A Demon of a Butler - TDM and Vicodin

Bechlem smirked, he found his pray. The demon had jumped out of the nearby hedges and he immediately aimed for her chest, attempting to stab his blade deep into her chest. However if he was blocked, he would not lose his balance, he would remain on the attack and follow up for a few swift slashes. His sword would attempt to cut at her waist, her arms, and her legs, in a relentless fury of sword strikes. The demon took a step back, knowing that some or most of his strikes would be blocked. But he wanted to play with his prey. He wished that he could take her away, but there were too many people nearby. He just had to play a small amount, before killing her and enjoying the sweet taste of her soul.

Inside of the mansion, Sebastian had taken a parfait up to Ciel, who was reading inside of his room. The boy had stopped playing games for now, ever since the last incident with his new game. He wanted to look at the new literature, the new books that authors were trying to push onto the shelves. "Thank you Sebastian. Have you kept an eye on this Faerie?" He asked. "Or have you asked if she wanted a dessert?"

Sebastian was a little taken aback. He wasn't aware that Faeries enjoyed sweets, but he immediately bowed and nodded. "I will make a parfait for Anima as well..." He said. Ciel nodded, but pointed his spoon at his servant. "Watch where you place your hands. You know that I don't want you touching any women." He said, and Sebastian brushed off the threat. "Of course of course, I understand My Lord. I will be back. Ring the bell if you need anything else." Sebastian moved down into the kitchen, not aware of the fight outside.
Anima swiftly moved to the side, her body pivoting on one foot. She landed in a crouch - to avoid the blow to her chest. Her blade came up as she parried the blow that would his her waist. Her body twisted as she swiftly moved her blade in circles. "You hunt me - you taunt me. Do you know what you meddle with - worthless demon." She snarled as her wings snapped out to their full extent. She leaped backwards, taking flight as well as she could - gliding away far enough that she avoided a rather bad one to her arm, but caught her hip rather deep. A hiss of pain fled her lips as she swiftly twisted her body to the side. She crouched - gripping her waist with her freehand to staunch the bloodflow.

A growl left her as her sword arm came back up. She found herself parrying blow after blow - nicks and cuts appearing on her body. Blood flowing freely as she pivoted around and around. It was like a dance - one that could save her life. A blade strike slashed across her wings, making the ichor of her wings flow heavily. A silver tinged red - that made her cringe. She hoped he hit no major arteries. She shifted and went on the attack suddenly - delivering a series of blows that would cripple any normal opponent. But it would only serve to distract and push back the demon that attacked her.

She needed to hold him off - find a way to back towards the house. "Do you know who resides here demon? The one that has taken me in his protection?" She taunted. Oh she wanted to see the look on his face when he realized whom she had been taken into the care of. One he couldn't kill.
Bechlem growled as this woman had blocked every single one of his strikes, except for a few that he took pride in. He had hurt her, damaged her wings and her hip. However he had not taken her down as quickly as he wanted to. He wanted that damned soul of hers, or rather, the purest and delicious soul that came out of her. He smiled as he took a step forward towards the fairy, seeing the blood that was leaking out of her body. "I don't give a damn about whatever you have as a bodyguard, because apparently he is not here." Bechlem replied. "And the bodyguard must be complete shit if he is watching you get sliced and diced like a human sushi." He took another step towards her and assaulted her with a tremendous amount of slashes and stabs, trying to spill her blood all over the floor. "Just let me kill you, and I can make it quick and painless."

Sebastian unfortunately was still in the kitchen, preparing a parfait for Anima. He was going to use extra amounts of sugar and ice cream, since he was told to do so by his lord.
"I am NOT something you can just prey on!" She screamed as her wings flared up. Energy floated around her as she twisted her hand, vines snaking up towards his body as she stood up and raced towards the house. Blood loss - once again was taking it's heavy toll on her. This was NOT what she needed. She needed safety and solace, and she wouldn't find it with a demon that kept pursuing her. But Sebastian should have sensed the demon by now. A whimper left her as she whirled around, hurling her blade at the demon - and then calling up two daggers to follow the sword. She had to fight - she had to kill it.

