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Something Stupid (PoisonousIvee/Mr.Aznable)

She liked it, being with someone like this. She offered to make something healthy, since he was constantly going to the gym and maintaining himself.
He gladly agreed, and offered to take the boxes inside for her. “Uh.. sleeping arrangements..” he suddenly said to himself before moving her boxes to his room.
She frowned softly, "No, I insist...I've done my fair share of couch surfing, and I'm not going to rob you of your bed..." She said, "I'll cook and clean but I don't want to steal the bed from you..." Even if it does smell nice.
She smiled softly, "I appreciate clothes can stay out here with me so I can get to them... everything else can easily go in a you mind if I hide my makeup under your bathroom sink?"
One beautiful, amazing, addicting time. Shame she was drunk and acted like it didn't really happen. Maybe she was embarrassed. Who could blame her?
He certainly couldn’t. Sure, he’d wanted it to happen again, but he figured it was just something to get her off the rebound.
She nodded and pulled the steak out of the freezer and set it in a cold bowl of water to thaw. "I'm going to have to go to the stoooore." She mused, "Have you had chimichuri before?"
She grinned, "I'm about to change your whole life, hun." She said and moved to get the car keys and her wallet, "I'll be back, ok? You won't regret it!"
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