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𝖘𝖈𝖆𝖑𝖊𝖘 𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝖘𝖈𝖆𝖗𝖘 𝑏𝑢𝑛𝑛𝑦 𝑥 𝑗𝑎𝑐𝑒 ᶰᶳᶠʷ


𝔇𝔞𝔫𝔰𝔢 𝔐𝔞𝔠𝔞𝔟𝔯𝔢
Staff member
Jan 8, 2020

Her muscles ached as she pulled herself up, the tips of her fingers digging into the rough stone. Wind rippled through the valley and for a moment, despite the protests of her body, Viskarra let her face touched the sun warmed stone as she basked in that breeze, cooling the sweat on her skin. The sun beat down on her dark head, quelling the relief as quickly as it came. Below her, other riders were making the same ascent and above her as well. Riders was a stretch, they hoped to be riders. Cadients. That was a better term. Her eyes, molten gold, scanned for the next handhold. This was the final hurdle, one that they quite literally had to climb to reach the final leg of the threshing.

Pushing herself up, Karra felt her muscles bunch and she was airborne for a moment, her slender form slamming into the unforgiving mountain, scrambling for the hold, her feet finding purchase and she exhaled. It had been risky, but one death defying jump and the path ahead would be a bit easier. Viskarra had planned the path but they’d not been allowed to practice this part of the trial. A scream above her, and she hugged the wall, pressing her slender body flat against it. She felt the rush of air and the scream which had been further away, rapidly approached and then faded as the cadet fell. That could have as easily been her. She may have wanted to look, to see who it had been.. But this wasn’t a leisurely climb. First to the threshing grounds, first to the dragons..

Hoisting herself over the edge of the cliff she rolled to her back, panting. I can take a moment.. Catch my breath.. It wasn’t as if the hard part was over. Dragons picked you, you didn’t pick them. If you offended one, you could easily die. Majestic, beautiful creatures.. They were rare and bonding with one was even rarer. Used in battle against the Åndemaner who threatened the borders of Thiamkita. It was the homeland of the dragons and of the Azdaja. Åndemaner were vile, using the bodies of the fallen in their grotesque spells. Dragons above all others were prized for the power that their bodies held.. Soul, bone, scale.. All of it.

“Giving up already, Skarra?” A masculine voice cooed, filled with harsh laughter. Opening one eye, she found herself looking up into Gesse’s face. The man was a pig, his pretty face did nothing to detract from his abominable personality. The nickname wasn’t new and was far from clever. Viskarra had three scars along her left cheek. Two that ran across the muscles of her cheek horizontally and on that bisected them vertically and ran across the bridge of her nose. They were far from her only scars, but the only ones that Gesse had and would ever see. When she’d been three, her village had been attacked by the Åndemaner. Her entire family was wiped out. The memory made her eyes darken and she pushed herself up. “Why would I give up, when I have a chance of watching you get burned alive.” Her retort was saccharine, the husky softness of her voice almost wistful.

He wouldn’t become a black smudge on the forest floor. She wasn’t that lucky..

Before allowing him time to come up with some witty repertoire she turned and took off running. Gravel crunched under her boots as she headed for the trees. It was strictly forbidden to harm other cadets, though Gesse wasn’t a fan of rules and she wouldn’t put it past him to attempt to kill her. Karra wasn’t exactly loved within the ranks of her cadets. She’d never done anything to make them hate her, but many viewed the fact that she was the sole survivor from Rutherglen. An Åndemaner changeling. Necromancer spawn. The dark hair, the golden eyes, pale skin and the scars.. She lacked the beauty that so many of the Azdaja were known for. It wasn’t just them, the other cadets. This had followed her her whole life.

She didn’t crash through the brush of the forest as she ran, her eyes searching for signs of a dragon. There were rules to keep in mind when coming across one. Don’t look directly in their eyes. Do not show fear. There was a problem though, the rules contradicted one another and were highly dependent on the dragon. Some of them could be based on color, but not all. Really, it was up in the air if you became a rider or a black smear upon the threshing grounds. There were flashes of color through the woods. The glint of ruby, bright and blazing against the high sun. Deep, verdant green that mimicked the canopy that surrounded them. Gold, like her eyes, sunlight captured and forced into scales. Crystalline blue, pure as the sky above and as deep as the endless ocean. There were other colors, silver, white, black and gold. If dragons were rare, these were nigh nonexistent.

