Rescueing Montague: A 7th Sea Romance (darkangel76 & doom)


May 10, 2010
Alexandria DiRosilia strode the streets of Avalon's capital, Camelot. Camelot was a modern metropolis, complete with gas lights and hanson cabs. Underneath this facade, though, is a land ruled by superstition about a people called the Fey. The Fey are a powerful group, not quiet human, who once ruled these islands, but have for the most part, passed out of this reality. Despite this they left their mark in the form of magic and superstition. People put pennys in their shoes to ward off the fey, the only speak of "the Goodly Folk," they throw salt over their shoulder, and the like.

Alexandria is well aware of this heart beating below the surface, for she has fey blood in her own veins. She passes rain barrels and the occasional Jenny plying her trade. She is heading for a particular Inn, one she has been told she can find a particular man named Matthew Valroix du Martese. Matthew is perhaps the greatest swordsman alive, at least one of the four best, but he has been slumming it for the last year since being dispossessed from Montaigne due to its ongoing revolution.

She pushes open the door and finds an empty bar save for a scraggly looking fellow playing his Castillian guitar, and slurring the words to a song."I dunno...HAHAHAHA...I dunno. I dunnowhere I'ma gonnago when the Volcano blows. HAHAHA" He reaches for a mostly empty bottle and drains it. Then he shouts "I thought I told you to keep em coming you fat fuck!" He throws the empty bottle at the bar tender, who ducks it and says "Yes sir, Mr. Valroix."

The bar tender goes for a fresh bottle shaking his head. Looking again Alexandria realizes that this could be the man in the picture she was given, though he didn't seem to have shaved, much less bathed in a month. Moving closer she sees a half dozen empty bottles at his feet. He begins strumming his guitar again, his weary bloodshot eyes are unfocused as he seems to be thinking about something far away. The new bottle is placed in front of him and the bar tender mumbles about how at least he is drinking since he has run all the other customers off.
Re: Rescueing Montague: A 7th Sea Romance (darkangel76 & doo

Alexandria DiRosilia walked through the dimly lit streets of Camelot, unaccompanied, face hidden by a black hooded cloak. The air in Avalon’s capital city was much cooler than what she was used to in her homeland of Vodacce. As she walked, her eyes tried to take in all of her surroundings. Who was what and who was where. As a part Sorte’, she couldn’t help but be paranoid, especially at that very moment. Her half-brother, Marcus, believed her to be staying at a heavily guarded temple paying homage to her deceased mother, who happened to be part Fey. If he knew she was wandering the streets at night alone, he would more than unleash his wrath upon her, something he’d done more times than she could count over the course of her life. And though she had the means to stand up to him, to actually do so would mean her own death. And now, more than ever, it was something she couldn’t risk. She had important business to attend to and she had every intention of seeing it done.

As Alexandria quickly made her way along the streets, trying her best to avoid the attentions of any and all passersby, she discreetly pulled out a slip of parchment and looked it over. On the paper was a rather detailed drawing of a man she’d heard could possibly help her on her quest, a skilled swordsman unlike any other, the best in all the land. Or so the rumors had gone anyway. Hiding the drawing in her cloak once more, she suddenly found herself standing in front of the inn she’d been made to believe he might frequent.

Slowly, Alexandria pushed open the door and stepped inside. Immediately, her senses were overloaded by the stench of alcohol. Crinkling her nose, she pushed her hood back and glanced about the place. It was deserted, so odd given the time of night. She expected it to be bustling, filled to the brim with all sorts of colorful characters. But alas, that was hardly the case. Quirking up an eyebrow, her pale eyes fixed on the scruffy man strumming what looked to be a Castillian guitar and singing in a rather drunken tone.

Her breath catching, Alexandria took another glance at the drawing she had hidden away. Biting down on her lower lip, she shook her head. It couldn’t be. It just couldn’t. But the resemblance of the man before her was remarkably close to that of the one in the drawing. Again she looked at the drunken man, eyes wide.

“Yes sir, Mr. Valroix,” the barkeep bellowed making Alexandria’s heart nearly stop. The name was familiar, was Montaigne in origin. Oh god… he was the one. She was sure of it. Every fiber of her being, her instincts, told her so.

Reluctant, yet so very desperate, Alexandria walked toward the drunken man before her. As she neared him, the smell of alcohol only became stronger. Hands shaking, she blinked several times before clearing her throat, trying to gain Valroix’s attention.

“Hello,” Alexandria began the moment the man looked up at her. Taking a deep breath, she leaned in closer to the man, her hot breath caressing his ear as she spoke. “I hear you are good with a sword.”
Re: Rescueing Montague: A 7th Sea Romance (darkangel76 & doo

darkangel76 said:
Hands shaking, she blinked several times before clearing her throat, trying to gain Valroixâ??s attention.

â??Hello,â? Alexandria began the moment the man looked up at her. Taking a deep breath, she leaned in closer to the man, her hot breath caressing his ear as she spoke. â??I hear you are good with a sword.â?

Matthew had a look characteristic of someone who had been drinking far too much for far too long. It was at first confused, as if she might not be real. Then she spoke and a grin spread across his inebriated face, along with an open lear. He looked her over, throat to thighs, before he actually met her eyes.

"Bon Jure, Madame', how may I be of service today?" Again his words slurred together and his face showed clearly he appreciated how she looked, perhaps too much. The service he had in mind would obviously include them being alone and nude.

She leaned in close and his lear became more pronounced, expecting her to enjoin his half veiled offer. Her words, though, changed his expression. She was here to hire him as a swordsman, and he was clearly disappointed for it. He reached around her for the bottle, taking out its cork with his teeth and spatting it on the floor opposite her. "A thousand guilders,"* he replied and took a hit off the bottle. "Before you bitch about the price, the only reason you came to me is because either you already hired a swordsman and he failed, or you tried and none would take your money. Either way the one you want dead must be one hell of a fighter, so its a thousand. I won't even get off this stool unless you've got the guilders." He took another look at her and said, "Unless, of course, your willing to put up something in trade. We could go up to my room and discuss what I would take in trade."

The bar tender obviously realized she was a sorceress, for he cringed at the crass treatment his patron gave. He put both hands on the bar, and looked like he was ready to shit his pants or run or both.

*Guilders are the common currency in Theah. An unskilled common laborer might earn 2 guilders a month, a skilled laborer 5, a craftsman with guild backing 10. A swordsman can normally charge between 20 and 50 depending on his level of skill and the opponent he is expected to kill. A thousand guilders represents a significant amount of money, probably equal to what one would pay for a coach and horse team outright, or even a small home.
Re: Rescueing Montague: A 7th Sea Romance (darkangel76 & doo

Alexandria couldn’t believe what she’d just heard. One thousand guilders? Was the man mad? Surely he thought too highly of himself. Yes, if he was indeed the man she’d been told about he was truly astounding in his skill. But even so, to ask such a price, even for one of his standing? It was outlandish, ridiculous! Just who in the hell did he think he was?

