Final Fantasy VII: The First Crisis


Lady in the Making
Jun 1, 2009
Gender Limbo
Shinra had an arsenal of carefully kept secrets. Nor was it in Xanatos' best interest to probe them. He never questioned why he had to answer to Hojo before the SOLDIER director. Nor did he ask why he frequently suffered from memory flashes from a life that wasn't his. He was taught that everything was on a need-to-know basis and he didn't need to know.

Though the man's body was feminine in shape and nature he was anything but. He was a gruff individual who was difficult to get a long with. His skin was a deep tan with long flowing crimson hair that fell below his belt line. Though injected with Mako energy, his eyes shown crimson, suggesting that his injection process was failed in some way. A long flowing leather trenchcoat fit tightly to his feminine physique. Tight leather pants were tucked inside of knee-high leather boots. A custom gunblade hung from his belt behind him so that it would be easy to draw when needed but stayed out of the way when he didn't need it.

At the moment he was standing near the office of the soldier director's office, leaning against the wall with his arms folded across his chest. His calm gaze watching a group of 3rd class SOLDIER operatives doing squats in the lobby.
Christina, or Chris, as she preferred to be called, had come to Midgar to try and get into SOLDIER. She had disguised herself as a man so she could enter the training program. It had been easy to do, since she wasn't very big in the chest area. The only thing that worried her was what would happen when she was discovered. She didn't want to be sent home just because she was female. She had long curly black hair, which fell to her waist when not hidden by the hat she wore in public.

She was currently standing in the front lobby of the Shin-ra building with the rest of the new recruits. She listened as they talked amongst themselves, growing fearful when she heard that they'd all be sharing a barracks while being trained. She would definitely be discovered as a female then. She had to think of a way around it, if she was to keep her true identity a secret.
The crimson haired soldier looked down at his watch before pushing off from the wall and walking in the direction of the elevator. The new recruits should be in the lobby and as a SOLDIER First Class he was expected to greet them. The elevator began it's descent. Xanatos looked down at the lobby below him as it approached. There were several trainees sitting around chatting. "I wonder if they know just how tough the next few weeks are going to be." As the door slowly opened he stepped out into the lobby where the recruits were gathered.

"Welcome to Shin-Ra Tower." Spoke the Soldier director as Xanatos approached him. "Over the course of the next few weeks you'll be put through a series of tests to see whether or not you'll qualify to enter SOLDIER." His gaze shifted as he heard the click of Xanatos' heels on the floor. He cleared his throat before stepping aside so that Xanatos could join him. Xanatos stood in silence beside the director while he spoke. "You'll be being monitored by Xanatos here and other First Class operatives during your training sessions.

Xanatos crossed his arms as he stepped forward. "I'll be expecting nothing short of absolute perfection from everyone of you." He said coldly as she observed them. "I won't lie. Most of you won't make the cut. Those who remain likely won't survive the Mako injections. But for those who survive. You'll have accomplished what you came here to do." He unfolded his hands as he looked closer at the gathered men. "But that's when the real hell begins. Once you've earned the right to join. You have to make sure we don't regret that decision. That is all." He stepped back beside the Director who gave him a confused look suggesting that he didn't believe all of that was necessary.

"Very well. You all should have your bunk numbers. Get some good rest. Your training begins tomorrow." The director gave a soft smile before turning and patting Xanatos on the shoulder. "Meet me in my office later." He said quietly before walking back towards the elevator. Xanatos nodded silently.
Chris listened to the director speak, her attention wavering only when she heard the sound of someone approaching the group. She wondered who he was, until the director introduced him as Xanatos. It was going to be hard for her to keep up her charade once training officially started, but she would have to try.

She didn't like the man's cold demeanor, but she couldn't tear her eyes away from him for some reason. Grabbing her duffel bag, she followed the rest of the recruits to the barracks once they had been dismissed. Once she found her bunk, she started unpacking her bag, while keeping an eye on the door to the showers. She wanted to make sure everyone else was out of there before she went in to wash up.
Xanatos turned his attention to the recruits as they entered the barracks. His eyes narrowed as he watched one with softer features enter. "Hmm..." He began walking in the direction of the barracks. He pushed the door open and entered the room. One of the recruits gave a startled shout upon seeing him. Xanatos gave the man a glare as he passed by. He examined each recruit as he passed them. He paused in front of Chris.