A scent reached her nose and she wrinkled it. Acrid smell of burnt hair and.. Other things. Someone had not passed muster, somewhere to the north. Her pace slowed as she came to the edge of a lake. Rather than the blue of the water she was used to, this was green. A spring. She dipped her hand into the cold water and lifted it to her nose. Sniffing, she detected no odor and knelt by the body of water. Cupping the water in both hands she lifted it to her mouth and drank. The water was icy as it slipped down her throat and she closed her eyes, sighing. Had this been another time.. She might have stripped down to her underthings and swam out in the freezing water.

A branch snapped behind her and Viskarra rose, spinning to face the sound. Yiaem, Allevo and Medin stepped through the trees. They were all beautiful, though much like Gesse, it hid the ugliness of their souls. Yiaem and Allevo were a couple. The dark and light of their complections were lovely together. Medin was pale and had a mop of fiery red curls. All of their faces held dark ugly looks. “Seems we found you changeling..” This came from Allevo, her voice bright, musical. That tone hid the dark intentions as the silver of a knife flashed. Weapons were not allowed in the Threshing grounds.

Aureate eyes flocked to the blade and she shifted her weight, finding a better center. Three against one wasn’t amazing odds.. Without question, she would come out of this with at least one new scar to add to her body. Squaring her shoulders, Viskarra wished she’d brighten a weapon in, her hands missing the weighted feel of her daggers in her hand; Requiem and Lethe. She left her hands loose near her hips and watched as the three fanned out, forming a half circle around her. Though Karra seemed calm, her mind was spinning. It was a puzzle, much like that of the wall.. One of them was weaker than the others. A foolish mistake would be to assume it was Allevo. It was Yiaem.. If she took him out first, perhaps Allevo would hesitate, concerned? Huffing out a soft snort, something told her that wouldn’t be the case, but two was better than three.

Medin attacked first, his dagger arcing through the air. Lifting her arm, Karra moved into him, making him miss with the blade and she thrust her elbow up, feeling the bone of his nose break. She couldn't waste time. Her hand moved to his elbow and she bent it backward. His scream split the air and she caught the dagger. While she’d been dealing with Medin, Allevo moved closer, a dagger now in her hand. Did they bring weapons just to hunt me? A lick of panic slipped along her spine before she shut it down. No fear. Dragons and bullies were not so different, it seemed; though she’d never tell a dragon that. The sound of steel on steel rang out and Viskarra spun out, stones beneath her boots rolling and skittering away from her feet.

She wasn’t prepared for the third blade, as Medin picked up a rock and threw it. She dogged it, but it had been no more than a distraction as Yiaem’s blade bit into her shoulder. Pain seared through her body and she kicked out at his knee. She hear the bone pop, it was a sickening sound and he crumpled. The blade was embedded in her back and it sent fiery licks of pain along her nerves. Gritting her teeth she turned back to the remaining two.

How she didn’t hear the beat of wings would puzzle her later, but her world had spiraled down to a pinpoint in time. Within that narrow focus were Medin and Allevo. Everything else was inconsequential. All that mattered were these heartbeats, these next few breaths and when she saw a muscle in Avello’s arm bunch, saw her weight shift, Viskarra lifted her blade to deflect the blow, sparks flickering to life and fading as her shoulder screamed in pain. Blood was soaking through the dark fabric and slipping down her back. She couldn’t last like this and Yiaem wouldn’t stay down forever…

Stretching out like a cat in the sun, Pulnoc watched the humans do their little game. Climbing up that sheer wall like any of the dragons really cared. Also obsessed with being the perfect physical specimen when that was the last thing his kind usually bothered with. Concessions could be made, things adjusted, if a rider was found suitable. It was about their temperament, their drive, their wit. And none of that truly mattered when you were Pulnoc, when you were a black dragon.

Nightborne and filled with a power that sapped life from their enemies, they had always been one of the rarest dragons. They were also the least likely to be approached by a human. Pulnoc had never heard of a human rejecting the bonding with any other color. Yet, twice he had been denied. Twice, a different dragon had swept in and saved the human from figuring out how to escape without being eaten or bonded against their will. So, he had stopped attending the threshing, had avoided it for fifteen years. But, things were becoming tense. The Åndemaner pushed against their borders and, whether the humans found it tolerable or no, he was powerful beyond most of his kind. A veritable storm of death. So, he waited in the sun for the girl to appear, the one he had heard rumors of.


