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The Art Thief's Obsession (LunarWolf and Guardian Angel)

Nate nodded his head "Ill stay with Skye and text Sky if anything comes up" Nate didn't have the mans number so he would have to message Sky
Nicolas noddrf before he was commenting "Probably be a good thing for a familiar person to be around if she wakes up." She had just been told traumatic news.
The next few hours went by and Nox would be showing up with Luna, the pair apologizing. "We had taken the truck to a stronger shed we own and we were getting some of her stuff in there. A few boxes with clothes, personal items, and her computer stuff we kept out."
Sky nodded his head "ok" he then looked at Nate who had dozed off at some point "he needs someone who can watch him in order to be released other wise he has to stay here"
"He is welcome to stay with us. Granted I work and have to leave the house but Luna is always home." Nox was speaking after a moment.
Nox was just watching before he was speaking to his sister, who still seemed distracted from earlier. Not that he had known what had happened.
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