A Demon of a Butler - TDM and Vicodin


Jan 11, 2009
Anima crouched on the pavement. The ache reaching deep into her bones as the poison slipped further into her veins. The ache of the Cold Iron was all around her. And the situation was getting worse. For the sixth time her provider had been hunted down and killed - by the demon that was after her. Her eyes closed - their dark depths hidden by the pale lids of her eyes. The poison had added an oddly yellow tinge to her skin color. But that was because it was leeching through her whole being. Damn that Guard of the Queen, Charles Grey. She was no threat to the Queen of England, just and outcast shoved literally into her Gardens. Thanks to the portals the Fae had set up for the longest of time. Now she was lost in the mortal realm - and outcast with no home. Nothing to trade for her keep - other then her weakening magics - and her skills as a swordswoman.

Humans and their stupid ideals that women should not hold a blade. Her hand went to her dagger as she crouched in the back alley. At least her clothes kept sustained, their self healing properties kept her from looking like a raggamuffin - or worse a whore. Her eyes opened as she stared ahead of her - the alley was dark - and she knew the demon was near again. She had to run again - to protect herself. To hide, but where could she hide? She wasn't sure any longer. The darkness crept further each day - like the poison that filled her veins. She pressed her hand to her stomach - where a bandage kept her from bleeding out. She couldn't protect herself from the dangers that where growing.

She walked down the alley now - pulling herself into the busy streets. People seemed to have decided that she was a Nobility - which was what she was. With her clothing, and her demeanor. Here the humans couldn't see her wings - but the children could. One such young person stopped - staring up at her. The young girls eyes widened as she clapped her hands over her mouth.

"Mummy look it's a fairy!" The girl whispered. The mother looked up and stopped - eyes widening.

"Don't talk like that in front of others. We will leave and offering and that's all we can do." The mother stated as she stared at the woman.

Anima could see it in her eyes - it was one of the believers. She mouthed a thank you - and then walked towards the mother and daughter pair. The mother pressed some bread into her palm, and a small portion of cheese. She knew it was all the woman could do - so Anima whispered a gentle blessing. "May your paths be clear, and love return. Marriage to money and love." She whispered to the young woman as she smiled brightly and then turned around. The demon was gone - she couldn't feel his presence any longer. A sight left her as her head tilted back and she shuddered faintly. This was dangerous for her - this place. And darkness would fall - and she once again would have issues.

Her head turned - night dark hair wrapping around her shoulders. Her head tilted back as she nodded faintly. "I shall survive." She whispered as she continued to walk. The day would end and night would fall. And everything would be happening. She needed to find safety - a sanctioned place of safety. But who would take in an outcast nobility - without wanting something from them. She wasn't sure as of this moment, and she was definitely starting to get concerned. "Dannu damn this."
They tried to be as silent as possible. Two pairs of footsteps shuffled along the sidewalk of the city, three eyes looking left to right while the man and boy remained on their guard. Ciel was not able to sense what Sebastian was sensing, so he had remained behind his butler, despite the dangers that he submitted himself to while doing that. Sebastian was leading the way, his mind pointing out directions that he could take to find this demon, this disgusting and murderous demon. He felt his senses starting to heighten, and he walked faster, trying to still stay inconspicuous, but at the same time wanting to catch up to his prey. Faster he walked, faster and faster he walked to catch up, but something else had intervened his senses, a smell that felt way more pleasing to his senses, but was not the scent that he wanted to be following. "Dammit, dammit!" He thought, as the smell of the demon had disappeared, replaced by this more sweet smell. Whoever harbored this smell, better be damn enough important for his time. "I lost him..." He said.

Eighteen year old Ciel growled as he looked up at his butler. He was dragged out of bed, and asked to partake in a hunt for this demon-like creature, and he expected to be able to be done with this in a day. But apparently demon senses were not as good as Sebastian said they were. "I assumed that you would have been able to find this demon within a day." He replied, crossing his arms over his chest, giving him a little bit more air flow. He was winded from Sebastian's fast walking, and needed a small break. As he was about to sit down on a nearby bench at a park, Sebastian crossed the street and started to run. Ciel let out a groan as he followed. "Did you catch the smell again? Why the hell are you bringing me with you if you are the one that is going to do all the work? I could be eating and playing games at my house!" He said.

