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Jun 7, 2010

  • W E L C O M E !!

    • A new year calls for a new thread! To start fresh, I've tried to use a better layout and include more helpful info
      without dragging things on. Some things have been removed, others added and some parts editted. Regardless, I hope
      the thread will bring in more potential partners to discuss and plot RP with!

      There's a table of contents below, and I ask (beg, plead and grovel) that everyone read the second post
      (Guidelines) thoroughly. It might help to read the Genre and Setting post as well, just to lessen any potential
      confusion between any potential partners and myself; Helpful, but not necessary.

      With all that said, welcome once again, please do browse about and I hope you'll find something that interests
      you that we can discuss.

    T A B L E of C O N T E N T S :
    • Intro ( Welcome | Table of Contents | Key )

      Guidelines ( Rules | Writing | Content | Characters | Harems | Canon | Kinks | Contact )

      Genres && Settings ( Genres | Settings | Locations / Notes )

      Manga / Anime ( Manga | Anime | Both )



      Video Games

      Original Ideas

      Samples ( Writing Samples / Examples )

  • the K E Y

    • I updated my F-list a few weeks ago and added a bunch of series with a summary, guide to cravings
      and other details. To help with an idea of my preferences on something, I'm going to be utilizing the
      same thing here.

      • Cravings: Hearts are used to rate/meter my cravings. Here's a breakdown below.
        ♥ = Something I wouldn't mind trying.
        ♥♥ = Willing to do, but not craving.
        ♥♥♥ = I look forward to trying it.
        ♥♥♥♥ = Yes, please. I would love to do this.
        ♥♥♥♥♥ = Desperately craving this. I will have your babies if you're willing or eager to RP this.

        I'll also include details concerning canons, harems and maybe multiple characters.
Post # O2 || Guidelines

  • G U I D E L I N E S

    • ( O1 ) Rules :

      • All of the site's rules apply. No underage characters, etc. I don't care if we're using canon characters or whatever
        else may apply in a RP. There is to be no violation of the rules.

      ( O2 ) Writing :

      • If you're unable to use proper grammar and punctuation, then I probably won't RP with you. The minimum length I
        ask for in a post is two paragraphs. More is always greatly preferred, but quality comes before quantity.

      ( O3 ) Content :

      • As far as matters of what makes the roleplay, there's quite a few things. For me, it's necessary to have at least
        a little (requitted) romance and some form of occasional action and/or adventure. I think having some slice-of-life
        moments certainly helps develop the characters too. Although not really necessary in a roleplay, I strongly prefer at
        least a little comedy and drama.

      ( O4 ) Characters :

      • No matter what, my character will always be a straight female. If we're doing multi-chara, my main being a het female
        is obvious, but I don't mind playing guys or gals of any sexuality on the side. Seeing as I play human characters, I
        strongly prefer human (or at least humanoid) characters (some exceptions are fine). I'm always willing and eager to do
        multi-chara, but I go by the rule that if one does, so does the other. It doesn't have to be a perfectly balanced number,
        as I'm willing to play up to four characters if my partner will play three.

      ( O5 ) Harem :

      • I personally think harems are a lot of fun in roleplays, and there are some ideas I think work better with harems.
        However, if you're going to ask for a harem, you should be prepared to do one as well (I also wouldn't ask without
        being willing to play one as well). Just like for multi-chara, I don't mind playing a couple more characters
        than my partner.

      ( O6 ) Canon :

      • I do indeed reference and list a number of canon sources, but that doesn't mean I actually want to play in the
        canon. I use canon to take the premise of the plot and/or setting to get an idea going. I rarely play canon characters
        myself, and I won't ask my partner to unless I'm willing to play a character (or few) that they would like me to play for
        them (no promises of not being slightly OOC).

      ( O7 ) Kinks :

      • I have a RH and F-list linked for everyone to see my kinks (I'd suggest the F-list). Regardless of whichever you
        look to, there are certain things I won't do regardless [ scat, watersports, master/slave, vore, needles, enemas, inflation,
        (stomach) bulges, any sexual violence or pain and incest, unless it's between step/inlaws or distant cousins ]. While I
        love violence and even gore occasionally (gotta have action and fights!), character death is an iffy matter and would
        depend on the roleplay.

      ( O8 ) Contact / Roleplaying :

      • I can be contacted via e-mail, yim/aim/msn, pm or posts. I'm open to roleplaying through im, pm, thread or e-mail (in
        order of most to least preferred). [ e-mail | yim | msn : || aim : danzenheart ]
Post # O3 || Genres && Settings

  • S E T T I N G S

    • M O D E R N / F U T U R I S T I C - M O D E R N 】

      • Some level of fantasy must accompany these, however, we can play around with how much and what type. It can be
        something with low fantasy, but still out of the norm situation-wise (like in comics or a work by Nobuyuki Fukumoto).
        On the flipside, a modern setting that has futuristic touches is also fun to go with. It can contain pieces of futuristic
        technology and architecture or anything else. Something like you'd see in Batman Beyond or maybe Macross would
        probably be a good example of the latter.
        【 SERIES: Young Justice | Yuu Yuu Hakusho | Secret Saturdays | Michiko to Hatchin 】

      F U T U R I S T I C 】

      • I think futuristic elements add a lot of fun to certain ideas. Whether it shows in the technology, the way the world(s) work
        or what have you. It's kind of like fantasy in that it opens up a lot of potential too. Where you would travel one world in a
        modern setting, you can travel to/across many in a futuristic RP. I'm somewhat familiar with futuristic, sci-fi titles like Star
        Trek and Star Wars, I would probably use them for reference less and look to things like Phantasy Star or even a mecha
        manga/anime more.
        【 SERIES: Opoona | Starborn | Outlaw Star | Rogue Galaxy | Star Ocean 】

