“Of course I do.” She said. She moved and tore a cover away from some trees, revealing her Land Rover, all decked out with desert gear. And.. was that a machine gun in the back? “And the best part is, we won’t have to walk. A favor from a friend in the British Consulate.”
He'd wring her neck right then just from the shame and embarrassment alone. That night was where some of the bitterness stemmed from; she was the first woman he had been with since high school and it meant something to him then. But when he woke up, she was gone - along with a rare Babylonian sculpture he had found.
"Now look who needs all the saving and rescuing."
The plane was still trying to take off despite it all, and Derek kept the military as busy as he could with the mounted gun.
"Can't this thing go any faster?!" He yelled.
“Not with your heavy ass!” She yelled. This being a military vehicle, it had a machinegun on a swivel mount for the driver. It wasn’t accurate, but a few of the rounds found their way into the right side engine.
She slammed on the brakes and slammed him against the gun mount. “Insult a woman’s looks again and you’ll be a smear on the tarmac you dog.” She said. She planted the pedal to the floor, shifting gears and letting off another burst. Another puff of smoke from the engine and it died with a sputtering cough
Derek grunted hard when he hit the gun mount and nearly fell over when she gunned the vehicle back into drive. What did he see in her anyway? She was more trouble than she was worth.
Her hair was flowing freely, those beautiful blonde curls. She was screaming obscenities, fumbling with the magazine release. “Shoot the damn plane!!” She yelled. “You want your damn beetle back or not?”