FFVIII: Final Cry (Ishu and BlisteredBlood)

"I think so," Alphonse answered with an eyebrow raised as he then got up form his seat next and deposited the trash into the respective wastebasket nearby then reached a hand of his ow out to her, smiling at her. "I know mine was pretty brutal when I took mine solo." He answered with a nod of his head as he then walked out of the cafe with Ishu in tow.


(Yeah, I think it would work if everyone was on the same time frame. Just so we keep things on the same level, so to speak.)
Oh? What did you have to do for your final? She carried her bag of new toys in her other hand and walked with her bodyguard to the lift. The lift had just brought down another batch of students when it stopped infront of them. Ishu stepped on with Alphonse when they were allowed to.


( Alright. I will leave the second part blank until Ishu and Alphonse get some sleep. Eve/Evan/Heishiro are just going to be in the desert anyway, lol )
"Hm. I think they had me going up against a simulation of Cerberus." Alphonse answered with an arched brow. "I gotta admit this right now, I've gone up against some pretty tough mothers out there, but that one was the roughest I've had to do. But hey, at least I got the thing down as quick as I could before it got a chance to do any major damage to me." He added as he headed over to the lift with her and stepped on.


(So we just stick with these two for now, right?)
Really!? She did not think the final exams would be so hard- but maybe it was because he was hired from the outside? The whole "SeeD" thing could have been a ruse to keep his true purpose hidden from those working on the outside. Of course, if anyone paid attention to the two of them and they had a brain- they would not just think the two were dating. They could assume the two had a more business-like relationship. Who knows though, really, what other people are thinking.

The lift started up after a few minutes and took them back up to the school. The line to go to Fisherman's Horizon was still fairly lengthy. It didn't help that there was a student limit for leaving the Garden. It was easy to be in line and never get to step out into the town the Garden was visiting.


( right :) )
Alphonse nodded in reply as he saw the lift was coming down for the two and after the doors swung open for them, he would then join her on board the lift with one hand down in his pocket and the other was still occupied with Ishu's. Despite the fact that it might have appeared that he had might have had a thing for Ishu, the fact remained that she was young enough - in terms of mannerisms, anyway - to be his younger sister. Not only that, but it was also considered taboo for someone like him to be seen cavorting with Ishu in the way he was doing. But then again, what was with the harm of having a little bit of fun while at work?

Once in the lift, Alphonse would then walk into the open doors with her then waited as the lift took them back up. "Well hey," He spoke. "At least I'm a product of what SeeD has been looking for in this day and age." He added before looking over to her. "And pretty soon, we'll get you that level of prestige, too."
Ishu beamed at her escort, delighted by the fact that she could, very soon, call herself a SeeD.

Once they got up into the Garden she started to head for the elevator that could take them up to the Headmasters office- the same place Alphonse found her earlier that day. Once in the two of them made it into the elevator she put in the code to gain access to the headmaster's floor. The elevator shut and took them up, then opened up. Ishu stepped out with Alphonse and walked forward. She wondered if her father, the Headmaster, was even in here. He did like his office-a lot- but he also tended to walk around the Garden-especially when the majority of the students left the Garden for the afternoon.
As the two arrived in the Garden courtesy of the lift, Alphonse followed her back up towards the elevator that led back up to the Headmaster's office where he had found her earlier in the day. After watching her put in the code for the elevator to come back down, Alphonse simply put his hands into his pockets once more as he then heard the elevator give a ding to them, informing them that it had now arrived. As the doors opened, Alphonse would then get into the elevator and within moments, the two were then brought back up to the office once again.

As the two arrived in the office, Alphonse also wondered if the Headmaster was here also, but then again, it was also known that he had a tendency to have a walk around the Garden as well.
Ishu walked out into the office and walked around the second elevator that led up to the pilot's bridge. She looked around and did not see her father. The girl pouted and walked back to the elevator. She pressed a button on the box attached to the outside of it and chimed, Excuse me, is the Headmaster up there? She let go of the button and waited.