      P E R I O D / H I S T O R I C A L / A N C I E N T 】

      • As fun as these types of settings and genres can be, they're pretty low on my list of preferred things. Maybe if it's a world
        where there's a mix of modern, ancient and perhaps futuristic places, I'd go for it, or if it's a plot that uses time travel or a
        character from a modern setting. However, anything simply historical or period generally doesn't work for me. If we can add
        some other elements, it's something I can consider. Western and wuxia elements can make this fun, but I'd still be a bit
        picky about it.
        【 SERIES: Trigun | Chuno | Vinland Saga | Cowboy Bebop | From Far Away 】

      S C H O O L 】

      • The school settings can be fun when balanced and detailed. I generally don't go for a straight-forward school setting. If
        the school itself is already out of the ordinary, even better. If we focus on a particular group within the school, then we
        can always go with an ordinary setting and use the students/club/whatever to bring out some sort of action and/or fantasy
        to the setting. The nice thing about a school setting is, you can bring in elements from any other genre and setting. I think
        a futuristic-school setting would be a lot of fun, but I'm always up for a fantasy, modern or mixed one.
        【 SERIES: X-Men | Negima | Persona | Ichiban Ushiro no Daimaou | Kamen-sensei 】

  • G E N R E S

    • F A N T A S Y 】

      • I'm pretty open when it comes to fantasy and enjoy a lot of sub-genres. It can be contemporary or urban fantasy, low fantasy
        or even something with elements of wuxia. I prefer to stay away from high fantasy, unless it's something like Slayers, Berserk,
        or Bastard!! (and I'm still skeptical then). If it's high fantasy, I prefer not to focus on an epic plot (which would still be awesome
        to have), but more of a sense of adventure and exploration. A fantasy RP focusing on the characters but with a great, detailed
        setting and plot to move it along and provide depth are ideal.
        【 SERIES: Grandia | Fairy Tail | Final Fantasy | Tales of | Chivas 1-2-3/Sorcerer on the Rocks 】

      M E C H A 】

      • A mecha roleplay would too awesome for words! ...If done right. It's also something I feel is either very plot heavy, or something
        plot light but very slice-of-life (say, Mazinger Z vs Patlabor). I lean heavily toward Super Robot when it comes to mecha, due to
        what I'm most familiar with and enjoy the most. I like a larger cast for these, so a group RP or a 1x1 with quite a few multiple
        characters would be best (but focusing on two to four mains is fine with the latter). I have a couple of ideas for this, but I'm also
        quite open to others' ideas.
        【 SERIES: Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann | Macross | Basquash | Knights of Lamune | Escaflowne 】

      M Y S T E R Y 】

      • This is a sometimes complicated but always fun genre, isn't it? Well, I think so anyway. There's a lot of formats and variations
        to try with this, and I'll try to detail a few based on some series I like in my original plots. These can have high or low fantasy
        and supernatural elements, and can just as easily have tons or little humor and horror. A slice-of-life format but still heavy
        with plot fits best to me, but this is definitely something that deserves a lot of fun character plotting and planning.
        【 SERIES: Majin Tantei Neuro Nougami | Case Closed | Ghost Hunt | Defense Devil 】

      S H O U N E N 】

      • Saying shounen is almost as vague as saying fantasy, so allow me to narrow that down some! Generally speaking, shounen
        that have a more fantasy twist or deal with delinquents is what I'm looking for. I like the mix of action and comedy that's
        unique to shounen (when they're good titles) and the themes just make everything all the more fun (friendship, dreams, etc.).
        These tend to go best with a modern (and maybe futuristic) setting.
        【 SERIES: Bleach | Beelzebub | Air Gear | Worst | Flame of Recca | GTO 】

      S H O U J O 】

      • Like shounen, shoujo is a very varied demographic and genre, and I'm pretty picky about what shoujo manga I read
        myself. Although the romcom styled ones are fun, I also love the ones with action (and fantasy), and that reflects here
        as well. Being shoujo, it would focus first on drama and romance, but that doesn't mean there needs to be any shortage
        of action, violence or comedy. All the same, we can always go with a more mundane setting, etc. and add in a little
        twist to keep things interesting.
        【 SERIES: La Corda d'Oro | Fushigi Yuugi | Basara | Lovely Complex | Doubt!! | Karakuri Odette 】

      H E N S H I N 】

      • Ranging from sentai to tokusatsu and mahou shounen/shoujo (magical boy/girl), the henshin genre is varied and perfect
        to mix around in itself. I have a love for each different one, so bringing together the mahou elements with sentai themes
        and using tokusatsu devices would be great. However, focusing on just any one is great as well. Another great thing
        about this genre is how simple or wacky, complex or over the top (or all of the above) you can make it as well as
        using other genres with it.
        【 SERIES: Sailor Moon | Kamen Rider | Shugo Chara | Shikenger | PreCure | Cutie Honey 】

      V I G I L A N T E / M E R C 】

      • I think the hero genre is tons of fun to RP with, but it doesn't always have to be clearly hero. In general, I think vigilantes
        and mercs are sometimes way more fun to work with someone who's just a hero, and thus, these types of RPs can revolve
        around anti-heroes (or Byronic heroes), a character that's more of a neutral merc or merc with a heart of gold also works.
        Although a modern setting tends to work best, futuristic-modern is great too, and any genres would be a fun addition.
        I personally like a high level of action, smut and romance with a fair dose of comedy and drama for these.
        【 SERIES: Batman (Beyond) | Heroes for Hire | Deadpool | Taskmaster | Daughters of the Dragon | Red Hood 】

  • L O C A T I O N

    • E A R T H / A U 】

      • It's generally easiest and not so bad to go simple, be straight-forward and just use Earth as a setting
        for some cases, especially if it's recent times (90s-00s). However, doing an AU Earth, for the purposes of
        magic or futuristic plot elements also works (or just because). Matters like other races co-existing
        (peacefully, or not) with humans and other fictional elements. If it's a modern setting, making a fictional
        city/country/whatever or using a real one but being vague is always fun; like Gotham in Batman or even like
        Michiko to Hatchin's fictional South America).