Sebastian continued to run, expecting Ciel to follow him since the new adult was not exactly used to this city. Ciel took pride in staying in his house, being waited on by Sebastian himself head to toe. He stopped when he had seen his scent, in the flesh. A woman, one who looked positively winded, since the scent that was coming from her was one that was still only slightly powerful, not overwhelming even though he was 10 feet from her. He saw her look around, before starting to walk. He slowed down, walking only slightly fast as he made his way behind this woman, the one who was supposed to be important enough. The one who smelled so nice... He put his hand onto her shoulder, before moving it back to his side and giving a small bow. "Sebastian." He said, once he had her attention. "You do not look in the best of conditions. Is there something the matter with you, Miss?" He asked.

Ciel finally caught up to Sebastian and stopped 5 feet behind his butler, bending over slightly so that he could catch his breath. He looked up and saw a woman that Sebastian was talking to. A woman? His butler had stopped the chase of this lunatic demon for a woman? Ciel would have walked home out of anger, if he wasn't too scared of this new demon. He walked up behind Sebastian, and bowed himself. "Ciel." He merely said, before letting Sebastian and Anima continue their talking.
Anima crouched a little beside a child selling flowers. Finding herself sitting down on a bench as she nibbled at the bread and supplies the mother had given her. So few still believed in the ways - what with the White Christ and his beliefs overpowering everything. Her mind wandered as she nibbled and let herself dissolve into the situation. The pain arching through her as she panted faintly. Her palm pressing to her side. The wound was festering again - were she home, she'd have the healers and supplies to draw out the poison. But she was alone in the human world - and without a protector again, with the night falling. And this was definitely something that she was fearing more and more as the moments ticked on.

She reached up and lightly ran her fingers through her hair. Stopping as her gaze was lifted. She stared up at the male that had approached her. Dressed as a butler - but sulfur assaulted her senses. He was a - yes he really was. But he was bound one. She could tell from his scent. This one was much different then the other. Slowly she stood, wincing faintly as the blood and poison seeped from the wound in her side, wetting the bandage and her clothing. "I'm fine." She said politely as she bowed. "Pleasure to meet you Sebastian." She said politely as she turned towards the young man.

Her family knew that symbol - that symbol was one of the Phantomhive family - the loyal dogs of the Queen. "I do not feel calling you Ciel - sir. It's disrespectful, even from someone of my ranking." She said politely as she cleared her throat. Making sure to keep her voice low, the pain pulsing through her with the beat of her heart. It would only get worse - and then death would come upon her. But she wasn't afraid of the Reapers. She knew that if she could beat them in a game - she could get her life and health back. And she had several games in mind - that she mastered in. But even if she died, surely it was better then living in a world where the earth was raped for it's resources.

Where children cried - and women died. Where demons ran free, and Angels no longer tread. This world was as dead as she was.
The smell that he was running after had intensified, as the life force of this Fae had started to seep out into a piece of her clothing. He noticed, and he nudged Ciel, who was smiling since he was once again, not being called by his first name. He appreciated when people were conforming to the rules of being polite, when he didn't really have to out in public. The rich had the rules he supposed. He stared at the blood stain on her clothing and he pointed at it. Sebastian nodded his head and he moved over to the Fae, "If I may ask, what is your name, Fae?" He asked. Ciel's eyes widened as he realized that the both of them were standing in front of a Faerie, one of the many creatures that were talked about in fantasy stories. Along with demons like Sebastian. Was every single mythological creature real? Was he not supposed to be surprised if a centaur had attacked their mansion? He brushed some hair out from his eyes and he smiled. "My apologies if my butler grabs an area that is not preferred." He said. "But I would life if you were to come back with us to my mansion. You are injured, possibly more so, due to the blood loss that you are enduring. Now please... come with us. If not, then both me and Sebastian will have to take you by force." If they didn't care, the two of them would have left her on the street, maybe with a few coins to buy parchment and a quill for a letter to write. However their conscience would not let them live it down if they let a Fae die. Plus, Sebastian was not planning on letting this beautiful Fae die so soon. He wanted a piece of her... a piece of that succulent soul before he let her die.
Anima watched them warily as she gathered her energies about her. "My name? Is Anima Nox" She said politely as she shifted from foot to foot. She wasn't really sure how they would take that name. "Lady Anima Nox." She added as an afterthought. She was concerned about that as well - her parents had turned her away but Titatnia and Mabd had not. It concerned her sometimes - but not all the time. She cleared her throat a little - wincing now as she grabbed her side. "Grabbing me in an area not preferred, won't matter for much longer." She muttered softly to herself as she looked around. That dark oily feeling was slipping through her again. But she kept her mind focused on other things. It was alright - she told herself. There was no way the demon could kill these two.