Pale eyes wide, Alexandria needed a moment to gather her wits. If she laughed, she feared the man would up and leave and that was something she just couldn’t have happen. But there was no way she’d pay such a price. Not in money nor in trade. It was quite clear what the man had meant when he slurred those words her way. She saw they way he looked at her, drinking in every part except for her face. Just once she’d like for a man to treat her with respect, as an equal. It was appearing that this man was no different from the countless others. Her own half-brother included in that long, sad list.

Squaring her jaw, Alexandria took a deep breath and let it out on the softest of sighs. “My eyes are here, sir,” she stated, her voice unwavering. “And I think you ought to hear me out before you boast and speak of trades and other diabolical means of payment.”

Alexandria’s blood was boiling, but she knew she had to choose her words carefully. If he truly was the Valroix of legend, she had to make him listen and somehow understand without divulging too much. She had to make him help her even if he seemed far from being able to do so.

“If you are who you claim, you must prove it to me,” Alexandria spoke, hoping her words fueled the smallest spark of a fire within the drunk who stood before her. “As you are now, you do not live up to the legend that is your namesake. You dishonor it.” She paused a moment, trying to read Valroix’s expression. “If you are who you claim, then meet with me tomorrow night. Clean, sober, ready. If you can prove yourself, then perhaps we may discuss your payment.”

Alexandria glanced at the barkeep who stood there silent, jaw dropped to the floor. She wondered what the poor man was thinking, if anything. He seemed so utterly stunned that she almost wanted to laugh. But her pity for the poor fellow kept her from doing so. Looking back at Valroix, she licked her lips and waited to see what he’d say in response to her statement.
Re: Rescueing Montague: A 7th Sea Romance (darkangel76 & doo

His eyes indeed focused on hers and even through the alcohol induced haze she can see they are assessing her. Not climbing her and undressing her as before, but a calculating kind of assessment, the kind a cortier gives another before a dual of words is to begin. Something about the act seems to sober him up slightly and the slur is far less pronounced when he speaks again. "You are a noblewoman, Vodacce by your dress and accent, but your eyes are wrong. Vodacce have dark eyes, or at best hazel if they have Ussuran or Montaigne blood. You are something else aren't you - something special and unique..."

His voice trails off as the wheels in his head seem to grind together. Suddenly there is a light of understanding, as he finds the bit of information he had searched for. "Alexandria DiRosilia," he says her name less like a curse and more with a kind of reverence. Then his eyes become narrowed as he sees her for the Sorte' she is and not the Jenny Madaam he had thought her to be. "Sorte', whats the matter Fate Witch, can't you just force me to do your bidding? Oh thats right I have Vodacce blood too. My Grandmother was Sorte', and my father and I are both unbound. Whatever it is you want from me, you will have to pay me. I don't work for free. I appologize for insinuating that you might be drawn to my bed for payment, but my demands are unchanged. If you wish my services you will pay me One Thousand Guilders. I am dispossessed, and must maintain my lifestyle somehow. I will meet you on the 'morrow as you asked, sober and cleaned up out of respect for your station, but...and hear me when I say will bring the guilders or I will return here to this spot and while away more of my days."

With that he returns to playing his guitar, his thoughts are now wrapped up in the notes and he playes far better than he had been when she first entered.
Re: Rescueing Montague: A 7th Sea Romance (darkangel76 & doo

Alexandria stood there, her blood boiling to heated temperatures that could easily blister and scar the skin, as Valroix spoke. She wanted to scowl, to slap him across the face, to storm out of the inn. But her quest was too important to do something so foolish and impulsive. And though she didn’t like admitting it, she needed the help. Sorte, Fey. Yes, she was both of these things, but even so, it was dire that she receive assistance now. As a woman, she’d need it, especially during these trying times. Too much time alone would only call attention, attention she far from wanted. The Daughters of Sophia had worked too hard to get where they were for her to botch things up over something so silly.

Gritting her teeth and smiling, Alexandria gave Valroix a nod. The man’s only saving grace now, as far as she was concerned, was the fact that he now looked at her with a level of respect. Even if it was laced with distaste and disgust. Oh she could spit at him.

“If you are as good as you boast, sir, then perhaps we can negotiate. But until then…” Alexandria let her voice trail, her eyebrows quirking up in such a manner as it was difficult to tell if she was being truthful or insulting or both. “We meet tomorrow night.”

Her hands tightly clenched into fists, Alexandria gave Valroix a curtsey, though she didn’t know why she bothered. The man was drunk, hadn’t bathed in who knew how long and it was clear he thought himself above any and everyone he came across. If only she hadn’t been told to hire him, she’d put him in his place and then some. To think he thought her a lady of the night, that she’d actually give him the time of day, or night. It was utterly laughable.

Rising from her curtsey, Alexandria nodded at Valroix and then the barkeep. Heaving a somewhat disappointed sigh, she pulled up her hood and headed for the door. She needed to get back to the temple, for her brother would be checking on her soon. And if she wasn’t there, it would mean the worst kind of trouble for her. And she was fast approaching a crossroads in her familial life. One day soon, she’d never have to bear a bruise or welt doled out by that man ever again.
Re: Rescueing Montague: A 7th Sea Romance (darkangel76 & doo

Alexandria's slumber is restful, but her dreams are vivid. She knew from experiance when a dream was a portent and not just a normal dream, and this one she knew immediatly was such a dream.

>She stood in front of Matthew, his pistol drawn in her face. Somehow she wasn't afraid, as if she knew it was going to happen.

>She is laying on her back, and she feels a tongue on her most intimate parts. She looks down to see Matthew looking back up at her, his eyes fevered with lust for her.

>She is watching him in mid sword stroke. Every muscle in his body is clentched and coiled. His motions are so smooth and elegant, she had never thought of swordplay as anything but crude, yet somehow he seemed to make it like a dance. His blade cut men down, a half dozen of them, which brought him face to face with her brother.

>She is sitting on his thighs, both of them fully clothed. He has his left hand on the small of her back and his right gently supports her head. His cheeck is against her own and he whispers that he loves her. She knew this already, but hearing it send a shiver of thrill throughout her body.

>He is above her, between her thighs. She savors the feeling of her inner thighs against the muscles of his torso. He is on his elbows, looking down at her with such love, love she had never known from any man but her father, differnt from that love as it is fused with a lust and need. Despite this he is in control, "Beg me, beg for what you want." His voice is both teasing and serious at once. She knows he will not take her until she beggs him to.

>She is walking toward him. He is standing and looking to his left, a pocket watch in his right. She is late and knows it. She is relieved he has waited for her. He turnes and meets her eyes with his own, but the emotion she had seen before and expected to see again isn't there. Instead he seems mildly peturbed at her lateness. He replaces his watch and gives her a formal bow, his eyes never leaving hers. He starts to speak, but the dream ends abruptly.

He brother's servant is shaking her awake. It is late afternoon, she has over slept! She is informed that her brother will attend business this afternoon and she is free to shop if she chooses to. She must rush to make her appointment.

