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The Art Thief's Obsession (LunarWolf and Guardian Angel)

Skye as just giving a small nod of her head before she was mumbling that she really needed to let her brother know that she was fine, before he worried way too much.
"I have called him and told him your being tended to and as soon as the doc clears you to head home I'll be giving you a lift back to what is left of the station and your brother" Sky had heated seats so he figured that could help as well
Skye was giving a nod of her head before she was mumbling whenever she got to leave anyways. She definitely wasn't looking forward to this recovery time at all but there wasn't anything she could do about it. She was just grateful that it was a stable fracture and not an unstable, otherwise she would be going in for surgery as well.
Sky nodded his head lightly "I bet if you asked your brother would get you, your favorite food tonight" Sky had a feeling that Nicholas was going to pamper her until she healed
Skye was just looking for a moment in time before she was speaking, "I would message him myself and ask but... My phone is at the bottom of the river. He tossed our phones out the window as we were driving across the bridge on the highway. The last thing I remember him doing before I ended up passing out."
Skye was just looking towards him for a brief moment in time before she was taking his offered phone so that she could text her brother. Well that just resulted in him calling her and asking if everything was alright. "Yes brother dearest for the most part everything is fine." she was speaking, just tossing him on speaker at the time. She did have a cringe though as the doctor was dabbing some cleaning agent on a cut on her foot.
Nicolas was just inquiring what had happened with the other doctor that a new one needed to be requested.
"he was being an ass and refusing to give Skye pain meds he also failed to give her and IV" Sky was more then ready to report the doctor but he would leave that choice up to Skye
Nicolas was definitely silent on the other end of the phone, which had Skye commenting "No need to worry big brother... he will get reported."
It was a few hours but the doctors were saying that Skye could at least go home. She was prescribed some pain killers that she was suppose to take twice a day for the next two weeks then after that as needed. And the brace was something that she was to be wearing at all times unless she was lying in bed or taking a shower. This had her letting out a breath of air but she was nodding her head, not arguing with a doctor at all.
Sky nodded his head and listened to the restrictions so that he could relay them to her brother and then he looked at her "ready to go your brother has to be waiting for you now'
Skye was just listening to the instructions before she was giving a nod of her head and the doctor was speaking for her to take it easy with walking around too much until her feet healed up as well.
Skye was just looking around for a little bit before letting out a breath of air and commenting that this is now how she had been wanting to start her summer vacation from school.
"well sadly this is how your going to be spending it but I bet if you talk to your friends and brother you can find things to do that won't hurt your feet" Sky didn't know what she could do but he was trying to be helpful
Skye was just looking towards him before she was stating, "Hmm well I did have a competition that I wanted to compete in. A game design competition that the school is hosting the month before school starts again. Guess this gives me an excuse to focus on just that."
Skye was just giving a nod of her head before she was speaking, "Yea but I'm sure that Nicolas isn't going to want me staying at my place alone.... which is where all of stuff I would need for designing a game is at. So that isn't going to make stuff easy." And she was living in a one bedroom apartment and currently she didn't have a couch so if she had somebody over there wasn't a place for them to sleep.
Sky tapped his fingers on his steering wheel and then looked at her "if you want you can stay with me I have a guest room and office you can use to work while having someone there to watch over you"
Skye was just looking towards him for a brief moment in time before she was commenting that she really didn't want to be a burden on anybody at all. This also had her commenting that she would have to move some of her computer stuff since she had all of the stuff she needed to program on her computer at home.
"that is fine and you wouldn't be a burden on me at all besides my Dog would love the company while I am working" Sky looked at her lightly and then headed to the station so that her brother could tend to her
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