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The Brothel (GuardianAngel and LunarWolf)

The man was just looking for a brief moment in time before he was actually asking him how much the pet with him cost. Offering to buy Braelyn for him at basically at price that Alexi wanted.
The man was just stating, "You would turn down a blank check for....a slave. How strange." With that he was tossing a couple of files on the table for some of the products that he was wanting to buy from him.
Alexi pulled the files to himself and opened them looking at the files. Alexi knew of the products and knew they were still in training so he called down to have the trainers come and tell him if they were ready to be sold
Braelyn was just watching for a brief moment in time although she did find herself giving a slightly frightened whimper when the man seemed to get outraged at something out of the blue and was striking his own slave across the face, causing her to fall onto the ground. Well if anything that was just more of a reminder to herself.... to always listen.... to behave. It was seeing others act like that that was going to result in her learning more to be afraid of what would happen if she didn't listen. Giovanni was the one who was answering the call and was stating, "If it is for the normal asshole that wants to buy our products then no.... they aren't ready. He has sent back four of them in the last two months and they were in such a terrible state; so traumatized by what he put them through. One of them killed themselves, two of them are in the psych ward at the local hospital because they have tried to harm themselves so often, and the fourth is so.... emotionally detached from the world."
Alexi listened and then nodded his head before speaking "thank you for letting me know I was unaware that they were sent back but I assure you that will be changing" Alexi then hung up the phone and looked at the man before speaking. "I would refrain from hitting your pet in front of me as I know for a fact this one was one of mine and I will use of the clauses in the contract and take the pet back if you continue"
Braelyn was just watching with wide eyes at that point in time although it wasn't long before she was actually doing something that would perhaps startle some of the others in the room. Especially Alexi. She was actually moving between the man and the already down female before he could strike her again, his hand striking her across the face instead but she stood her ground firmly. The man was actually laughing a bit and was stating that Alexi had gotten himself quite the feisty pet to try and train, especially since she seemed rather unafraid at that point in time. The slave on the ground was just moving backwards, closer to where Alexi was at.
Alexi moved and help the girl up before hitting a Botton on his desk and summoning the guards "we will not be selling you anymore products and this young woman will not be returning with you either"
The man was actually making his own move though and was actually trying to go to grab at Braelyn, although the man's former slave found herself giving a gasp - a mixture of being startled and trying not to laugh. Braelyn was actually kicking the man in the groin which had him doubling over just as the guards were coming into the room.
Alexi while annoyed she had acted as she had was rather proud of her for taking the male down. one of the guards came over to guide the young woman out of the room and back to the training rooms for an exam
He would definitely be able to tell that she was more than frightened though, as she was collapsing to her knees, her legs just having given up from under her.
Braelyn was just looking at him although it was clear that she was a bit scared at that point in time, more than likely afraid that he was going to punish her as well.
Braelyn was just nodding her head and whispering that she was sorry. Her cheek was already starting to bruise up from where she had been struck.
Braelyn was just giving a small whimper as he was grabbing her chin but she didn't try and jerk away from him or anything like that.
Alexi's grip was light so she could tell that he wasn't going to hurt her he then looked at another guard "please escort her back to my room I am going to go and check on our new guest and make sure she is ok"
This had the guard giving a nod of his head before he was stating for her to follow him. An ice pack was also being handed to her for her cheek to help with the swelling.
The young woman was sitting in the medical room with a medic looking over her for any injuries. Just some minor bruises it seemed like, nothing major. Her eyes were going towards Alexi when he was coming into the room though and he would recognize her as another product that he had helped train a few years ago. She had taken to training quite well and had many people having wanted her - only for the man who had called himself her master pay with a blank check for her. Paying the most which gave him the right to own her. A good girl to say the least.... definitely not somebody who deserved the abuse that she had gone through.
Alexi sighed and then looked at the medic "how is she?" Alexi wanted to make sure that she would be ok and then he would see if she wanted to work for him and help train new products or to be sold again.
The medic was looking over before he was speaking, "Just some minor bruises it seems. She is however... Not really wanting to answer my questions. But I believe it is more out of discomfort. Speaking to men that aren't her master." Typically that was something a female pet was trained not to do -speaking to men that wasn't their master without their master around.
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