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What's a Hero Anyway? (LilypadNebula & Red-Scarlet)

Katrina's mouth fell open yet again, utterly surprised at the sequence of things. "Wait, me? You wanna go on a date with me? Uhhhh, wow, jeez, um, shit, I, like, uhhh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah, okay, let's uh, I wanna do that. I'm like, real sorry those assholes showed up right after we did that, I don't know how the hell they knew we was there," she stood up and walked over to Della, giving her a smile. "Sorry if that was like, too fast or too much or whatever, I was teasing you then you got all hard and it was all I could think about, I wanted it real real bad. S'usually how it goes for me, bang once or a few times and peace out. Don't really do much actual datin', so like, guess it's kinda new to both of us. I just, well," she spoke softly, and frowned before looking up into Della's eyes. Damn it she was so hot from this angle, why'd she have to be so tall?

"You really wanna do dates or whatever? You're like real cool and good and shit, I'm a two bit villain. Even if I wasn't, I'm nobody important, or even all that good. You should be out bein a power couple with some big hot hero or scientist that makes a flying car or movie star or something, makin appearances at charity dinners and droppin a mil on some orphans with the flu or some other sad shit. I'm just...Packrat," her words sounded sad, she definitely wanted this, but with everything that had happened to her, the brunette couldn't feel like she was good enough for the Doormaker.

Dunno if Della would be aware but Katrina's conscience has got her into trouble before, and she gives a lot of what she takes to less fortunate/privileged people, especially when she's hitting some horrible company so she can Robin Hood-style give it back to the workers they're exploiting or people they've conned. Definitely has hit the head of a pyramid scheme to get peoples money back before šŸ˜‚
Della put a hand on Katrina's shoulder. "Don't talk down to yourself. When the chips were down, you stood up for someone you didn't even know. It would've been easy to just do what the family told you to. But you didn't. You risked a lot-practically everything-just to save a kid who will probably never even get to say thank you. I will admit, I don't know you all the way yet-but I like what I've seen. If I'm not mistaken, you didn't choose to be a criminal because you didn't care, you chose it because you felt like you had to."

"Well... Now you don't have to. You've got a choice. I won't stop you if you decide to walk out. But you could also decide to stay with me. And we'll look at the local restaurants' menus and find something tasty and have a nice time," she said. "And then... Who knows? But you'll figure it out. And I can be there to help."

She let go, still showing a warm smile. "If you want to think a little on your own, I can leave the room. Or you can take a walk. Or... Well, whatever helps."
Katrina nodded, frowning a bit as she thought. She was surprised Della seemed to have as much confidence in her as she did. It didn't feel like she deserved it. Maybe she'd helped that kid, sure, but there was more to it than just right and wrong. It was complicated. Wasn't it? It probably would have just been easier to deliver the kid to them, but that would have its own crap to deal with. Doing all this had been her only option back then, her way to just survive at first, then to thrive. The really scary part was exactly what she'd said, that she didn't know Katrina very well yet. How long before the villain came back out and she just disappointed her? Maybe they could at least enjoy themselves until then. Or maybe even, beyond all chance, live up to those expectations.

"I think I want to do that. Uh, the part where we order something good and spend some time together. Only got a few bites on that sandwich, hehe. I dunno if I'm all that good like you're saying, but I can try to be, I guess. Right now I think getting all close with some food and drinks on your couch sounds really nice. So uh, yeah, hehe. I guess we can change out of these, huh?" Katrina said, smiling. She stepped away and pulled off her suit, fizzling it with a pink flash into her pockets. Of course, since it had all been in a hurry, she had nothing on underneath, and stood naked in front of Della.
As a hero, Della was used to helping people in need. She was in her element offering advice and reassurance.

She was not used to an attractive woman casually stripping to nothing in front of her. All her confidence, gone in an instant. "Uh, yes! We should definitely... I mean, you already... Um..." She wasn't sure if she should look away-on the one hand, it'd only be polite to give Katrina some privacy. On the other hand, they'd literally had sex within the past hour. "Want me to see if, um, I have anything that fits you?"

