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The Brothel (GuardianAngel and LunarWolf)

Braelyn was giving a small gasp when he was doing that. It felt so strange with the butt plug being buried in her ass - but at the same time it felt better. Perhaps because she was more aroused and stimulated at that point in time. There was no fight from her at that point in time as he fucked her; key words being at that point.
Braelyn was just whimpering beneath him at that point in time, her body was responding quite positively to him at that moment.
At some point though Alexi would hear a knock on the door and would hear it open briefly and something was set on the table next to the door. About the only people who would do that were his brother or Giovanni. Just Giovanni with a new drug for him and a note that stated that this one had been tested plenty of times and there wasn't any addiction. About the only side effect from this one was who was given the drunk was not only far more complacent but a little more sensitive.
Alexi leaned back and pulled out before picking it up and deciding to use it before this other drug wore off fully and she started to fight him.
Braelyn was just looking up at him for a moment and was just watching what he was doing, although there was a faint look of fear in her eyes seeing the needle.
Braelyn was just looking at him for a moment and while there was still fear in her eyes she seemed to be relaxing a little bit, seeming to be trusting him at the time. Although he would also notice another smaller note stating that these ones only last for up to six hours - so to make use of the time.
Alexi nodded his head at the new note and then moved and slid the needle in to her neck once more and injected the drug he then pulled the needle out and set it back where it belonged before he went back to fucking her
Braelyn was giving a small whimper when he was sliding the needle into her skin although it did seem to take effect rather quickly. There were definitely different sounds coming from her at that point, and her body was tightening around him that was for certain.
Braelyn was just giving a small gasp when he was doing that, her whole body just shuddering a bit in pleasure. No it probably wouldn't be all that hard to train her at all especially with the drug in her system. He could train her on what certain phrases or words meant. When she was suppose to dress in certain clothes, when she was suppose to go lay down, even if he was wanting her to please him while he was busy.
for the moment Alexi was just wanting to fuck her but he would be using the new drug in there training and once she was trained he would let her have more freedom then she currently had
Braelyn was just withering beneath him at that point in time, her body getting closer to that point of orgasming. Yet there was a lot of feeling that was running its course through her at the moment.
In the end, whether it was wanted or not, her body was still clenching around him as she had an orgasm, a small cry coming from her lips.
Braelyn was just looking up at him although she didn't say anything, her eyes just a bit glazed over from the pleasure that she had just gone through and the drugs cycling through her system. "Intense...." was her answer after a moment in time.
Braelyn was just looking up at him before she was giving a small giggle and was stating that she had loved it. Definitely the drug talking that was for certain but it was a clear sign that it was working.
The training seemed to be going well although after a bit it definitely seemed obvious that the drug was beginning to wear off.
Braelyn seemed to be coming out from whatever fog she had been in although her head was aching a little bit. Nothing major though and she found herself just blinking a bit at Alexi. She was still wearing the cat tail that he had helped put in when they had first started the training and the cat ears were still on her head. At the moment she didn't really say anything at all, just seemed to watch him for a brief moment in time.
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