A Demon of a Butler - TDM and Vicodin

Elizabeth bubbled up with joy as she entered the home that would soon be hers. Just a few more years - her twentieth birthday. She and Ciel would be wed. She smiled at him brightly as he approached - taking her hand and kissing it. "Oh thank you Lord Ciel, I'm so glad to be back. I have missed you much - in my time away." She said as she smiled back at her mother. The woman positively looked like she had swallowed a lemon. She turned and stopped as she noticed another woman was standing in the room. Wondering when she had gotten there. She stopped and frowned - wondering who it was.

"Lord Ciel, who is your new friend? Is that a Guest or a new Servant?" She asked politely.

Anima wandered back inside - letting her clothes change to a more stylish manner. What they would approve of here. She cocked her head to the side and leaned against a wall. She knew for a fact that the girl was confused. She wondered what the girl was watching her for. She smiled brightly - and listened to the questions the girl directed. She would have to wait patiently - to see what ciel said. It would be interesting to say in the least.
Ciel had not smiled when Elizabeth had admitted that she missed him. He had nodded his head, and was more occupied on the other question that was given to him. He was trying not to show that he was distressed. He didn't want to show that he didn't know what answer to provide. "A guest." He replied. But he wasn't sure which lie to provide. He looked to Sebastian, who had on that incomprehensible smile, and didn't say a word. "This girl is Lady Alexandria. She is the daughter of a company that also works under the Queen. I was asked to house her for a few weeks, and tend to her every whim, since apparently the other company is having monetary issues." He said, looking towards Anima and hoping that she agreed to this lie. He looked back at Elizabeth. "Come Elizabeth... Let's head to the dining room, you must be hungry."
Elizabeth looked at the woman. With long dark hair, a slim figure. She had bright eyes - or were they dark. She couldn't tell and there was shimmers behind her. How odd - was it warm in here? No it was winter time surely. She nodded at Ciel's answer and then turned her head towards her husband to be. Smiling brightly as she held her hand out to hers. Waiting for him to take her hand. "I would love to break my fast, Ciel." She said gently as she waited patiently for him to take her hand and guide her into the dining room.

Anima arched her brow at the name. A silly human name, held no true meaning. Anima was Latin - the language of the oldest natures, well one of the oldest. It was certainly not THE oldest. It meant Soul - as she was indeed a soul. But something that had been gifted to her by the ancients. Something about her being unlike the other faes previously born. Something unakin to anything that anyone would deal with. Perhaps that's why her parents cast her out. "A pleasure to meet you Lady Elizabeth." She said politely as she had to bite back her nature to bow.

Elizabeth's mother was eyeing the woman though - with a bit of disdain. "Your dress is cut far to tight, and you are dressed far to masculine." She snapped faintly. Her head tilting back. "Unless of course you just returned from riding." She stated lightly. "I can understand why some women - of lesser families feel the need for a more masculine cut, it provides... a recess of funds not previously allowed."

Anima's head swung towards the woman - her eyes narrowing and her fingers twitching. It was the slightest pulse of magic - but as the woman was walking towards Ciel and his bride, Elizabeth's mother found herself tripping on her own skirts and sprawling on the ground. Anima took her leave then - stalking into the dining room.
The moment that Elizabeth and Ciel had walked into the kitchen, Sebastian had a complete meal ready for all of them. Most called it a feast, but Sebastian called it a meal. Sebastian knew that this food was going to make Elizabeth's mother happy, since not a single person had insulted his food before, just because of the taste. He was insulted because people hated him, but not because they hated the food. Ciel sat down in his chair, allowing Elizabeth to sit down next to him as he had Sebastian make his plate. Sebastian put a perfect portion of food onto Ciel's plate, followed by doing the same for everyone around the house. Sebastian smiled at Elizabeth's mother, before giving her portions as well. Ciel sighed, before starting to eat, acting as much of a gentleman as possible. The last thing that he wanted was for Elizabeth's mother to break the wedding. Or wait... did he want that? If he were to have Anima... it would be probably better. Oh what an emotional pickle he was in...
Elizabeth took her seat beside her husband to be. Watching her mother and frowning faintly. She knew that her mother was definitely not the nicest of people - but to treat a guest in such a manner. She shook her head a little and smiled at the male that meant the world to her. Her mother only was doing the agreement because their families had been around each other for so long. But Elizabeth honestly cared about the man that was to be her husband. She had been with him through so many things - and knew that she definitely wanted a life with him. She knew it would probably be just a marriage of convenience, that she probably wouldn't have been his first choice - but she was alright with that.

Anima sat within her own seat - accepting her portion rather happily, and eating quietly. She watched the woman across the table - eyes narrowed. Almost she swore - the woman had the scent of a bitch to her. Nope - she was definitely a bitch. And because she hadn't gotten the marriage she had wanted, or the power she had wanted more then likely - she was going to make sure the marriage with her daughter and Ciel went through. So that she could have access to the power she wanted. She was actually a bit manipulative - which made Anima's skin crawl. She hated politics.

