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The Brothel (GuardianAngel and LunarWolf)

Braelyn did end up fading into sleep within mere moments of him speaking to her, her voice barely a mumble as she tried to answer him but it wasn't understandable at all. She was curling up on her side though, more out of being cold than anything.
Alexi then covers her up and went to to door and asked one of the staff to ask the research department to send up more of both drugs
The staff was stating that they would pass on the message to the research department - although just as they were leaving to go and do that, Giovanni seemed to be coming up in a hurry. Oh boy there was definitely an issue if he was asking if Alexi had given that drug to her.
Giovanni was just giving a groan before he was speaking, "Don't give her more of it.... I guess it has an addictive property to it. There are a few of the others that have used it numerous times already in a day and their pets are just.... well behaved but reliant on that drug."
Alexi nodded his head "understood I will not give her any more of it but make sure to warn my brother as well just to be sure"
Giovanni was nodding before he spoke, "I left a message with him. There is a chance that she'll go through withdrawal from it in the morning. I brought these with me. They are just a placebo essentially. It should trick her mind into thinking that it got the drug but her body will know otherwise."
Giovanni was nodding his head before he was stating that he was going to be off. With that he was waving a hand before heading off so that he could finish up a few other things as well.
Braelyn seemed to sleep through the night without any issue, although come morning she definitely seemed a bit miserable.
Braelyn was just rubbing at the spot where he had first given her the drug - which was something that Giovanni had wandered him about. That was usually a symptom of it. Just the body knowing that that was where it had first entered into the system.
Braelyn was just mumbling that her neck itched and burned, there were actually some tears in her eyes. Yet he would also be able to see that she was starting to turn her skin red from rubbing at her neck.
Alexi walked over and took her hand away from her neck "don't itch it I know it feels crappy but you don't want to cause yourself to bleed"
Braelyn was just drawing her hand away from him and more just sat on her hands at that point in time to stop from itching at it. She didn't even seem to notice that she was naked still either.
Braelyn was pulling up the sheet around herself after a little bit although at that point in time she still seemed kind of docile. The drug staying in her system for longer than he thought it would. Yet again that was the point of it - making them compliant to their master. Her eyes were just taking in everything that was in the room, including some of the toys that were laying out. There was a small thought in her mind wondering if they were going to get used on her at all - that part of her that was already bending to being a pet wanted it. The cat ears that were laying out were adorable and she wanted to wear them is also what that part of her was saying.
Braelyn seemed fine at that point in time other than wanting to rub at her neck, although she seemed to be doing a good job at resisting the urge at the time.
Braelyn was recoiling away from him, more startled than anything. But the warm cloth definitely seemed to help with that burning and itching feeling. It was still there but isn't wasn't as bad as it had been.
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