She relives the last portion of her dream, in every detail. Now she notices that he is dressed in clean clothing and has shaved his face. As she gets closer she doesn't smell any booze, instead she smells mint leaves. He has gone to great lengths to impress her, it seems. Yet his eyes treat her as an employeer and not a lover. Her dream had come out of order, it seemed, as dreams of the future often do. "M'Lady, do you find my appearance more acceptable this morning? I believe you asked that I prove myself, I am prepared." Dangling from his left hip is a very dangerous looking rapier, from his right is an elegant main gauche'. He obviously expects her to have some challenge for him to prove his skill. His manners now, are impeckable as is his appearance. There is still a wearyness in his eyes, but it is muted now, he is being professional.
Re: Rescueing Montague: A 7th Sea Romance (darkangel76 & doo

Alexandria awoke with a start when the servant gently shook her awake. Her dreams had been so very vivid and all had centered on Valroix. It was more than unnerving, though she knew she couldn’t ignore them.

Taking a breath, Alexandria gave the servant a nod and gestured that they leave her alone. She needed to process what had happened for a moment. And alone, with no one to bother her. Those dreams had been so very real, her body still trembling from them, the emotions, the sensations. Biting down on her lip, she closed her eyes briefly, letting her body recall the wondrous feelings that her dreams of Valroix had done to her. Almost instantly, she felt her skin get warm as a heated rush washed over her. Her eyes snapping open, she let out the breath she’d taken.

At that moment, Alexandria hurried to get herself ready. She’d slept much longer than she’d wanted to and now she knew she’d be late to the very meeting she, herself, had set up. This wasn’t going to go over well. At least, not in the beginning… luckily, her dreams of Valroix made her hope that he’d at least hear her out, if not more. Visions of the future were not always certain and subject to change, but these dreams felt too real to be so easily influenced so quickly. So, she made haste and went to find the man she hoped would aid her in her quest.

Alexandria, hood pulled over her head, walked through the bustling streets of Camelot. She was nearly certain Valroix would be waiting for her. Or at least, she hoped he would be. When she finally approached the inn in which they’d met the night before, she inhaled deeply to help calm her nerves. A strange thing for one of both Sorte’ and Fey blood to need, but there she was… needing it. Desperately no less. Letting out the breath slowly, she pushed open the door.

The inn was busy this time, clientele walking about, conversing, eating, drinking. Off to the side, Alexandria’s pale eyes caught sight of Valroix. Her breath caught and she remembered the feel of his lips and hands on her body, those dreams coming to the forefront of her mind. He was clean now, presentable. He looked of the drawing she’d been given by one of her ‘sisters’.

Alexandria squared her jaw, determined not to let Valroix see that she was actually nervous now, not wanting him to know anything of her dreams, her visions. She walked over to him and gave him a curt bow and nod. His face was unreadable and his eyes looked at her so differently than they had in her dreams. It almost upset her.

"M'Lady, do you find my appearance more acceptable this morning? I believe you asked that I prove myself, I am prepared,” Valroix stated plainly, not showing any indication that he was annoyed that Alexandria was late to the very meeting she had arranged.

Nodding, Alexandria gave Valroix a cool smile. “I’m glad to hear it, sir,” she responded. “Come, let us take leave here. There are too many eyes and ears.”

At that, Alexandria led Valroix outside and to a somewhat secluded alley. She needed to see what he could do with her own eyes. In a place like Camelot, not all was as it seemed. Every beautiful city had its dark side and she needed to see if this man who somehow had gained both notoriety and infamy could truly do all that was claimed of him. But first, she also needed to know where his allegiance lied.

“Before you show me what you can do. I have a question to ask,” Alexandria began. “What do you know of Montague?”
Re: Rescueing Montague: A 7th Sea Romance (darkangel76 & doo

A trained courtier knows how to read even slight differences in body language, so Matthew knew that there was soemthing about the lady that was off from the day before. He chalked this up to his own lack of innebriation, though she did seem slightly less confident. He allowed her to lead him out into the misty evening, not saying even a syllabel about her tardyness, a woman's prerogative is to be fashonably late.

As they walked the secluded allyway he heard her very odd question. "Montague du'Montaigne? A great deal m'Lady. I was there at Charouse when Captain Montaigne formed us into ranks of firing lines. I was a young second Leuitenant then, learning the art of war from a commoner. He set me as sniper, with two men to reload for me. I killed four Castillian officers that day, and several more brave souls who thought to take their places. I admired the Castillian's courage, but we Montainge were defending our homeland.

I also marched with him into Castille, but only so far. I remained in occupied territory, helping to draw recruites from the new Montaigne population and training them in the art of sword and gun. As Montague was order to withdraw, he asked me to accompany him into Ussura. We all knew it was suicide but we went anyway. We would have been victorious had it not been for winter coming two monthes early. Fifty thousand men were reduced to twenty thousand and we were forced to retreat. It was an error, we should have tried to make for the Northern sea, but instead we went straight into the heart of the Eisen Principalities. We ended up fighting Frauline Puzzen, the most accomplished military commander in Eisen, a country of such persons. Montague rallied us. We formed a square and had most inside, reloading. We would have won then, but we were low on supplies and our ammunition ran out.

We went at it hand -to- hand with the Eisens, their DrackenEisen armor made them practically invulnerable. Twenty thousand men became Five thousand, and Montague felt he had to surrender or we would all have died. We were taken prisoner. Montague kept his head high, and we were all encouraged. Eventually the Montainge government ransomed us all, except Montague. He was left his own insistance.

I have never met anyone like him, commoner or Noble. He exemplifies everything that is good about being Montainge, about being human. His courage comes from his heart and his steel. He has no magic to aid him. He is the one man I would risk my life for..."

He stopped when he realized he had gone on futher than he had intended, "But I am sure m'Lady is not interested in my humble opinions on such a matter. Why do you ask about General Montague?"
Re: Rescueing Montague: A 7th Sea Romance (darkangel76 & doo

Alexandria eyed Valroix carefully, trying to read his expression, the way he held himself, everything. Her lips quirked up into a small smile as he spoke of his time with Montague, fighting along side him and for Montaigne. She was more than impressed by his story and from his tone, she had no doubt that everything he said was the truth and not some elaborate fabrication. Everything she’d been told about this swordsman was holding true, if only his overall manner could be improved. Though, she had to admit he showed promise. He cleaned up rather well.

Her eyes lingering on Valroix a little longer than she’d meant, she turned away and heaved a sigh. “Your story is indeed impressive, sir. I admire you for your bravery, for following such a man.” She paused a moment. “But my business with Montague is my own. You’ve not earned the right to know it as of yet.” Her pale eyes flashed, a hint of what she was reflecting from them for a mere instant before she blinked it away.

Alexandria smiled just then as she recalled all aspects of her dream, not just the more heated moments that made her skin flush a deep shade of pink. She wondered if she dare test it, trust in her abilities and let fate fall where it may.

“To earn such a right, not to mention your payment, you must indeed prove yourself to me. Words are just that, but actions will let me see the full truth behind what you’ve said. If you are and can do as you claim, then what I’ve to ask of you shouldn’t be too difficult.” Alexandria looked at Valroix carefully. Taking a deep breath, she spoke. “There’s a man staying at the temple in the center of town, a terrible man. He’s strong, powerful, guarded. And wealthier than you can imagine.” She paused a moment trying to gage Valroix’s thoughts so far. “If you can get through his guards and strike him down, we can negotiate your price and I’ll even see to it that you receive a portion of his wealth after he’s fallen. Do we have a deal, sir?”