      A L T E R N A T E ・ W O R L D (S) 】

      • Generally for plot purposes (or just for fun), this setting is an alternate world or a few worlds, usually in a
        roleplay where the story takes places after Earth, or where there was no Earth to begin with. For something
        based on series like Trigun, Earth Seeker or Cowboy Bebop, this is pretty ideal. The fun in these settings is
        how many or few details we want to give the world(s). Taking inspiration from series like Kirby, SMG, Outlaw
        Star and Sonic Colors works as well (but putting things to scale is a different story).

      S P A C E 】

      • A roleplay that uses a spaceship as its transport and the sea of stars as its setting could be a lot of fun.
        Outlaw Star and Rogue Galaxy stand out, though there's no doubt other things to use as a reference. For
        this, I'd hope for something a little quirky or comical. A solid plot would be nice, but focusing on general
        fun across a galaxy would be great.

        • * Smaller locales within a setting that may pop up in a RP are things like underwater cities
          (Atlantis, Zora's home) or cities/towns that float in the sky or exist in trees (Thousand Arms,
          Final Fantasy 9).

Post # O4 || Manga / Anime

Beelzebub || OC & Canon || Craving: ♥♥♥
Looking For : Oga | Furuichi
Willing to Play : Hilda | Aoi
Summary : I like the delinquent obligated to raising a demon baby idea, and it'd be fun to work with in regards to characters, setting and storyline. We could even focus more on absurd, demon world things than the anime did. I somewhat prefer OC, but either works for me.

Veritas || OC & Canon || Craving: ♥♥
Looking For : Lightning Tiger/Yoochun | Gangryong
Willing to Play : Vera | Shinra
Summary : Martial arts school ideas are fun, and Veritas has a cool mix of fighting, slice-of-life, pop culture and comedy. Plenty of drama to be had all around as well.

Macross || OC || Craving: ♥♥♥
Looking For : N/A
Willing to Play : N/A
Summary : Personally, I think it'd be fun to work with almost any Shoji Kawamori work, but Basquash, Escaflowne and Macross are the ones I know best, thus, I think one of them or the lattermost especially would be fun to do. Even a crossover inspired by the three of them would be cool.

To Aru Majutsu || OC || Craving: ♥♥
Looking For : N/A
Willing to Play : N/A
Summary : I'm not all that familiar with the series yet, but I like what I see and am planning to start it soon, so if there's someone familiar with it (and willing to be patient with me) I'd love to get something planned out.

Get Backers || OC & Canon || Craving: ♥♥♥♥
Looking For : Ban
Willing to Play : Hevn
Summary : The basic premise of Get Backers is fun, and I think working a story, characters and setting around it would be a lot of fun too. I don't mind doing canon, but I don't think it'd be as fun. Likewise, I don't think I'd like to take many ideas from the series outside of Ban and Ginji's general lifestyle and job.

Medaka Box / Yankee-kun to Megane-chan || OC || Craving: ♥♥♥♥♥
Looking For : N/A
Willing to Play : N/A
Summary : I think the StuCo set up plus zany adventures and even some occasional action is great. Whether it takes on the more renowned shounen route with tons of action or mixes an occasional brawl and more humor can be decided later.

Ichiban Ushiro No Daimaou || OC || Craving: ♥♥♥♥
Looking For : N/A
Willing to Play : N/A
Summary : I have yet to properly take time and watch the series, but I've seen a ep or two (that I remember) and think the premise would be fun to try. We can follow it, stray away or mix it with other things, because it seems like prime material for the lattermost especially.

One Piece || OC || Craving: ♥♥♥
Looking For : N/A
Willing to Play : N/A
Summary : I would love to do a roleplay inspired by One Piece (and Fairy Tail). It doesn't even have to be pirates (or mages) necessarily, but if it has the general themes of nakama, dreams and we keep the action, tone, comedy and strong story in the RP, I think it'd work fabulously. Something close to pirates would be my first preference, but I'm pretty open with this one.

From Far Away || OC || Craving: ♥♥♥♥
Looking For : N/A
Willing to Play : N/A
Summary : Kanata Kara or Fushigi Yuugi, Inu Yasha (or Escaflowne again). I like works with one or couple (or few) people from another world being thrown into a world completely opposite their own and having to adapt and adjust. Dealing with the personal drama and adding fun ways to add action and progress the story is fun too. I think fantasy works best for these. I'm pretty open to ideas though I've also been trying to plot some of my own.

Tenjou Tenge || OC & Canon || Craving: ♥♥♥
Looking For : Souichirou | Masataka | Bunshichi
Willing to Play : Maya | Emi
Summary : Another fighting school thing, though admittedly, I actually like Oh! Great's handling more. The story may be all over the place, and thus doesn't need to be used if going the original route, but I like the mix of ecchi, martial arts/action and general character fun.

Lupin the 3rd || OC || Craving: ♥♥♥♥
Looking For : N/A
Willing to Play : N/A
Summary : What wouldn't be fun about a roleplay based around a master thief (and con-artist)? Lupin has great schemes, comedy, drama, tension and its own fun perverseness. It'd be fun to play with the premise and go from there.

