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What's a Hero Anyway? (LilypadNebula & Red-Scarlet)

The waitress collected the menus with a smile, and said "I'll get the drink right away, and your food will be here before too long."

"No, no one else," Della said. "I was asked out by a guy in junior year of high school, but I'm pretty sure that was just a prank. And since school... I mean, according to you, Stryker might have a thing for me," she added with a stuck out tongue, "but we haven't done anything other than work together. So yeah-first kiss, first everything. And... I don't mind that. It's been a lot of fun!"

She let out a little sigh. "Sometimes I don't get enough of that. Fun, I mean-and not in that way! Just general relaxation and time to myself."
"Dang, I'm like, surprised. You're so hot, and you're all smart and cool and determined and cute. Their loss, my gain I guess," Katrina said, grinning. She held very little stock in how many people someone had been with, she could have said a hundred pussies had tasted that cock and she'd still be happy to ride it. There was a little part of her that felt happy to be the first one, though. The first kiss, everything. Dang, she was responsible for making sure all the firsts were amazing! That was a lot of pressure.

Her internal thoughts showed on her face as she scrunched up her mouth, realizing she had to be great for her. "Don't worry Della, I'm gonna make sure it's all perfect!" she said, suddenly looking up with a very determined gaze at the hero. "You're gonna have all the best firsts, if I can help it," she added, before downing the rest of her drink. Her own relationships tended south, one catastrophe and disaster after another. What this was between them wasn't totally set, but she didn't want it to end like those had.

"Stryker totally has a thing for you, she got you the mask thing aaaand a cute stuffed spider thingy? Definitely crushin hard. Hmmm, it would be hot to see you with another girl, or get you and another babe with a big ol dick to take me at once?" Katrina leaned forward with a smirk and a wink.
"Um... Uh..." Della barely managed to get sounds out, her mind overwhelmed with thoughts of just how goddamn hot that would be. Before she had a chance to completely short-circuit, the waitress reappeared.

"Here you ladies go," she said. "Taco plates for you, and burrito for you, right?" she asked, setting the plates down on the right sides of the table.

"Um, yes! Thank you, you too," Della said, eliciting a little laugh.

"Enjoy the food!" she replied and headed off.

Della stared at her food for a few moments. "Maybe keep the sexy flirting for a less-public place?" she asked. "I... Um, you know... Don't want to get too hard if we can't, you know, handle it."
Katrina giggled, watching her squirm. She glanced up and nodded as their waitress came by, taking her food happily. She started to eat, then smirked at what Della said. So easy to tease. "I suppose I could do that. No saying we couldn't handle it though, they do have a bathroom," she said, letting out a little giggle. It was fun to know thinking about taking her with another girl got her in such a flustered state. Maybe she should ease more into it with the suggestions and the flirting, but it was so much fun~

"So did you like grow up here, or somewhere else? Guess when you can move like you do, don't matter where you're from, you can be anywhere," she asked, then took a bite from one of her tacos, starting with the fish.
Della blushed when Katrina offered a bathroom quickie. "This is my first time here!" she muttered fiercely. "I don't want to get kicked out."

She took a deep breath, and continued in a more normal tone of voice. "I grew up in Michigan. Nice little house by a lake," she replied. "Well, not that little. And actually, when I first started honing my abilities, it was hard to go long distances. I could open the doors easily, but actually getting the right spot? Half the time I'd open them underground, the other forty percent about a hundred feet in the air, and maybe one tenth the time I'd get something useable. I've had a lot of practice since then, though."

Della munched on her burrito, and paused a moment to clear her throat with some water. "I think it comes with some amount of clairvoyance. Not precise, but good enough that I can reliably land on the ground these days. Of course, the mask helps too, with all its built-in tech."
Katrina just laughed once more. She could get it done and not get them kicked out. After leaving her parent's place and going to bigger cities, clubbing at night, she'd done plenty in bathrooms before and gotten away with it. Such a hero, didn't even want to think about getting in trouble.

"Ohh, sweet. Fancy lake house. Bet you used the doors to jump in the lake a lot once you got the hang of it, hehe. I remember that too, when the powers first happened, like a whole new limb you could barely use and had to figure out all the tricks. Don't wanna open a door to space or think you're goin across the city and end up in a cave somewhere. Guess it makes sense you would have some kinda extra sense to know where a door's good or not, once you got that all trained and stuff. I had to get the hang of mine too, how to put stuff in, how big of things I could nab, take things out, take out the right thing, not lose it in whatever place my pockets go. Made 'em heckin mad when I was still learning and couldn't get something out fast enough for em. I mean, me, I got heckin mad. Yeah. Tacos," she said, biting into them once more. Don't make it sad, dang it, Kat.