But did she have enough magic to keep fighting? Not really. She already felt her powers waning, and the moon was still high above them. This was not good - not good at all. She was going to die, and she hadn't even known true touch - before she did so. Damn this demon - damn him.
"Yes of course you can be, you little Faerie." The demon replied, as he watcher her pitiful attempts to stop her. He blew away the swords and daggers with his blade, and he rushed towards her. "Good bye my little prey." He said as his sword pointed out at her, feet away from her. Inches from her, centimeters from her. And then... a shadowy figure had stopped in front of the demon and parried the sword as if it was a butter knife. Which was ironic, since he was the one using a butter knife. Sebastian had a butter knife in one hand, and a parfait in the other hand. His left hand cupped the parfait from the underside, while the right hand sliced up the demon's hand. He did it so quickly that he rendered the demon's hand useless. The demon expected his healing to kick in, but Sebastian had poisoned this particular knife a certain way. "My apologies Miss Anima that I had not come sooner." He said, as he held the knife with the blade sticking out at the demon's neck. The demon stood still, staring into the eyes of Sebastian and finding fear meet his body, for once in his life. And the last time in his life. Sebastian handed the parfait to Anima, followed by reaching into his left coat pocket for a clean spoon, and he handed it to her. "Please eat, if you are able to. While I take out the trash." He said, turning back to the demon. The demon tried to put up a fight, but he was easily taken down, with as little cuts as possible. It wasn't until he was placed onto the plants, where he was slaughtered mercilessly, his blood leaking onto the leaves of the plants. He could replace these kinds of plants, since they were so cheap and common. The demon sunk into the depths of hell, as Sebastian turned to Anima. Blood should have been splattered all over his coat, but instead it was clean. He walked over to Anima, and bowed before her. "Please come with me to your room, so that I can bandage your wounds."
Anime landed on her ass, watching the blade. Above her a shadow appeared. Perched above her - and between her and the demon. Sebastian held a butter knife - and held it like any other warrior would a weapon. She shook as she took the offered sweet. Finding herself devouring it as she watched the demons demise. Licking the spoon and lapping up the cream for the delicacy that it was. Perfect - it was a good source of energy. Her wings shifted a little as they repaired themselves just a bit. It really was painful - this realm. She hadn't expected to get this injured - while she was here. Muttering to herself she stood up, watching Sebastian. He offered to fix her wounds.

"If this keeps up - it's going to end up as more then a kiss." She found herself saying this jokingly as she leaned backwards and looked up at the sky. "We need to let your lord go that the Jack the Ripper Copycat has been cared for." She commented as she held her hand to her hip. "I can wait to get patched up - till after that."
Sebastian smiled at Anima's reply. "I did not intend for this to be more then a kiss my Lady, however if such a thing were to happen, I doubt that I could hold back the sins of your flesh." He said, as he moved forward and shared a small kiss with her. However he brushed it off and took the empty cup from her. "My apologies, I just wanted to see what a taste of my cooking was." He said, before putting his arm around her shoulders and he brought her into the mansion. The both of them made their way through the mansion, until they reached Ciel's room, where Ciel was thinking up his own kind of game, a different game that included Faeries. Ciel looked up when he saw Sebastian. "Hello." He merely said, still not smiling. Sebastian bowed. "The one that impersonated Jack the Ripper is gone, my lord." Sebastian replied. Ciel's eyes widened, before he smiled. "I expect nothing less from my butler, Sebastian." He replied. He looked at Anima, and bowed. "My apologies for letting that demon hurt you. Sebastian, tend to her wounds." The butler nodded his head, before letting Anima say whatever she wanted to say. When she was done, Sebastian brought her to his room, which was hers now, and he laid her down on the bed. "I'll be right back." He said as he went to get the bandages.
Anima was caught in the taste of his lips again. Her body flaring as she shivered oh so gently. She was drawn with him towards Ciel's chambers. She was there for only a few moments as she listened to them speak. "I'm quite alright - Lord Phantomhive. I am interested in knowing what you are working on, but perhaps a later date?" She said playfully as she found herself drawn away and back towards Sebastian's room. Now her room. She was put on to the bed, and she sighed again as she slipped into the pillow. The demon was caring for her - and she found a bit of akin natures pulling through her. She sighed and cocked her head to the side.

