DBZ roleplay


Dec 8, 2010

Nazera sneered, staring at the scenery. She was in the countryside, having just risen from her capsule pod. The human race was truly disgusting. She didn't understand how Radditz could possibly have been beaten. Everyone was so ugly and...pathetically weak.

She shot up into the sky, hovering in mid-air, cross-legged. In the far distance she could see Satan City. How primitive. Nearly to the point of gagging in disgust, she shot off an energy ball and turned to continue her annihilation of the continent.

(Btw your description is messed up.)

After defeating the saiyan Raditz one year ago upon awakening, Nathan roams the earth in search of a purpose. He had awoken due to a catastrophic shockwave that passed through the lab he was in, the shockwave caused because of Raditz's pod. Ever since then, he was alone and without a creator to tell him about himself, his memory banks even erased to the point he barely even knew what he was, though he did know...and android. Given without a name, he takes the number of the pod he was in. Android One.

Now on the plains outside of Satan city, Nathan now watches over the city from afar, wondering why he was created and who created him. He was knocked out of thought as the city began to explode. He acted immediately and flew into the air, looking for a source of the energy ball that was sent until he saw a girl. He frowned as he flew straight at her without warning, attempting to attack with a punch to the gut.

(Btw later she'll have to name him Nathan if thats okay with you.)
(That's fine.)


Nazera was surprised as she was taken off guard by the stranger. The punch landed soundly in her gut. She jetted away quickly, holding herself. "You bastard."

She teleported behind him, aiming a karate chop straight at his neck, smirking as she anticipated a swift victory.
His sensors picked up on movement behind him as he turned around quickly and tried to block the attack, but she was much faster than his sensors could pick up on and he was too slow to block. Her hand landed against his neck and the sound of metal getting hit with a hard object could be heard. He didn't wince in pain, though sparks of electricity shot out a little from the attack that damaged him. "Why are you here...why are you attacking city? Are you with the last one?"
She frowned quizzically as the man sparked, but didn't go down.

She continued attacking, kicking and jabbing at him. "What are you talking about? Last one?" Her eyes sparked as she realized he must be talking about Raditz. "Bastard!"

She fired her signature eye beams at him, burning up with anger now.
He blocked and dodged all further attacks she did toward him, hearing her reaction only confirmed she was with the other invader. He moved back from her as he glared but then he saw lasers shot out of her eyes. He held his arms up and blocked the attack which started to push him backwards. When the attack was over, his arms were charred a bit and he was steaming. His fake flesh now revealing the metal underneath. "Leave now!"
Jugger82 said:
He blocked and dodged all further attacks she did toward him, hearing her reaction only confirmed she was with the other invader. He moved back from her as he glared but then he saw lasers shot out of her eyes. He held his arms up and blocked the attack which started to push him backwards. When the attack was over, his arms were charred a bit and he was steaming. His fake flesh now revealing the metal underneath. "Leave now!"

She sneered, getting the better of this "thing." "You dare command me?! I am Nazera, first commander to Freeza. I will destroy this pitiful planet and you along with it, metal human!"
She slashed at him with the blade attached to her right forearm, teleporting above him and blasting a series of energy balls toward his head.
Nathan looked upward and raised his hand toward her before attempting what she just did. He mustered energy within his power source into his hand before firing it out into a single strong laser that burst through her energy balls and went straight for her, though as he did so he could feel his power draining away and he was losing energy.
She teleported back to the ground, but not before the beam struck. Her left arm was completely useless. She threw out her blade then glided a few hundred feet away, quickly firing off another high powered energy ball.

Was it just her, or did he look like he was tiring? She took stock of herself, noting she wouldn't be able to keep this up for much longer.
Nathan slapped the energy ball away. He seemed to feel heavier as his sensors said that his energy levels had dropped from 98% to 74% from that one blast. He lowered himself to the ground as he would save energy as he waited for her to attack. "I do not wish to fight you, leave now."
"It's a little late for that, isn't it, metal man? You sealed your fate and that of this horrible petri dish you call a planet!"

She rushed forward, kicking fervently. She jumped over him and attempted a punch from behind, then aimed a laser at his feet.