Alexandria stared deeply into Valroix’s eyes just then, desperate for him to say ‘yes’, to accept her offer and strike down the man staying at the temple. Her half-brother. Marcus. She wondered if he’d be angry when he learned who his target was, assuming he agreed to her request in the first place. She hoped not for Marcus truly was a malicious man and she needed to break free from his reins, his wrath. Never again did she want to endure another moment of him hurting her, holding her back, not letting her live her life.
Re: Rescueing Montague: A 7th Sea Romance (darkangel76 & doo

Before Matthew can answer there is the sound of clapping. A shadowy figure in the mist, and a voice she knows all too well.

"So dear sister, this is your plan. You mean to hire a common swordsman to do me in. I shall strike you down and finally be rid of you and the filthy Fey blood which infects you."

It is her brother of course. Matthew smells a rat, and lookes about. He is correct of course, as six men emerge from alleyways which connect to theirs. Common ruffians, Matthew is not ammused. It seemed she blinked and he was holding his weapons. He moved as he had in her dream, like a ballet dancer. His motion is so fluid and precise, he makes the six look like children. His speed and skill are unparalleled, and her brother recognizes him, calling him by name.

The sneaky coward drawes a pistol and aimes it at his sister, "I will be rid of you this day!"

He fires, but it seems that Matthew is less disreputable than he would like others to think. He steps in front of the bullet, which catches him high on his left arm and spinnes him around to face her. He droppes his Main Gauche' in the process. "Coward!" Matthew spat the word out as he turned again. He favored his left side, which was bleeding profucely now.

It is cutomary for a swordsman to announce his presence, and even bleeding, Matther seems intent on living up to custom. "I am a swordsman, sir, and I am here on a commission." His words give her brother time to draw his own steel, and charge Matthew. Even without his left hand, and down one weapon, her brother is no match for this man. Her brother's sword finds no purchase, and yet Matthew's weapon cuts him several times, before finally taking the killing stroke, a slash with the tip of his blade which opens a long red line on her brother's throate. He dies in less than a minute.

Matthew stands readied until her brother exanguinates, and then drops to a knee. He uses his weapon to steady himself, keeping from falling over completely. He is a proud man, and would never show weakness, but the blood tells a different story. They will need someplace anticeptic where she can dress his wounds. There is a storefront nearby...
Re: Rescueing Montague: A 7th Sea Romance (darkangel76 & doo

Alexandria almost instantly felt the blood drain from her face, leaving it a ghostly shade of pale, the moment her brother’s voice reverberated off the walls of the buildings surrounding them. The deathly quiet ambiance of the alleyway she’d been conversing in with Valroix suddenly disrupted. Her pale eyes darted over to take in the sight of Marcus as he stepped out from the shadows and then over to the swordsman, her voice suddenly lost to her.

Just then, Marcus’ henchmen emerged from behind him, striking guarded stances all about him, ready to fight any who dare advance. Alexandria saw her brother give the smallest of nods and, in the blink of an eye, his henchman pounced on Valroix. But the swordsman somehow seemed ready for them, as if he knew they’d make the first attack.

It was like watching someone who’d been trained all their years in the art of dance as Alexandria watched Valroix fight, a fluid grace lacing each and every move. Elegantly beautiful. Her breath caught in her throat as she stared, watching him best each man one by one, angering Marcus to a point where his face turned an ugly shade of purple. But her brother remained composed nonetheless, a sick and twisted smile gracing his lips.

“Valroix,” Marcus hissed through clenched teeth. Alexandria could see the frustration and anger as he seethed making her heart almost stop. “I will be rid of you this day.”

Just then, Alexandria noticed Marcus reaching for something. Eyes wide, she heard a loud pop resonate throughout the air making her jump. Valroix stepped in front of her, his body turning to face her own. Speechless, she looked into his eyes, her mind reeling over the events unfolding before her eyes.

Swallowing, Alexandria let her eyes drift past Valroix for the briefest of moments. Across the way, her brother had fired a pistol, its barrel aimed at her. Somehow the bullet had missed… Immediately, she moved her eyes to the swordsman once more. He was bleeding. He’d taken the bullet for her.

Trying to find her voice, Alexandria watches Valroix turn to face Marcus, who’d already drawn his own weapon. The two fought, her swordsman clearly having the upper hand, despite his injuries and disadvantages. It wasn’t long before he slashed open her brother’s throat, leaving him to crumple onto the dirty ground where he belonged.

Valroix turned to Alexandria, dropping down onto one knee. Without hesitation, she hurried over to him. It was evident that he needed assistance. Recalling the line of shops on the main road, she offered him her hand and led him closer to the main road.

“Wait here, I’ll be but a moment,” Alexandria whispered into Valroix’s ear.

As fast as she could run, Alexandria went to the nearest shop to purchase the items needed to tend to Valroix’s wounds. She’d been trained in the basics when it came to medicine and was certain that she’d be able to treat him properly so long as she was able to get the things she needed. She managed to find clean bandages, threads and ointments at the shop. Without a second thought, she bought the lot. She then purchased a canteen and went to the outside well pump and filled it to the brim.

“I’m back, I’m here,” Alexandria whispered to Valroix, helping him to sit down to rest for a moment. “Do you think you can make it back to the inn? I can better tend to you there.”
Re: Rescueing Montague: A 7th Sea Romance (darkangel76 & doo

She is able to purchase her needs and returns to him quickly. He has removed his jacket, and torn away the sleeve. There is an evil hole in his bicep muscle, which is larger than it appeared in his clothes. He grimaces as she returns. What he had done had been on instict, he just moved to stop someone else from being hurt without thinking.

He noddes, but has gone a bit white himself now. The bullet must have nicked an artery or something for there to be this much blood, not a major one, but it is nicked all the same. He manages to find the strength to smile, "Did I pass your test, m'Lady?" He laughes at his own joke. He can walk well enough, but his left arm is turning blue below the wound, she must stem the bloodflow soon.

They return to the Inn, and all eyes turn to them as they enter. Someone said they heard a gunshot, and Matthew seemed to have taken the worse of it. Someone else laughs and says next time someone hires you, make sure they aren't armed. He laughs along with them, but tells them she didn't shoot him, her brother did. This illicites uproarious laughter from the group as they think he is joking.

Upstairs in his room he collapses in the bed, all his strength is used. He seems to be hallucinating now as well, "Monica, how good of you to come to me in my hour of need. Tell your father I am sorry that I could not protect your brother. It wasn't the Ussurans that killed him. It was the Eisens. I am so sorry, forgive me..."

He passes out from bloodloss. He is in her power now it seems.
Re: Rescueing Montague: A 7th Sea Romance (darkangel76 & doo

Alexandria helped Valroix up so that they could head back to the inn. Given the way the man was bleeding and the color his arm was slowly turning, she needed to get him there as fast as she could. It appeared to her that he’d nicked an artery and that needed fixed sooner than later.

“Did I pass your test, m’Lady?” Valroix asked, making Alexandria’s pale eyes go wide. He had to be joking! At a time like this?

Her mind completely preoccupied over Valroix’s bleeding and his wound, one that he received because of her, Alexandria just scowled and muttered, “Of course you did. Come on.”

