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( ( RE:sound ♥ ) ) | MxF | Fandom & Original |

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Jun 7, 2010

  • W E L C O M E !!

    • A new year calls for a new thread! To start fresh, I've tried to use a better layout and include more helpful info
      without dragging things on. Some things have been removed, others added and some parts editted. Regardless, I hope
      the thread will bring in more potential partners to discuss and plot RP with!

      There's a table of contents below, and I ask (beg, plead and grovel) that everyone read the second post
      (Guidelines) thoroughly. It might help to read the Genre and Setting post as well, just to lessen any potential
      confusion between any potential partners and myself; Helpful, but not necessary.

      With all that said, welcome once again, please do browse about and I hope you'll find something that interests
      you that we can discuss.

    T A B L E of C O N T E N T S :
    • Intro ( Welcome | Table of Contents | Key )

      Guidelines ( Rules | Writing | Content | Characters | Harems | Canon | Kinks | Contact )

      Genres && Settings ( Genres | Settings | Locations / Notes )

      Manga / Anime ( Manga | Anime | Both )



      Video Games

      Original Ideas

      Samples ( Writing Samples / Examples )

  • the K E Y

    • I updated my F-list a few weeks ago and added a bunch of series with a summary, guide to cravings
      and other details. To help with an idea of my preferences on something, I'm going to be utilizing the
      same thing here.

      • Cravings: Hearts are used to rate/meter my cravings. Here's a breakdown below.
        ♥ = Something I wouldn't mind trying.
        ♥♥ = Willing to do, but not craving.
        ♥♥♥ = I look forward to trying it.
        ♥♥♥♥ = Yes, please. I would love to do this.
        ♥♥♥♥♥ = Desperately craving this. I will have your babies if you're willing or eager to RP this.

        I'll also include details concerning canons, harems and maybe multiple characters.
RE: ( ( RE:sound ♥ ) ) | MxF | Fandom & Original | Updates |

  • Bump-ump !!

    Been a little busy these past two days, but I am and will be working on posts!
RE: ( ( RE:sound ♥ ) ) | MxF | Fandom & Original | Updates |

Well you seem like you would be such a delightful partner, and with preferences to series that I have an absolute adoration for. If you would be interested I would enjoy tempering some ideas for a One Piece, Negima, Tekken, Soul Eater themed play. I also would like to discuss your Summoned to Another World plot line at some point.

I look forward to a response. Thank-you.
RE: ( ( RE:sound ♥ ) ) | MxF | Fandom & Original | Updates |

  • Thank you very much, and I'm quite glad to hear that~!

    I shall PM you now.
RE: ( ( RE:sound ♥ ) ) | MxF | Fandom & Original | Updates |

Hiya there would you be interested in the Bleach canon/OC Role-play,If so would you like to Role-play with me?
RE:bump | RE:mini news

  • Bump-ump !!

    Been catching up with games and shows, so I may add and alter
    my series - and maybe even original ideas - a little bit.
RE: ( ( RE:sound ♥ ) ) | MxF | Fandom & Original | Updates! ♥

I saw sentai, that is awesome; I'd love to do something with that.

Exceed Charge said:
I saw sentai, that is awesome; I'd love to do something with that.

  • Fantastic!

    I have some ideas, but we can always share ideas and series and get something figured out. I shall PM you now. C':

  • Bump-ump !!

    I think I'll go read some erofic / lemons to get an idea for the smut and ecchi posts.

    Also have some new series and ideas coming up soon. ♥

  • Bump-ump !!

    Not only shall I return later tonight to work on posts, but I'll add those
    new series and ideas to the thread late tonight or early tomorrow.
Hey I am interested in doing a samurai champloo rp. i had a question though, i would love to rp as mugen and was wondering if you would be willing to be fuu? if not OC's are fine too.
RE: ( ( sound ♥ ) ) | MxF | Fandom & Original |

christian7_41king said:
Hey I am interested in doing a samurai champloo rp. i had a question though, i would love to rp as mugen and was wondering if you would be willing to be fuu? if not OC's are fine too.

  • As much as I love Mugen (and Jin), I only stick to OCs with Champloo.
    ( But even if I didn't, I despise Fuu too much try her. ^u^; )
    I'll go ahead and PM you about that now~.

  • Okay! So I disappeared for a bit, but alas, I am back! I hath returned!

    And I shall finish posting between some time today and Wedn. afternoon.

    I'm already thinking about my new thread too. u wu
    But I want to wait until this lives out its life and hits at least five pages. </pets thread>

    In other news... bump-ump !!
    Oh. And... PROJECT CAFE!
RE: bump

Heyyy I wanna try a { soul eater x young justice x blue exorcist }

I was thinking that maybe the world setting could be something along the lines of an academy similar to either Soul Eater or Blue exorcist and like the groups would be a group of four in each group. They can go on missions and such and each character would have like missions leading to their own reasons for joining the academy or their past for character development.

Oh yeah, I would also like to say that guy that you are roleplaying with in that harem/mystery/ghost/demon roleplay is such an awesome guy that he wants to do one roleplay on messenger and this idea could be in threads! =]
RE:ply | WhiteStar

WhiteStar said:
Why must it die at five pages?

  • I figure that's the best page cap for it to have went on for a while but still allow me to make a new thread soonish. ^u^;

    If I didn't have better ideas for organizing a new thread, I probably would have let it last longer. I kind of doomed it I guess, lol.
    (Oh, and my post should be done tomorrow night!)
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