Yuu Yuu Hakusho || OC & Canon || Craving: ♥♥♥
Looking For : Yuusuke | Hiei
Willing to Play : Keiko | Botan | Shizuru
Summary : Spirit detective sounds like a fun job (for an anime character or an OC anyway), and I think it'd be fun to do. An occasionaly tournament couldn't hurt, but I'd like a YYH RP that focuses more on the actual Reikai and Makai (and Ningenkai of course) and solving related cases.

Katekyo Hitman Reborn! || OC || Craving: ♥♥♥
Looking For : N / A
Willing to Play : N / A
Summary : Another one of those nakama things with silliness and cool action. I only read the arcs before the future thing, so I only have those to reference, but if we play a KHR RP, I prefer to follow the set up of the mafia boss who has to make his family and how nakama / close they become. Having lots of madness of our own would be a lot of fun too.

Samurai Champloo / Michiko to Hatchin || OC || Craving: ♥♥♥♥♥♥
Looking For : N/A
Willing to Play : N/A
Summary : Yes, there is an extra heart in there. Why? Because a RP that uses the themes and elements from those two series would be beyond awesome and spectacular. An unlikely group (or pair) travelling together for very personal means and forging strong bonds through it is fun, especially when put with all the bamf action, great comedy and general character build-up of both of them. A fictional or slightly fictionalized setting of anything works, and I'm very open to planning and plotting this.

Urotsukidoji || OC & Canon || Craving: ♥♥♥
Looking For : Amano Jyaku
Willing to Play : Megumi
Summary : Honestly, following the manga's format would be highly preferred to me, but I'd be willing to mix them or try the anime. I'm not familiar with the stuff that doesn't follow Tatsuo and Akemi, but the rest of it is fair game. Alternately, mixing and crossing Maeda-sensei's works would be a lot of fun.

Pretty Cure || OC || Craving: ♥♥♥
Looking For : N/A
Willing to Play : N/A
Summary : Using some of the themes and elements from the series and mixing them with other magical girl/boy and even tokusatsu and sentai ideas would be a lot of fun. I like the bond and strength that's exhibited in Futari wa, Splash Star and now Suite, and think it'd be fun to use something like that. While I'm open to ideas, I do have one or two in mind for one that's a PreCure/Kamen Rider/Sentai RP.

Master of Mosquiton || OC || Craving: ♥♥♥♥
Looking For : N/A
Willing to Play : N/A
Summary : Referencing both the OVA and TV series would be great for this, and I think using the series' premise would be fun. Working with setting (as even the series itself does) and general ideas would be good, and we can decide what elements we want to focus on (aside from the relationship, general treasure hunting/adventuring or just playing with the horror themes comically).

Majin Tantei Neuro Nougami / Defense Devil || OC || Craving: ♥♥
Looking For : N/A
Willing to Play : N/A
Summary : I'm not sure if that looks like a wut or awesome crossover, but I think the two series share enough distinct and similar elements to work as a RP idea separate or crossed over. I can actually think of a couple of other series to cross them with, but either way, focusing on the cases more and maybe developing an outside story would be a lot of fun.

Kamen-sensei || OC || Craving: ♥♥♥♥
Looking For : N/A
Willing to Play : N/A
Summary : Crossing this with GTO would be a ton of fun, and I love the idea of rowdy but troubled students getting schooled by their teacher. Following either relatively closely or spinning off on our own thing would be great, but keeping the general ideas and themes works best to me.

Soul Eater || OC || Craving: ♥♥
Looking For : N/A
Willing to Play : N/A
Summary : Even though I've read and watched quite a bit of Soul Eater, I still don't feel like I really understand or follow it, but I like the premise and think it'd be awesome to work with. Whether we use the most general ideas or even the story ideas is open for plot and discussion.

Shugo Chara || OC || Craving: ♥♥♥♥
Looking For : N/A
Willing to Play : N/A
Summary : One thing I love about Shugo Chara is that it features both magical girl and guy characters, and on top of that, it plays with the genre very well. Another thing I love about it is that it's a Peach Pit work, which means it has a lot of cool adult themes while somehow being accessible to children. Playing with some of the basic ideas in Shugo Chara would be great as a RP on its own or crossed with some other stuff.

Saiyuki / Shinzo || OC || Craving: ♥♥♥♥♥
Looking For : N/A
Willing to Play : N/A
Summary : I like Journey to the West and many of its different versions, and Saiyuki stands out to me as a fun one that's very cool. Playing with the general story and themes would be great and I think it'd also be fun to experiment with setting and smaller details. Shinzo as well had a cool take on the classic tale, and it might even be more fun to mix the two rather than use them separately.

Oh! Great || Craving: ♥♥♥♥
Summary : Ogure-sensei's works may get plain ridiculous at times, but I often think that's what makes them so fun. Sometimes the fanservice can get a little obnoxious too, but I like how he does things and think it'd be fun to work with his general style and themes.

CLAMP || Craving: ♥♥
Summary : Actually, I've been kind of angry with CLAMP lately, but I still love their earlier works (and Legal Drug) and Gate 7 is looking to be good, so I would like to try something that uses ideas as obscurely as they do and such.

Aya Nakahara || Craving: ♥♥♥
Summary : In general, Nakahara-sensei refreshes and plays with the shoujo genre so well, I'd love to throw in elements of her general style and/or works to any RP. Not only has she increased my love of short (but manly) characters, but she simply has quirkiness, humor and great drama to her works that comes off perfect in tone.

Kaneyoshi Izumi || Craving: ♥♥♥♥♥
Summary : Sometimes I almost wonder how Kaneyoshi-sensei's works are shoujo, but that's a quality I love them for. Her characters are ridiculous, nothing is sacred and she's simply quite brilliant with layering characters and giving them a great livelihood. Her essence would be fun to throw into anything.