Quickly, Alexandria escorted Valroix back to the inn and up to his room. Upon entering the establishment, however, all eyes had turned to them. A few of them mumbled about gunshots and joked about his hire. But she ignored the commentary and concentrated on getting the man up to bed, where he belonged at the moment.

Valroix all but collapsed onto his bed as soon as he entered the room making Alexandria worry all the more. Immediately, she went for the items she purchased at the shop, getting them together and ready so that she could tend to his wound.

"Monica, how good of you to come to me in my hour of need. Tell your father I am sorry that I could not protect your brother. It wasn't the Ussurans that killed him. It was the Eisens. I am so sorry, forgive me..." Valroix suddenly says before passing out all together.

Alexandria gasped audibly. Valroix had to be hallucinating now. He knew who she was and her name wasn’t Monica. She wondered who the woman was.

Trying to push Valroix’s statement to the side, for now, Alexandria began working on his wound. She removed the bullet and cleaned the blood away from the marred area on his flesh. Once clean, she managed to stay the bleeding with some heavy wet cloths before stitching up his skin and covering it with clean, dry bandages. She was rather pleased with her work, no to mention both relieved and happy to see his arm regaining its normal color once again.

Blinking and then heaving a soft sigh, Alexandria placed a blanket on top of Valroix. She then put a cool, damp cloth on his forehead and gave him a small kiss on the cheek. Across the room, there was a chair. So she dragged it over to the bed so that she could sit next to him as he rested.

Alexandria took Valroix’s hand in hers. “Thank you for freeing me,” she whispered before she finally sat back and let sleep overtake her.
Re: Rescueing Montague: A 7th Sea Romance (darkangel76 & doo

Her dreams are her own, and vivid, but not dreams of the future. With all the excitement of the day, it is natural that she have these sorts of dreams. They even occasionally stray into the erotic, but it is always Matthew now who occupies the male in her dream roles.

She awakens in the bed, but alone. He had appearantly moved her there. She looks about for him and finds him quickly. He is standing shirtless in front of the washbasin and mirror stand in a far corner of the room. The morning light reveals several scares - she can identify a dozen or more marks where he seems to have been whipped, four look like the wide thich scars of a sword wound, and she can see two exit and one entrance wound from firearms. It appears that Misseure Valroix has had a run in or two like the one last night.

Despite this his back is strong and she can make out individual muscles as they slide beneath his skin while he works. He favores his left side heavily, stopping whatever he is doing often to stretch it and make sure his stitches are holding. Finally he lets it drop to his side, though he is still doing something with his right and up near his face. He lets out a soft but audible sigh of pain and she hears something metal drop into the wash basin. He reaches for a towel and holds it against his face.

He turns to get something and sees her looking at him. For the briefest of seconds she sees in his eyes a mixture of gratitude and a healthy dose of respect for her, but he quickly controls this and becomes professional again. "The Lady is awake. You speant the night here in my room, the men below will have the wrong idea." He turns to face her and removes the bloody towel. He has cut himself trying to shave one handed with a long straight razor. "Protesting will only make things worse, I suggest you simply ignore them, as I will. It is more difficult than I thought it would be, shaving with one hand."

He washes a little of the blood that trickled down, but the wound itself is superficial, the face bleeds at the slightest provocation. He leans back against the dresser and folds his arms across his chest, with only a slight wince at his left side. His cest is marvelous, muscular but not heavily, and smooth. His stomach as well is well definded, giving him a 'V' shape from the waist up. He seems to have no modesty about his body, but also doesn't seem to be bragging either. She can pick out many of the scars' front side mates as well. "My only clean shirt." He points to the ruined article in explaination. He inhales deeply and closes his eyes. He seems far away and sad for a moment, maybe just a bit longer. Then he looks at her again. "Despite last evening's excitement, I believe there is more to what you want from me. You asked about Montague and promised to explain yourself when I completed your task. I believe I did so, and now I wish to know your interest in General Montague."
Re: Rescueing Montague: A 7th Sea Romance (darkangel76 & doo

Alexandria opened her eyes slowly. Somewhat groggy, her eyes came into focus and she realized that she was staring up at the ceiling. Furrowing her eyebrows, she wondered how she ended up in Valroix’s bed when she clearly remembered falling asleep in the chair. Swallowing, she turned onto her side, her eyes catching sight of the swordsman standing across the room.

Valroix looked much better than he had the night before after Alexandria had tended to him. Seeing that made her glad. Remaining still and quiet, she watched him for a while. She couldn’t help but notice the smooth planes of his body, his scars, which told stories. Watching him move, as he hovered over a washbasin, she felt her breath catch in her throat. Somehow every corded muscle that moved underneath his skin seemed familiar, as if she knew them well. It was then that she recalled some of her more heated dreams, each one focusing on the man she was looking at. It unnerved her, but she had no choice but to accept it and see what played out. It was the way of things and she had no control over it.

Quietly, Alexandria propped herself up on her elbows and then pushed herself up so that she was sitting on the bed upright. Her pale eyes were still fixed on Valroix, studying him rather intently. Just then, he turned to look at her, his face bleeding a little since he’d been shaving, a towel pressed against the cut to staunch the bleeding. She smiled inwardly at how he was trying to maintain a neat outward appearance now. Whether it was for her or for other reasons, she didn’t care. The fact that he was trying to look professional and well kept was all that mattered because, in her eyes, it showed that he was now taking things seriously, that he just might take her up on her commission. And it didn’t hurt that she liked how he looked now that he was cleaned up.

Valroix looked at Alexandria for several minutes, his face rather calm given all that they’d gone through the night before. "The Lady is awake. You spent the night here in my room, the men below will have the wrong idea."

Alexandria felt her heart skip a beat at Valroix’s words. He was right. They would. And being of noble birth, part Sorte’, part Fey, it would not go over well. Her reputation would be destroyed, totally ruined. Almost instantly, she felt the blood drain away from her face.

"Protesting will only make things worse, I suggest you simply ignore them, as I will. It is more difficult than I thought it would be, shaving with one hand," Valroix then added.

Alexandria just blinked several times, her mind racing over the humiliation she’d endure when they left the inn together. How Valroix could be so casual about it was beyond her. She decided she’d wear her cloak with the hood up to cover her face. It was the only thing she could do to protect herself from what would come. She didn’t want them to see how upset it would make her.

Valroix heaved a sigh, his mind appearing to be elsewhere, and then pointed to a tattered article of clothing. “My only clean shirt,” he said. Alexandria just nodded at his words. "Despite last evening's excitement, I believe there is more to what you want from me. You asked about Montague and promised to explain yourself when I completed your task. I believe I did so, and now I wish to know your interest in General Montague."

Alexandria narrowed her pale eyes ever so slightly. Valroix had definitely earned the right to learn more about her task. But she couldn’t divulge her involvement with the Daughters of Sophia. So, she hoped he’d accept what little information she could give him.

