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The Art Thief's Obsession (LunarWolf and Guardian Angel)

Skye was just giving a nod of her head and soon enough they were pulling up to the ruins of the station - although so far it seemed like it had been pretty well cleaned up. Yet again it had already been a number of hours since everything had happened.
Sky parked his car and then got out telling her to stay there so that she could rest he then called for Nicholas so that he could come and see his sister
Skye was just nodding her head and watched as he was heading inside the ruins of the police station so that he could find her brother. Nicolas was just talking with a few other officers when one of them was pointing out the arrival of Sky.
Nicolas was walking over after a moment in time and soon he was heading outside so that he could see his sister, just giving her a gentle hug after opening the car door.
Skye was just watching for a bit although Nicolas was stating that he wasn't able to leave the station for a little bit. This had Skye stating, "I'll hang out here with you guys for a bit. It'll be nice to be around other people for a bit that I'm familiar with and... regain that feeling of being safe." While he had wanted to have her taken home he understood and he was giving a nod of his head. "I'll set up a comfortable spot for you to sit while we are working." Nicolas was speaking after a moment.
Nicolas was finding a spot in an area that they had already cleaned up before he was going over to help his sister up.
Nicolas was walking over with her and was helping her get settled before handing over her tablet, which had been found stashed under the seat in the ambulance, which had just been abandoned.
Sky then headed to help the men clear more up and save what they could so that they could move to a temporary site while their building was rebuilt
Nicolas worked to help as well while Skye did whatever she was doing on her tablet. He honestly stopped questioning things at times.
Nicolas was just nodding his head and was commenting that he had no idea where they were going to find another site. But he wasn't at all shocked when Skye was waving him over which had him wandering over to see what it was she was wanting to show him. A building that could be used.... Oh it wasn't just any building but the old police station. It had more or less been abandoned because the old commissioner hadn't liked it being in the heart of downtown even though they were able to respond to emergencies a lot faster since they were equal distance to everything. "You wouldn't even have to rebuild here at all. Just relocate to the old station." Skye was commenting after a moment.
Nicolas was just commenting, "It was a perfectly usable building and still in perfect condition. Will just need to clean up the spiderwebs and get some new stuff in there but... It is a lot easier than a temporary place then moving back here."
This had Nicolas giving a nod of his head before he was commenting, "That will work out." He was ruffling his sister's hair and commented that she had done good.
Skye was just listening to everything at that point in time before she was just going back to working on her own thing at the time.
Sky finished giving directions and then sighed a bit as this whole thing was a mess.

while Sky was dealing with the station an nurse came and told them that they could see Nate now but to keep it calm. Nate had been moved next door to Luna as a precaution and to make visiting easier
Nox was just looking for a moment before he was looking towards Luna who was just curled up on her bed at the time, still blaming herself for everything. He was asking if she wanted to come and visit him as well which had her mumbling that she didn't think it would be a good idea. No she had this idea in mind that he was going to hate her... that and the nurse had said to keep it calm, she was already a sobbing mess so that wasn't going to help at all.

Skye was just watching everything at the time before she was just tilting her head back for a moment in time.
Max looked at Nox "go Ill stay with her and try to calm her down" Max figured the male would want to see Nate given the fact that they had arrived together that morning
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