Without waiting for an answer, and mostly to hide her regrowing erection, Della headed for her closet.
Katrina giggled, watching the blushing hero scurry off to the closet. This was her element, getting a woman flustered with her appearance, especially naked. "Oh, you're so cute. I have some things I ca-I mean yes, please, if I could borrow something that would be wonderful," she said, a mischievous grin forming on her face. She came over to the closet entrance and poked her head in. "Got a big t-shirt I could wear?" Katrina would look super cute in it, especially if she had nothing underneath. "Oh, you got any ideas for a place we can get some food? And do you drink? After this heck of a day I could use something"
"Yes, I've got some t-shirts," Della said, and after just a few moments of searching, handed over a t-shirt that'd be slightly large on herself, making it close to a dress on Katrina. The shirt was plain and navy blue. She waited a few moments for Katrina to get at least a little dressed, and turned back. "There's a nice little burger joint, if you want. Or a Mexican place I've been to a few times. If you want wine, there's an Italian place I haven't been to yet, but it's supposed to be pretty good, according to the neighbors. But I don't really drink myself."

Della pulled out her phone and pulled up some information on the restaurants. "Italian place is a little pricey, but I can cover it."
The smaller woman took the shirt and grinned. "Perfect~" she said, slipping it on. It was as cute as she'd thought, soft and comfy and big. And it was all she wore, making some 'oh gosh my nipples got hard and you can see them through the shirt how embarassing what are you gonna do about it?~' moments very plausible. The schemer was happy, moving with Della out and putting some serious thought into their food. "Pasta's good, but that place sounds real fancy. Burger place or Mexican place is more my speed, oh and I bet Mexican place has some tequila I could swipe-I mean, we can purchase legitimately. Right, that. Oh, and like, if you need me to pay for anything I can. I even got money you won't disapprove of!" she grinned, like that was something to be proud of.
Della, now that her companion was dressed, faced Katrina again. The t-shirt didn't do much to conceal her beauty, though it provided at least a modicum of modesty. "I should probably get dressed too. Outside of the suit, I mean-normal clothes." She waited a moment to see if Katrina was going to leave her to do it in peace, but only a moment. Shyly, Della stripped out of her costume, revealing again her bountiful bosom and her hard, slightly-chafed cock. Her suit was not designed to handle erections without anything on underneath.

Trying to not pay too much mind to the eyes on her, she searched a little more and found a nice dress. Dark green, matching the other dark hues of the rest of her clothes, and of modest length, just past her knees. She set it on the bed before she grabbed some underwear, slipping it on first and then the dress.
Katrina smiled and nodded back. "Sure, yeah, get all cute too," she said, stepping away to give her just a bit of privacy. Still, her eyes lingered as she took off the costume, those magnificent tits and the cock she wanted more of. As the hero turned to pick something, she stepped away, watching as she emerged and got dressed. "Mmm, you know you're like, really hot, right?" she said, giving her a smirk. "Much as I like looking, if you want space or privacy or me to not flirt or whatever, you can tell me and I'll do it. I really don't wanna make you uncomfortable or anything. Course if you like me watching you, I'll just keep doing it, hehe"
"I... I'm honestly not sure," she said. "It's nice to be wanted. But I'm not... Not really used to it. I always just stuck to myself outside of hero work, and when I'm in costume, there's usually a lot more important things going on than how attractive someone is. If you're evacuating a burning building, you really shouldn't care whether the person getting you out is pretty or not. But... Uh, thanks," she finished with a little blush. "You're really pretty too."

Della started for the door, but paused. "Is it... Um, too forward to ask for help before we go to get a bite? You know... Sexual help," she glanced down at her tented dress. It was pretty obvious what she was packing.
Katrina grinned. "Well thank you, it is nice to be wanted, huh?" she said, giving her a wink. It was surprising the big hero could be such a cutie, not just in her appearance but her actions and her whole, well, everything. She was cute. "Truth be told I always thought you were still hot in the suit, but since you were usually trying to stop me I didn't have much flirtin' time. I wanna flirt and look and do sexy stuffs like, a lot, But if you're like, not like that or I go too far or you just want me to chill while you're figure out what you like, you can tell me. I want you to like, trust me and stuff. But I'm always gonna wanna ogle at you changing or tell you you're hot."