A few moments after she let go, a voice chimed back, Negative. He went down to the Quad area. Apparently some of the SeeDs from class A044 have been working on a play.

A play? Well, he did like ti drink lemonade out on the Quad. It was an open space and you could enjoy the world outside the Garden just by sitting there. She looked over at Alphonse, Do you want to go pop in on him? Or do you want to wait here?
Once in the office, Alphonse walked over to the window and looked out of it for a moment as he noticed Ishu was now heading over to the elevator once more and then communicated with the pilot via the box that lead to the bridge. After a little while, he saw that Ishu was now walking back over to him and look up to him, asking if he wanted to go out and see her father.

"Sure, I don't see why not. I've been meaning to see the guy anyway." He replied with a smile on his face.
Wonderful! Delighted that Alphonse would come with her, she hurried over to the elevator that led down to the bottom floor...

Once they left the elevator, she took Alphonse's hand and led his around the Garden, I like the Quad area. It is always so nice and I feel so free. She thought about all the times she would dance in the ran when they were close to land. The Quad area was a precious gift to everyone. Being stuck on a metal contraption for your entire life sucked in a few ways. You were alienated from the world and you were constantly on the move. But, on the bright side, you knew everyone on board. Making friends was easy, for the most part.
"Yeah, I heard about the Quad, too. It's a nice little getaway from everything around you and all that razzamatazz." Alphonse answered with a smile on his face as he followed her onto the elevator once again and then followed her out to the Garden floor once they were there, walking with her towards the Quad. "So what are they doing out there, anyway? Is a concert coming there or what?" He asked.
The Pilot said one of the Senior classes is working on a play. They could be rehearsing or they could be working on the stage background. She shrugged, uncertain about what they were more likely working on. She did know her father liked to watch. He was a cheery, optimistic type of person but he always knew when to be serious. She agreed with the Garden that he was a suitable leader.

They approached the hallway that led to the Quad area and they started down it. The hallway was long, like most of them, but ended at a large door. She swiped her I.D. and watched the doors open. The door opened up to a large area with stairs that led down to the side of the Garden.
"Really now?" Alphonse answered with a smile on his face. "Then I guess we'll have to see what's going on there." He added as he then brought a hand up to his hair and brushed it back a bit before looking at her with the same smile before following her out of the elevator and headed out into the long hallway and stopped at the front of the door, waiting for her to open up the door for them.

When it was opened, Alphonse would then lead her inside of the Quad and glanced around a bit for a moment before turning over to Ishu. "Ya coming?" He asked.
Ishu had paused to look at all of the plant life that had been set up all around by a Decorating Committee, or something. She jumped when Alphonse called out to her. She smiled over at him and hurried over, stepping down the stairs, turning and going down more stairs.

When they got down to the bottom they could see a group of students chattering amongst themselves. A few of them were setting up a background and there were a few others off to the side going over their lines. Then there was one student standing infront of the background reciting his lines as if the play was going on.

The Headmaster was sitting down in a lounging area that was usually used to watch the plays.
Upon arrival at the bottom of the steps when he was waiting for Ishu, Alphonse spotted the Headmaster sitting there in the lounge area near the stage before glancing over to Ishu with a smile on his face. "So glad you could join me, Ishu." He teased her before he began to lead her over to the Headmaster with his hands down into his pockets.

Once in the lounge area, he walked straight over to the Headmaster and first made a bow in his direction as he stepped into the lounge. "Good afternoon, Headmaster." He said in a respectful tone.
Ishu nudged Alphonse playfully before smiling and walking with him over to the Headmaster.

The Headmaster smiled up at the man he hired not too longer ago, "Good afternoon, Alphonse. Good afternoon, Ishu!" He folded his hands together, "How was your trip to Fisherman's Horizon?"