"Coming with you? That's a bit difficult. The longer I stand in the city - the longer the Cold Iron is around me." She whispered, the world was spinning around her now. She was a nobody here - at least that's what it felt like. "Lord Phantomhive, to have a Fae in your home - requires an offering." She said in a shaking voice, her wings shaking a little. There was lines through them - that showed the poison in her veins. She hadn't had the ability to fly since she was stabbed with that damnable blade. The longer this poison lasted - the more likely she would lose her wings.

But it was not her wings that were her concern, but her life.
It was a shame that Ciel had to meet a Faerie at one of these times. It would have been nice to meet one when he was out on vacation, or one that was in really good health. But his first meeting with a Fae was one that was slowly dying, from some unknown poison. He saw the poison that was slowly spreading in her veins, and he clenched his fists, quickly wanting to get rid of her poison, and her misfortune. An offering? Where had he heard that before? Within the many books that he had read while he was little. "To keep a Faerie into your home, and to avoid misfortune and clutter. Offer the Faerie some of the purest bread and butter." He wasn't sure what the hell the clutter part meant, but he was sure about the last part. He turned to Sebastian, calling his name which earned a bow. "Go to the market around the corner and buy the bread that is made by that bakery!" He said, "Make sure it is the purest that you can find. Wash your hands before you get it, and bring it now!"

Sebastian nodded, running off past the man and Fae as he ran to the bakery, speeding up faster and faster until he got to the market within 30 seconds. He smiled as he bought the bread, and then left it with the man while he walked to a nearby well to wash his hands. He wiped his hands off on a towel and then ran back, giving the bread to Ciel.

Ciel looked at the Fae, and he smiled as he handed the food to her. He wasn't sure what the Fae would do with the food, either eat it, or absorb it or something, but he wanted the offering to be complete. Once it was, he grabbed her knees while Sebastian grabbed her shoulders, the both of the men trying to move her without injuring her waist. "We must bring you to the castle... and quick." Ciel said. Sebastian nodded. "I am sure I can tend to this poison wound... I've done many before."
Anima watched them with hooded eyes. In reality it was the sickness swelling through her. She watched as the male bespoke the words. She laughed faintly - it was a tinkling one. Like bells in a choir. Soft and light - silver and bright. The joy actually flew into her that someone knew what she was talking about. She watched the butler racing off and return with bread. Her mouth watering as she accepted it and started to nibble. She watched the males and winced faintly. "It's not a normal poison." She muttered as her dark swirling eyes watched the males. One moment silver, one moment dark. Her eyes where a maelstrom of pain and agony as of the moment. But she bore the pain well - she wasn't used to pain but it was something that all beings had to deal with at one point in their life.

"This will look odd you know, a Butler and an Earl carrying a lady down the street." she commented as she took in a dragging breath. Her breath seemed to rattle a little as she laughed. The poison was spreading to her lungs now - great. "Well hopefully you know how to take out Cold Iron from a Fae - dear Butler." She said with a shaking laugh. She let her head rest on the butlers arm as they carried her. Space and time blurring as she realized that people stopped to watch them. She realized that they were indeed at a Castle, and she stiffened. "Is the Queens Castle?" She said fear aching in her voice. "No no! Get me away from here, Charles Grey is here! He will get me again!" She cried out as she started to struggle against them.
Sebastian was not worried that it was not a normal poison, for he was sure that he had many poisons from previous humans stuck inside of him. Some men that didn't want to give over their soul, ending up shooting him in the shoulder or chest with something poisonous. And he ended up shaking it off like it was nothing. Or getting over it extremely quickly. "Whatever poison it is, I am sure that I would be able to get rid of it, Lady Anima." He replied, smiling as the two men finally carried her to the mansion. The other maids and butlers were looking interested at the creature that was brought into the house, and one even replied that it was a bigger change from a cat. Sebastian just ignored them as the two men brought her to Sebastian's room. Ciel was thinking of giving it to her and Sebastian had no problem with it. Ciel gave out a sigh as the two had finally laid her down on the bed. Ciel had not done much exercise throughout his life, so the many tasks of simply carrying a person was really hard on him. "It was nice to meet you Anima..." He said. "If you don't mind... I need to go eat something and rest." He replied. A long demon chase followed by bringing a Faerie home had done a number on his body. "I will get some other maid to make me food..."