"So Alexandria, where are you from?" Elizabeth's mother asked politely. It was a veiled insult instead. Considering the fact that she knew for a fact that the young woman was going to snap back at her. But her reaction that she wanted never came as the food was set down and she began to eat slowly. What was up with this place? The butler was never out of place, except for his hair. That needed to be fixed - again.

"I don't quite think that's any of your business 'Mam." Anima stated smoothly as she sat back. "And it's LADY Alexandria - especially to you. I'm from a rather high bloodline, despite the difficulties of finances." She stated in a smooth voice. "I'm rather close to the bloodline of the throne." She said simply as she smiled oh so sweetly towards the woman. Then cast her gaze towards Sebastian, to smile at him lightly.
Sebastian did not notice that his hair was out of place, until he had seen in a nearby empty piece of dishware, and he looked at Elizabeth's mom. She was probably the first to notice, so he simply moved it back into place and bowed before Elizabeth's mother. "My apologies for not looking presentable while serving your food." He said to her, before moving back and staying in the back, ready to refill any kind of food or drink when it was needed.

Ciel was not really up for those two women fighting, but he supposed that it could not be avoided, since Elizabeth's mother was... he didn't want to say it, but she was a bitch. The kind of woman that was extremely angry that she never got the marriage that she wanted. That much, he could be sure of. He turned to the mother, staring into her eyes. "I would like to avoid a fight between the both of you, for there is no reason to spoil the mood of this visit. Alexandria is of one of the purest bloodlines in the country, which is why she was sent to stay over here for a few weeks. There is no reason to let one of the purest individuals to not be treated like royalty. That is why she is staying here. Now Elizabeth, onto a change of subject. How was your trip? What did you do?"

It was true, he was not really thinking of Elizabeth as a first choice. Hell, he didn't think of anyone as a first choice at first, but he really thought that Anima would be the perfect choice for a bride. But he couldn't run away from this relationship, this marriage. Anima had a point, he would suffer a threat to his reputation. Anima was the gold medal, while Elizabeth was the silver..
Elizabeth watched her mother - with a frown on her face. Her mother had always taught her to avoid making sly comments about others. While she herself treated others so harshly. When she was younger she never saw an issue with it. Now she did. "Mother - I quite like how Lady Alexandria's clothing are cut. They look like they'd make fencing much easier." She quipped as she looked towards Ciel and smiled brightly. Hopefully saying that put her in the favor of the Lord she cherished so much. "Ciel, the trip was lovely. The mountains in america are amazing." She said with a soft smile. Her fingers drumming on the table as she looked towards her mother. Who for once - was now silent.

Anima smiled a vicious smile at the woman. Stabbing a piece of cheese and eating it. She knew the woman was watching her every move. "Before you ask - I'm twenty-two, (Which in human to Fae years, was true. She had stopped growing at twenty-two.) , No I am not married but there has been interesting prospects." She said as she cast a sly smile to the side. This was a thought that Ciel would think was for him. But her true interest was in the Butler. "But as you know with Royal marriages, you have to line it up just right, or you end up with a war."
Ciel had not smiled when Anima had smiled towards him, since he did not want Elizabeth to get the wrong idea, that he was more interested in Anima then he was in his real bride. This was true, but of course, he couldn't admit it. That would basically be the same thing as breaking up with Elizabeth, to admit that he preferred one specific girl over Elizabeth. He had to take Elizabeth to be his bride, no matter how annoying or girlish she was. She stopped being as girly as she got older, but she was still pretty feminine. When the dinner had finished, Ciel had decided on doing another dance, one that had a "Welcome Back" theme. Ciel walked over to Elizabeth and took her hand, smiling as he brought her onto the dance floor for a very romantic dance.

Sebastian, not wanting to let this chance go, had walked over to Anima and bowed, before holding out his hand and offering to dance as well. "May I have this dance, Anima-chan?" He asked, smiling as his hand remained in front of Anima, waiting to be taken. Once it was, or if it was, Sebastian would take her out onto the dance floor and play the man part of this waltz perfectly. He was the one who trained Ciel, after all.
Elizabeth smiled brightly as she watched her husband to be. The young woman had indeed grown less girlish. She didn't fling herself at him quite the way she had used to. And she had learned how to shoot - and ride. So that she could go hunting with him and her mother. She was doing her best to be a proper lady, and still make him happy. She only smiled brighter when he offered his hand to her. Wonderful - she would get to dance with the man she loved. She took his hand and rose gracefully - sliding across the dance floor with him - as her mother watched as a Chaperon.

Anima watched the music start, a feeling of elation rushed through her. She loved music! Absolutely loved it. But she hadn't had a chance to dance in so long. She looked up as she watched the hand offered to her. Gloved - with such a pristine white perfection to her that it reminded her of snow. Then the Butler's voice rushed through her as she looked up at Sebastian." I would be very happy to dance with you. Sebastian." She whispered softly as she took his hand and rose.