“First, I’d like to properly thank you, sir, for your display last night. You bested a terrible man. My brother. You’ve no idea the evils that man was capable of and I thank you for freeing me from him. I’ve truly never seen anyone your equal.” Alexandria gave him a bow of her head as she swung her legs over the bedside and stood up. “As for Montague. I can tell you this…” her voice trailed. “He is a great man who fought for a great cause. His expertise is needed once again and it is I who must see to it that he’s freed and allowed to fight once more. To continue working toward the cause he originally had fought for.” She paused a moment, trying to gauge Valroix’s expressions and thoughts. “So, will you help me? It won’t be easy, I know this. But can you find the will somewhere deep inside yourself to assist me on this matter? As a man, a swordsman, one of Montaigne blood?”

Alexandria was directly in front of Valroix now as she’d walked toward him while she’d been speaking of Montague. She looked deeply into his eyes before giving him a low curtsey. Her eyes averted now, fixed on the floor below, she bit down on her lip and awaited his final answer.
Re: Rescueing Montague: A 7th Sea Romance (darkangel76 & doo

Alexandria felt her heart skip a beat at Valroix’s words. He was right. They would. And being of noble birth, part Sorte’, part Fey, it would not go over well. Her reputation would be destroyed, totally ruined. Almost instantly, she felt the blood drain away from her face.

"Protesting will only make things worse, I suggest you simply ignore them, as I will. It is more difficult than I thought it would be, shaving with one hand," Valroix then added.

Alexandria just blinked several times, her mind racing over the humiliation she’d endure when they left the inn together. How Valroix could be so casual about it was beyond her. She decided she’d wear her cloak with the hood up to cover her face. It was the only thing she could do to protect herself from what would come. She didn’t want them to see how upset it would make her.


Matthew cannot help but see this reaction. Instead of thinking she is mortified at her loss of reputation, he missinterpets this as a slap at himself. How could she be seen that way with him, he believes are her thoughts. It hardens him slightly. Before this he had begun to see her as femanine, someone he would like to get to know on a personal basis. Her appearant revulsion at the idea of even being thought to be with him, it made him put up a wall. His voice has only the slightest trace of this hardness, as he is determined to remain professional.

"I do not think the Lady needs worry too much, this is not a tavern frequented by anyone in her circles. Only those of us who would be considered reprobates, beyond redemption."


Alexandria narrowed her pale eyes ever so slightly. Valroix had definitely earned the right to learn more about her task. But she couldn’t divulge her involvement with the Daughters of Sophia. So, she hoped he’d accept what little information she could give him.

“First, I’d like to properly thank you, sir, for your display last night. You bested a terrible man. My brother. You’ve no idea the evils that man was capable of and I thank you for freeing me from him. I’ve truly never seen anyone your equal.” Alexandria gave him a bow of her head as she swung her legs over the bedside and stood up. “As for Montague. I can tell you this…” her voice trailed. “He is a great man who fought for a great cause. His expertise is needed once again and it is I who must see to it that he’s freed and allowed to fight once more. To continue working toward the cause he originally had fought for.” She paused a moment, trying to gauge Valroix’s expressions and thoughts.


His expression has been impassive since her earlier comments and despite his agahst at her comment, he kept his demenour outwardly impassive.

"The Lady is welcome, but she should remember that I did what I was hired to do. I have killed many in my life, some evil some not. Your gratitude is misplaced, I would have done the same for any client."

She continued and he stilled his heart at her seemingly simple comment. He thought he heard a bit of Queen Elana in her words.


“So, will you help me? It won’t be easy, I know this. But can you find the will somewhere deep inside yourself to assist me on this matter? As a man, a swordsman, one of Montaigne blood?”

Alexandria was directly in front of Valroix now as she’d walked toward him while she’d been speaking of Montague. She looked deeply into his eyes before giving him a low curtsey. Her eyes averted now, fixed on the floor below, she bit down on her lip and awaited his final answer.


Now he was confused. She seemed to be treating him with courtesy and respect, something he had not heard her do, not really since he had been pretty well out of it after her brother died. He softened then, allowing the wall to come down. He considered her terribly beautiful, and while he would like to have controled that, her eyes would not let him. Her eyes, where his had remained whenever they looked at each other since she had been irritated with him for looking elsewhere, were the most hauntingly beautiful he ahd ever seen. He could have fallen in love with just her eyes, and now he knew he probably already was. He was aware that she would not ever return his desire, but that was no reason to deny it.

He sighed. She didn't really know what she was asking for, but she needed to. "Perhaps the Lady has not considered the magnitude of what she asks. We would have to travel half way across the continent, thought the maddness of the Montaign revolution whether we went by river boat or horse, or on foot; or we take a boat around Castille and into Vodacce. I am a wanted man there, I have just killed one of their Princes after all; or we go through the Nothern Sea and either risk Vesten* raiders or higher them. Highering them wouldn't involve guilders, it would involve service, yours and mine. All that would be just to reach the Eisen Principalities. Then we must travel through other Princely territories to reach Frauline Puzzen. Then we can have the oppotunity to bargain for him. Breaking him out or fighting for him wouldn't be possible, unless you have an army larger and better equipted than we had. So we bargain, and what would someone like her want? Power, some way to reunite her country under her own banner, its the only thing she would consider in trade. Have you considered all this, Lady DiRosilia? I want Montague back as much or more than anyone, but what you just cannot be done. Unless you know something I don't?"

He reaches down and puts a finger under her chin, lifting her eyes to his. His heart ached for her, and her eyes would haunt him all his days. He would never be able to find any like them, and no matter how he looked, they would always be what he loved. He wanted to kiss her, more than anyone, more even than Monica. He felt heated, he felt like a teenager again. He had not felt so alive in a very long time, as when he looked into those eyes. He could not disappoint them. "I will go with you, Lady DiRosilia, until you dismiss me. I am at your service."

*Vesten raiders can best be thought of as left over vikings, though much stronger on Theah than their earthly counterparts in teh 1600's.
Re: Rescueing Montague: A 7th Sea Romance (darkangel76 & doo

Alexandria felt her breath catch and her pale eyes prickle with unshed tears at Valroix’s words. Those cursed tears filling her eyes threatened to spill down her porcelain cheeks, but she managed to stay them. She couldn’t look weak. Especially now. She feared that if she said or did something wrong, he’d vanish in the blink of an eye and she couldn’t have that, didn’t want that. As she stared into his dark eyes, she felt a pull at her soul, the dreams from the other night filling her thoughts, making her skin turn a deep shade of pink.

Closing her eyes and exhaling slowly, Alexandria spoke. “Thank you, sir. Your services shall not go unrewarded nor unnoticed. You’re not just serving me, but the greater good for society.” Swallowing, she opened her eyes once more. They continued to glisten as she held back the emotions she felt trying to make their way to the surface. “I’m well aware that the task before us is not an easy one, nor do I expect immediate results. To do so would be foolish…”

Alexandria stared into Valroix’s eyes, though she desperately wanted to look away. The longer she looked into them, the stronger the pull she felt started to become. It was unnerving and made her wonder just how soon the visions her dreams had provided her would come true, if at all.

When it came to her dreams, something deep inside told Alexandria it would be sooner than she knew, but the idea of that was frightening. She’d never felt such things for a man despite the number of men who’d wanted to court her. Marcus had always made sure she’d never gotten the chance. But now, she strangely felt glad of that. And she didn’t quite know why. But the threads weaving together the future were always muddled and blurry and couldn’t be taken exactly at face value.

