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The Art Thief's Obsession (LunarWolf and Guardian Angel)

Nicolas as just giving a chuckle before he was commenting, "Perfect. I'm glad you all agreed because... I didn't want to have to explain to Skye that you all turned down the invite."
Skye was just giving an innocent smile as she waved towards everybody, already knowing what her brother was talking to them about. She had been working on something on her tablet - working on a bit of programming for a section of the game that she was working on. Although right after she had ended up saving stuff, her tablet was dying. Well that was depressing.
"I have a car charger that should fit if you want to charge it" Sky looked at the plug and nodded his head confirming that he did have a charger that would work
Skye was just commenting that she had a charger in her bag as well - although that was sitting all the way over by the door. And then Nicolas was actually commenting that no electricity was running through the building at the time. "I'll survive without it for now." Skye was commenting with a chuckle.
Skye was just watching although she really wished that she could help at that point in time. This had Nicolas looking over before he was speaking, "Skye. Tonight when you are home... Why don't you work on getting all of the data from the destroyed servers and get them uploaded onto a new server." Was he basically telling her to hack their system with other cops around? Yes he was. Did he think any of them were going to do anything about it? Not at all. She would only do it to help them and nothing more than that - plus she could fix any of the corrupted data to make it whole again.
Sky left him telling her to hack alone as it would help them in the long run. while they would have to be careful and pay her as an IT consultant it could be made where it is legal
Skye was just giving a nod before she was stating that she would at least need the drivers from the old servers.
After an hour, Nicolas was calling it stops to cleaning. The drives were gathered and currently in his sister's bag, and he had gotten her settled Sky's car, since his car was far closer than Nicolas' car was at the time.
Soon they were all heading towards the restaurant and the staff was greeting them with smiles. Nicolas was going over to help his sister out of the car so that they could head inside.
Everybody was getting settled and orders were being placed so that the chef could start cooking. Nicolas was however getting up so that he could go back outside to his car so that he could grab Skye's purse, since he had taken that. From there he was grabbing her pain killers since it was about that time.
Skye was pretty quiet at the time although she was just more focusing away from the pain that was starting to creep in slowly.
Skye was just looking for a moment before she was speaking, "Yeah I believe so. They were in my bag, which is in his car."
Skye was nodding her head and within a few minutes Nicolas did seem to be returning and was giving her the medicine so that she could swallow it down.
Soon the cook was working on getting the vegetables and rice onto the plates before he went about working on cooking the various meats that people had ordered.
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