At the question, her eyes got big and excited and she shook her head quickly. "No no no it's not it's great! I always wanna give you that kind of help," she said, hurrying to grab Della's hand and pull her over to the bed. "I was wondering if you were gonna say anything, I didn't wanna point it out," she said, giggling and pulling her down to sit on the bed. She leaned in to kiss the hero, letting her hands slip down to the dress and pull it up. "Didn't need to bother with these panties if I was just gonna get into them right away, hm?" she whispered, then pulled the dress up her legs and over her tenting panties. Katrina's hands continued to work their magic while she made out with Della, now pulling the panties down. Della's now hard cock sprung forth, making Katrina's mouth start to water.

"Mmmm, hello again. Aww, it's a little red, your costume too rough? Well, I can be gentle," she said, licking up along her length and around her head. Her lips got wet and she started to suck on the head, gently.
"Yeah, I wanted to look pretty," Della said of the dress. "I don't get many occasions to wear it," she added, letting herself be guided by the more experienced Katrina. She kissed back eagerly, moaning a little into Katrina's mouth as she manually stimulated her cock. When the kiss broke, Della murmured "I wasn't sure if you would-mmf!" she ended with a moan as the head of her cock was taken into Katrina's mouth.

She closed her eyes, not wanting to cum as quickly as last time, but then an idea struck her. "Katrina... Spread your legs a little, I want to try something," she asked, and when Katrina obeyed, Della opened a small portal. One end was near her head, the other at Katrina's pussy, and she gave a tentative lick, testing the waters. Finding the taste perfectly palatable, she started to move more, licking and sucking at Katrina's clit.
Her attention was fully on Della's cock, worshipping it as it deserved. She moaned and swirled her tongue around as she sucked. Her ear caught her name mentioned, and she glanced up at her while continuing. "Hmm? Mmmm," she got out, spreading her legs as told. The t shirt spread with her easily, and she had nothing underneath. Her pussy was already wet from sucking on her lovely cock again. What exactly was she planning? Something appeared near her face, was that her powers? She was about to question it when she felt it, something warm lap along her folds. The surprise and pleasure of it made her gasp and moan on Della's cock.

"Hnnnn, m'lla," came out, a mix of her moaning and trying to speak with the thick length in her mouth. She was excited once she pieced it together, and started to suck with increased intensity. For a novice, Della's tongue felt good, very good, especially as she focused on the right places, sucking at her clit. Each effort from her got a reward of her taking Della's cock deeper and licking up the length, once it was wet her hand started to help, stroking up and down in rhythm with her mouth.
"Mmhm!" Katrina felt Della moan into her pussy. Finding the best response from her clit, Della focused her mouth's attention there. She also lifted a hand, driving two fingers in deep to add to the pleasure. Her hips began to buck, not too hard, but trying to get her cock deeper into Katrina's amazing mouth. She leaned back, taking the portal with her to keep pleasuring Katrina, and used her other hand to grope and massage the lovely ass on display. The lewd sight, all of Katrina on display underneath her own t-shirt, was incredibly stimulating.
"Ohhhh, mmfffff, yusssshhh," Katrina shuddered and moaned, the fingering reaching in and touching her best spots inside, and that tongue working wonders on her clit. She pushed all that back onto her cock, sucking and taking it in deeper. The thief shuddered again, feeling more hand coming through the portal and groping her ass. Those powers were incredible, this use of it was way more impressive to her than jumping across the country. Her tongue circled and played along the length and underneath the head at her frenulum, the sensitive spots that make her throb and buck harder. Her own hips went, pressing her pussy against Della's tongue just as hard as she was giving it to Katrina. Something about doing it like this, just pulling up their clothes and fucking, was so hot. A thought occurred that they should try this in their costumes, maybe play a little like she'd caught Katrina trying to steal something and wanted to teach her a lesson? The thought made her moan and buck her hips harder, close to cumming. Definitely something she needed to ask. Later, though, for now she was focused and intent on getting Della to cum.
Della held back, trying to get Katrina to cum first. She felt it only fair, given how much she'd been shown by the thief. But she could only last so long, and soon felt her cock spasming, the first jet coming out unexpectedly. It was quickly followed by another and another, her balls impossibly full and emptying fast into Katrina's mouth. She moaned loudly into the pussy she was licking, and bit by bit, her cock grew softer, until it left Katrina's mouth with a lewd pop.

