Best gift ever (D.E 666 and me)


Jan 18, 2009
The television screen flipped through the channels, each station only one for a few moments before quickly blinking out to the next one. Underneath the covers a pair of green eyes peered as a pale hand lazily pressed the button on the remote. Zack was depressed, he'd been like this for days. The newlt turned sixteen year old sulked. He was the only kid in his small little town without a pokemon. He'd been born in the spring, but the partnering always took place during the spring and summer seasons, even the fall sometimes. He was just so unlucky to be born then. "Derin got his when he turned sixteen, the dark haired adolescent mopped, speaking of his older brother.

Just then there was a knock on the door, Zack groaned and it slowly opened. "Hey bro..." the person he did not want to see just then said. It was his older brother, he was home for the holidays, but he'd be leaving again on his big pokemon adventure. "Leave me alone..." he said once more sinking into his bed sheets, vanishing from the world. "Heard about the tough break, wanted to give you something...your birthday gift, maybe itll make you feel better," though when he gave his older brother no response he simply left the gift on his dresser.

Minutes passed, and he started to feel a bit like a jerk. "Wasn't his fault," he said to himself. He kicked the covers off himself and blinked a few times. His black hair was a mess, he'd been in bed till way into the afternoon. The first thing he did was look at his dresser, seeing the small box on it. It was crudly wrapped, and had a rather annoying big bow on it. He went over, picking the parcel up noticing it fit in the palm of his hand. He unwrapped it, and tipped the box over in his hand. He felt something smooth and cold. Could it really be?

He looked at his palm, seeing the red and white sphere in his hand, whats more he noticed it was used. His feet flew a few inches off the floor as he ran downstairs, tackling his older brother. " bro ever!" where the only words that where understandable, as he spoke so quickly before jetting for the front door. He quickly pressed the front button on the ball, as it expanded in his palm he tossed it, eager to see what was inside.
As the pokeball was unwrapped and tipped out of the box, it's slightly worn surface shone in the light of his room. It was a normal pokeball with a small flame symbol on the top just above the white button. It had been Derins very first pokeball which housed his very first pokemon. The pokemon hadn't been seen around the house very often though it was usually heard more then seen when ever Derin had been home from his travels.

When the ball was tossed, it popped open in mid air and in the usual bit of white light, a petite yet fit pokemon appeared. Once the light faded, it was easy to see that it was a beautiful vulpix. The girl was maybe at the most 5'6" and weighed maybe 130 lbs. Her body was curvy with a sexy hourglass shape to it, her waist small with flared out hips and perky beasts. Her fur was a glossy reddish-brown color, her feet and hands a deeper red while her six tails and her curly hair were a dark red. After she was released she looked around with her big, bright bown eyes before her gaze landed upon Zack and she paused with a twitch of her ear.

"You're not Derin." she said softly, her tails swaying behind her as she shifted her weight, causing one of her hips to jut out on one side while she gazed at him. The vulpix's name was Natalya but Derin often called her Nat or Lya. She was wearing a cute white dress with a pink ribbon around her waist and neck though she was barefoot. Though it wasn't unheard of, it was a little strange to see a pokemon dressed in such a fashion. Usually the outfits were shorts and a tank top. Something simple and easy to battle in.
Zack watched as the light faded and showed the vulpix. She was taller then he was, though just by a little, it wasn't unheard of but she was a tall vulpix, usually he saw them as shorter, just taller then eevees. Her dress made her look cute, though why she wore it he didn't know, didn;t it make traveling a bit harder? However he was to excited to care very much. When she made the observation he was not his older brother he nodded. "No, my names Zack," he said to her, still in awe at her appearence. "I'm his younger brother," he told her, if she looked closely the resemblence was there, in fact he looked very much like his borther, though he lacked the same physical build of being a traveler and his hair was a tad shorter then his.