Barely finished chewing, she spoke again to shift the subject. "So, that mask makes you better at it?"
"It incorporates a lot of remote-viewing tech. AEGIS has let it connect to their satellites, for instance, and I can use that feed to help get positioning down. It's also supposed to be able to connect to local security cameras and such, but I've never really messed with that. Would take way too long to get permission from everywhere I go," she commented, assuming that Stryker would never have something that could just hack into places. "It is hooked up to my home's security cameras, so I can at least confirm it works."

Della continued to munch on her food, looking deep in thought. "I've... I've never actually tried anything space-related. But..." she pulled up her phone. "Okay, yeah. The earth is a little under 8,000 miles wide. The moon is close to 240,000 miles away. I'm not reaching that."
"Oh, yeah, ew, I'm glad it doesn't just like, hack everything and invade privacy and stuff," Kat said, scrunching her face. Good to hear Della wouldn't just do that either. She scarfed down the second taco, and drank more of her refilled drink, definitely a hard buzz at this point. She was eating, but she was small, and honestly, kind of a lightweight. It didn't take much. "Wait so like, you can go around the whole world? So space stuffs just like, you gotta practice! You can get to Mars, I believe in you!" she said, laughing.

"So like, I haven't tried anything like, bigger than a car, but I think I could do bigger. It just like, takes it outta me when I move something bigger. There's a limit, too many big things and I start to get really tired and weak. I threw a car at some dudes earlier, a little before I messaged you. I could tell I was getting weaker, and I guess I like, needed help. Don't like admitting that, don't got a lot of people I can really count on. Or like, anyone, really., I'm good at fucking stuff up, that bridge is burned. Bleh," she rambled before eating the third taco in three big bites.
She reached her hand over to take Katrina's, when she finished her last taco. "Hey... Hey, it's okay. You don't have to go it alone. I'm here," she said. "Also, you can throw a car? I knew you had better-than-normal physical abilities, but that's... Hoo boy, that's a lot."

The waitress stopped by again, having seen at least one of the plates fully consumed. "Anything else I can get for you two lovebirds?" she asked with a little grin.

Della blushed when their affection was pointed out, but didn't let go of Katrina's hands. "Um, maybe a to-go box for me? I wasn't as hungry as I thought."

"Can do!" she replied, and took Katrina's empty plate before heading off.

"How you feeling?" Della asked. "You look a little sloshed."
"Yeah, I just hope I don't mess this up too," Katrina said, downing the rest of her margarita. "Oh! Uh, s'not like I can pick one up and throw it all with my own strength, I'm pretty strong, but like, I can put it in a pocket, then take it outta the pocket in a different place and kinda throw it that way, if that make sense?" she said, some of her words starting to slur. When the waitress came over and commented, she looked up with a grin. "Hehe, how'd you know we're on a date? She's gooooodDella!"

Her gaze moved back to Della and she giggled. "I'm feelin great! I don't think I'm drunk, nah nah nah, I'm goooood, bring it on Man-shitti, pffffffft I called em Man-shitti, cause it sounds like his name, that's funny, huh? Let's go somehwere else, like we could go clubbin or like a lesbian bar or ice cream!" she waved for the waitress as she was returning with the container for Della's remaining food. "Hey nice waitress lady, is there a good gay bar or ice cream place or somethin around here?"
The waitress approached a little cautiously-she'd had experience with handsy drunk folk before-but answered "There's a little arcade and creamery down the block. Nick's Gaming Corner."

"Thank you," Della replied, taking the box and packing her burrito in there. "That sounds like a great place to check out-how much was the food?"

She gave the bill to Della, who looked it over and set $70 on the table. "Big tip-you were great help."

"Just make sure you get home safe, okay?" she added with a smile, relaxing a little since Katrina didn't appear to be trying to grope her. Della nodded and hauled Katrina up and out the door.

Outside, the sun shone brightly in the mid-afternoon sky. "You sure you're good to keep going? You're not gonna puke or pass out or anything?" Della asked, not having much experience with her own or anyone else's alcohol tolerance.
"Oh! Ice cream and games, jackpot! Wooooo," she said, leaning back and giggling. "Thanks nice waitress!" she said, waving after her. She'd never grope a waitr-well, only if she knew the waitress was cool with it. Then she'd definitely do it. But this wasn't a scuzy dive bar, this was the hip place Della had brought her, and they were on a date! No asking a stranger for gropes tonight, she had to impress the cutie hero.

