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Let's Talk Avatars


Fighting Evil by Moonlight 🌕
Jan 20, 2013
Gaming Chair
Hi all,

The first or second thing we probably notice about each other here, is our avatars. At least for me, I first look at the user name, and then the avatar.

There's a wide variety of them. And I've seen and written with and chatted to people with scary, funny, sexy, beautiful, and sometimes even confusing avatars.

I always find myself remembering people by their avatars even if their name changes, more so than by their name, if their avatar changes.

Does it have a direct impact on you. I want to say no, but I know that if I am speaking to someone who has... I dunno, a planet on it. I would feel slightly more interested, from the get go, than someone who just has a letter on a colored background.

Likewise, I would rather speak to someone with a letter as an avatar, than someone with say, something like a Confederate American Flag, or just, really ripped abs, zoomed in. Something about those avatars really turns me off.

I also want to know for those of you who choose to go down the no avatar path... why?

Is the hobby so fleeting that you don't really want to bother with a bit of personalization?

Is the anonymity of just a letter just right for you?

Do you just... like that letter?

I've had some really great partners that haven't used avatars, I am really just curious about it. The firs thing I did when I joined was find a picture of a video game character or anime character I loved at the time and slapped them on.

Just really curious about it.
I answer as someone who's so new to the site they haven't fully considered an avatar (but with plenty of experience elsewhere).

The issue is there are so many factors to choosing an avatar - is it too on the nose? Have I accidentally selected a character from media that I wasn't aware of? Is it right to use an artists work with out their permission? Is this stock image of a nice nature thing not sexy enough? Does my choice make it look like I have really narrow horizons when it comes to RP? Is using the image of a celebrity a bit weird? And so on, I think people not having an avatar is fair enough when if you let yourself you can get so twisted up about choosing one your whole time on a site might be sapped of fun.

That might just be me though.
As the old saying goes, "a picture is worth a thousand words."

We tend to associate certain words with certain imagery, and so someone's avatar tells me a lot about their personality (or the personality the want to portray on BMR). The colors, what the image is, what the focus is on, whether it's drawn or real-life, whether it's anime styled or not, so on and so forth.

Like you, I'd rather talk to an avatar rather than a letter generally speaking, but the caveat is that the avatar is tasteful, lol. But when I'm browsing roleplay request threads, my focus is less on the avatar or lack thereof, and more on the personality that shines through their request thread. The quality of writing, how thorough it is, and how funny they are (which admittedly does impact whether I'm going to message them or not).

I change my avatar quite frequently but it's always the same style, or around it.
As a person who has calmed their avatar changing, (quite a bit), I can see how it would be easier to just leave the avatar/banners alone. There are so many to choose from. How does one choose the right one? Do they coordinate with their moods? Do they base it on seasons? Holidays? Do they change it every hour?

I used to change mine several times a day, but that is because I have difficulty when it comes to decisions and what might look decent in one moment, doesn't quite suit in the next. I've managed to narrow it down to just seasonal/holiday stuff or if something just screams out.

But I can totally see how it would be confusing to keep up with a person because of changing...
I think I change mine every couple of months to fit my motivations. It's almost as if my avatar is for ME, and if someone likes it, well, that's a bonus.
When I first started on E about 12 years ago, I rotated my avatar every month or so for the first two years. Once I made my account at BMR, I've stuck with my Roy Batty avatar. It's meant to portray an emotionally significant moment in the film Blade Runner, and I like emotionally significant roleplays.
I commission a lot of art but I usually stick with Charlie, the mascot of my account haha. Odd given I haven't ever made a thread for her despite that
Avatars are both a vibe and a vibe check for me.

Personally speaking, my avatars follow very specific themes that shouldn't really surprise anyone by now. I have a particular style for them that I feel advertises what I like/what I look for, and what to expect from me. I like anime style stuff, I like curvy ladies, I like both at the same time etc etc. Now, avatars in general are something I usually prefer to see on a user, not that there's anything inherently wrong with no avatar but I also feel largely it's like… Hrm… It's like a bit of home décor. It can show me something you like, or just gives me a vague feel for a user. It's personalization.

I change my avatar monthly, and will sometimes have a specific thing like a holiday in mind or even just a general vibe. Halloween? Witches and costumes. Christmas? Snow or presents. Easter? Bunny ears or suits. It's just fun to find that stuff. I'm someone who wears my interests on my sleeve and I like to feel it helps users make an informed decision about me sort of. They can think it's whatever, but what matters is they see it, and get a vibe from it.

Now, there are some avatars I don't like on BMR. I don't hold it against the user or think less of them, but some things just don't appeal to me. That's fine, I usually just adblock the avatar and move on.