Merkur found himself idly drifting around the threshing, watching his kin fly down to bond with humans who caught their attention. Some of them were bold, approaching almost at random. Those were the same ones that opened their maw and seared the insolent mortal whelps to the bone. Too young. These cadets were always brought out too young, too full of arrogance and swagger. That would not be the type of human he selected. He was a silver, the most rare. Born once in every hundred, maybe two hundred. There could be decades between silvers appearing. So, of course, there were a dozen sets of eyes watching him flit about with casual grace.

Thought he was scaled like the rest of his kin, silvers were born with the sky in their veins. Feathers, like a bird's and yet completely different, were draped over him. Beautiful and shining, they caught the light and shone iridescent. Rainbow-clad, most beautiful, the light of the dragons. Those were the things they used to describe the silvers. And while Merkur did enjoy being lavished with compliments, it was a little unfair. The white dragons, pale counterparts to the black, could unleash beams of light that seared and vaporized, yet they were left in the side. Golds were just as striking as a silver, yet they were cold, both to the touch and in their magic. So, the silvers, lightning in their veins and hearts, were seen as the pinnacle of dragons. And, he had no intention of disappointing with his selection.


A lazy eye cracked open as he felt her more than smelled or saw. The scarred one had made it up the wall. He knew she would, had been keeping an eye on her for weeks now. She was small, bristly, yet quick and intelligent. She took down men twice her size and fought with a quiet lethality, even in the sparring that ended before bloodshed. Most importantly, perhaps, she was an outcast. Shoved to the side because they deemed her appearance to be offensive. A kindred spirit. So, Noct stood slowly, stretching his back as his wings flared open, liquid night and shifting stars spread across the membranes. Loathed or no, the nightborne could certainly cut a figure when they tried. With a single powerful pump of his wings, Noct pushed himself into the air, intent on finding her.


Merk saw the flash of silver from the air, like calling to like as the blades were unsheathed. Had they not been at the drinking pool, it might have been missed, covered by trees. It seemed that this human was a little lucky. Or her attackers were fools. Bringing weapons into the threshing was forbidden, lest a scorned human get in a lucky blow and injure a dragon before his immediate demise followed. Banking hard, Merkur turned toward the scene, gliding down in a sharp descent, like a sunbeam glinting across the sky.

He pulled up short, however, when a black dragon, Pulnoc as far as he could tell from this distance, came to a sudden stop above the four small creatures below them. In his mirror, Noct did the same, flaring his wings and coasting through the air. The two ended up drifting in a circle, each keeping equal distance between the ground and one another. Threshing day was already a tense day, each dragon usually picking their rider, or at least candidates, before the day. Occasional scuffles and arguments happened. Noct and Merkur, however, were never on the best terms.

Lazy, cowardly, layabout, whiner. Those were the things that Merkur often threw at the other dragon. In return, Noct often called him a preening, simpering pretty boy. Opposites down to the bone. Yet, when that cry rose up from the ground and the scent of blood filled the air, they both angled down and swept in. While their reasons were different, the distaste between dragons was nothing like a human. The idea of stabbing your own kin over some petty squabble was offensive to the core.

With a crash, Medin was crushed under a silver claw, only a twitching limb exposed, the twitching lasting only a few moments more. Avello, much closer to the scarred girl, was simply there one moment, then in a slash of black, was gone. Snapped up in the maw of a flying dragon and thrown into the silent woods with such force that a sickening crack echoed through the clearing a moment later. A quick turn and a powerful gust of wind later, Pulnoc joined the other two beside the little spring, leaning down to take a powerful gulp, rinsing blood from his face.

A heartbeat later, two sets of eyes turned toward Viskarra, one the blue of a fresh night sky, and the other pale clouds. Reality seemed to shift around them. Pulnoc was in the shape of a rugged man, open tunic showing the patchwork of scars he chose to wear proudly in any form. His long hair was slightly curled, loose and wild. Immediately, he was walking toward Viskarra. Always his mirror opposite, Merkur appeared as a clean-cut pale man, beautiful and proper. He wore a vest over a long shirt, his silver hair in straight falls almost down to his middle back he matched Noct, and when they approached the middle, the scarred girl they had just saved, they were staring coldly at one another.

