Jugger x Grendel


Jul 23, 2010
Blue Moon of Georgia
Nathan Stone, a ninjutsu specialist, waits for his two teammates of his first mission as he waits by Konoha's gates. He looks around but still does not see them. Sighing, he slumped against the gate as he began to play with his pet owl that he usually let roam wild around Konoha's city.

"Oh Hoots, where's those ninja at? Bah...I hope I don't react to the first people I see bypassing, I don't even know what my partners look like."
Ino slowly walked towards the gate with Tenten in tow. Seeing the boy by the gates, she slowed. "I hope that's not our teammate. That's the most pitiful excuse for a ninja I've ever seen. Do you think he even knows any jutsu?" she called, obviously wanting him to hear as the two women approached.

Tenten blushed. "Ino...be nice. If he is in our group, we should at least all TRY to get along." She looked him over. "He does look weak though. I hate weaklings!"
Nathan looked up to see two girls begin to walk his way and begin to talk about how weak he looked. Despite that last bit, he smirked as he whispered to Hoots. "Two hot babes as my partners? Oh Hoots being a ninja never felt so good!" He said before letting his owl fly off into the town. He stood up and smiled to the girls. "Heya! The name's Nathan Stone, ninjutsu specialist. Glad to meet your acquaintance ladies." He said smiling. "So...are you ready to go?"
Ino rolled her eyes, making Tenten laugh. Their group was doomed if he was to be their third. Without saying a word to him, the two continued walking. What a loser!
Getting the cold shoulder, an eerie wind blew by as Nathan stood like an embarrassed statue. He sighed and turned to walk with them. "So...we're s'posed to meet the bridge builder at the checkpoint and then we escort him to his home town, then guard him till he can finish building that bridge. Shouldn't be long...right?"
Continuing to ignore him, Tenten and Ino sped up.

"What were they thinking, making us go out on this mission with just the two of us?" Ino asked.

Tenten shrugged. "I guess they figured we could handle it. We are two of the best female warriors they've ever seen. I bet this will be a piece of cake." She looked around, surveying their surroundings, always keeping a look out.
"Uh...girls? I'm right here you know, third party right here...dammit..." He said as he trailed along bit behind them yet close enough to hear their conversations. "Seriously, what'd I do to automatically give me the whole 'who's this dipshit lets give him the cold shoulder' routine?" He said before sighing as he walked on.
Ino sighed. "This guy is totally hopeless!"

Tenten glared over her shoulder. "Listen, Stoneface. If you want to be a part of this team, you gotta man up. Stop being so goddamn pitiful. You're a man, aren't you?" She ground her teeth together. "Ah! I just hate weaklings. Maybe if you'd be a bit more forceful in your attitude, you'd get somewhere in life. Maybe that's why they placed you with us, so we could kick some fucking balls into you."
Nathan stood there mouth agape again to the words being spoken. "Hey! I can be just as forceful as you two! I just went easy because you're girls, and I didn't want to seem rude...though apparently its the other way around! Geez this is some way to make a first impression." He said as he followed them now, glaring.
Ino snapped at him. "Don't be easy on us just because we're girls. That's sexist and stupid. That's just another dumb weakness that men have. You really need to get over that." She flipped her hair over her shoulder, looking to Tenten for agreement.

Tenten nodded. "Men are so stupid sometimes. And YOU'RE the one that made the bad impression. What kind of guy sits around the gate to the city, talking to a fucking owl and looking like a wimp? You're gay."
"Thats it, thats strike three!" He said getting more annoyed as he grabbed both their shoulders to make them stop. "In no way am I gay you stinkin...keep cool...keep cool....look, you're the ones who were late. Besides, I'm developing ninjutsu techniques with beasts and Hoots just happens to be my partner in testing them alright!?"
Ino glared at him as he grabbed her shoulder. "Hoo, you don't know who you're dealing with man." She took a deep breath, closing her eyes. "You have about two seconds to remove that hand if you want to keep it."

Tenten slapped his hand away, turning around. "A beast ninjutsu? You're not doing much to help your case. Why don't you just stay back there and shut your trap!"
"Alright thats it! I don't know exactly what the fuck I did to you, but this shit needs to stop now! What'd I ever do to you, I was friendly while you all were bullshittin me!" He said getting annoyed. He pushed them aside as he took the lead and mumbled as he continued to walk on without them.
The girls smiled to each other, glad he'd finally taken some initiative and showing he wasn't quite the push over he appeared to be.

"Keep it up!" Ino called. "Maybe you'll grow some balls now that the testosterone is finally pumping through your veins."
Nathan growled as he turned around and began to poke Ino's chest in anger as he began to make a point. "First off, I've got balls for your information, second, I don't need you to tell me I'm a weakling because this weakling can kick your ass. And third, this weakling can fucking rock your world if you play your cards right, and as of now...pfft." He turned and glared at Tenten before walking on ahead.
The two hooted in laughter at his statement.

"I can't believe you just said that...Rock your world! Oh my God is that hilarious!" Ino said as she slapped Tenten on the back, laughing so hard she could barely breathe.

Tenten nodded in agreement, though she had already stopped laughing. "Let's just get this damn mission over already."
He turned and glared at them. "Its getting dark, lets rest here now. Summon up your tents and I can prove I'll fucking blow your minds out." He said as he went on ahead. He made a few handsigns before muttering something before a tent appeared beside him.
The two women summoned their own tents.

Tired of being around the two, Tenten walked out into the forest to find firewood.
Nathan turned to Ino, still annoyed. "Well? Should we get started or you just gonna sit there like a dumbass blond all day? Yeah, I can be an asshole too." He said still glaring at her.
He mumbled before turning to walk into the woods to cool off. Even he was starting to get on his own nerves. Walking up to a stream, he stripped down and sat down until the water was above his stomach and up to his chest. His elbows rested on the riverbank as he looked up to the full moon, wondering why he got such horrible partners.
Tenten was walking through the forest, her arms full of wood for the fire. She came upon Nathan resting in the stream. She grabbed a small piece from the top of the pile and threw it at him. "Thanks for finding us some food."
Feeling the twig hit him, he looked over to see Tenten. He mumbled and shook his head, now back to his normal self. "Just leave me alone alright. I've done nothing to deserve this." He sunk lower into the water until he was neck deep in it.
Tenten set down the pile of wood and walked over to him, taking off her sandals and letting her feet soak in the river. "I'm sorry about all of that. Ino and I...we've just had a pretty hard time. It really irks us when someone can't stand up for themselves." She knocked him on the side of the head with her fist. "So don't be such a push over and show us you're not a weakling. People who can't help themselves just really burn me up!"
"Uh, you guys didn't even give me a chance. The moment I greeted you all you acted like I was nothing. Why? Just cause I talk to an owl? I'm a beast-tamer, its what I do...but I guess you wouldn't understand seeing as how Ino accepts you and that I'm the new guy and all..." He said sighing as he began to make some bubbles within the river with his mouth.
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