She pulled her arms back and dismissed the portal. "Holy... Oh my fucking god. Okay... Okay, I think I can go to the restaurant now," she said, and helped Katrina to her feet. "Let me just..." she bent over and retrieved her panties, getting them back on. Her dress was rumpled and creased, but she didn't seem to care much about that.
As Katrina felt it throbbing more and more, the cock getting harder and thicker as it was ready to cum, she felt her own orgasm fast approaching. That first shot of cum down her throat made her cum with Della's attentive tongue on her clit. She pressed down hard against her mouth, fluids leaking out as she came and moaned on the cock firing cum into her mouth. She didn't want to ruin the shirt she'd been given, so she simply had to drink it all down, swallow the cum firing out and filling her. Oh it was amazing, as she came and relaxed into Della's tongue while swallowing it down and finally letting her pop free of her lips. The portal faded and she panted, looking up at Della with a contented smile. "That was gooood, one more taaste," she said, leaning forward to give her cock a final lick before being helped up and watching Della try to hide it all away under her dress.

"S'really hot, seeing you put it away into your panties, knowing I just drank down your cum," she said, biting her lip as she ogled the hero.
"It's hot watching you swallow it all too. Hope you saved room for some actual food, though," Della joked. "Come on-let's get tacos!"

The two went outside, Della a little too sexually addled to remind Katrina to put on underwear if she didn't think or want to do it herself. It was a ten minute walk to the Mexican place, with only one actually busy road needing to be crossed. Inside, the place had a raucous atmosphere, with Hispanic music providing a good backdrop of noise. There was a large family eating and, judging by the party hats, celebrating a 4th birthday. At the bar were two older men, talking and laughing, while another table had a young man and woman, probably on a date.

"We seat ourselves here, I think," Della said, and the two got booth seating against the wall.

It wasn't long before a young lady, probably early college years, approached. With a not-too thick Mexican accent, she asked "Can I get you two any drinks?" as she set a menu down in front of each person.

"Water for me. And, you said you wanted tequila?" she asked Katrina.
Katrina giggled, loving that Della found her so hot. "Yeah, that sounds great," she said, heading out with her after pulling some flats out of her pockets. She didn't seem to mind going out in just a big t-shirt and nothing else, maybe it took a certain lack of shame to be a villain. The shorter girl hung on to Della's arm as they walked, asking about the neighborhood and what Della liked about it.The place looked decent, like any neighborhood place. Not the sort of spot Katrina would frequent.

"Yes, tequila! I'll take a margarita, with some agave and extra limes. I guess water too? Thanks!" she said, flashing the waitress a smile. She looked back at Della as the waitress headed away. "Sooooo, guess if it's a date, we should like, get to know each other and stuff. I got to know certain parts of you real well," she said, smirking and glancing down. "Anything off limits? Like, stuff you wanna keep secret?"
The waitress nodded, and went to go get the drinks.

Della thought a moment. "For safety reasons, nothing too much about my family. That might be a boring subject anyway-they're great, but they don't lead the most exciting lives. But worse comes to worst, I just won't answer a question. I guess some basics might be good-my powers started developing before I can remember, real young. I thought about making a living doing commercial work a lot, when I was younger-you know, shipping goods from point A to point B in an instant. But... It's kinda funny, the person who's the reason I decided to make my living doing what I do now? I haven't spoken to her in over a decade."

