Final Fantasy VII: The First Crisis

Chris followed them to the inn, not wanting to sleep in the helicopter. It had been a while since she'd slept in a real bed, and she missed the comfort. As they walked toward the inn, a chill went down her spine as she looked toward the manor.

She only planned to stay overnight, and leave first thing in the morning. She just hoped that a certain deranged scientist didn't interfere with her mission.
The night would go by without interruption. The manor remained eerily silent the entire night. The skies were clear that night, allowing the moon to shine in it's entirety. A faint blue glow fell on the entire town.

The sun rose over the peak of Mt. Nibel that morning, illuminating the entire mountain town. The people of the small village slowly poured out of their homes and went about their daily lives. The pilot was already at the helicopter at sunrise. He was more than ready to leave Nibelheim behind him. The helicopter was fueled and ready for departure well before the rest of the team would arrive.
Chris was up before the rest of her team. After a short, yet relaxing, bath, she got dressed in her uniform and went downstairs to get something to eat from the inn's dining room. She knew they had another long flight ahead of them, so she made sure there was plenty of food for the men and the pilot. Once she was done eating, she grabbed the bags of food and headed for the helicopter. "Do you need any help with departure preparations?"
The pilot looked over at Chris when he heard her voice. "Nope. We're just about ready to go." He said as he closed up the engine. "It's gonna be another twelve hour flight to get to Wutai." He said with a heavy sigh. "The residents of Wutai aren't very happy with Shin-Ra right now. The folks up stairs at Shin-Ra have been trying to get a reactor built their for some time, but we've been met with fierce resistance." He shook his head before opening the cockpit door. "I guess my point is that we may encounter more than just clones in Wutai."

He climbed into the helicopter and began final preparations for departure. "All right, we've got a full tank, that will be enough to get us there, but I'm pretty sure that Wutai residents aren't going to part with fuel to assist a Shin-Ra team, even if it's to get us home."
Chris nodded, listening to the pilot. Wutai sounded like the perfect place for a Shin-Ra deserter to hide. "Thanks for the warning. I'll be careful not to antagonize any of the Wutain locals once we get there."

"If we stop to refuel in Rocket Town, would we have enough fuel to go across to Wutai and back?"
The pilot gave it some thought before nodding. "Yeah. Maybe. But it would be a close call, we'd have to stop in Rocket town again coming back." He said before leaning back in his seat. "Luckily, Rocket Town is under Shin-Ra control. We won't have any problems procuring supplies there." He turned his attention back towards town to see the rest of the team approaching the helicopter. "Well, I guess we're just about ready."
Chris nodded, smiling. "We'll do that then." Glancing at her team as they approached, she climbed into the helicopter, setting the bags of food near the seats. She hoped that this mission came to an end soon, as she was already getting tired of traveling. "Let's be on our way then"
The team quickly filed into the helicopter. Once he was certain that everyone was buckled in, the helicopter lifted off of the ground and moved in the direction of Rocket Town. "It's going to be about a six hour flight to Rocket Town." He began. "By the way, Rocket Town is filled with Shin-Ra supporters. Once they find out you're in town it's going to be a media frenzy." He said with a smile. "I'm sure all sorts of reporters want to have an interview with the first female SOLDIER."
Chris looked at the pilot. "They may want one, but they aren't going to get it." Since they were only going to be at Rocket Town to refuel, she would stay on the helicopter. That way, she wouldn't have to deal with loud, nosy reporters.
The pilot gave a laugh at the woman's response. "As you say, Ma'am." He shook his head quietly before redirecting his attention to the sky in front of him.

The six hours passed smoothly without any form of complication. The helicopter slowly began it's descent over Rocket Town. "Alright Ma'am. I'll make the trip for fuel as quick as possible. Hopefully, no one will ever know you were here." The pilot said as he began shutting down the helicopter. "Okay boys, let's make this quick!" He shouted, signally for the soldiers to follow him into town.
Chris dozed on and off during the ride to Rocket Town.

Once they arrived, she got out to stretch her legs. She didn't venture too far from the helicopter though, not wanting to draw unnecessary attention to herself.
Only about a half hour passed before the team was on their way back carrying containers of fuel. The pilot quickly set to refueling the helicopter. Pausing briefly to look up at the massive rocket that was under construction. "To think we'll be in space in only a few years..." He shook his head before turning his attention back to the helicopter.

Before long, the pilot was through refueling and was preparing the helicopter for the next leg of the flight. "It'll be another six hours before we see Wutai, Ma'am."
Climbing back into the helicopter when everyone returned, she nodded to the pilot. "Good. I just hope that I finish this mission there. I am sorry for making you fly all over the place."
The pilot shook his head. "No, Ma'am. Like I said when we met, it's been an honor to serve with you." He said as the helicopter lifted from the ground. "I hope we end up with several more missions together in the future." He said after a few moments. Before long the helicopter was en route to Wutai and hopefully, Xanatos.