"I guess I am your trainer, Derin gave me you as a gift, " he said, unsure if that was the correct thing to say. "I like your dress, did Derin let you wear it?" he asked before asking another quick question "Your names Natalya right?" he asked again, he had heard Derin had a vulpix, but wasn't she his first pokemon? Why ever would he want to get rid of her, I mean she did look fit for contests, but she had to be plenty strong as well despite her very attractive appearence.
Natalya smoothed down her dress, easily getting rid of the wrinkles before she looked at him again as he told her his name. But at the mention of him being Derin's younger brother, she sighed softly and looked at him closely with a critical eye. She could indeed see the resemblance between the two young men. After seeing Derin for so long, she could easily pick out the features that they shared. But she could also see the differences. While Derin was tall, well built from training and traveling, and tanned with long dark hair, from what she could see Zack was the opposite. He was pale with short hair and he wasn't built.

As he said that he was her trainer since Derin gave her to him as a gift, she crossed her arms with a sigh before brushing her hair back from her face. If he was expecting her to be surprised, he wasn't going to see it. It didn't surprise her that Derin had given her up. He had talked about it with her. Derin needed stronger pokemon and since he couldn't afford a firestone, she couldn't evolve and get stronger so he gave her to Zack to help him get started in his journey with pokemon.

Zack's question about her dress caused her to look down and she shrugged. "He always lets me wear clothes. This is just one of my normal sundresses." she said while looking at the knee length dress, twisting slightly with a flick of her tail while looking at the bow at the back of her dress. Reaching back, she adjusted the bow a bit so it was tied perfectly while she nodded. "Yes, my name is Natalya." she replied.
He wondered still why Derin gave her up, her lack of surprise told him she was aware of it though so he wasn't too guilty in accepting such a gift. "It is very nice," he said again, he was a little inexperienced with this sort of thing. "Um, so do you like being inside the ball or out?" he asked knowing some preferred the latter of the two options, though judging by her attire, it must have been hard to travel around in.

"Would you mind if I called you Lya?" was his next question, he liked her full name, but it was rather formal, and Lya was easier to say if he needed to say a lot all at once. He looked down at the ground for a second as he waited.
She could tell that he was inexperienced and that he was a little awkward. The pokegirl knew that since she now belonged to him, she would be dealing with other beginner trainers any time they battled for a while until Zack was ready for the stronger battles. "I prefer being outside the ball. Traveling inside can make pokemon lazy." she told him. She preferred walking because it helped keep her in shape. She'd seen plenty of pokemon that were carried that ended up slow and lazy.

His question about her name caught her by surprise and she looked at him as he looked at the ground. "I suppose you could." she said slowly. It was going to be strange for her to get used to someone different calling her Lya since only Derin had called her that. She became silent for a little bit while standing there before finally speaking up again. "Now what?" she asked, wondering what they were going to be doing.
Zack wanted to ask her the same thing, she just beat him to the punch. "Well...why don't you tell me about things, like what it was like being with Derin," he said, he could learn about her as well. Zack had a strange feeling she was not into being his partner, he guessed he wasn't exactly what she had been hoping for. "I'd like to get to know a bit about you as well, I mean still need to pack things to take now," he said patiently, though deep down he had the biggest urge to simply start his journey.

He also guessed she was a lot stronger then meets the eye, after all his brother had over three years time to train her since he'd begun.
Natalya softly sighed and tucked her long hair back over her shoulders before looking around. "Do you want to just stand here and talk?" she asked him before thinking for a moment. "Well... being with Derin..." she trailed off and gently chewed on her bottom lip. "It was nice. He was fun to work with despite him being so stern when it came to training. But he also took excellent care of me. Always made sure that my fur was tangle free every night before bed and he liked to spend time with me." As she spoke about being with Derin, a small smile formed on her lips. It was the first time he'd seen her smile and the smile actually made her look prettier.

Zack was partially right about her not being into being his partner. She wasn't into being his partner because she didn't want to have a new trainer. But since it was already done and Derin had asked her to teach his brother, she would do it though reluctantly. As Zack mentioned packing things, she nodded. "I have to get my things as well anyways." she said.
Zack noticed the smile, he pondered as to why she did that, but he decided against it. "That sounds good," he said "We should probably go inside now," he realized they'd been standing out there for so long and he still did not seem presentable. He imagined his brother brushing her though, he had the urge to smile out of humor, but he decided not to.

Zack held the door open for her "I'd better get changed," he said, he wasn't sure if she wanted to come with him or not, he was sure Derin was around though. The idea of having his brothers first pokemon as his first dawned on him though. It would be difficult to live up to such an expectation.
Natalya nodded and turned towards the house and she walked with him towards the door. When he opened the door, she stepped inside and her nose twitched several times before she caught Derins scent. Hearing Zack's voice, she glanced at him and nodded. "I'll go get my things while you do that then." she said. "I think Derin said he'd have everything packed up for me."