“But I expect us both to try. I can ask nothing more of you than to do your best and to finish what you begin once we start down this path. If it results in our deaths, then so be it. At least our attempts will have made some sort of progress making it that much easier for someone else to pick up where we leave off…” Alexandria’s voice trailed. She didn’t want to die. She wanted to live and she definitely wanted to succeed in the task set before her by the Daughters Of Sophia. She wanted to know if her recent bout of dreams would indeed come true.
Re: Rescueing Montague: A 7th Sea Romance (darkangel76 & doo

For Matthew, the moment was like air to a drowning man - the moment of her eyes on his, and what he thought he saw in them. He imagined he saw in her an emotion for him, one he knew wasn't possible. He imagined he saw her falling in love with him as well. He chided himself, knowing this wasn't possible.

Her words took time to fight their way through to his conscious mind. He heard in her the determination boardering on zealotry. Why would she, a Vodacce, care so deeply about a Montaigne general? The more he heard from her, the more he was convinced that Queen Elana was behind this. They were the Queen's words, almost identicle to the ones she spoke when she condemded Puzzen publically for not releasing Montague. What connected these two Noblewomen, he wondered. What was the driving force behind this Vodacce woman's desire to retrieve a Montaigne general?

Finally he broke the spell which seemed to hold them both in place. He blinked and let her chin go. He went to his less savory shirt and put it on. "I think that we would be visiting a tailor's shop before we leave, so that I can purchase suitable outter wear. I think the safest and therefor fastest method we can choose is the hire a Vesten transport. They will demand that you give payment in the form of your Sorte' precognition and that I give payment in the form of the sword. I would estimate a four to six month trip to the shores of Eisen. Lets focus on that portion of our journey first. You may want to go out first, and cloaked, so that there would be less in the way of eyes on you. That way they will not connect the two of us, and you need not worry that they might think you involved with a reprobate like me."

((Dont forget you can turn invisible.))
Re: Rescueing Montague: A 7th Sea Romance (darkangel76 & doo

Alexandria’s pale eyes widened when Valroix referred to himself as someone below her class and status. Two nights ago, she’d have agreed. But after his display of both skill and honor, and then there were those dreams haunting her mind, she had to disagree entirely. He was placing himself on a level far beneath his own standing. He may not have been as high in the social ranks as her own family, but he was no where near the same as the drunken men who frequented the taverns and laid with any woman they could. It was a lifestyle he did not need to abide by, if he so chose it. And the fact that he was conversing with her at that moment, told her that he wanted to break the self-destructive cycle he’d been in. Something she found admirable given his state two nights ago.

Biting down on her lip, Alexandria averted her eyes and focused on the floor beneath their feet. It was seeming, to her, that Valroix was viewing her to be an elitist. The idea that he thought that of her made a strange ache form in the pit of her stomach. It was unnerving. He couldn’t be more wrong. Ever since they met, he’d been proving to her time and again that he was a man of honor, a man of worth. Was she really portraying such a thing? Did she really come off that way?

Blinking, Alexandria looked at Valroix. Feeling an awful sense of dread at what he might be thinking, she gently touched his arm and spoke. “Sir, no reprobate can wield a blade such as yourself nor fight for such a noble cause as ours.” She paused a moment, taking a deep breath to try and hold onto her calm demeanor. “No reprobate would have cared enough to save a woman from a life of chains and suffocation. A life where all she knew was pain.”

Alexandria’s own words took her slightly off guard. Gasping almost inaudibly, she quickly took her hand off Valroix’s arm.

Curtseying low, Alexandria added, “I’m sorry you think such a thing, sir.” At that, she grabbed her cloak and placed it about her body, pulling the hood up over her head, hiding her face, her Fey-like eyes. “I will see you outside then.”

Alexandria headed for the door and made her way downstairs. As she meandered out into the crowd, no one paid her any notice. It was as if she wasn’t there at all, a mere breeze passing across a sea of people. Invisible. An advantage to being part Sorte’. Though the only reason she’d left as she did wasn’t because she still feared the ruination of her reputation. No. It was because she didn’t think Valroix wanted to be seen with someone of the likes of her.
Re: Rescueing Montague: A 7th Sea Romance (darkangel76 & doo

Her words and demenour told him she wasn't lying. Her praise of him was tendered by something else, shame perhaps? What did she have to be ashamed of? He realized what was going on in his own head, and from the way she had acted she must deserve an explaination. He packed his few belongings and tried to figure out how he would tell her. How could he even make the words?

He found her outside and opened the door to her carriage for her, following her in. He sat across from her and as the carriage driver started moving he spoke. His voice was low and quivered as if he was fighting off crying.

"You don't know me, m'Lady. I am not a good and honorable man. I am a despicable man, a true reprobate, worse than any of the men in that tavern." He took a deep breath. He was about to share his guilt with her, his shame. "My best friend's name was Anthony. We did everything together. He had a little sister, Monica, who would tag along with us. She was four years younger than we, and she just wanted our attention. We were Twenty when we joined the Montaigne Army, fought along side Montague at Charouse. When we left, Monica was already becoming a young woman, and it was obvious whom she loved. She promised herself to me and made me promise to protect Anthony. I was always the better fighter and he the better talker.

After we returned from Castille, Montague gave us a week to get our affairs in order. I inteded to marry Monica, but her parents wouldn't have it. They had promised her to a more prominant nobleman's son. We snuck off and she gave me her virginity, she said it was the least she could give for my protecting Anthony, but we both knew she wanted to take something of me into her new marriage.

We marched off the Ussura and she to marry a man she did not love. After I was released from Eisen, I heard she and her husband had fled to Vendel* so I followed. I had to tell her that,
He chokes up and stares at the carriage floor. "Her brother was dead."

He does not speak for a longer moment than the last as he collects himself. "She slapped and punched me. She called me a liar. She told me she hated me and never wanted to see me again. I understood, I had broken my one promise to her, and to myself. After that I came here to drown myself in rum and whores."

He looked up at her with redrimmed eyes. "I am not an honorable man. Despite your praise, which I am unworthy of, I am nothing. I am less than a spec of dirt. I should have died, not him. I couldn't save him... He breaks down here and tries to get away but realizes he is trapped in the carriage. He turnes away from her, trying to preserve some vestige of his lost pride.

*Vendel are the Vesten's "Morally Bankrupt" cousins. They have forsaken the old ways for commerce and are responcible for the Guilder, which is the common currency in Theah. They are best thought of as Theah's version of Dutch.
Re: Rescueing Montague: A 7th Sea Romance (darkangel76 & doo

Alexandria hurried outside. Though no one seemed to take notice of her as she made her way across the crowded room. It was times like these that she was glad to have Sorte’ blood coursing through her veins. As she made her way toward the door, she wondered how far behind her Valroix would be. She tried to move quickly so as to give him the distance she was sure he craved as they left the inn. She didn’t want him to have to worry about being seen with someone he deemed an elitist, too good for any and everyone. It was so far from how she viewed herself, from how she wanted to be viewed. And the fact that this man saw her like that… after those dreams she had… it was too much.