It would be another six hours before there was any sign of slowing from the chopper. As they approached the coast the pilot looked out through the windshield with concern. "It seems awfully quiet down there." He slowly set the helicopter down on the coast before shutting it down. "I'm sure we've gotten the attention of half of the Wutai territory during our approach. Everyone keep your guard up."
Once they reached Wutai, Chris was the first one off the helicopter. Grabbing her sword from under her seat, she attached it to her belt before heading toward the village. She didn't know to expect when she got there, but hoped it wasn't as bad as the pilot had suggested.
Everyone in the village stopped what they were doing when they saw the SOLDIER operative enter. Each of them stared cautiously, slowly moving from her path. Guards watching from the sides of the streets kept heir hands tightly clasped around the handles of their weapons. Whispers traveled around throughout the crowds as they all slowly tried to disperse.

The team followed closely behind Chris, each of them had their rifles at the ready. Skirmishes weren't uncommon and it was no secret that Wutai and Shin-Ra were on the brink of war. It would be virtually impossible to convince them that they were here for any reason other than building a reactor.
Chris looked around as the people moved out of her way. "I didn't come here to cause any trouble. I am here looking for a man by the name of Elochai. I was told that he would be here. If someone could direct me to his location, I promise that we will leave once we have that man in our custody"
The people continued to stare in silence. None of them were certain that helping this woman was a good idea. A single guard stepped forward, lowering his defensive stance. "The man you seek wears an emblem like that one?" He asked as he pointed at the SOLDIER emblem on her belt. "He seized the temple nearly two weeks ago." He said turning to point at the temple. "He killed any who stood in his way and killed many others with the army he brought."
Chris looked at the guard who stepped forward. "Did he have anyone else with him, that looked like they didn't want to be here?" She took a quick look toward the temple, then turned to her men. "Return to the helicopter. It's better if I go up there alone. It's me that Elochai wants, and I have a better chance of surviving than you five"

She turned back to the guard. "Keep your people away from the temple until I come back out. I will deal with the traitor inside."
The guard gave a silent nod. "The man he brought with him seemed weak. As though he'd become ill and had yet to receive medical attention." When he heard her instruction he gave another nod. He turned towards the other guards and reissued the order.

The temple was dark and lifeless. No lights were on to show the way and no sounds were being made. The mindless clones patrolled the temple grounds waiting for Chris to arrive. At the top of the temple, Elochai himself watched from the balcony. A smug grin placed firmly on his face. His deterioration seemed to be accelerating as he appeared even weaker than he had been in Nibelheim. His hair had begun to turn gray and his skin had begun to pale. Even his uniform reflected decay in it's tattered condition.
Chris headed toward the temple, drawing her sword. She knew that she was in for a long battle, but she would try and cause as little damage to the building as possible. Stopping outside the temple, she looked up at the balcony. "Elochai! I came like you wanted! Now let me see Xanatos!"
Elochai gave a short laugh before looking behind him. "He's a bit... Tied up at the moment..." He turned around still laughing before disappearing back inside of the building. Elochai returned to the massive throne like seat that rested in the highest room of the temple. The clones in the courtyard quickly turned to face Chris, each of them readying their weapons.
Chris watched him go inside, then turned her attention to the clones. She didn't know just how many of the things that Elochai had created, but she had to get past them and into the temple.

After a while, she finally made into the temple, only to see that there were more of the clones inside. She killed them as she moved through the temple, having little trouble with them due to her mako-enhanced abilities.

It didn't take her long to reach the top level of the temple, leaving a trail of slain clones in her wake. She stopped in front of the throne Elochai was perched in, her sword pointed at him. "Where is Xanatos? Tell me, then I will put you out of your misery, traitor."
Elochai moved his hand as though to display something. To his right, huddled in the shadows and kept restrained to his knees by chains, Xanatos was kneeling. His body was beginning to show similar signs of decay, though not nearly as far along as Elochai. "It's amazing how long the man can go without food or water." He said as he stood up from the throne. His hand fell to where his blade was housed and quickly pulled it from it's scabbard. "Now, I'll continue what we were unable to finish in Gongaga." Xanatos struggled to stand when he heard Chris' voice but the chains were far too heavy and he was far too weak.
Chris already had her sword out, from having to deal with all the clones. She took a defensive stance, shooting a quick glance over in Xanatos' direction. She couldn't afford to lose this battle, not with a friend's life at stake. "Let Xanatos go. Or does friendship mean nothing to you?" She turned to look at Elochai as she spoke, her sword held protectively in front of herself.
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