Sebastian moved onto the Faerie's side, with metal tray and a soaked handkerchief in his hand. "Please move the clothing to the side, or take it off... one of the two so that I can look at this... the poison looks deadly... I need you to make your choice fast." He replied.
Anima realized quickly that there was no true danger to her from the man. Or from Charles Grey. As they were elsewhere and not actually at the Queens castle. A sigh left her as she collapsed a little and whimpered against the man as she was brought into the house. She sighed as she slumped further, her vision blurring as she watched everything flying by her. Her eyes closed as she leaned against the male even further. Her mind fuzzing completely as she was taken through the house. To sebastian's room they went, and then she heard Ciel's words. "As you wish - Earl Phantomhive." She said as politely as possible. Her head turned towards the butler now as he held on to a soaked handkerchief. Her lips perking into a smile.

Her body sagged into the bed, as she released a long sigh. The clothing on her torso melting away as she commanded her garments to do so. What he saw was a compact and pretty frame. Her torso covered in tattoos. Markings of a warrior Fae, someone from a clan that guarded the royalty. A true swordswoman she was - indeed. She laughed weakly and watched the demon. "Lucky your bonded, huh?" She said teasingly as she coughed again -it was wet and sticky feeling, and a dribble of yellow tinted red slipped from the corner of her mouth. "I wonder what it's like - when I fae dies. " She commented non-chalantly.
Sebastian smiled when the girl had made all of her clothes disappear, but he did not make any move, as much as his body wanted to do so. Since he was bonded, he was not allowed to have sex with anyone or anything. He had even tried to have sex with Ciel, but the damn Earl knew it, and had refused every time. Being the butler, he had to only agree. But putting Sebastian's sexual frustrations aside, he had looked at the wound. The wound that was nearby all of the tattoos that were putting more emphasis on her very petite and nice body. He looked at the poison and sighed. "This is not human poison..." He said, before putting his hands onto her waist, smushing some of the blood onto his fingers. He knew what kind of poison this was, and he knew another way to bring out the poison. He put the metal tray down onto the bedside table, as he moved closer to her, being careful so as to not hurt her waist more. "Forgive me for being so rude, Lady Anima." He said before his head moved down, pressing his lips onto hers. His hands hovered over her waist, forcing all of the poison up Anima's head and out through her lips, into Sebastian's body. He grimaced as he broke the kiss and reached for the handkerchief, spitting out a combination of her blood and poison that had almost destroyed her body. He turned away from her and coughed a few times before smiling. "You should improve in health within the hour." He said, before standing up.
Anima watched him - her eyes half-closed. Definitely silver at the moment as she stay laying on the bed. He pressed his fingers into the wound as she gasped and bit back a scream. A grown left her as she shifted and tilted her head back. The pain lanced through her like red hot brands. Then he started to talk and she bit back a laugh. Yeah - definitely not human poison. It was Cold Iron, which is exactly what could kill a fae - among other things. "Of course not." She whispered as she watched him. Her eyes opened fully as his lips pressed to hers. Her body arching up off of the bed as she felt the poison leaking from her body. Gasping as it left from her mouth, drawing out from every part of her. Goddess - goddess! Danu save her, this was so painful.

Anima gasped as she drew in her first lungful of clean air in a long time it seemed. Watching him as he coughed up the poison. "That's a definite...." She said as she watched him - her eyes taking him in. A bound demon, made things easier. "There is always a trade though, you took poison from me. What are you expecting in return?" She whispered as she watched him. Her eyes guarded and dangerous all at the same time. She wondered exactly - what he would ask for. There was many things, which was an interesting thing. She sighed as she flopped back on the bed, her clothes appearing. Fresh and clean.