"Her name was Maria, and she was my friend. Big nerd, big geek, and a big target for bullies. I didn't always try to stand up for her, and I felt bad about not doing it. So when I did-and I got my ass beat-I still felt so proud of myself. We drifted apart when she moved, but if she hadn't been there... Who knows?" she finished.
"Sure, cool, yeah. Won't ask about them, gotcha," Katrina nodded, listening in as Della explained some of her origins. When the drinks came, she thanked the waitress and squeezed the limes into her cocktail, taking a sip. "Ohhh it's good! Extra agave makes it sweet," she said with a grin. Satisfied with the drink, she focused further on Della's words.

"Yeah, bein able to pop across the country instantly would make real good money. Then this Maria person got you all into heroing, huh? That's pretty nice, and definitely sounds like you, standing up to bullies and helping people. I don't think you woulda been able to stay out of heroin for long, even if you got into shipping stuff. You're a meddler. That's a compliment," she said, sticking her tongue out as she teased her. "There a reason you ain't talked to her lately? Or just like, drift apart?"
"Yeah. She moved to Utah, and so we stopped talking as much, and eventually nothing," Della said, a little sadness in her voice. She quickly returned to her regular tone, though, and added "I hope she's doing well for herself. I'm sure she is-she was smart, always getting good grades."

When Katrina called her a meddler, she blushed a bit. "Maybe... Sometimes all it takes is one little thing to start you on your life's new track."

Della sipped her water, debating about what she should ask Katrina. "So... What about your family? And your past? Don't feel like you have to answer, if it's uncomfortable or anything, but I'm genuinely curious."
"You should reach out, if you're missing her. Probly need to think of something fake to tell her for work or whatever, to keep the secret identity and stuff, but still. Bet she'd like to hear from you," Katrina said. She'd certainly miss Della, for more than her delicious cock and how good she was at licking her. The hero was making her actually start to believe in herself, that she could try to be more than a super thief.

The question posed back at her made her tilt her head, debating it. "I mean, I can talk about it, I don't really care, mostly would feel bad if I brought the mood down. That and, well, I just don't want you to think less of me. I was worse when I was younger. Soooo, like, I grew up in nowheresville Kansas, like, the kinda place that barely anyone actually leaves and they all hang on to shit they did in high school. I wanted to get out of there, like, since I can remember, then especially after my parents caught me kissing Lacey Neumann. They kicked me out and I didn't know what to do. Then I-, uh, my powers showed up all random and I just stole enough to make it to Halcyon. That's pretty much it," she got faster at the end, like she wanted to avoid something, looking away like she made the last part up and just drank more of her margarita. "So, whatcha thinking for food? Gonna do the carnitas, pollo, and pescado tacos. Lookin real tasty!"
Della nodded when Katrina explained, in brief, her history. "That makes sense. You didn't have the same support and care I had," she said, and put her hand on Katrina's. "It's hard to manage on your own. But you don't have to be alone anymore."

"Um, food! I'll probably get a chicken burrito, whenever our waitress comes back around," she added.

As if waiting for her cue, the young woman reappeared. "Have you ladies decided what you want to eat today?"

"Yes-I'll take a pollo burrito. But can I get a little less rice, and a little more beans in it?"

She nodded. "Of course, of course. And you, ma'am?" she asked of Katrina.
"Yeah, that's for sure," Katrina muttered. Support was an alien concept to her. Most of what she'd experienced was being a tool, or something to show off. She looked up and smiled, not wanting to bring things down or give Della reason to pry. Maybe at some point she'd feel able to talk about everything. Her hand turned and gripped on to Della's, giving her a nod. "Yeah, I got an awesome hero helpin me out, that's gotta count for something, hehe."

As the waitress appeared, she waited for Della to finish her order before excitedly placing hers. "I'll get the three taco plate, carnitas, pollo, and pescado. And another marg! Oh, uh, I mean, please. That would be great," she said to the waitress, then waited for her to leave before looking at Della once more. "Gotta remind myself to use manners and shit, ain't exactly used to it. Not much chance to say your pleases and thank yous when you're snatching stuff up on a gig with Bullhorn. Er, probly shouldn't talk about crimin with you, uhh, date stuff. Right. So, was I really your first? Ain't been with anyone else? Girlfriends in school or college or anything?"
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