Her eyes closed as she drew in his scent. Letting herself settle down into the bed as she waited for him to get the bandages. "I'll be fine, really. No poison within me any longer. My natural healing should work perfectly." She said as she put her arm over her head. She let the clothes melt away to give him access to the wounds. She knew how this went - and she was starting to feel a bit useless - unable to fight properly. Even to defend herself.
It did not matter that she had not been able to defend herself, the point was that he was here to make sure that she did not die. Her healing would probably be able to take care of these wounds, but he wanted to make sure that she didn't get infected. He moved on top of her when he got back with the bandages, and he looked into her eyes. "I forgot to tell you this the first time that I had inspected your body. Your body is divine... the gift of the gods... Lady Anima." He said, his hand wiping a wet rag onto her wound, using a small amount of alcohol to make sure that it was not infected. He wrapped some gauze around her hip before moving closer, closing the space between their bodies. He was inches away from her... inches away from her lips.
Anima watched him as he moved - he had a lovely gate to him. A beautiful demon indeed. She contemplated helping him - but knew that if she did it without his lords permission, he would get in trouble. She shifted to brace up on her elbows so that she could get her hip bandaged. He was working on her wound - and she hissed in pain. That was a pain she could accept it meant she would be safe. Her eyes closed as she heard his words and laughed softly. "Well thank you - I appreciate it." She said with a weak smile, as she cocked her head to the side. Watching him through lidded eyes. She too noticed how close he was. How very close he was to her.

"I hope you wont' get in trouble for this." She teased as she watched him. "I'm sure your Lord is a jealous one."
Sebastian smiled and nodded his head. "My Lord is always jealous of me, mostly because of my suave manner and looks. He knows however that he can torture me in any way possible. I can think of a few things that he made me do." He said. His hand removed from her waist, and he then moved the hands up her body. She didn't materialize her clothes yet, so he was able to run his hands up whatever he wanted. "My Lord is not going to know, because his room is very far from ours. Now Anima... Would you like to make love?" His eyes stared into hers as he waited for the answer. Every second that she didn't answer felt like forever. He wanted her to say yes, he wanted to feel the sensations of a woman's body, since he wasn't able to feel the taste of a taken soul.
Anima smiled to him gently - cocking her head to the side. Watching him with those dark and quicksilver colored eyes of her. This close he could see her pupil was cat shaped. Most fae were this way. She leaned back as he touched her - her body coming alight. A shiver racing over her frame as she shook her head a little. "I'm sorry Sebastian, but as a Guest I can't partake of those fruits from people that work for the one that I am a Guest of. Without their given permission." She said lightly as she tapped her hand to her markings. "I'd lose my honor, and my wings." She said with a soft laugh.

Her clothes rematerialized, this time in a more masculine manner. Easier to fight in - if the time came. "I have to get his permission, before something like that could occur. A kiss - or a touch. That's fine, but not a full loving. And I have to be careful about such things, because I'm pure so far to speak."
Her pupils were something that waited in the back of his mind, while his hands were exploring the small amount that he was able to do, before her clothes had materialized around her again, blocking his lust from being exercised. He kept his composure, instantly turning into the polite butler that he was bound to be. He moved off of the bed and off of her, before taking the tray into his right hand. "I understand the honor of your clan, perhaps I can ask Ciel for you. And then we will know the answer." Sebastian did not think that maybe Ciel might have taken an interest in Anima, and that Ciel might have wanted Anima first. However as he walked to the doorway, he asked for her to get a good night's sleep, and to ring the bedroom bell if she needed anything. Sebastian left and walked to Ciel's room, where the man was still thinking about the game. As he asked the question, the answer that Ciel replied was the one that made Sebastian's blood boil. Ciel wanted Anima, for his own. Despite the fact that he was being married to Elizabeth, he wanted Anima.
Anima leaned back - eyes closing as she sighed. Her clothes were off and folded on the end table. She curled up under the sheets - and found herself dozing. The mind was a funny thing - and she found herself home, before her parents. Her mind was being taken for a ride as she stood before the people that had cast her out. Her blood boiled as her hands clenched together. She was definitely feeling the need to beat the shit out of her parents. It was their fault that she almost died. She was definitely enraged by them.

"You ready to stop being a child?"