Katrina hung onto Della as they headed out. "Nope! Maybe if I had like, a ton of those things but I'm goooood. Ohhhjeez, it's still daytimes? I totally forgot about the time stuff, we're like way earlier in the day now," she said, hiding her eyes from the sun's harsh beams. Even sober she probably wouldn't have remembered they were now in a new time zone.Her eyes went back to Della and she blinked a few times before smiling wide. "Oh wow you're pretty, I remembered but like, now I just get to see how pretty you are all the time," she wrapped her arms around one of Della's and squeezed it in a hug. "Thanks for takin me on a date, thissiz nice"

The hug lasted for a few moments before she quickly pulled away to run down the sidewalk. "Do you wanna get ice cream and play games? Lesgo!" the shorter woman hurried away, possibly even in the right direction.
With a little tug onto the sidewalk, Della directed Katrina in the right direction. True to the waitress's words, it wasn't far, just down the block. The building was nondescript, with a hand-made sign out front reading "Nick's Gaming Corner". Inside, it was much more exciting, with dim and colorful lights, and tons of arcade games. A group of teenagers were cheering for two of their number playing Dance Dance Revolution and apparently kicking ass at it. Their chaperone, a single adult, sat not too far with a half-eaten sundae.

"I think we need to get cards to play," Della said as she headed for the prize counter. The man behind the counter had a nametag labeling him as Nick. "Afternoon!" she said by way of greeting. "Are there any deals on gaming?"

"Good afternoon yourselves," Nick replied. "Nothing outside the normal specials-for every $30 spent on gaming, get a free sundae."

Della said "Let's get $30 of gaming each, then?"

Nick nodded. "Right, give me just one moment..." he said as he got two cards. He typed in 30 and swiped the first, then repeated for the second. "$60 is your total, ma'am."
The building certainly didn't entice, Katrina just moved along with Della as they went and hummed a tune. Once they were inside and the flashing lights and fun sounds of the games were in play, she grinned, glancing all around and squeezing her date tightly. "Ohhh this place is awesome! I ain't been to a place like this since I was like, fourteen or something"

Now at the counter, Katrina gasped and examined the prizes behind the worker with drunken enthusiasm. "Oh I gotta win you somethin, thass what you do on dates! Yeah yeah yeah, okay, we're gonna clean this place out," she said, nodding a lot. With a practiced hand, she went down as if grabbing a wallet or purse, and hid a reach into her pocket, the light and sound easily explainable by the games of the arcade. She pulled a wad of bills up and flipped through them, handing the guy at the counter a couple of fifties. "Keep the change, dude. Lessgo!" she said, reaching for the game cards to head off, intent on winning the best thing in the place for her hero.
"I'll load more if you need it," Nick said as Katrina headed for one of the games.

While she was, of course, a little toasted, Katrina still had enough wherewithal to find a game that would rely on reflexes, hand-eye coordination, and similar elements that were boosted by her powers. Unfortunately, nothing was jumping out immediately.

Della looked and saw something she had always enjoyed in her childhood-skeeball. "Oh, we should play that! There used to be this little carnival that would come to town in the summer, and they had this dinky little skeeball machine... But it was so much fun to five-year-old me. Mind if I go first?"

She took one of the gaming cards from her date and started the game. Half a dozen balls. Up to 6,000 points, if you got it perfect each time. For Katrina, trivial, even if drunk. For Della, though, her first ball landed just shy of the 1,000 point hole, and dumpstered into the 50. "I'm out of practice, I guess," she said sheepishly. "Or I might never have been good at it. But hey, I'm gonna keep going!"
Katrina was enjoying the fun of just being there, the fun little details of the carpet, the music, people just being normal and having fun. She hadn't had normal in a long time, and Della had given her the chance. "Oh yeah skeetball! Sounds great!" she happily went alongside her date, nodding and letting her take the first round. She patted her shoulder, encouraging her, even if the words were a little slurred. She was coming out of it, the walk and fresh air along with her own heightened physical abilities wearing the alcohol down.

It hit the 50 hole, and Katrina frowned. The first thing that came to her mind was how Della could cheat the game. Portalling the balls would mean a perfect score every time. And it wasn't like this place was totally on the up and up, right? Carnivals and arcades and stuff ripped off their customers all the time. "You should juss portal em in the right hole, it would be so easy!" Maybe sober she could have held her tongue, not at the moment though.
"That'd ruin the fun!" Della said, as she threw another ball down and getting the 500. "Besides, it's not like the score matters that much. We'll get five tickets or five hundred-I'm just happy to spend some time with nostalgia."