Anyway, I have no real point with this, just explaining my thoughts. I kinda gravitate/chill with people who have similar likes as I do, and avatars are a decent way to kinda signal that or find others with similar vbies.

I should change my avatar today.
I'll judge based on an avatar. Hadn't thought about adblocking one before.

I don't really change my own all that often, know I've had my current one for 2-3 years now. Not sure when I'll feel comfortable changing since its artwork that my wife commissioned of our cat who passed away two years ago and another member was kind enough to animate the slow blinks in.

Would probably throw chat into chaos if I changed.
While avatar is usually not a dealbreaker for me, but I would be lying if I said it didn't have some impact on me choosing a potential partner.

They are a good indicator of similar interest, be it roleplaying or OOC-wise. This may come as a shock to people... But I like anime, manga/manhwa/manhua, anime-styled games/VNs and everything associated with those. If a person has an anime-styled avatar that is a good indicator that they like the same things as I do, and that is favorable in terms of OOC compatibility as well as roleplay-preference compatibility for me. It's of course not 100% foolproof method, but generally speaking you can draw a parallel there.

Letter/default avatars are not a dealbreaker either, but at least where I come from no avatar at all was usually indicator that the person behind the profile wasn't necessarily interested in roleplaying, or they were the "anything goes you decide" type who leave much to be desired when actually roleplaying with them. I know that at least the first one usually not a problem here, but old habbits die hard. If someone with no avatar comes with a great pitch and first message then usually my worries are brushed away.

There are avatars that I dislike, and there most surely exist some that are dealbreakers for me, but if it's just a dislike then it is what it is. Adblocking that was brought up might be something I start to use with those.

As for myself I change my avatar and profile theme in general quite often. It usually correlates with the series and/or character I am really into at that specific moment. I might try to match it up with holiday, season or something else, but that usually is not what I go for. I wear what I like proudly in my sleeve and just choose what I like, when I like and change it whenever I feel like it. The fact that I usually change it depending on the current anime, manga or game that I really like also usually gives a lot to talk about with my partners, since surprise surprise most of them like similar kind of animanga or games that I do.
Avatars are both a vibe and a vibe check for me.

Personally speaking, my avatars follow very specific themes that shouldn't really surprise anyone by now. I have a particular style for them that I feel advertises what I like/what I look for, and what to expect from me. I like anime style stuff, I like curvy ladies, I like both at the same time etc etc. Now, avatars in general are something I usually prefer to see on a user, not that there's anything inherently wrong with no avatar but I also feel largely it's like… Hrm… It's like a bit of home décor. It can show me something you like, or just gives me a vague feel for a user. It's personalization.

I change my avatar monthly, and will sometimes have a specific thing like a holiday in mind or even just a general vibe. Halloween? Witches and costumes. Christmas? Snow or presents. Easter? Bunny ears or suits. It's just fun to find that stuff. I'm someone who wears my interests on my sleeve and I like to feel it helps users make an informed decision about me sort of. They can think it's whatever, but what matters is they see it, and get a vibe from it.

Now, there are some avatars I don't like on BMR. I don't hold it against the user or think less of them, but some things just don't appeal to me. That's fine, I usually just adblock the avatar and move on.

Anyway, I have no real point with this, just explaining my thoughts. I kinda gravitate/chill with people who have similar likes as I do, and avatars are a decent way to kinda signal that or find others with similar vbies.

I should change my avatar today.
Yours are usually freaking bangers.

I've had good experiences with default avatars too. One of my oldest friends here never got himself an avatar. And when I asked, he said, no one cares. lol.

Oh, pictures of (presumably themselves) are a definite no go. Especially if I can see their face or whatever, that would creep me out. If it's cosplay, or wearing glasses or something, maybe.
Lots of debate between Aang and Korra, though most people also really like Kyoshi. I think the definitive Avatar was Roku.
Heard Korra was actually the worst.

But that's not the avatars were are talking about! :LOL:
Oh, are you talking about those tall blue alien people?

In all seriousness though, I have actually stuck with the same avatar I chose when first coming to bluemoon. I always prefer simpler, subdued designs and that faceless astronaut spoke to me. Since then, I've grown quite fond of the pick and relate it to my account so don't really have any interest in changing it out.

I've only ever swapped it out for seasonal events like halloween or christmas but make sure to put it back once those are over.
A new member here, but this avatar, has followed me through a couple of sites. Its kinda feel like part of my identity now. Heck my username that I used has now had to change, but the Avatar has not.

Being a Dragon's eye, also connected to alot the Fantasies I love and construct.

Granted I am pretty sure I picked it so many years ago simply beause it looked cool but now its more than that, and It probably won't change.
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