He examined the recruit for a moment before looking back and forth at the other men in the room. "So you want to be in SOLDIER, huh?" He said in a serious tone. "Hmph... I'll be watching you." He said before turning to leave the barracks. Giving the man who had squealed earlier an additional glare on his way out. He closed the door behind him. He looked back at the door for a moment before turning towards the elevator. It was time to go speak with the Director.
Chris had been busy unpacking when the door to the barracks opened. Hearing the surprised shout from one of the other recruits, she looked up just in time to see Xanatos stop in front of her. Gulping, she nodded, but said nothing, not trusting her voice right then. She couldn't take any chances at being found out.

Once he was gone, and after making sure that the showers were empty, she grabbed a pair of pajamas and went to take her shower. After a quick look around to make sure she was truly alone, she locked the door and undressed. She was done 5 minutes later, dressed in her pajamas, the hat back on her head to hide her long hair. Unlocking the door, she walked to her bunk and laid down to try and sleep. It was difficult, knowing that she would be under the close scrutiny of Xanatos.
Before dawn, Xanatos was waiting in the training room for the recruits. They wouldn't be there for a short while. But he wanted to make sure he was the first one there. The training room worked through virtual reality simulations performed while wearing a VR helmet. The room itself was wide open and dimly lit. He had sent a 2nd Class SOLDIER to deliver the recruits 3rd Class uniforms for training purposes. The blue uniform would come neatly folded in a small box with a pair of boots, the kidney belt, shoulder plates and gloves independent from the box. A standard SOLDIER blade was also included.

He walked outside of the training room and waited in the hall for the recruits to come. He wasn't supposed to be training them himself. But it was the director's idea. If he trained them, then the next generation of SOLDIER would be tougher and more disciplined than the last. Something both Xanatos and the director both knew had to happen.
Chris had finally fallen asleep an hour before, but was woken up when someone entered the barracks. Opening her eyes, she watched the SOLDIER as he set out the boxes for all the recruits. She knew she wouldn't be able to get back to sleep, so as soon as he left the barracks, Chris got up and went into the bathroom to change into her uniform while everyone else was still sleeping.

They were all just starting to wake up when she came out, so she hurriedly hid her hair underneath the everpresent hat, and went to make her bed. While they were all running around, getting dressed in their uniforms, she slipped out and went on ahead to the training room, hoping that by getting there early, she'd have an advantage over the other recruits.
Xanatos opened his eyes as he heard someone approaching. His gaze shifting in the direction of the recruit. "I see..." He pushed off from the wall as the recruit approached. "How interesting..." He looked in the direction they had come from only to see that the others hadn't come yet. "Early. I like that." He turned away from her to answer his cellphone that had been vibrating. "Yes sir?" Xanatos gave a quiet sigh. "Are you sure? Very well..." He flipped the phone closed before turning to face the recruit again.

He examined the person before him much like he had the night before. He wasn't one to judge based on appearances, but something didn't seem right. He could sense it. "What did you say your name was, recruit?" He asked as he crossed his arms. He intended to go into the archives and observe the recruitment file on them.
She had to remember to deepen her voice when she spoke to him, knowing it would give her away immediately otherwise. "The others are still getting dressed, sir." She hoped that he didn't see through her deception. She was silent while he talked on his phone, wondering who was on the other end.

She bit her bottom lip when he asked for her name, something she did when she was nervous or worried. "It's Chris, sir." She moved to lean against a wall, while trying not to give herself away. She wasn't sure what the person Xanatos had been talking to had said, but she had a feeling it was about her.
Xanatos watched Chris' body language as the recruit spoke. He gave a quiet nod before turning to face the training room. "That was the director." He said quietly. "After this training session is complete, he wants me to take a recruit of my choosing on a mission into the slums for more personal training." He turned to face the recruit after a moment. As if silently suggesting that he'd already made his decision.

"Tell me, Chris. Why do you want to join SOLDIER? What are your dreams?" He asked in a serious tone. His arms folding as he leaned back against the wall. It was vital that Xanatos knew that the recruits had it in them to go all the way. Otherwise they were wasting their time and his own. Chris was no exception.
Chris watched him for a moment, wondering if he had already chosen which recruit would accompany him on the mission to the slums below the plate. She wanted to be the one to join him on the mission, though the risk of being found out down there was even more likely than up here.