Anima glared at her mother. "Never, a child cannot be created out of the bonds of love. You yourselves know this." She snarled as she threw out her hand. Finding herself sitting up in the bed, covered in sweat. She collapsed on the bed and muttered as her hand went over her head. Damn this place. Damn this fate.
It was the morning when Anima had woken up, and Ciel was sitting at her bedside, a smile on his face. He had a very delicious dinner sitting on a tray on a bedside table near him, and near her. His cane was in his right hand as he looked at her, observing her body when she wasn't looking at him, and her face when she was. He put the cane onto the floor and leaned forward, his left hand reaching for a tea that he had ordered Sebastian to make him. He was sure that Sebastian didn't poison it out of anger, since he ordered Sebastian not to risk his life in any way, a long time ago. After his ordeal with the gang members, he ordered Sebastian to do so. "You know Anima, a Faerie like you has a really beautiful body, and I was starting to think about certain ways that you could make it up to me. All my hospitality and the use of my butler to be safe." He smirked as he took a sip of the tea, his pupils dilating before turning back to normal. "I can think of a few ideas Anima, but what do you think you can do for me?"
Anima shifted as she awakened - finding herself waking up to the sound of a breath near her. She shifted in the sheets, tangling them further as her eyes opened. She watched him - her eyes narrowing faintly. She listened to him as she sat up- and yawning rather wide. Waking up was always difficult - unless it was a combat situation. "Mmm sorry? Lord Phantomhive. Of what do you speak?" She said politely as she scrubbed the crust out of her eyes. This was always a difficult task. Waking up fully and interacting with others. She hummed faintly and tilted her head to the side.

She watched him then, as everything clicked. That's why Sebastian had been furious. How she had known? Well she could sense how angry he was. She shivered then and frowned as she looked at the Lord. "You wish my body."
She had made the connection easily, which had made him happier then he would have been about this Faerie. She was smart, very beautiful, and a mythological creature, just like Sebastian. She was different, interesting. "Faeries are known for their slightly nympho characteristics, if they are given the chance to make love to someone that they like or even love." He said. He then took a bigger drink of this tea. "I am offering my body to yours, just like I offer my shelter to you, my butler as protection, and as many sweets as you desire. All I ask is for your body. If you want, I can even dissolve the relationship between Elizabeth and myself, and I can focus on only you." He knew that if he were to do that, Sebastian would hate him for eternity, despite being bound to him. Ciel however was more focused on his desires, his needs. He was lucky that he had this tea. He wasn't sure if he could keep up with this Faerie, if they were to have sex.
Anima watched him as she shook her head a little. Her hands clasped in the sheets as she sighed softly. She turned on the bed a little - and allowed her clothes to come back. Her hands folded in the sheets as she tilted her head up and stared at the ceiling. "I appreciate all of your aid." She whispered as she smiled softly and tilted her head down. "My Lord Phantomhive, I definitely am interested in remaining here - but I am also a bit hesitant at such a thing." She whispered as she looked towards him. A smile that was sad turned towards him, her mind reeling with the comments he had said.

"I would not ask you to dissolve your relationship. Lord Phantomhive your marriage to Lady Elizabeth gives you the heir you need here. I am just a Fae Nobility - that's not something we could make real here. You'd dishonor yourself - by dissolving your relationship. May I ask you what brought this about?" She asked lightly.
Ciel would have been happy to go right into this sexual endeavor, but the look on her face had made him pause. His hands tightened around his cane, and he shifted his cane from his right to his left, and back again. She did have a point. If he broke the relationship with Elizabeth, he would probably be made a mockery of, and be told that he was too young to sustain a relationship. Such an insult would probablt drive him crazy... so he was slightly happy that Anima was taking so much care in his proposition. Her sad face would have ruined the erection that was in his pants, if he wasn't using a special tea to get himself up. He picked up the tea again and took a sip, before putting it back down. He didn't smile, but he stared into her eyes. "My male desires is what brought this up. You are a beautiful woman, one that is not full of idiotic girlish tendencies, and one that is above all, interesting. You are an interest to me, and you owe me for all that I can provide to you. However with a look like that... I am not sure that I can go through with this."
"It's not an issue - Lord Phantomhive. I'm just - not used to the mating situations. I haven't taken a partner - and before I came here I was a member of a Noble family. I had to keep myself pure for my future marriage." She said as she tried to get it across why she was feeling a little - off. She smiled faintly as she reached out to the lord - touching the edge of his eyepatch. She smiled at him gently and then pulled her hand back. "I'm not quite sure what kind of experience you have Lord. And I don't feel quite right doing something like this in the bed I had practically died in. Seems a bit morbid." She said with a bright laugh. That bright and tinkling laugh of the fae.

