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Something Stupid (PoisonousIvee/Mr.Aznable)

"Thank you, kind sir." She said and shot it back before setting the glass down. She took a slow breath and sighed, looking a bit content before going back to mincing her parsley and garlic together.
“Sounds fair to me.” He said. Drinking would surely distract him. He started mixing up a couple of drinks for them, starting off with a simple margarita.
"Ah, marggies would fit the theme, actually." She praised, blending the herbs and chilis together gently just to marry them before offering it for him to smell. It was almost like a coriander and spicy kind of smell, with just enough garlic to be noticable but not the forefront.
"What do you think?"
She grinned, "It'll taste even better on the steak, trust." She said before turning back to get the meat marinading.
He took a sip and tried to relax, he could feel something in his chest. What the hell was the matter with him? He had no clue, and no real way to know. He’d never felt like this before.
He slammed the rest of it back in a single gulp, shuddering slightly. He needed to stop that train of thought right now. He tried to play it off, laughing. “Damn that was good.”
Hun. Fuck it all, it sounded so nice. He mixed another one for himself and smiled as he helped her cook.
She had him dice the potatoes so she could roast them together with the carrots, happy to have some kind of domestic setting in her life right now.
Shit, she shouldn't be playing with ideas like that. She was just broken up with after all. She took a couple of large sips from her marg and sighed.
He nodded. “Of course, do you need anything..?” He asked. Of course. What else would she be upset about?
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