"Back off Merkur. I've been waiting for her. You can go pick some princess."

As if to emphasize his point, Noct grabbed her by the wrist, tugging her in his direction despite there being a knife in her shoulder. The smile that spread across Merkur's face was sweet and handsome, but Noct knew it was filled with vile intent.

"Oh, I won't be doing that. Don't punish the poor thing with your presence. I'm sure you would prefer to be bonded to me, wouldn't you? So rare to get a choice, and poor Noct had to be the choice beside me. So sad."

His voice was honey and a soft caress compared to the growling black dragon. Still, he gripped her other wrist with his hand, tugging on her injured arm. The two were barely looking at Viskarra as they held this mental duel, Merkur quirking an eyebrow while Noct literally snarled. Then, the last human pushed up from the ground, knife in hand, and took a single stumbling step toward the three, delirious with pain and shame.

Both dragons twitched their heads to the side in unison, then turned and opened their mouths. A wave of black, moving like fire yet the impossible inky darkness of the abyss, poured from Noct, wrapping around Yiaem. Jagged lines of lightning poured out from Merkur, blindingly bright for a fraction of a second. They collided and, in a shattering of light and dark, there was not to much as dust left of the human that had stood there.

And when they turned back, bands of black and silver decorated Viskarra's forearms. They were decorated with scales, dragon heads at their peak, maws wide open. The sickening suck of flesh and metal parting split the silence after the blast, the dagger pushed out by the sudden rush of magic as the wound in her shoulder mended. A one-time bonus of forming the bond, the pact. Except, two had been formed in the same instant, two massive floodgates of open opening wide before slamming shut for her own safety. The twin dragon markings raced up her arms, disappearing under her clothing to form the final insignia that showed the bond was truly sealed. Both dragons watched with wide eyes, looking at the opposite arm of the one they held.





The ground shuddered with the landing of the dragon and she stumbled backwards, the two females separating as Medin was crushed beneath one huge forepaw. Blood seeped along the ground, staining the dark earth. A lib twitched and she felt bile rise in her throat. It wasn't that she felt pity for the man, far from it. It was the closest she’d ever been to death though. Her head snapped toward Avello and her scream as she was snatched from the ground, tossed through the air like a ragdoll before plummeting to earth. The sound seemed to reverberate through the trees, the wooden boughs amplifying the sound as it broke into the clearing. Viskarra visibly flinched against the sound.

Another large body clattered to the earth and a black head dipped to drink from the cool pool lapping at the heels of her boots. The blood was bright and faded quickly in the water. Karra was between the two large bodies of the dragons, a mirror of one another in color. Black and silver. Heads swung toward her and she felt the weight of their eyes on her, her breath catching in her throat. In that moment she didn’t remember all the damned rules, her eyes holding both of their gazes. What is happening? Are they going to kill me too? Her gaze fell to the knife in her hand and her hand opened, letting the blade fall to the ground with a clatter as it hit the rocks. It was as if she was saying.. See, I am harmless. No need to kill me too..

The world seemed to shimmer and the once massive bodies were replaced with two men. Fucking.. Drop dead gorgeous men. They knew dragons could change shape but to see a dragon you were not bound to change was unheard of. The first dragon was slender and if Viskarra had been asked to find another word to describe him, it would have been delicate. That delicateness though was like velvet over steel. It hid the power within. They were still opposites, even in this form. The other was built stronger, his body holding the scars of battle. The word for him would have been danger. It vibrated off him in waves.

At the moment though neither were looking at her. Their eyes, Blue and gray were locked on one another. The tension was palpable and Viskarra thought about taking a step back, away from them. Leaving them to figure out whatever this was. They were walking toward her though, still not looking at her till they were both within arms reach. The darker one spoke and she blinked. The words not missed and she gaped, quite literally at him. Waiting for.. Me? Why would anyone wait for her? Pick her, sure, okay. That was why she was here. She’d had enough confidence to think she could be chosen..

A hand closed around her wist and tugged her toward him and she gasped, pain rippling along her back and pain filled her eyes. Beyond the soft sound and the way her eyes clouded with pain, Karra said nothing. They still didn’t look at her, but one another. She was like a bone that two dogs planned to fight over. The paler male spoke, his voice sweet, but like the velvet clad steel, it hid venom.