She knew that Sebastian would be furious. But she was trying to make things stable in the household. She licked her lips a little as she realized that she was hungry. But she knew that she could hold off her hunger till a later time. She smiled at him and shifted on the bed again to sit next to him. "A Fae Mistress, you sure the Queen would approve?" She teased gently.
Ciel looked at the somewhat lack of muscles that were on his arms and legs, and he moved over to the faerie in front of him. He felt her touch the eye patch and the eye that was underneath the eye patch had widened. One of the few people that had touched his eye patch had not make him uncomfortable while doing so. He stared into her eyes as he took in the information about her lineage. "A Fae Mistress would probably be accepted by the Queen, I am not sure... personally." He replied. "And I have experience with women... I have been trained by Sebastian." He didn't get trained... but he was going to have to be. "I will not disappoint you Miss Anima... We don't have to do this now. What is your preference on time?"
Anima laughed softly as she kissed him gently on the nose. "We will figure something out - Lord Phantomhive. I do suggest we prepare ourselves though, because I have a bad feeling. I think we may have visitors soon." She said lightly as she chuckled softly. "At the house that is, not in the chambers. And perhaps breaking our fast would be a good idea." She said lightly as she brought her hand up to his hair. She was a fae - and the sensation of touch was their greatest fascination. She pulled back and then stood up. Even though he was younger then her in human years - he was still taller then her. She supposed it made him feel better to have someone shorter then him.

"I will have to get a hold of a profession soon. So that I can attain more garments. Though I love my Fae clothing - and they can be whatever I want, I also have to charge them with lunar energy every three days. For four days. So it'll become difficult." She said with a soft laugh. She stretched then and put one leg forward, to stretch out her muscles. "I also offer my sword arm to thee."
The feeling of her fingers touching him had distracted him from his current thoughts, even though his main thoughts had been focused on his ability to have sex with her. He put his own soft hands onto the Fae's hands, when she had touched him. He stood up as well when she had done the same, and he leaned a little bit on his cane. He nodded his head. "I will bring you to the marketplace tomorrow and you can buy whatever clothes you wish Miss Anima..." He said, as he walked over to the room door. He opened it and walked out, thinking about talking to Sebastian about sex training before the night was over.
Anima found herself leaving the room. She wandered to the gardens - Ciel's words heavy in her mind. She sighed as she approached the Gardens, the place she had left the kitten. It was still there, all curled up with the Sylph, well cared for and happy. She smiled softly then as she watched it - a soft and gentle smile leaving her as she sat down. She was happy to be here - with this kitten, in this garden. The demon was gone - and she was no longer hunted. Now she just needed to find her place in this world. She was busy in the garden - and wasn't there for the arrival of the carriage to the front door.

The young woman slipped from the carriage. All of the grace of a lady was about her. She looked around - blue eyes widening as she smiled brightly. "Wonderful! I haven't seen Ciel in a Year! Because of our trip to the states." She said cheerfully to her mother as she approached the house. Lady Elizabeth had returned.
Ciel was being prepared for in his own room, where the calm Sebastian was helping Ciel with his clothes. Ciel was not too happy about Elizabeth being here, because he would be inside of a cute Faerie right now if Elizabeth decided not to show her face. But the show must go on, and he couldn't ruin his possible marriage with his fiancee. He turned to Sebastian, and he smirked. "Sebastian, do not do anything to ruin this time with Elizabeth. And do not suggest anything that will ruin this. I am commanding you to do so." He replied. Sebastian nodded his head, even though his anger was showing through his hands.

Ciel came down the stairs in a few minutes, dressed handsomely and without a thing out of place. Ciel did not smile at Elizabeth, he merely stepped towards her and took her hand, kissing it. "I have missed you... Lady Elizabeth..."
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