Pushing her hood back, revealing her face, Alexandria waited for Valroix to met her outside. She didn’t have to wait long. Once he was by her side, he opened the door to their carriage and gestured for her to get in as a proper gentleman would. She gave him a small nod and entered the carriage, taking a seat and heaving a small sigh.

Valroix wasted no time. The moment he sat down and situated himself within the carriage, he began to speak. He told Alexandria a bit about his past, beginning by saying that he truly felt himself to be the worst sort of man.

Almost instantly, Alexandria’s pale eyes went wide. She felt her muscles tense, her temperature rise and she was sure that he could hear the loud thumping of her heart as it beat loudly beneath her breast. Valroix was explaining himself. Surely for him to feel the need to do so meant that he didn’t think of her in the way she had originally thought. And that comforted her. As she listened to him speak, his words eventually drifting to that of Monica, the name he’d called her the night before.

Monica had been his lover, someone so very dear to him. She could see that plainly. It was all coming clear. Alexandria felt a heavy sadness suddenly squeeze on her heart. Something inside her screamed at her to go to Valroix, to hold him, soothe him. To pet at his hair and whisper calming words into his ear, those dreams of him becoming more and more vivid.

Suddenly, Valroix lost it. The tears he’d managed to hold back as he spoke finally falling, streaking his cheeks as they did so. Alexandria could no longer stand it. That little niggling voice, the one reminding her of the dreams, the one that was incessantly screaming at her, told her what she needed to do.

Without hesitation, Alexandria shifted herself within the carriage so that rather than sitting across from Valroix she sat next to him. She gently touched his arm, wanting to hold him, but resisting the urge.

“Sir, only a man of honor would have fought the way you did against my brother.” Alexandria’s voice was ever so soft, a mere caress. “He hardly fought fair and even with the odds against your favor, you never once sunk to his level.” She paused a moment, moving her hand from his arm to his cheek. “You freed me of him. I’ll be forever grateful for that. And I’ll forever see you for the brave and honorable man I know you are.” She meant every word she said. She knew that given her brother’s standing and her family’s wealth and status no man would dare attempt such a task. But this man did and it touched her deeply. “It’s a pity you do not see that.”
Re: Rescueing Montague: A 7th Sea Romance (darkangel76 & doo

Matthew felt her sitting beside him. She touched his arm and he tried to shy away but the carriage offered no place for him to hide. He dried his face on his sleeve and turned to her, listening to her voice and looking into those eyes, like the clear waters of the Midnight Archipeligo*.

“Sir, only a man of honor would have fought the way you did against my brother.” Alexandria’s voice was ever so soft, a mere caress. “He hardly fought fair and even with the odds against your favor, you never once sunk to his level.” She paused a moment, moving her hand from his arm to his cheek. “You freed me of him. I’ll be forever grateful for that. And I’ll forever see you for the brave and honorable man I know you are.” She meant every word she said. She knew that given her brother’s standing and her family’s wealth and status no man would dare attempt such a task. But this man did and it touched her deeply. “It’s a pity you do not see that.”

He felt her hand against is cheek and wanted so desperately to give into the feelings he had been having, to hold her and kiss her, to allow himself to love her. There was a hard knot in his stomach, a nagging doubt that would not allow him to see himself as she did. There was something new though, a glimmer of hope that perhaps he could become the man she thought him to be, that by helping her he could make up for his past transgretions and find a way to become the man she saw.

He could think of no other test, no other way to put her in a place where she had to act on her words. he reached around her, gingerly expecting her rebuke. When his arm was around her back he held her in place while he moved to her. The distance was so small, but he crossed it slowly, giving her every opportunity to resist him, pull away, or even just turn her face so that his lips were aimed at her cheek rather than her own. If she did not, his lips would tenatively touch hers, brushing ever so lightly against them before pulling back.

"I can only try and live up to your expectations, Alexandria. If I am unable to, I beg your forgiveness in advance."
Re: Rescueing Montague: A 7th Sea Romance (darkangel76 & doo

Alexandria felt her breath catch as Valroix suddenly placed an arm about her slim body. The touch of his hand as it found its way to her back, the heat emanating from his body as it got closer to her own. It conjured up such vivid memories of those heated dreams she’d had of the swordsman, dreams only one of Sorte’ blood would ever have and understand. Trembling ever so slightly, her mind drifted to thoughts of the future, what could come, what would come.

Almost instantly, Alexandria’s skin flushed a deep shade of pink, her breaths suddenly coming in short rasps as she felt a strange ache forming deep within her core. She needed to tamp what she was feeling down. So casually, she locked her knees together underneath the layers of her dress, squeezing her legs together as she found her body starting to react to Valroix’s ever so desperately, ever so violently. As her thighs rubbed together she had to stifle a gasp. The moment she squeezed, it sent a delicious jolt of euphoria sizzling from her wanting core to every other part of her body, making her burn with need.

Swallowing and keeping a calm exterior as the chaos of sensations washed over her, Alexandria sat still and unflinching. Her pale eyes locked onto Valroix’s brown, unblinking, unmoving. He then turned to face her, his gaze so intense she felt that she ought to look away. But, she couldn’t. She wouldn’t. Their eyes fixed on each others’, he began to close the space between them, moving ever nearer and causing her legs to tremble.

Alexandria squeezed her thighs together once again causing another euphoric jolt to flood her body and senses. Just then, Valroix’s lips ever so lightly brushed her own. It was a feather-light caress and something inside her urged her to press back, to make the touch more firm, more real. But she stayed as she was, her heart racing, her eyes starting to glaze over.

Alexandria heard herself gasp ever so softly and whether Valroix had noticed, she wasn’t sure. Just then, he pulled back and spoke, interrupting the moment, “I can only try and live up to your expectations, Alexandria. If I am unable to, I beg your forgiveness in advance.”

The moment Alexandria heard her own name pass over Valroix’s lips, her heart stopped, skipping a beat before it resumed pumping the blood she needed to stay alive. Quickly gaining her composure, she smiled and then bit down on her lip.

“Sir, I’ve no doubt you’ll exceed my expectations…” Alexandria’s voice trailed, her mind filling with thoughts of her dreams, her words suddenly laced with double entendre. “It is I who should be begging for your forgiveness.” She paused. “For doubting your skill in the first place.”
Re: Rescueing Montague: A 7th Sea Romance (darkangel76 & doo

He smiled politely, and nodded saying, "Perhaps it better if we both decided no appologies were needed. I think...

He is cut off by a whistle from the driver. Matthew leans out and asks what is happening. "Road block. They are searching every carriage, looking for someone. I cannot hear who, but they seem to be taking everyone out and searching them individually."

Matthew got back into the carriage. He looked at Alexandria, "This may be bad. If they are looking for me, there may be no way out. I can handle myself against a few ruffians, but city guards are trained and even I have blind points. If only there were another way...

((In my last post I failed to explain Midnight Archipeligo. It is a chain of islands to the west of the main contentant, a pirate haven. It is the only place on Theah where you find large numbers of black people as Africa does not exist in Theah. It has a very Carribean feel. Also you can use Glamour to make you and Mattew both invisible, but you would need to be VERY close.))
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