Ishu gave her father a hug and stepped back, It was very nice. Alphonse and I ate at this adorable little cafe. It had the most amazing parfaits- and I think the coffee was good too. She smiled up at Alphonse as she mentioned the coffee.
At first, Alphonse didn't know what Ishu had nudged at him for as indicated to her by a raised brow but after bowing to the Headmaster, he would then stand up slowly before nodding at him once in reply. "It's been very well, Headmaster. I hoped you didn't mind if I took Ishu here out for a walk around town. Besides, it was a nice enough day to warrant it." He answered with a smile on his face.
"Great! I am glad the two of you were able to get off the Garden. I hear a lot of the students were getting anxious so I figured, why not?" He smiled at both of them and motioned for them to sit down, "Come on, Senior Jordan (completely unimportant character dancing in the background) is about to go over his lines again."

Ishu sat down next to her father, as motioned, and looked at him expectantly as she fiddled with her words. She was not sure how to bring up that she wanted to take her final - again - and actually pass it this time.

"So, I know you two didn't come all this way just to enjoy my love of theater." He looked between the two warm bodies crowding him at the table and waited for one of them to speak up.
When directed, Alphonse also took a seat beside Ishu before crossing one leg over the other as he sat down, watching the other students perform.

"You know, there actually is something." Alphonse spoke up after a moment. "Ishu and I were talking about something that pertains to her. She was wanting to know if she could retake the final SeeD exam and have me as her partner." He explained, summarizing what the two had discussed back at the cafe.
"oh! Really?" He looked between the two. "Well, I was actually wondering when the two of you would approach me about this." He smiled and made himself more comfortable in his seat, "Well, I will have to go over her scores with her teacher and we will decided a fitting Final for her. It will take time but we can have the two of you sent off tomorrow. How does that sound?"

Ishu tried to contain her excitement as her body lifted and sank quickly back down, That sounds perfect! Thank you! Thank you! Unable to keep herself still, she lunged out of her seat and hugged her father.

The Headmaster chuckled and pat her on the back. "Now, you are both welcome to stay and watch the students practice, but I am sure it would just bore the two of you to tears."
When he heard the Headmaster say to them that he could arrange a test for the two as early as tomorrow, Alphonse glanced over to Ishu and smiled at her openly, knowing full well that no matter what kind of test they could throw at her, it was a shoe-in now that she had a partner that she could rely on to get the passing grade she always wanted and officially be recognized as a SeeD graduate.

"Alright, then. Tomorrow it is." Alphonse answered with a firm nod of his head before looking back over to the Headmaster. "Bah, what the hey? Besides, I figured I'd come down here and observe what was going on here anyway. Who knows, it might kill some time." He then answered.
The Headmaster motioned over to the one student openly practicing their lines on the stage, "They are rehearsing a chapter from the play. I think the play is about a Princess in Esthar. It is a mythology story. It is believed it is about the first Sorceress. I believe they are taking a more... comical perspective with their play."

Ishu looked at the person practicing and looked back to the Headmaster as he explained the synopsis of the play. It sounds... different.

"Oh, it is! I am ecstatic to see what they do!" The Headmaster laughed openly as he waved his hands about and exclaimed his anxious joy.
"You don't say?" Alphonse answered with an arched eyebrow. "I think I read up on the first Sorceress when I was still training for my SeeD exam. That had to have been about three years ago, I would think." He added with a nod of his head before crossing one leg over the other with the same brow raised in his direction and folding his hands together.

"A more comical approach? That oughta be interesting." Alphonse spoke again.
"Yes, I thought so too when they brought the idea to me." The students always needed to ask for permission from the Headmaster if they needed to mutate the Quad area for a play- or anything else. "I have decent expectations for the play, but I don't think they are even done with the script." He sighed and removed his glasses and took out a rag from his coat pocket. He cleaned to lens and put the glasses back onto his face, "I don't know when it will all be ready to go- but I am optimistic."
"Give it time, Headmaster." Alphonse answered with a nod of his head. "I'm certain they'll come up with something a bit more innovative." He added with a shrug of his shoulders before bringing his hands up to the back of his head with a comfortable sigh of sorts. "But then again, let's hope it's more innovative than last year's disaster." Alphonse corrected himself after a moment with a blink of his eyes.
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