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The Brothel (GuardianAngel and LunarWolf)

The young woman was just looking towards him for a brief moment in time and was just pursing her lips together. No sometimes being brought back to the person that originally sold them... was a terrible thing. Typically done when the product had been defective. After a moment in time the young woman was finally speaking in a soft voice, and answering the questions that the doctor had asked her before.
The medic was frowning for a brief moment in time before he questioned, "Did he ever touch in in a sexual manner?" This had her looking for a moment in time before she was nodding her head and stating, "Numerous times. But protection was used every time. He didn't want a bastard child within his family line - so he didn't want his slaves getting pregnant. The last slave to get pregnant on accident even with all of the precautions... he had them go and get an abortion." Now that was just horrid to hear; especially since that was the whole purpose that he had bought her in particular so long ago. She had been trained more specifically to bear children for her master. She was a bit of a rare product... a breeder in a sense. "Is there a chance that you are pregnant?" the medic questioned. Important to know especially if they tried to sell her again.
Alexi listened to what she said and made a mental note to never sell to him again not given how he treated his pets. Alexi would also make changes to his contracts as well so that their was an abuse clause as well as this couldn't keep happening
The young woman was stating, "I don't believe that I am but.... I shall take a test if needed. We were made to take them regularly because there were times when he refused to use protection.... and somehow we were just not suppose to get pregnant. Not sure what he expected."
The doctor was nodding his head and was stating that he would go and get that test prepared. The young woman was just looking towards Alexi for a moment in time although it was pretty obvious that she wasn't sure how to respond to that at the moment, her mind still trying to process everything. "Let us wait until we get the results from the pregnancy test. If she is pregnant then you will have to tread with caution upon selling her." the doctor was stating.
The doctor was just stating, "If it turns out that she is pregnant... There are a couple of buyers that we wouldn't want to have anything to do with that."
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