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The Art Thief's Obsession (LunarWolf and Guardian Angel)

Skye was just mumbling that her brother was always worrying about something. Yet it didn't seem like long before she seemed to almost seem to be randomly passing out as well.
Sky sighed and then carried her to the ambulance so that she could be settled and then tended to.

Nate moaned in pain when they moved him to take the vest off
The pair were both loaded into the ambulances and taken to the hospital right away. Both were taken to get CTs of their heads done, considering what had happened prior then what they had been told. They were also getting MRIs done, especially since it had been mentioned that Nate had fallen on his back prior, and Skye had complained briefly of her back hurting as well.
Max waited with Sky and the others to hear about their friends and to make sure that they were ok

With Nate they would end up finding a brain bleed and that was why he kept fading in and out like her had and he was rolled in for emergency surgery
Nox was back at the hospital as well although what would perhaps shock Max was the fact that Mason seemed to be coming down with Luna, who wanted to make sure that her friends were alright. Nox was just looking at his sister and commenting that she should be up in her room still.

With Skye it was discovered that she just had a bump on the back of her head but there wasn't any internal damage, there was more of the concern with the stable spinal fracture that they did find lower down in her back. Which thankfully wasn't too serious at that point in time - more requiring her to wear a spinal brace to stop it from getting worse. But it could still take up to 12 weeks to heal.
Max looked at her and told her that Nate had been taken in to surgery and that Skye was having to wear a spinal brace till her back healed. Max felt bad for Luna as he figured she would blame herself for this mess
Luna did definitely blame herself for everything that was happening and Nox was just hugging her tightly, she was actually breaking down in his arms feeling like it was all her fault. "Shh sweetheart." he was speaking in a gentle voice before he was leading her way so that she could breath.
Nox was just rubbing her back gently and was just stating that they were going to be alright, that everything was going to be okay. After that he was just speaking in a soft voice, "Why don't you go back to your room with Mason, and sketch. Draw them some pictures that they can enjoy when they wake up." This had her giving a small nod and soon she left Mason lead her away.
A nurse was coming after a while and was letting them know that Nate's surgery had been finished and thankfully there were no complications, he was in a room resting at the moment.
The nurse was giving a nod of her head before she was stating that she would let them know when they could visit him. She was then stating that the young woman that had been brought in as well seemed to be a little stubborn at the moment, not wanting to let a doctor tend to her.
Skye was just sitting in the room at the time with her head in her knees, feet up on the bed. There was blood on the floor from where she was standing and now it was on the sheets as she listened to the male doctor more or less reprimand her. It was just this male doctor that she didn't want to deal with, and he refused to get her a different doctor.
Skye was just looking before a moment before she was speaking, "I've requested a new doctor three times now and he refuses to listen to my request, stating that I don't have the right to request a different doctor."
The doctor was just leaving the room after a moment in time before going off to get a new doctor right away. "He use to be friends with the former chief. I trust him about as far as I can throw him." was all Skye could say before she was shifting some and just wincing a bit. No she didn't have the brace yet, that she was waiting on since they had just gotten it measured to fit her and now they were doing the final steps to it. And that asshole had been refusing to give her pain medications so she was really hurting at that point in time.
Skye was just commenting that if anything she would have just left. Although it wasn't long before a different doctor was coming in and actually taking one look at her before she was stating that she would be right back. It didn't take her long to return with a nurse and the young woman was actually getting an iv to get pain killers that way before the doctor was actually taking to tending to her feet, working on getting them cleaned up. They were pretty cut from the glass and the doctor was just asking what had happened. Skye wasn't all that hesitant about stating what had happened - Sky also getting the story now.
Sky listened and took notes with a small note book that he had with him so that she could go straight home and not have to go to a station to give a statement. As it was the station would have to be rebuilt and that was going to take time. thankfully the injuries were minor with Nate being the most sever of the lot. Sky asked some questions when she was done explaining so that he could get a good idea of what happened to them and how this bastard had gotten the jump on them. Sky had already called another Chief and they had agreed to house him and make sure that he didn't escape this time around.
Skye was answering the questions to the best of her ability. Although the doctor was commenting that perhaps it would be best to wait on more with try pain killers beginning to kick in. "Just glad he didn't figure out... It wasn't Luna's number I gave him... " she was mumbling.
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