"Prepare to die!!!"
Too much was happening at once, she was far better than Raditz had been. He blocked the volley of kicks and even the punch from behind, but he wasn't quick enough to side step away from the laser which blasted into his feet. He was sent a ways back and landed on his back, his sensors telling that his legs were too damaged to continue using. "D-Dammit...!"
Jugger82 said:
Too much was happening at once, she was far better than Raditz had been. He blocked the volley of kicks and even the punch from behind, but he wasn't quick enough to side step away from the laser which blasted into his feet. He was sent a ways back and landed on his back, his sensors telling that his legs were too damaged to continue using. "D-Dammit...!"

She grinned as blood poured from her arm onto the dirt. "Surrender now and I may recycle you into something useful!"
Nazera tried to hide how much her arm was hurting her. She had to finish this quickly and treat her arm before she went into shock or passed out. "What will it be?"
"Gah...!" He had no way of getting out. He legs were busted and he couldn't last much longer just sitting there like he was. "What do you want of me...do what you want to me, just leave the humans of this planet alone!" He cried out to he in anger and plea.
She smirked again. She could let this metal being think she had given up or given into his request. Waiting to destroy the planet until after she healed would be best anyway.
She smiled. "I will do as you want, but while I am on this planet, you will be my slave. Your life is forfeit and I shall do as I please."

She looked around the barren countryside. "Do you agree to these terms?"
He looked down, knowing he had no choice if he were to save the innocent humans of the planet from destruction because of this outside invader. He simply spoke out to her with agreement. "Yes...whatever you wish...what shall...I call you then? I am Android one..."
She sneered in disgust. "You may call me Master, slave."
She looked him over. He was very damaged. "Android One...Hm...That name is too dignified for one such as you. I will give you a pathetic human name to go along with your frailty. You will be...hm...What is a stupid human name?"

She grabbed her arm. "I will think of a name for you later, you garbage heap. I am in need of healing, as are you. Where can we rest and tend to ourselves? Do you not have some kind of domicile or lair?"
"To the west of here until you hit the mountains...look for the only tree that grows within an area...its the marker of the cave which I was awaken in and where I reside...its empty aside from whatever the past denizens...my creators...left behind."
She shook her head. It wouldn't do. "A cave? I require something more dignified. I will just have to take what I want."

Nazera jumped into the air, flying to the nearest city, staking out a house to make her own.
"Where are you going Master...? Why are we going into the city?" He said. His sensors said that he was slowly losing more power and he was halfway there. He turned off his emotional programs to save some power as they flew.
She ignored his questions and flew to a large house just outside the city. Quickly and quietly, she killed its residents, disposing of the bodies. She took a quick look around the house. Satisfied, she walked back to the bathroom, taking out a first aid kid. She scoffed at the primitive human technology of medicine.

"Do you feel pain? Emotions? Is it necessary to heal you, or will you do so yourself?"
Nathan watched as the residents cried out in terror as they were easily picked off and dumped into the streets. He didn't feel any remorse for them as his black, soulless eyes just watched the scene as he sat on the couch. Hearing her question, he looked up to her and shook his head. "I have turned off my emotional programs to save energy. I require the generator and pod placed in the cave for repairs and recharging if I am to survive Master."
She sighed, shaking her head. Useless machine! "Do you have enough left in you to bring it here? Will the energy supplied to this building be enough to power this "pod" of yours?"

She leaned over, starting the shower and browsing the soaps and shampoos available. Sitting on the toilet, she stripped off her boots and weapons, then the armor and her small white bodysuit.
Nathan shook his head as he spoke to her while she was in the bathroom. "I cannot fly...my legs are my complete mobility, without them I can not fly nor walk Master...forgive me." He stayed sitting straight up as he looked straight forward as he spoke. He was looking at nothing more than the wall in front of him and nothing else until she would enter the room again.
She sighed, thoroughly pissed off. "You really are useless aren't you, tin man?" She walked back out into the living room, stark naked. "I'll see what I can do about bringing it back."

She went to the window, squatting in the frame. "Stay."
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