Rubbing her arm, she turned and silently padded off down the nearby hall with a flick of her tail. It didn't take her long to find Derin. He was in his room and she stopped outside the door and knocked, waiting for him to answer.
Zack nodded and went up to change, he had her pokebell in his pocket making sure it didn't fall out. Once again the exhilarating feeling of euphoria surged through him as he got into his room. "Finally my own adventure," he thought. Deep down he wanted to be the best, better this his brother before him. Derin had always bested him in everything as kids, he even got to go out on his journey on time. "I'll be better thigh," he said. He opened the last drawer of his dresser and inside was a box. It had been another birthday gift, though he had been worried he'd have to wait a year to use the contents. Inside where cloths, but not any old ordinary ones. They consisted of gloves, a hat, a vest, winter jacket, whether resistant pants and all purpose shoes. They where all things a beginner trainer used. Derin had gotten a set like this too, though the colors where different. As he put them on he felt so much better, cooler, and like he was now getting closer to his older brother.

In the meantime Derin had been smiling, Zacks reaction was priceless, it made him feel good, even if he had given Lya to him. It had been a big decision to make, but he trusted her to teach him, though he knew she'd be a challenge fir his little bro. "Come in," he said as he heard the knock. Lyas things had been packed, though in truth it would be Zacks responsibility, Derin had spoiled Lya, being his first pokemon gave her that privilege, however it would be a big change for all three of them now. He did not expect Zack to spoil her, and deep down he sort of hoped for that. Lya was strong, but she had her quarks.
Lya opened the door and stepped into the room, closing her eyes as she took in the all too familiar scent that was Derin and she sighed. A moment later she opened her eyes and looked at Derin. "Hey." she said softly. "I... um... I came to get my things.. and say good bye. Your brother wants to head out soon." She moved over to her things and looked at them. There was a box and then a backpack for her to carry. In the box were different changes of clothes, small trinkets and hair accessories that Derin had gotten her during their travels and in the bag were things she'd need for traveling.

The girl picked up her backpack and shouldered it before looking at Derin again. Deep down she wanted to just jump onto Derin and hug him and never let go, but now that she no longer belonged to him, she knew it would be inappropriate so she didn't.
Zack strapped his things on, packing the necessities as well like his sleeping bag and camping things. He looked in the morrior, unable to help trying to make himself look intimidating and powerful. It was like he was ten again, and he was preparing to play "Trainers" with his brother and have a mock battle, of course Derin won those all the time too. Zack smiled, he almost felt like staying, but he couldn't, home sickness was a common thing for trainers, and none of the good ones ever cried about it. So he wouldn't either. He put his cap on his head and made sure everything was packed before heading back downstairs.

Derin looked up as she came in, he was filling a few of the same emotions as well. However he knew it was best, for her and for his little brother. She was too spoiled, Zack would probably bring the best out of her, something Derin still strived to do. "Hey come here for a second," he said to her before she left. He could imagine Zack still posing with his new trainer gear, so he guessed he still had a few minutes, he wasn't wrong either, at that moment Zack had struck a pose. "Not everything is packed," he said, most of the cloths where standard kind, he would leave it up to Zack to dress her, though he did pack her a few of her favorite dresses, aftewr all he wasn't that cruel. "Mom can ship things over if Zack asks," he said. He grabbed her and gave her a hug, he was about a foot taller then she was, and much taller then Zack. He'd miss this feeling, of hugging her, most of all. "Be good to him alright, he wont be as....accomidating as me...but it's for the best, just give him time," he told her.
The vulpix was about to pick up the box when he told her to come here. Looking at him, she nodded and padded over to him, looking up at him as he told her that not everything was packed. She had noticed that all of her clothes weren't packed and she took a deep breath before nodding again. "I noticed. Besides, you know I prefer traveling in shorts and a tank top. They're easier to move in." she said softly. "Will you be giving the rest of the clothes to the other girls?" she asked, struggling to keep her emotions under control. When he said that his mother could ship things over if Zack asked, she nodded again before closing her eyes as he pulled her to him. Dropping her backpack, she wrapped her arms around him and hugged him tightly, fisting his shirt in her hands. A soft sound escaped her. It sounded a lot like a choked back sob but when she looked up at him her eyes were dry. "I'll do my best." she said softly.