Hiroshi Takahashi || Craving: ♥♥♥
Summary : Few people make delinquents as awesome and fun as Takahashi-sensei, and I think using the passion or coolness of his works in anything would be fun.

Yoshiaki Tabata && Yuuki Yugo || Craving: ♥♥♥♥♥
Summary : The YoshiYugo have brilliant works, and I love the action, humor and even the smut in them (except for Wolf Guy's recent smut). Referencing their works for themes, story or characters would be great.

Post # O5 || Cartoons

Samurai Jack || OC || Craving: ♥♥♥♥♥
Looking For : N / A
Willing to Play : N / A
Summary : Even though I did include canon up there, because it would be fun to play in, I would vastly prefer something original. Although something that follows the basic idea of a 'Jack' being thrown in the (very, very) far future and having to journey across and getting into insane but cool adventures is ideal to me, I wouldn't mind deviating from that path a bit or sticking close to it.

Batman Beyond || OC || Craving: ♥♥♥
Looking For : N / A
Willing to Play : N / A
Summary : More than anything, I think an alternate futuristic Batman RP sounds bad ass and fun. Especially with all the cool potential. It could work like Beyond and not reference the Bat family too much (outside of the obvious case), or heck, it could even bring in the other members of the Bat family in interesting ways. Either way, I think an original, Bat and Alfred/Robin(/Maxine) would be fun.

TMNT || OC & Canon || Craving: ♥♥♥♥♥
Looking For : Raphael | Leonardo
Willing to Play : April
Summary : First off, I actually wouldn't mind a TMNT RP that knock the turtles part out of the title. The characters wouldn't even have to be ninja either in something original. But I like the general premise and wouldn't mind trying for something original or in canon.

Battle Force 5 || OC & Canon || Craving: ♥♥♥♥♥
Looking For : Vert | Tezz | Sherman
Willing to Play : Agura | Sage | Grace
Summary : Although I'd much prefer to borrow the ideas from BF5, playing in the canon would actually be pretty fun too, and especially because of the characters actually. I think playing around with the setting, following parts of or the whole plot and maybe adjusting a couple of other things would make it excellent for a RP.

Storm Hawks || OC || Craving: ♥♥
Looking For : N / A
Willing to Play : N / A
Summary : Storm Hawks is odd in that it has a great set up, but not one I would generally prefer to play in. However, playing around with the premise or even going off of what the end started would be a pretty cool thing to try.

Winx Club || OC || Craving: ♥♥♥♥
Looking For : N / A
Willing to Play : N / A
Summary : I actually like Winx Club. Quite a bit. But if it came to a RP using it, I wouldn't mind if it closely followed a lot of what the series has established or just borrows the premise or smaller ideas. I like how it has its worlds set up though, and the schools and actually have curriculum and challenge to earn their powers is nice. But somehing with all the frills and odd dark themes or without would work just as well.

Secret Saturdays || OC & Canon || Craving: ♥♥♥
Looking For : Doyle | Zak
Willing to Play : Abby
Summary : The Secret Sats is another series where playing in canon is just as fun as playing with OCs. I don't mind going NG, AU or just borrowing the general ideas or plot from the series. It has lots of potential no matter the route chosen and I think even the canon story can continue somewhere else from where it ended.

Captain Planet || OC || Craving: ♥♥
Looking For : N / A
Willing to Play : N / A
Summary : This is probably odd to see on the list, but I think a Planet RP that plays with the setting and some of the ideas, and maybe even borrows ideas from other series would work very well. It's also the perfect five man band set-up with potential for Johnny Quest like adventures or lighter or even zanier adventures.

Generator Rex || OC & Canon || Craving: ♥♥♥♥
Looking For : Rex
Willing to Play : Dr. Holiday
Summary : This is one of the few titles that I think is equally fun as OC or canon. With OCs, I think borrowing themes and the premise of the series would be best, but I'm not as familiar with the show as I am others on my list, so I'm open to ideas, etc.

Young Justice || OC || Craving: ♥♥
Looking For : N / A
Willing to Play : N / A
Summary : Honestly, I technically count Teen Titans (the cartoon of course) as being lumped in with this, but only because they're both very close and I think mixing their themes and handling of the story and characters would be fun. Whether new sidekicks entirely or simple NG ones is up to my partner, but it's always fun to try either.

Batman TAS / Under the Red Hood || OC || Craving: ♥♥♥
Looking For : N / A
Willing to Play : N / A
Summary : I know, too very separate canon. But they're also modern Batman-verses as compared to the futuristic one in BB and be crossed together, and even if not that, still hold most of the same themes. A RP focusing on Batman or Red Hood (whether the characters or similar variants) would be cool, and I like that both of these are most definitely driven by storyline with a heavy focus on character and some darker themes mixed in with the humor (and great, fluid action especially in the latter).

Monster Buster Club || OC || Craving: ♥♥♥♥
Looking For : N / A
Willing to Play : N / A
Summary : This could play out something like a Secret Saturdays RP or somewhat follow the MBC cartoon. Either way, I think it'd be fun to try, especially in taking different spins on the aliens and maybe banching out from just the little setting and some of the events featured in the animation.

Johnny Quest || OC || Craving: ♥♥
Looking For : N / A
Willing to Play : N / A
Summary : I strongly prefer to borrow from the newer one than the original, but the series as a whole would be fun to base a RP on. The general premise would be fun to use, but borrowing some of the adventures from either version of the show could be interesting to play with too.

American Dragon || OC || Craving: ♥♥♥
Looking For : N / A
Willing to Play : N / A
Summary : I've been very iffy about including AmDrag on here, but admittedly, I would love to do a RP either inspired by American Dragon or a AU / NG kind of thing. It can be loosely or closely based on the series, and playing around with mythology and setting could be a ton of fun.