She tossed another, and finally got it right into the 1,000 point hole. "Hell yeah! Best hole!" she crowed. "Let's see if I can do that again..." she muttered, and overshot, landing in the 100. "Well shit."

Two more balls in, and she ended with a little over 2,000 points. The skeeball machine's digital reader displayed her prize, 10 tickets added to the gaming card. "Oh, it's not even physical tickets anymore? That sucks."
"Oh, shit, yeah, you're right, you're right. Sorry," Katrina said, retreating into herself for a few moments. Of course, she was right. There was a sudden flash of worry that she'd ruined the date and Della would kick her out, but she seemed to still be having fun, and continuing to play. Okay, maybe not ruined. Phew. "Totally, yeah, you're right. Um, okay, so, I guess, like, real advice, make sure your hand is turned where you want it to go, like, it sounds silly, but hands like to go all kinds of ways when you think they're going a different way, you gotta be like, aware of it," she offered the advice, hoping that was better than suggesting they cheat at the game.

She watched Della continue, getting more into it. When she got the 1000, Katrinna clapped and hugged her. "Heck yeah!" she then watched her get it in the 100 after, and hmphed. As Della finished, she smiled and gave her another hug. "Not real tickets anymore is bogus, but this is fun! Plus that 1000 ain't the best hole anyway, you're gonna get more of that one tonight," she said, winking and giggling at the hero.
Della blushed when a better hole was brought up. "Yeah, that's gonna be amazing. Um, it looks like Dance Dance Revolution is opening up," she said, looking over at the teens dispersing into the rest of the arcade. "I've never been good at it, but it's sure fun. Shall we dance?" she asked with an overblown curtsy and an extended hand.

At the DDR machine, Della perused the songs. "Hm... After The Game Of Love..." she muttered, as a short clip of the song began to play. "Sure! You game, Katrina?" she asked as she selected the Easy difficulty for herself.

Perfect time for Katrina to show off her skills! And perhaps some other things as well.
"Oh heck yeah, we dancin? Let's go!" she said, glancing over at the machine as it was freed. She laughed and gave her own curtsy in her makeshift Della's t-shirt dress. "But of course," she took the hand like the sweet little princess she certainly wasn't, and followed along to the machine. It wasn't as familiar as skeeball, but she vaguely remembered something like this from the spare times she'd visited an arcade in the city. It had been a while since anything like this, of course.

Katrina stretched a bit as Della picked through the songs. She bobbed her head, getting the beat of the song choice, then nodded and hopped up to the second player spot. "Oh yeah. Let's go," she said, picking her own as Expert. She was pretty confident her training and experience dodging bullets and knives would help, mostly she wanted to show off for the cute girl. It started, and getting into the intro it was clear the difference from Expert and Easy. Katrina started moving quickly, enhanced reflexes and agility letting her move as if the song was playing at half the speed it was.

Earning an early combo with strings of "Perfect!" on the screen, she started to get more and more into the groove and music itself. The horny meaning of the lyrics was obvious right away, and it helped as she started to move her hips more and show off curves with movements of her hands. She certainly didn't intend to distract Della, but that would be a cute side effect. The distraction would be harder to ignore as her hips moved freely and the barely there t-shirt dress rode up her ass. She turned and spun in place and bent over, revealing herself to Della and that she was starting to get wet, a mix of the song and movements and whatever loss of inhibition was hanging around in her dying buzz. "Like what you see, cutie?" she said, glancing back with a sultry wink and lick of her lips.
On Della's end, the machine let out a rhythm of "Okay!"s and "Nice!"s. The hero was initially glancing between the screen and her feet, but as the song continued, found her eyes steadily working their way to her date's body. Her movements became a bit more awkward, losing some of the machine's "Nice!" attitude as she tried, increasingly in vain, to hide her growing boner.

She muttered "You are so naughty!" to Katrina, half of her voice playful anger, the other half only somewhat-restrained lust. "And yes, of course I do!"

A few of the arcade's other occupants, first attracted by the chorus of "Perfect!" were now pretty well engrossed into Katrina's sexy gyrations. Della was feeling a bit jealous-she knew that Katrina was showing off for her, but something about being on public display was getting to her. It was maddening-or perhaps arousing. Deep in the animal part of her brain, the thought of just taking Katrina right there was growing.
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