Standing on her tiptoes, she brushed a brief kiss against his lips before hugging him once more. "Thank you for everything Derin." she whispered in his ear. Pulling back completely, she took a deep breath and squared her shoulders while gazing up at him. Reaching up into her hair, she untied the dark blue hair ribbon and reached down to his wrist, wrapping it gently around his wrist twice before tying it with a bow. It was her favorite hair ribbon, one she cherished. With a shaky smile, she picked up her bag and then the box that held her things and held her head high while looking at him one last time. "Goodbye Derin." she said gently before slipping out of the room, closing it behind her before heading to Zacks room where she put the box down.

Opening her bag, she looked over everything that was inside before moving things around, making sure everything she needed was organized before folding her traveling clothes in the way she liked it. At the bottom of her bag she put two of her dresses before putting the rest of her traveling clothes on top and closing the bag. She had left out a set of traveling clothes so she quickly changed into a pair of denim shorts and a white beater before slipping her feet into her worn sandals. They were old leather shoes that had thin but strong bottoms and strapped around her ankles. Once changed, she shouldered her bag again and headed downstairs to join up with Zack.
Derin smiled, doing his best to not show any tears as well, though his eyes did glaze over a little. "He will take you further then I could," he told her gently, also returning the small kiss. He looked at the bow she tied on his wrist, it was hard to look at, but it was something of hers. "Not goodbye...see you later," he said with a smile. He knew they'd see each other, after all she was with his little brother. He hoped though when he saw them next, both would have grown to be stronger then when they'd been together.

Zack was waiting for her downstairs, as she got dressed. He wondered if this was right, hiw emotions all in turmoil. He wanted to say bye to Derin, but he thought it would be too emotional, escpecially for her. He had no idea she'd already said her goodbyes to her former trainer. When she came down he stood up. Her attire was much more travel friendly, but she still seemed just as cute and attractive in those simple things. "Are you ready Lya?" he asked her, he was similar to Derin now in his new attire, in fact Derin had not been much different then Zack now, maybe a few inches taller, but he had been at square one before himself.
Lya swallowed and nodded with a soft laugh. "Yeah. See you later." she said before she left him. It was only after she stepped out of Derins room that her eyes glazed over. As she head downstairs, she wiped at her eyes and calmed herself before stepping down off the steps and looking at him. When she saw his attire, she paused, suddenly reminded of the very first day she had started her journey with Derin. For a moment she became choked up before swallowing the lump in her throat and looking at him and nodding. "Yeah. I'm ready." she said after a little bit. "Not going to say goodbye to your brother?" she asked. It was the same thing she'd asked Derin before they left. Derin had been so excited about leaving that he didn't even think to say goodbye until she said something.
Zacl had been focused on her, sensing the distress in her. He was alot like his brother, she just didn't know it yet, nor did he. "I...I " he said and nodded instead. He went to go and say goodbye, his older brother seemed like normal, calm, collected, so very cool. They shook hands, a sign that they where not just brothers by blood, but by goals now. Zack did his best not to cry, Derin of course showed no sign of even shedding a tear. He shoulder his backpack, much like she had earlier, squared his shoulders and left in the most confident fashion he could muster. "W...we'd better go now Natalya," he said using her full name.

The air outside was nice, and it felt good to be out of the house, even if it was on the front porch. "I guess...I'd better get a pokedex first," he said, though it sounded almost like a question, as if to be sure Derin had done the same thing himself. He knew the way to the laboritory, after all thats where he and Derin got so into the idea of being a trainer.
Lya watched him head up to say goodbye. While she waited, she dug a different ribbon out of her bag and pulled her hair up into a ponytail so that it was out of her face before moving to stand near a window while she waited for her new trainer. when he came back down, her ears twitched before she turned to face him. She nodded before looking at him with a slightly confused look in her eyes as she wondered why he went back to using her full name. Adjusting her backpack, she followed him outside before taking a deep breath. The fresh air helped to calm her nerves and she glanced at Zack. "Yeah. You won't get far without one." she told him. "You should also look into getting a badge case."