She looked up when he asked her about her reasons for joining SOLDIER. "I want to help defend those who can't protect themselves, sir. I feel that by joining SOLDIER, I can accomplish that better." That wasn't her real reason, but she couldn't just go and tell him that she wanted to be the first female to join SOLDIER.
Xanatos watched the recruit for several minutes. His eyes narrowed for a moment as though he could tell that there was more to her story. "I see... A noble goal." He said as he turned around. "The other recruits should be here shortly." He said with his back to her. "Go in there and put on the VR helmet." He said quietly.

"I want to see what you can do." He said as he began programming an encounter into the computer. It wasn't a difficult opponent though it might be for someone who wasn't used to combat. He programmed a squad of five Wutai soldiers. Xanatos could dispatch of these men with a single swipe of his blade. But a new recruit would have to work for that victory. He crossed his arms. "Lead by example. If you can show your fellow recruits that you can complete this task they will be more motivated to do so as well."
Chris nodded, heading into the VR room. Glancing quickly out the window, she made sure he wasn't looking before taking her hat off so she could put on one of the helmets. She stuck her hair down the back of her shirt, hoping no one noticed the slight bulge it made on her back. She was determined to prove herself better than the others.

It took a while, but she managed to take out three of the virtual Wutain soldiers before she fell to the remaining two. She couldn't accept her failure, and without taking the helmet off, she turned to where she hoped Xanatos was standing. "Let me try that again. I know I can beat them all!"
Xanatos turned to the recruits standing behind him. As if making sure they were watching. He returned to where he was facing before pressing a button so that he could speak over the intercom. "Very well. I'm restarting the simulation." He said. "In three... two... one..." He reset the program before folding his arms. He was very impressed. She had spirit. He liked that.

He watched carefully as the battle restarted. "Now pay careful attention." He said to the other recruits. "You'll all be up against the same simulation." He said in a raised voice. Chris was definitely an impressive recruit. There was a lot of potential. Hopefully her body would be strong enough to survive mako fusion.
The second attempt took longer than the first, but it ended with much better results. By the time she'd taken out the last of the virtual soldiers, she was exhausted. She knew that the other recruits were watching her, having heard them come in during her first run through of the simulation. That meant if she took the helmet off, it was likely that they would all know that she'd been deceiving them. Still, she couldn't keep the helmet on.

Feeling around for her hat, she took the helmet off. She quickly put the hat on, hoping that no one had noticed her hair going down inside the shirt of her uniform. Walking out of the VR room, she smiled at the other recruits while stifling a yawn. "How was that sir?" She looked at Xanatos, hoping he was pleased with the simulation.
'That was amazing!' Xanatos thought as his eyes scanned over the results. He'd never admit his surprise or how impressed he was, but he definitely hadn't expected Chris to be able to take them on. When the young recruit left the training room he turned and gave them a silent nod of approval. "Not bad." Xanatos said before turning to the next recruit. "Get going!" He barked as he pushed him towards the training room door.

One by one he forced each cadet to run the same simulation. There were a few that did about as well as most recruits, some were utter-failures, while others came barely short of the mark. None, however, were able to take out all five opponents. After the training was complete, Xanatos brushed his bangs aside before giving an irritated sigh. Training rookies was irritating. He turned his gaze to Chris and began to approach. "I hope your not to tired, recruit. We've got a mission to accomplish." He said as he walked past her in the direction of the SOLDIER director's office.
Chris was not one to gloat, but after watching the rest of the recruits go through the same simulation, she knew that she was the best of the bunch. Still, there was a lot of training left to go through before it would be decided who made it into SOLDIER and who didn't.

She yawned again as Xanatos walked past her. She wasn't sure if he meant for her to follow him to the director's office, but it had been made clear that she would be the one to accompany him on his mission into the slums. She'd only had about an hour of sleep, and she was quite tired, but she had to stay awake for this. After a moment, she decided that she'd follow him, since he'd never told her to stay with the rest of the recruits. "Sir? How dangerous is this mission?"
When he heard the others footsteps behind him he turned his head slightly to peer over his shoulder. He was pleased to see that Chris had followed. "I don't know the details of the mission. The director will brief us when we arrive." A small sigh escaped his lips. "I wouldn't worry too much. The director wouldn't have asked me to take an untrained rookie on a dangerous mission." He turned his gaze forward again. 'Then again, if it weren't important than why send me? That sounds like a mission for a 2nd class soldier.