Post # O6 || Comics

Marvel-verse || OC & Canon || Craving: ♥♥♥
Looking For : Deadpool | Cable | Amadeus Cho
Willing to Play : Suggest someone?
Summary : Considering how large and varied Marvel-verse is, there's ons of ways this can go. It can be like X-Men, Fantastic Four, Avengers, Runaways, Spider-Man or even Heroes for Hire. And that's just counting the primary vigilante groups/titles. Even doing something original or AU/NG in the Marvel worlds would be fun, or just borrowing primary themes and ideas and premises would work very well.

DC Trinity || OC || Craving: ♥♥♥♥
Looking For : N / A
Willing to Play : N /A
Summary : This would work a lot differently than the comic, and maybe a lot differently than what I assume. Trinity itself wasn't horrible, but had all kinds of silliness in it (logic and canon wise), but I think using the general idea of the main trinity ( for DC, Marvel or anything ) and having some adventures revolving around them would be fun. Especially considering how it can take place in one city, or maybe have three different cities and how they interact with not only each other, but the surroundings and 'territory' of each other. (To balance it out, another character could be added.)

W.I.T.C.H. || OC || Craving: ♥♥♥♥♥
Looking For : N / A
Willing to Play : N / A
Summary : The great thing about WITCH is how little it follows any mold. Things are never too black and white in its world, and the girls actually have to balance their daily lives, suffer consquences (not just for the sake of storyline either) and that things actually shift and change. I think a RP that uses the premise and themes would be great, but it doesn't need to be just magical girl, and playing with the main settings is very workable too.

Batman || OC || Craving: ♥♥♥♥
Looking For : N / A
Willing to Play : N / A
Summary : Although I'm open to doing a Batman and Robin/Batgirl thing, I do have other things in mind. This idea plays off of the whole Batman Beyond premise, and can work in a modern or futuristic setting like Beyond's (the latter is preferred to me). An older Batman finally retires and is unable to take up the job anymore. But after some time (a short or long period, doesn't matter), a teen loses one or both parents (most likely that has some relation to the Batman or his company, etc). Of course, the basic point here is that my character takes up the mantle of Batman next (yes, as a female Batman). Whether she stumbles across the cave or he tells her or whatever, but it begins something like Terry and Bruces mentorship (but with the obvious smut added). Now, my character can live with him assuming both her parents died, or just live at home and have to balance everything if one parent is still alive. Either way, pretty open to playing with this idea.

Stan Lee || OC || Craving: ♥♥
Looking For : N / A
Willing to Play : N / A
Summary : Admittedly, I appreciate Stan Lee but I don't entirely care too much for him. However, I do enjoy bits and pieces of his new stuff, mainly Soldier Zero, Starborn and The Traveller, and I think it'd be cool to use them to make a RP.

Post # O8 || Video Games

Final Fantasy || OC || Craving: ♥♥
Looking For : N / A
Willing to Play : N / A
Summary : Something that uses the general setting and ideas from FF would be nice. Out of the series, I'm most familiar with and enjoyed IV, V, VI, IX and X. However, I also don't mind trying something similar to VIII and even though I'm not very familiar with it, I don't mind trying something similar to XII either.

Grandia || OC || Craving: ♥♥♥♥
Looking For : N / A
Willing to Play : N / A
Summary : I've played up to at least part of the beginning of the I-III and finally got my hands on Xtreme, but won't be starting it soon. However, I love the series a lot, not only for the plot and characters (and the bad ass battle system) but also because of the sense of adventure it encapsulates perfectly. I think that's one of the most charming traits a game can have (RPGs at least) and would love a RP similar to any or all of the Grandia titles.

Lunar || OC || Craving: ♥♥♥♥
Looking For : N / A
Willing to Play : N / A
Summary : What can I say? GameArts does things right and I love their titles (but no Magical Obelisk will be listed). I enjoy Lunar for the same reasons I do Grandia, although Lunar focuses less on adventuring and even more on plot, which it delivers very well to me, even when it uses cliches. I'd love a RP that borrows plot or other ideas from a Lunar game but still has the feel of a classic RPG the way Lunar does.

God Hand || OC & Canon || Craving: ♥♥♥
Looking For : Gene
Willing to Play : Olivia
Summary : I really haven't got my hands on the game yet, but I do like how over the top and outrageous it is, but it reminds me of NMH (which I have played) so I would love to do something similar in feeling or style to GH.

No More Heroes || OC & Canon || Craving: ♥♥
Looking For : Travis
Willing to Play : Shinobu | Sylvia
Summary : I would strongly prefer not to play in canon, and go original all the way and simply borrow the main ideas. However, I would be willing to do canon or try something more AU/NG.

Resonance of Fate || OC || Craving: ♥♥♥♥♥
Looking For : N / A
Willing to Play : N / A
Summary : Another game with a bad ass battle system, and on top of that, it too has extremely fun characters! Seriously, RoF/EoE is tons of fun because of the characters, cutscenes and battles. I'm not too far in to have a firm grasp of the plot, and I hear that while it works it isn't the highlight of the game, but that's fine. In general, I think a RP that borrows certain elements and themes from the game and looks to be as generally fun (Christmas event, anyone?) would be beyond awesome. I would strongly prefer to play with setting and what not though, but still fun.

Opoona || OC || Craving: ♥♥♥♥
Looking For : N / A
Willing to Play : N / A
Summary : Opoona is one of my favorite games of all time, and the OST and job system are definitely a huge part of that. But I also adore how developed and intricate the world is. On top of that, it's a futuristic world that manages to be well thought out, bright and still very relatable. I love the setting, and to me it's fairly ideal as far as RPs goes, especially when it comes to anything futuristic obviously. A RP that borrows from Opoona would be magnificent.