Slowly she walked down off the porch and took another deep breath before looking back at Zack. Part of her was excited to be traveling again while another part of her dreaded starting all over again at the beginning of the journey. However, part of her was happy that she looked just like every other beginner vulpix because that meant that other trainers would underestimate her skill and power which would make winning easier for Zack.
Zack nodded, at her suggestion, a badge case would help, he wondered if Derin had worn his like some trainers did. "Hello Prof. Birch," he greeted the old baking man in the lab coat. The professor was a rather paranoid sort, he was always afraid of something or another. But he was friendly, and had been deeply sorry when Zack had missed the partnering. The Professor greeted him, surprised to see the vulpix standing beside him. He explained watt happened, introducing her by her full name once more.

"I need to get a poked sir...starting my journey," he announced. Soon he had the gleaming red device in his hand, it felt so light in his hand. The next stop had been the poke mart, they sold a few cases, he would have liked to have boughten a really fancy one, but he had to take into consideration that money was limited, that was until he started to battle.

"I think the closest gym is in Rustboro," he said looking at the small map in his pokedex to confirm it.
Natalya followed him to the lab. She knew the path to the professors lab, having walked it several times with Derin when they were younger. After entering, she waved to the old man before looking around. Not much had changed from the last time she was there. "Afternoon Professor." she said respectfully before listening to Zack request a pokedex before looking at it. After he had his pokedex, she traveled at his side to the local pokemart where they looked at cases. She could tell by the look in his eyes when he looked at the fancy ones that he wanted one, but they both knew that since he had limited funds, he had to go for a cheaper one.

"Yeah. The closest one is Rustboro. The gym leader there is Roxanne. She specializes in rock pokemon." she said gently, a thoughtful look in her eyes. "Or at least that's who was the gym leader last time I was there."
Zack nearly forgot she most likely had already been this far. It was a little bit of a let down, though it was probably good she knew so much, though it was knowledge he wouldn't gain from experience. "Maybe...I don't think the gym leaders have changed for sometime," he said thoughtfully. "So how many badges did you get with Derin?" he asked, too curious to let the question go away. He knew his brother more or less likely had a few, he wasn't certian if he had them all. He never heard about him entering the league championships yet so he guessed he still needed a few more.
Natalya slowly nodded in agreement when he said that he didn't think the gym leaders had changed. She was a little caught off guard when asked how many badges she'd gotten with Derin though she shouldn't of been. "Together we got as far as Petalburg city where together we should of gotten the balance badge. We never got it though. We lost the match and Derin decided to train some more, but when I stopped getting stronger he knew that I needed to evolve but we couldn't afford a firestone." she said gently. "So together we earned four badges."
Zack listened, unaware of the story behind why his older brother had given her to him. He was actually a bit dissapointed in him, he was glad to have her, but for such a reason to give her up. He looked up to his older bro, and despised him a little too. But he did not voice his opinion. "Okay, so you know your way around a bit then," he said, making the situation work for him. If she had beaten this gym leader already he guessed he would not need to work very hard either. Agin he was a little dissapointed, but he would in time earn his own way. "Rustboro isn't very far, so I think we can make it there by nightfall, and then we can challange Roxanne in the morning," he suggested, feeling very confident already.
As she spoke about her time with Derin, Lya smiled to herself. Others might of thought that she had been given up because she couldn't get stronger but she and Derin had sat down together and talked about it because that's what she first thought as well, but she now knew better. The pokegirl loved her ex-trainer and she would always love him and he would always be her best friend. But like Derin said, the changes were for the best.

Zacks mention of her knowing her way around a bit made her shrug slightly. "I do know a little bit about the area." she said. "We can reach Rustboro by nightfall and we can stay in the pokecenter." she replied. "Since we've started a little late, the center shouldn't be crowded like it would be if you started at the same time as all the others your age."
Zacl nodded "Guess it paid off a little then," he said, trying to be cheerful about it. He had alot of things on his mind as they walked. He wqanted to ask alot about his brother, but he guessed that would be a bad idea. "So...what do you like to eat?" he asked to break the silence that had befallen them both as they walked. He was wondering if any other trainers might show up, though he guessed not alot of newbie trainers would be around these parts anymore.
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