Perfect - she was just perfect. She felt better now, as she looked up at the ceiling. She yawned then, wincing faintly. "With the dark he will come. Like a demon in the night. Have you ever danced with the devil in the pale moonlight?" She whispered softly.
Sebastian was happy that he was able to get rid of the poison without doing anything drastic, but while he was doing this, he had to trust with the other maids and butlers making Ciel food. He was the best cook out of all of them, so he hoped that Ciel did not receive a burnt or charred dinner. Especially since Ciel had come with him in order to help him find the demon. But as he coughed up the blood into the handkerchief and folded the handkerchief a few times, he put the handkerchief onto the bedside table, inside of the metal tray. He looked at the Fae as she materialized all of her clothes, and he moved closer to her, inches away from Anima's face. "A simple kiss from you would be nice... Lady Anima." He said, before he closed the gap between the both of them, into a very passionate kiss. His hands moved onto the back of her body, knowing that it wouldn't hurt her anymore. They slid up and down her back as he kept the kiss going, before breaking it with a small bite on her lower lip. "My apologies to break this really passionate moment, but I must go off and make a proper dinner for the Earl. If you were to come down and eat with us, that would be grand." He said, staring into her eyes before he stood up and walked to the door, taking the metal tray with him. He then walked downstairs, into the kitchen as he worked his magic.
Anima watched him as he coughed again. She winced faintly at that action - and gave a long sigh. her lips pulling into a wry smile as she watched him. He leaned in and said his request - her breath taking a sharp intake. Audible and clear. As she waited. He kissed her and her blood went on fire. She groaned faintly and her head tilted to the side. Her mouth moving against his. His hands on her back - especially her back- sent more flaming through her body. She moaned into his mouth as her body went alight from the inside and out. Her wings fluttering in a rapid pattern. Moaning faintly as she tilted her head into his. She moaned again as he pulled back and nipped her lip.

"I'll join you." She said politely and moaned again. her eyes lighting up as she watched him walk out. She shifted and slipped out of the bed. Her wings fluttering a little as she wandered the room. Mmm well this was an interesting place - for the Head Butler of the Phantomhive family. She materialized her blade into her hand and then strapped it to her waist. Wandering from the butler's quarters to the dining area. Just following her nose. She stopped at the doorway, staring ahead of her. "I do hope I'm not terribly late."
Her moans into the kiss had made him confused as the two of them kissed. He thought that she was only kissing him because that is what he wanted, but she was moaning out like a regular girl. He smiled as he walked out of the room, happy that he had actually turned on that girl somewhat, and gave her a kiss that she would enjoy. He walked into the kitchen and within an hour, had an excellent dinner on the table, one that could probably solve the world hunger problem in Africa. If he cooked it enough times. "Dinner is served." He said to the maids, butlers, Ciel, and Fae, before he sat down at the other end of the table, while Ciel sat on the bigger chair, the one that was decorated with so many gems and gold. Ciel started to eat, just like the perfect gentleman that he was raised to be. All of the maids and butlers were eating, but they were always on their guard, just in case Ciel needed something extra. Sebastian ate, quite a large amount, but he kept looking back and forth between his food and the Faerie. Did his kiss keep an impression on her? He was so curious for the answer.
Anima walked towards where Ciel sat. Preferring the sit that Guests took - when eating with a Earl or any Lord. She sat down politely in the seat, and started to eat the food. Her eyes closing at the taste of it. Nowhere near as rich as Fae foods. But it was good - especially for human fare. She wondered what it would be like to bring some Ambrosia here - but it would be alright. She knew it would be. She had the chance to make a new life - away from controlling parents, and bigoted people. She shuddered just a little as her eyes opened. She felt him watching her - and she stared down at him. Silver eyes swirling to black again, as she tucked her head down. Her wings were invisible to most there - but the Gardener might see.