Earth Seeker || OC || Craving: ♥♥♥♥♥
Looking For : N / A
Willing to Play : N / A
Summary : Okay, so it's not released yet. But soon! More importantly, I love the look and impressions I get. Another futuristic world that isn't just depressing, apocalyptic and actually manages to be creative, often lush and innovative is key to me, and it pulls it off well. It's thought out, and the plot supports the setting and other elements. Borrowing elements, whether they be the setting, plot, etc. would be excellent and tons of fun.

Sonic the Hedgehog || OC & Canon || Craving: ♥♥♥
Looking For : Sonic | Shadow
Willing to Play : Rouge
Summary : Like TMNT, I would not at all mind playing with only human characters here. But I would somewhat feel up to making an exception for the characters listed above. More than anything, Sonic is a series where I love the settings (and yes, I do go with the canon that it's always been Earth and Mobius is not in my canon), and I like how casual the plots are. They're straight-forward, but they work. And I love the characters. Using bits and pieces from the series, no matter the era, works for me!

NIS || OC || Craving: ♥♥♥♥
Looking For : N / A
Willing to Play : N / A
Summary : When I say NIS, I mean anything from the Rhapsody and Disgaea series (La Pucelle included), as well as Phantom Brave, Makai Kingdom and Soul Nomad. Out of all these, I've played Rhapsody, la Pucelle and Phantom Brave the most (and actually have not started Soul Nomad yet), but I like the Marl Kingdom and other worlds. And heck, crossing these and making something original out of them would be an amazing option to go with.

F-Zero / FAST || OC || Craving: ♥♥♥♥♥
Looking For : N / A
Willing to Play : N / A
Summary : Technically, Wipeout belongs to this category as well I suppose, but in general, the futuristic racer genre is something I enjoy and would love to use for RPs. F-Zero can rely on the games and anime if need be, but taking the general settings and ideas from the games and implementing them would be way schway.

Star Fox || OC || Craving: ♥♥♥
Looking For : N / A
Willing to Play : N / A
Summary : Using anything from Star Fox sounds cool to me, and I'm familiar with 64, Adventure and Assault (with the lattermost being my favorite). Although I would definitely, strongly prefer human characters here, I ay be somewhat open to anthro/gijinka/furs.

Tekken || OC || Craving: ♥♥♥♥
Looking For : N / A
Willing to Play : N / A
Summary : There's a lot to love about the series, and I had a hard time choosing between OC, canon or both, but I feel if a Tekken RP will be done, it should be with OCs. Although I can't say I care for where the plot has gone lately, I do like that it goes wherever and how over the top and silly the series can be at times. When you want to take it seriously, it sometimes just comes out so comical (and often intentionally so, thank goodness). I think a fighting RP that borrows from Tekken would be pretty fun.

Post # O9 || Original Ideas

Summoned to Another World || Craving: ♥♥♥
This idea takes a lot of inspiration from series like From Far Away, Escaflowne and Magic Knight Rayearth. Whether or not it has mecha is up to my partner, but the basic idea is a girl (and another character?) being summoned to another world (by accident, fate or intentional) and the plot that follows from there. I have a few ideas, but I'm very open to hearing out ideas for this as well.

The Demon Prince Cometh || Craving: ♥♥♥♥
This focuses on the premise of a powerful figure in a modern setting. In this case, the heir/prince of the Makai in the human world. Possible reasons for coming would be to take over or destroy the human world, either for the purposes of proving himself, ritual/rites, for the demons to live there or simply because he wants to. Whether something goes wrong when he hops over or by some plot mechanic using a legend or whatever, he can be bound to my character, or simply take up residence in her home, etc. The premise is simple, and the plot and storylines can go any number of ways, and the setting itself can be simple or detailed. References that come to mind for this are Beelzebub and Disgaea, off the top of my head.

Mecha @ Work || Craving: ♥
I've decided to split my mecha ideas into separate parts. This is somewhat because saying mecha just doesn't go across as well, but also because mecha itself is such a large genre with so many distinct works. This particular idea refers to such mecha series as Patlabor, potentially Gundam and other series that are more focused on Real Robots. Whether it's a more domestic scene (like Patlabor) or a war (Gundam) or something else. Although I'm very unfamiliar with them, I think game series like Armored Core and such fit under here as well (I think, I'm not certain though).

GAR, Mechs && Galactic Songstresses || Craving: ♥♥♥♥♥♥
The title says it all really as to what I'm looking for with this idea, and I'll detail it more just to get the point across. Obviously, the idea takes the route of series like Star Driver, Macross and Basquash and utilizes mecha and song as relevant parts. However, I also want the the RP to take hints from works like Gurren Lagann and throw in not only some ideas from the premise, but also all of the GAR and awesome (and ridiculous, over the topness). This is actually one of my ideas where compared to not only the other mecha but everything, I have quite a bit in mind for already. It would probably borrow from the early parts of TTGL the most as far as basic set up, but borrow a lot from Star Driver and Macross, just in a slightly more original take.

The World and Ancient Devices ( Mecha ) || Craving: ♥♥♥♥
This final idea still borrows from other mecha works, but more along the lines of things such as Go Nagai's series, other Shoji Kawamori series and mecha like Detonator Orgun. It incorporates the ideas of myth and/or religion or extraterrestials and overarching plots and many deep themes. The best examples I can think of are Mazinger and Genesis of Aquarion. I don't have as many ideas for this in particular, but it would be fun to discuss and try regardless.