As the door to the Director's office opened Xanatos entered the room. "Director." He said respectfully, to make his presence known. "I've brought the recruit like you've asked." He said as he took his usual place in the room, leaning against the wall.

"Thank you, Xanatos." The man turned around to face the pair and gave a friendly smile towards Chris. "Chris wasn't it?" He asked in a pleasant tone. "How was your first night with us?" He asked as he took his seat behind his desk.
Glancing at him when he answered her, Chris nodded. "I suppose it should be safe enough if you were told to take a recruit along." She didn't say anything further as they continued on to the director's office. She'd only seen the man once, the night before in the lobby.

Following Xanatos, Chris glanced around the office before turning her attention to the man sitting behind the desk. "Yes, sir." She shuffled her feet a bit when asked how her first night had been. She ddin't want to reveal that she'd gotten very little sleep, yet she felt that if she lied any more than she already was, he'd see right through it. Sighing, she decided the truth would be best in this situation. "I couldn't sleep sir. But I won't let that interfere with the mission I'm going on with Xanatos."
At the revelation, Xanatos turned his gaze towards Chris. The recruit hadn't gotten any sleep, but still managed to complete the combat trial? What would the statistics look like if Chris had gotten adequate sleep? He hid his surprise well behind his iron-clad poker face.

The director's gaze narrowed briefly. "I see..." He straightened himself before standing up to show the location of the mission on a map. "One of our officers filed a report claiming that he saw strange activities near the Train Graveyard." He said before pointing out the graveyard's location. "We lost contact with the officer before we could ask him to clarify. The two of you are going in to investigate."

"That shouldn't be a problem." Xanatos said dismissively. "We'll take the train out of Sector 8 and get off at the station next to the graveyard." He said as he approached the map and pointed at the location of the station. "It will be less than a five minute walk to get to the graveyard."
Chris was excellent with a sword, having spent much of her time training herself while most kids her age had been hanging out on the beach near Junon. It had all been done so she could have an advantage over all the male recruits that she would be up against to get into SOLDIER. So, even with little sleep, she could take any opponent if she had access to a sword. Her skills would be just that much greater if she was fully rested.

Watching the director, she listened as he explained the mission she and Xanatos would be going on. The thought of entering a graveyard, even if it was for machinery and not living beings, freaked her out a bit, but she said nothing as she listened to the two men talk. As a recruit, she had little to add to the preparations for the mission.

The director gave a silent nod when he heard Xanatos speak. "Very well. Then you two have your orders." He said as he returned to his desk. Xanatos turned and began to leave the office without saying anything. He simply assumed that Chris would be at his heels. As he walked Xanatos pulled out his phone to check the time. "We can catch the next train. It arrives in 30 minutes." He said as he began walking towards the elevator to take them to the ground floor.

Once inside the elevator, Xanatos stood with his arms felled as it began it's descent. "We might encounter a few ghosts and Deenglows. Keep your wits about you." He added. He obviously wouldn't allow any serious harm to come to the recruit if he could help it, but he had to watch his own back as well.
It was obvious to her that Xanatos wanted her to follow her, otherwise she'd be left behind and he'd have to do the mission alone. Nodding to the director, she hurried out after Xanatos, getting on the elevator with him when the doors opened. She hoped that they would have time to get something to eat before they needed to catch the train, as she'd had nothing before the training session that morning.

Once on the elevator, she leaned against the wall opposite Xanatos, studying him. "How far away is the train station from here? We'll have time to get something to eat before we have to board?"
Xanatos closed his eyes when the recruit mentioned food. "There's a restaurant in Sector 8. We'll eat there. We should have about fifteen minutes of leeway time." He said as the elevator reached the bottom floor. "Seeing as we've yet to determine whether or not you'll have a steady job, I'll pay." He said before walking towards the exit.

Xanatos' interest in the mysterious recruit was growing constantly. Chris had beaten the training program with no food or sleep. There was something different about Chris. Something special. But Xanatos couldn't quite tell what yet. As the front doors of the building opened he began walking the direction of the restaurant.
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