Lessons from a Dragon (Ruphhausin and Finn)

Ginny was up early on Saturday morning, excited about the trip into Hogsmeade that day. She was sure that Harry had gotten her note, asking him to go to the town with her. Since she had a couple hours till breakfast, she quietly got dressed and headed out to take a walk on the school grounds.
Draco was very quiet when he woke up that day, and he was very eager to spend time with Ginny. He knew she would be mad, but not mad after he showed her what he had to show her. He was going to give her something she would never forget, and it also would be something that she would realize he gave her from the bottom of his heart and not just because of lust.
Ginny came back inside just as everyone was heading into the great hall for breakfast. She glanced over at Harry, smiling as she sat down at her House's table. She was really looking forward to the trip later, already thinking about what she was going to tell him when they were alone together.
Draco didn't know for a minute how he was going to get Ginny alone long enough for things, as he was now going to have to play it by ear. She was so beautiful, and so needing to be taken by a male that knew what she really needed, and now was his time. She was Slytherin, and that is where she needed to stay. The House needed her, mainly because she knew both sides of the argument.. and Draco didn't just want her either.
Once Ginny had finished eating, she left the great hall and went outside for a few minutes while all the other students were still eating.
Draco Malfoy had finished his meal and rose, not really following Ginny just yet. He had not associated with his "associates" the entire week, and he was glad to have had time for himself. He had gotten everything that he needed for Ginny, and now he was moving still closer to what he wanted to show her. Potter and his friends were still eating, and both Hermione and he gave Draco a knowing look. They had been a bit more cordial ever since he told Ginny's brother Ron off, but also with the way things suddenly changed in the Ministry there were other reasons. In addition to what he already had planned, he was also going to show Ginny just how much he himself had changed as well.

He was soon heading outside, and he was looking for Ginny. Part of him was not pleased with himself, but another part was not pleased that, in order for her to notice him, he was having to resort to this. He soon spotted her, and he moved closer. He really wanted her, in very intense ways, and he was going to seize the moment as he saw fit. He was hiding from her view for the moment, getting steadily closer to her.
Ginny was walking along the shore of the large lake, glancing up when she heard the fluttering of wings from the owl coming toward her carrying a letter. Smiling, she took the letter from the bird, opening it up to read. She recognized Harry's writing, her smile getting larger when he asks her to meet her near the Forbidden Forest. Sticking the letter in her pocket, she headed for the location he'd asked to meet her at, unaware that the letter hadn't really been from Harry but from Draco.
Draco was already waiting for her there, but hidden. He didn't know how he would explain, but he didn't know how else to tell her. He was being selfish, but then love was not always supposed to be about totally selfless things either. He watched and waited, seeing a figure coming closer to where he was.
Ginny glanced around when she got to the place the letter had said for her to go, wondering if Harry was running late.
Draco then popped out from where he was, and he waved his wand. He only used a spell to keep her from leaving the area they were, not to hold her in place.

"Ginny... I need you to do something that you really may want to not do, but I think you will because I know that you like me a lot more than you pretend. I intercepted your letter, and if that makes you hate me, the I will understand. The thing is is that I would rather you want to be with me than Potter."

He then was suddenly next to her, kissing her lips as he held the back of her head for a minute.
Ginny was surprised to see Draco there instead of Harry, and even more so when she tried to walk away, only to find herself unable to get too far. Turning to Draco, her eyes widened when he suddenly kissed her.

"Draco what are you doing? That letter I sent to Harry was private!"
Draco had thought out what he was going to say, even with the way she was acting.

"I don't want you writing him anymore, especially with how you know I feel about you. I know you feel the same way, and we both need to stop pretending."

He doesn't really know he is moving her where she had a tree at her back, but he was not going to let her leave. He was wanting her to see he was much better for her than Potter, even if he had to make her see that.
Ginny glared at him, though she was a little afraid of what he would do to her now that he had her trapped between him and a tree.

"Who do you think you are to tell me who I can and cannot write to, Draco? Whatever feelings I may or may not have for you, it's irrelevant now that you tricked me into coming down here."
"No.. they are very relevant when the ones you are having for someone else may have been induced to get to Potter."

Draco knew that she really believed she was in love with him, but he had to tell her what he was thinking.

"Ginny... when you were possessed by HIM.... you started to get all discombobulated.... almost as if you act totally not yourself around Potter."
Ginny didn't want to believe it, though she knew that there was a small hint of truth behind Draco's words.

"No Draco... I had these feelings before I even found that diary in my trunk, a diary that was given to me by YOUR father."
"But not by me... and certainly not for that. My father and I... strongly disagree about many things."

He was closer, not yet saying more just yet.
Ginny was quiet for a few moments, thinking about everything that's happened lately.

"How do I know I can trust you, Draco? You've already stolen a letter that was meant for someone else, just so you can get me alone. That's hardly going to make me want to be around you."
"Then let me do the things I think you know I can do for you, Ginny. I don't intrude on your dreams.. but I somehow know you have them about me... and what I do to you in them."

He never tried to invade her mind, as he felt that would be to far even for him. That was a form of rape to him, and that was what made him listen to both Dumbledore and Snape more intently. He was risking everything to stop something he had grown to hate, and he had to show all of those who were endangered because of it how much he wanted to help them.
Ginny turned her head away, her cheeks turning almost as red as her hair when he mentions her dreams. She didn't know what to think of him anymore. When she looked back at him, there was a slightly betrayed look in her eyes.

"First you read letters that aren't meant for you, now you're intruding on my private thoughts? Is there anything I can trust you with, Draco? You want to do something for me... You can start by just leaving me alone."
"I was not intruding on your private thoughts... any more than you have ever intruded on mine. You know that we are connected, Ginny, and it is not coincidence that you were put in House Slytherin. If you really thought that, you know you could have persuaded the sorting hat like Potter did. "

Draco was calm, but then he didn't realize how totally alone they really were at the moment. Somehow, they were now isolated, something that Draco didn't really do.
"Coincidence or not, Draco, it doesn't change the fact that you invaded my privacy by stealing that letter I wrote to Harry! Now please move so I can return to the castle."

Ginny knew how isolated they were, and she didn't want to spend another second alone with her Housemate if she could help it.
"No. My primary concern is for any member of the House who is putting herself in needless risks with no productive outcome. I am torn, but I know that I have to proceed."

Draco was not understanding Ginny's stubbornness, and he then took a deep breath, moving toward her.

"Sometimes... in order to show you have the right reasons... you have to do the wrong thing... because it is more right in the long run."
"How is writing to a fellow student a risk, Draco?"

She stepped to the side to get out of his path, fearful of what he could to do her this far from the castle.

"The only danger I seem to be in is from you. Now if you don't mind, I'm going back to the castle."
Draco then grabbed Ginny, having tried to explain to her. He pinned her up against the tree, his mouth on hers as he did so. He moved his hands down to her hips, making her skirt move up her thighs as he pleased.
Ginny blinked in surprise, pushing Draco away. She might have given him a chance, but his actions just now proved that she couldn't trust him at all.

"I should go to Dumbledore and tell him what you just did, Draco! You want me to trust you? Well forcing yourself on me is not the way to go about it!"
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