She had the need to wander the Gardens, look at everything. And make sure that all was alright. She shuddered softly as she looked up at the Butler again. Sebastian - catching his gaze. She arched a brow and then smirked faintly - he was watching her. How long had it been since he had a soul nibble? Probably a long long time. which amused him quite a bit. So this meant he could be taunted and teased. Something the Fae in her absolutely loved. Perfect - this situation was perfect.
The taste of her beautiful soul. The taste of being able to take that soul out of that Fae's body and savoring it bite after bite after succulent bite. He felt like Ciel wanted Sebastian to be tortured, to hate the fact that he was a demon and that he was going through what most humans would go through that are addicted. Withdrawals. Now Sebastian was a demon, and souls were not something that he absolutely needed. He just loved the taste of them. As his and the fae's eyes met, she smirked. How could she know? She knew that he was bound and couldn't have the soul? How the hell could she instantly know? Was it because of the fact that he was bound? He was sure that some demons were able to absorb other souls while still being bound. But he couldn't. Damn Ciel... Damn him for taking away one of the most savory delicacies of a human. At least he got to take Ciel's soul, when all of this was done. He looked down at her smirk, and continued to eat. Ciel waited until everyone was done, until he introduced the Fae. But he didn't say that she was a fae. "May I introduce our newest guest, Anima. She is going to be staying in this mansion for a few days. She will be taking Sebastian's room." Everyone looked at Sebastian, before smiling and looking back at Anima, introducing themselves.
Anima stood up politely - as she was announced. Having watched the dilemma with the Demon and his mind. She felt like giggling - as she was definitely getting in better health. "A pleasure to meet all of you. My name is Anime Nox, I'll be here for a few days. And hope to discuss with your Lord about a continued stay. There is much here I would enjoy." She said happily as she cocked her head to the side. Her smile was bright as she folded her hands against her stomach and then looked around at all of them. "There is much I can offer your dear lord." She said politely as she looked down at her side. Stopping for a moment and stepping back.

Slowly she sat back down and just giggled faintly. It was a soft and gentle giggle - but a giggle that could be heard nonetheless. She waited till dinner was complete and then she took her leave politely. Outside to the gardens where she wandered past the hedges and towards a large tree. "oohhh aren't you a pretty thing." She whispered as her palm pressed to the old oak. "A little sick, but I'd fix that for you once I'm well myself." She said with a soft giggle. She stopped and looked around her - as she heard the bushes move a little. Crouching down she clicked her tongue a little.

Out slinked an adorable black kitten, of whom she scooped up and tickled under the chin with her finger. It looked a little sickly - but she knew it was because it was a runt. Poor little thing. She was hoping it would be alright.
Ciel trusted the other maids and butlers to get the dishes done, so as he walked out to the gardens, to follow the fae, he saw her just in time for her to pick up the cute little kitten. Faeries, such interesting creatures of nature, while Sebastian was the complete opposite, a demon that took pride in devouring the souls of the dead. Or even killing the living so that he could get such a soul. That was back when he was not bound to this boy... the man that he had to serve. He sat down next to the tree, and the leaves that had fallen around him had moved towards the bench near the tree. The leaves hurriedly moved to the Faerie, and calmly laid next to her feet. Sebastian sighed as he looked at the cat. "You know don't you, about my predicament? I looked into your eyes and it looked like you knew. That I haven't had a soul in... a year."
Her head canted to the side as she held the kitten against her. Her feet tucked beneath her. Her eyes lit up as she chuckled softly. She held the young one to her chest, and whispered a soft song. There in her palm came a small bag with a tip attached to it. "Can't have you dying on us little one." She whispered softly. A small smile gracing her features - strain showing though from even that small bit of magic. She pressed the tip to the kittens mouth. She fed it as she listened to the approach of the male. Her eyes turning to the side as she canted her head towards him now.

Her eyes turned towards him - as she tilted her head enough to look at him. "I know, your a Bound demon... and a Year. Awfully long time." She commented as she tickled the kitten under the chin to get it to eat. Her eyes watching the demon - a smirk faintly crossing her features. "A bunch of misfits we are, eh? A Level Seven Demon - Prince level... and a Fae Swordswoman of a Noble blood. Both trapped on the mortal plane. You by choice - mine by outcast."
Choice, how funny that she would say that. It was by his choice, but after a year of not having a soul, and constantly having to be the butler of a stuck up 18 year old, he doubted that it was considered his choice anymore. Even if he were to take Ciel's soul soon, he wouldn't be able to tell if it was as good as he thought it was, since deprivation of a soul would make any soul taste delicious. He looked at the cat, and the (more or less) bottle that it was being fed, and he walked over to Anima's side, holding out his arms in a kind of cradle motion. "Can I hold the kitten?" He asked, smiling at the cute little thing. "I love cats... I won't hurt it." Once it was given to him, he would sigh as he recollected the contract that he made with Ciel. "So what is your story? Mind telling me how you got poisoned?"
Anima passed off the kitten gently. Whom was rather full now - and made the bottle go away. "My story? Really simple actually." She commented as she watched him. Her wings moved slowly now - content and at peace. At the same time they quivered - showing she was still always on the move. She watched him patiently - and tried to figure out how to go about this. Unfortunately - she had to figure it out on her own. "I was a terrible child at times. And caused so many problems. My parents always warned me that sooner or later - I would push too far." She said as she tucked her hair behind her ear - and looked up at the sky.

