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The Art Thief's Obsession (LunarWolf and Guardian Angel)

The man was still screaming at them and was definitely stating that when he got out of jail that he was coming after them. Stupid thing to say with cops right there. Luna was just standing outside at the time although shivering slightly from the cold and wet because of the alcohol. Rum by the smells of it. Strong stuff.
Luna was commenting, "I planned on going to shower. And Nate would still be resting if it hadn't been for that guy showing up." She was letting out a breath of air before she was actually looking at Nate and asking if he was hungry at all, before offering to make something after she showered. Or he could go to sleep, either worked.
Luna worked on cooking but was checking on him every now and again. It took about thirty minutes but soon enough the food was ready and she was dishing up bowls for each of them.
Luna was eating her food as well and just looking at something on her phone, an email that she had gotten. Although she did find herself actually blinking for a brief moment when she saw it.
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