Her movements held every bit of grace that a Fae should hold. And with a partner like a demon - the two of them looked like Heaven and Hell where blending on the dance floor.
It was ironic how creatures from both Heaven and Hell were moving along the dance floor in this way. Considering that both were supposed to be hating each other for all eternity, due to the Devil's actions. Assuming that those actions were real. Ciel had given up the idea of a God a long time ago. A true God would not have allowed his parents to die, for no reason. A true God would have given him the emotion that he needed, in order to form an emotional relationship with people. But all he felt, at 18, was angst. Hatred towards the world because of the one demon that had ruined his life. However all of these emotions were hidden behind a suave and fake smile, one that would trick anyone. Sebastian on the other hand, was showing just how much of a gentleman he could be, as he moved Anima around the dance floor. "So I heard that My Lord wants to bring you into bed." He said, quietly so that no one else could hear.
Anima danced with him - her movements as graceful as any true lady of the courts. She let her Glamor down a little to allow the movements to be even more so. She wanted to make Elizabeth's mother eat her words. She sighed as she tilted her head back to look up at the demon - her eyes crinkling at the corners. "Yes, and I really do appreciate all he has done for me here. But I'm worried about other things." She said with a weak smile. Her shoulder shrugged back a little as she looked over her shoulder. A weak sigh leaving her as she coked her head back all the way - letting her hair trail behind her.

Then she let her head straighten as she smiled oh so wryly at the demon that was gracefully moving her around the floor. "Amusing, this situation is. I get trapped and saved, I get abandoned and lifted up. And all I really want is damnation." She said with a soft wink. Soft enough that none could hear but him. That was what all of her speaking had been.
Sebastian was not really sure what to say. For the first time in a long time, he had no idea what to say to a woman that seemed to know everything to say. He smiled at her words, before bringing her around the dance floor once more, with the grace and movements of a true gentleman. She said that she wanted him, and he really wanted her as well... but the unfortunate circumstances involving his master and her were going to have to be played out first. "My lord wishes to bring you to bed first... And there is nothing I can do to stop this. And My Lord does not wish me to have sex. He didn't forbid me from it, but he said that he would prefer if I didn't do it, since our rooms are a few rooms away. I really wish I could have you... Anima-chan. But Ciel wishes to have you first."

Indeed, Ciel had never been able to have a lusty side of his life. Him and Elizabeth had to wait to be married before they could consummate, and Ciel's fantasies did not appreciate that. He just wanted one night, one where he could have fun and enjoy the fact that he had a penis. He felt his cock start to harden in his pants, and he let out a small grunt. The tea was still in effect. How strong did Sebastian make it! He tried to block it off, but all he did was bring Elizabeth closer to him, so that her mother could not see. However Elizabeth could feel it, the hard phallus pushing against her dress.
Anima followed each of his movements - with the grace and age she had held for ages. She smiled brightly at him, and just tilted her head to the side. Nodding faintly as she rolled her shoulder lightly. "I understand, perhaps I can convince him otherwise?" She said gently as she leane din towards him, allowing the dancing to take her away back to the land of her people. Where she had been cast out for her ideals. She winced a little as she misstepped as she looked up and noticed that Elizabeths mother was watching her closely. She glared at the woman and spun away.

Elizabeth tilted her head to the side as she watched him dancing with her. He looked a bit strained. She smiled up at him and leaned in towards him. She was dancing with him again - taht was all that mattered! That was all that mattered indeed. A giggle left her - a small rather womanish giggle. Nothing like her annoying girlish ones of old. She could feel something then - pressing against her. She frowned and leaned in. "Ciel - dear. What is that?" She asked in a low enough voice her mother wouldn't hear.
Sebastian mulled over the thought in his head, imagining a Ciel that was being completely understanding and allowing him to do whatever he pleased. The idea seemed to be a fantasy. Sebastian thought as if this were to happen, that the fabric of time would break open, and the world would end. A Ciel who is cooperative and caring is practically impossible. Ever since Ciel was 6, he was not able to feel happiness. If there was any happiness in that boy, it had some kind of evil attachment to it. Sebastian sighed and nodded his head, helping out Anima when she stepped wrong to make it look like it was intending and turning the other way so that Anima didn't have to see Elizabeth's mother looking. "If you can change his mind... I will do whatever you please. As long as it doesn't break my bargain."

Ciel continued to dance, trying his best to make sure that neither mother or daughter would be able to see the sign of lust that is protruding out of his pants. "My... pocket watch..." He replied to Elizabeth, continuing to keep the dance going as the final part of the dance was starting to arrive. He still had Anima on his mind. He just hoped that this tea would not wear out by the time that he was going to have sex with Anima. He knew his physical capabilities. With asthma, he would not be able to handle sex without the tea. And stopping in the middle of sex for a breather would be embarrassing. "I'm just thinking about our marriage." He said, his face turning slightly red.
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