Hot-blooded Delinqunecy || Craving: ♥♥
Taking inspiration from a number of things, this idea is meant to be action-packed, over the top, a little ridiculous and very bad ass. Although the main pieces are delinquents and school (and perhaps martial arts), we can mostly spin it all however we please. My basic idea is a school that's essentially a delinquent school, maybe one that started off as a school with a leaning towards martial arts that went wrong(?), and while the school has its share of normal students, the delinquents are the ones who run things and are having it out amongst each other. Anyone with a faction and everyone in general wants to run the school, and on top of that, there's the possibility of war with other schools. Along comes a new student to a particular class (one with the smallest group of delinquents but with some of the most powerful) and immediately he sets himself up as the potential head/boss of the campus. Since this is just a basic idea, it can be changed it (maybe the school is prestigious but there's suddenly delinquents coming in, or maybe the faculty supports a delinquent wars).

Villain and Daughter * || Craving: ♥♥♥♥
I actually came up with this idea while playing around with a bio for a heroine character, but found it made for an interesting idea of its own. The title says enough, in that it'd involve a super villain raising a young woman, acting like a fatherly role to her. She can be in his care for whatever reasons; whether she's the child of superheroes and he kidnapped her or he simply found the potential of her abilities to his liking, or maybe there was a soft spot in him that wanted to raise the child of an aquaintance from his past. The initial idea kind of borrowed from a villain like Dr. Doom (a genius scientist and inventor, but also a sorcerer and with his own kindgom) who was a force to be reckoned with and had his own arch enemy. If we want to include other heroes and/or villains, that could certainly be a lot of fun and very interesting, though primarily, I want to focus on the two of them.
* Please note, this is not going to be incest. Unless you're fine with some form of inlaw/step-sibling incest.

Just so you know, you're not really my master || Craving: ♥♥♥♥
And so this idea makes a return! I find it's a fun balance of powers and position to play with and the power dynamic is great, and it's something I have with only one partner, so it'd be fun to add once more. Essentially, the idea at its core is that of a potentially all-powerful wizard/sorcerer/vampire/what have you that is under the control of a teenage girl. The idea has quite a few different ways it can play it, ranging from a young woman simply awakening/freeing a vampire from his slumber/summoning him, or even a young woman accidentally or having the obligation of unsealing a powerful wizard. One thing I generally like to keep for the idea is the difference in reality for the characters. She's pretty much an average girl from the modern world, and he's a character of a more (anime) fantasy backdrop. Whether he has to adapt to the modern world or she has to accomodate herself to the alternate world can be decided for later (along with other things).

Post # 1O || Samples

  • * These shall be completed some time today or tomorrow !!

    I'm ashamed for having neglected these for so long, but I finally have some complete! I tried to do a post to sample a variety
    of things, with small distinctions even between things like characters, settings, genre, weather and scene type. I hope it gives
    people a better idea of not only my writing and style, but maybe even a better understanding of my preferences in some ways.

    • - Smut

      - Ecchi

      - Action

      - Romantic

      - Emotional

      - Casual

( may not be added on this thread ; expect them on the next one ! )
Notes :

  • This is yet another post I've decided to add last minute, but mainly to address some things and maybe help others get an idea of what I'm looking for
    at any given time. Consider it my cravings post outside of the specific titles and ideas.

    • • I love ecchi. We don't have to jump straight into the smut in a RP, or even include much smut, but we can always throw in as much ecchi
      as we want anywhere and everywhere. ( Ecchi here referring to perverted circumstances just short of actual sexual scenes. )

      • I really like planning settings. Mind you, I won't ask anyone to plan a setting in full, elaborate detail unless you too enjoy that, but I just like
      to try and get something that works for the RP. If it's modern or futuristic-modern, focusing on a small city and giving it a few key places is
      excellent. If it's a futuristic and/or fantasy setting, I like to plan out a little more about some of the main places of the setting and some of
      the world's/worlds' dynamics.

      • For me, multiple characters works best as one or two main characters, a few side characters (with varying relevance) and then NPCs. Of
      course, NPCs can be as limited or unlimited as necessary and disposable or recurring. Even the side characters don't need to be present at
      any and every given moment.
Updates && Announcements

  • I realize I was sorely missing a post / section for updates and such, so here it is! I'll keep them listed here and on matters
    concerning my status, how many RPs I'm in and other important factors. There won't be a certain time or anything that they'll
    come about. Just randomly and as need be.

  • U P D A T E S

      • • The thread is near completion but open! After two months... x'D

        • Four new plots added to the original ideas! ( One plot split up into three new ones and one completely new idea. )

        • Changed some stuff on the anime post, added one title to cartoons and an idea to the original section!

  • ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    A N N O U N C E M E N T S

      • • None at the moment !!
RE: ( ( RE:sound ♥ ) ) | MxF | Fandom & Original |

I'll like to hear what your idea is for "Summon to another world"
RE: ( ( RE:sound ♥ ) ) | MxF | Fandom & Original |

Hey there. I must say this is a very detailed request thread (mine are usually atrocious after seeing this). I sent you a PM with a story idea I've been working on for some time, but never quite got off the ground.

Feel free to send a PM with any questions you may have
RE: ( ( RE:sound ♥ ) ) | MxF | Fandom & Original |

I'm thrilled to see someone else has an appreciation for Deadpool; if you're still looking, maybe we could work out something ridiculous/awesome?
RE: ( ( RE:sound ♥ ) ) | MxF | Fandom & Original |

  • @ Razgriz : Haha, thank you. I find the more specific I am, the better idea others have of what I'm looking for and the way I play. I'll respond to your PM right now~.

    @ sevenpercentsolution : Same here! There should definitely be more Deadpool lovin' around. I shall PM you right now!
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