow her to stop. Finally he seems prepared. He repositions himself slightly, and with as much calm finessess as he can muster he pushes through her barrier and stops. He waits, waits for the pain to subside, waits for her to feel the pleasure he can bring her. Then he slowly, achingly slowly, buries himself inside of her. He opens her, fills her, touches every part of her inner being. He is hot, hard, and male. He takes her, looking down into her eyes, her thighs caressesing his sides she feels every muscle in him sliding beneath his skin. His slow pace is maddening, but he refuses to quicken. he simply enjoys her body, not eager to end this.

After a great length of time he begins to loose his control. His pace does quicken and in time he looses his rhythem. Later she will be able to tell the onset of his orgasm by this loss of rhythem, but this first time it surpirses her. He moans loudly as his body releases, spewing his seed against her cervix. When he is spent he rests on top of her, holding her as she holds him...
As Matthew spoke words of love, his voice a mere whisper as his mouth brushed against her ear, Alexandria shivered in anxious delight. She was nervous, but she trusted him. More than anything, she wanted to join bodies with him, become one as she knew they were meant to be. Her eyes connected to his as he touched her body, obviously relishing the feel of it against his palms. She was glad that he found her so pleasing. Never had she felt so desirable and so cherished at the same time.

Suddenly, Matthew moved to remove Alexandria’s nightdress. She felt her body tremble a little, worried that he wouldn’t be as pleased with her once her flesh was fully exposed to his view. Only he put that worry to rest as he smiled at her approvingly, his eyes still locked onto her own, unblinking and intense. As he smiled, he leaned forward, placing his mouth against her breast, his tongue tasting and teasing her nipple.

Alexandria’s eyes rolled back as Matthew feasted on her breasts. And she let out small gasps of pleasure as her body began to tingle in response to his actions. As he lavished them with attention, she didn’t even realize that her legs were spreading for him. It was as if they knew what was coming, anticipating their union. Just then, she felt something velvety hard caress her between her legs. She knew what it was and what it wanted. The heat she felt rising was making her writhe underneath him and she didn’t know how long she could stand it.

"Beg me, Alexandria,” Matthew then stated. His expression was beyond serious and his tone, though loving, still dripped with command and control. “Beg me to make love to you. I want to hear your words, your sweet words of want and need. Tell me how much you want it, you crave it in you. Tell me what you will give me for it."

Breathing so hard, she was panting, Alexandria’s pale eyes went wide. Beg? She had to ask? Was this a game? Clearly, Matthew could see both the lust and love in her eyes. So why he wanted her to beg made her mind spin. Thinking to call his bluff, she bucked her hips against his only he just looked down at her and smiled, his stiff cock perched against her entrance, though unmoving. Biting down on her lip, she now knew he wasn’t joking. He was serious. He wanted her to beg.

“Please, Matthew,” Alexandria whispered. “Please…” her hips bucked up against his causing him to rub ever so gently against her clit, making it throb. Whimpering, she looked pleadingly into his eyes. “Make love to me, my husband, my love. Quench this fire burning within me. Please…” her voice was becoming desperate as the dull ache began to rise to unbearable levels, her juices pooling between them.

Matthew continued to smile at Alexandria. He coaxed and teased, forcing her to beg him more as her body showed him its want and need.

“Matthew! Take me… please! I beg you end this agony!” Alexandria cried out, her nails digging into his back as she clutched onto him tightly.

Finally, Matthew gave Alexandria what she wanted and needed. He allowed himself entry into her body though he took care to take his time. Though she felt ready, she appreciated this gesture immensely and it didn’t take too long for the pain to subside. As it did, he began a slow rhythmic thrusting of his hips.

Taking in all the sensations of being joined with Matthew, Alexandria locked her eyes with his. She was unable to look away, to blink. All she could do was stay with his gaze and let her body feel. He was offering her so much as he took her and she wondered if he truly realized this. As he thrust, she began to move her hips along with his, meeting them with loud slaps as they continued their erotic dance.

Matthew suddenly began to thrust harder, his moans growing louder. The sound and feel of everything sent shocks of excitement coursing through Alexandria’s veins. Her skin was flushed and heated, her body responding and desperate. She knew climax would be upon her soon and it was the most thrilling thing she’d experienced.

Just as Alexandria was about to let go and scream out her release, Matthew shouted out his own. She could feel him unleash his seed deeply within her body, coating it thoroughly, making it reek of all that was him. She smiled at the thought of it. She wanted to be his in every way, for everyone to know it. As he finished, she bucked her hips and let herself go, succumbing to the pleasures his body had given her. Her orgasm was hard as her muscles clenched about him, her hands holding onto him tightly.

As they both settled from the exertion, Matthew rested his head against Alexandria’s shoulder. His weight was heavy and wonderful on top of her body. And she knew she’d miss it when he finally got up or rolled over. Enjoying the moment, she allowed her hands to caress his back lightly hoping that they could remain in each others arms for quite some time. Hugging him tightly she smiled.

“I love you, my husband,” Alexandria whispered.
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