"I finally pushed too far. I told them I would not marry where they were trying to tell me to marry. That I didn't believe a Fae child could be conceived in a relationship without love. My parents were angry - and had me cast out for that." She said with a weak laugh. Chuckling softly at the irony of the situation. Goddess - and she was trapped in this place.
Her excuse for not wanting a child seemed to be rather different, from the relationships that he had seen within this country. All women in this time were paired up by arranged marriages. Maybe she was just a fluke, a different kind of Faerie that believed that love should be the first thing that is implemented within a marriage. When it obviously wasn't. "Anima-chan is thinking differently then what the rest of the humans in this world are thinking. Most of the humans in this world are paired up by arranged marriages, so leaving that marriage is taboo. My lord is being paired up with a girl, just like you were being paired up with a man. Love had nothing to do with the marriage. The reason? To make sure that there is an heir to the Phantomhive company. I doubt that My Lord is going to accept Elizabeth as a loving wife. My Lord will most likely think of Elizabeth as a nest, for which an heir can be hatched from. Your thoughts about all of this 'love' will pass." He stopped and looked up at the trees, as a leaf had actually fallen onto his palm. He smiled as he released it, the leaf slowly falling onto the ground. "Just like the seasons."
"Won't pass. You see unlike humans who multiply like fruit flies - we fae have one child maybe every hundred to two hundred years." She said as she stood up and dusted her skirts off. Watching him now - her head tilted back to the sky though as she looked up at the huge expanse over her. "I've been researching with the healers why some mated pairs lack children. It's because there is discord and no love between them. A true unified energy has to be created - and you can only do that with love. With a mated pair of Fae - who love and cherish each other, children are possible. Children have only come to one pair that hated each other - and that was the Dark Courts royal line. But that's how they work. " She said with a soft laugh.
Indeed, one child every century is quite different from one every year, or at least, the human ability to have one child every year. So apparently when it came to Faeries, love had to be within the relationship for a child to be formed. And when it came to humans, love did not. He preferred the human form of having a child, or the human form of marriage, because he would be able to get what he wanted, without having to deal with the drama of women. But maybe that was just his opinion, the opinion of the demon. Marriage is being bound by legal order, bound by God. Anything close to God, was something that he tended to ignore and shun. He was a demon, of course he would do that. He was going to speak when he heard the bell ring outside. He bowed before Anima. "Excuse me milady... I must tend to My Lord." He said, as he walked into the mansion and made Ciel a dessert.s
Anima watched him and quirked a brow. It was obvious from his demeanor that the demon thought otherwise. She shrugged her shoulder and took the kitten up in her arms. Carefully tending to it and then setting it down near the Garden shed. She set it within a box and left a small fae creature to care for it. A simple sylph who's only task was to do as she asked. The creature was to tend to the kitten till she returned. Her head tilted back as she stared at the sky. She wondered if Ciel remembered those offerings also included sweets. Fae were known for their sweet tooths, and she was no exception to that rule. She just didn't want her newly healed powers to awaken any mischief in the house.

But surely the lad would remember. The moon was rising high above her now - as she realized that the heavy scent was in the air. Whipping around she felt the tingle along her spine that told her that it was near. She stayed by the kitten - standing her ground. Knowing that danger would arrive at any moment. But would Sebastian and Ciel realize this? Or was it her chance to prove herself as a guest. Her hand went to her waist - where her blade always rested. Seen or unseen she didn't care any longer. She wondered though - would it be any good against this demon?
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