He grabbed her other wrist and she winced, managing to hold back the gasp as her body was stretched between them. Now entirely between them, they looked past her, through her and she felt a flicker of anger replace the pain that was clouding her mind. She wasn’t some.. Toy to be fought over by petulant children! Dragons be damned…

She heard Yiaem stumble to his feet but she couldn’t see him. Her back to him. Panic rose in her, though the male never stood a chance. Both men turned their anger and furry towards him. Black flames came from her right, heat curling along her side. Like shadow and fire had become one, they spewed from Noct’s mouth. On her left, Light flashed and the sound of the flames' heat condensing on the cooler air made a thunderclap sound as it poured from his mouth. The flames crossed one another and behind her, Yiaem was vaporized. A black smudge on the ground.
The expulsion of power from them arced inside her, colliding like a tempest within her body. Her gasp this time held pain, confusion and she screamed as it overwhelmed her, rode her. The blade pushed from her shoulder and joined the one she’d dropped. The wound healed instantly. Her shoulder burned like a thousand bee stings. Panting, she pulled against their hands, her arms slowly showing their power along her skin. On her right side, dark scales that seemed to absorb light and reflect the stars, the head of the dragon covering her shoulder. Her left arm was silver, prismatic and seemed to almost look like the soft down of a bird, though they would be smooth to the touch. Both brands were marred. The power had been able to heal her fresh wound, but not the old ones. The perfection of the bonding marks were forever scarred.

Wide eyed they stared at her now, mouths open and they said “Oh.” “Fuck”

They shut their power down on their end, knowing that she couldn’t shield against them. First they have the weirdest lovers spat and then that is their answer? The fuck just happened. Her eyes found the arms they were holding and her lips parted, shock filling her face. They wanted to kill me before.. Now..

She would never be safe again.

Viskarra knew without a doubt that no one in the history of histories had ever bound with two dragons. It wasn’t rare or unusual. It was fucking unheard of. If she didn’t laugh she was going to cry.. So when the hysterical laugh bubbled up, she didn’t fight it. She couldn’t stop once she’d started and she laughed until the tears ran down her cheeks, still caught between them.

Oh I am so fucked..

It was true that the two dragons were being more than a little childish, ignoring the human they were thinking about binding their lifeforce to, sharing their power with. Far worse than childish, though, they had been careless. There was a reason that two dragons did not bind to a single human. Several, if you considered that there were more humans looking to ride than there were dragons. But, it was impossible to bind with a rider than already had a dragon, dangerous. Their little spat had been more likely to rip Viskarra in half than to bind with her. That they had done it simultaneously was pure luck.

If it had been a childish fight before, the look that now sat on Noct's face was pure hatred. Ruined. This privileged preening peacock of a dragon had ruined everything he had been trying to get. A life as a respected dragon, a rider whom he could feel a kinship with. He was going to rip him to shreds and keep her to himself. It was the only thing he had left. And he was a heartbeat from doing so when a voice shouted in his head. Not because it was loud, but because it was completely unguarded on the link he now shared. So, his head snapped to Viskarra and he growled.

"It is not a lover's spat! And we were not planning to kill you!"

There was a pause, then Merkur was laughing, shaking with it as he released Karra's wrist and leaned his head back. Despite his delicate appearance, he leaned his head back and laughed. Noct was viciously angry still, but the laughter brought him back enough to realize that there was no elegant solution to this, especially killing a silver dragon bonded to his own rider. So, he released her as well, sighing and crossing his arms. Across the bond, Merkur, still shaking from laughter even as he held an arm around himself to calm it, sent a soft voice, running down Viskarra's spine.

We can hear your thoughts, human. Do try to hold them in for the moment.

Much to his disgust, Noct felt it just as clearly echoing to him. It seemed that this bond was in full force, unbreakable and permanent until one of them died. And, while tradition dictated they were meant to fly back, something needed to be done before that could happen. So, he took a step back, let them both see that he intended to discuss this, not simply grab Viskarra and fly away. It was strange, thinking that she had no idea who he was when he had been waiting over a month for this day.

"My name is Pulnoc. I had every intention of offering you the bond today, but it appears someone else had an eye on you. And now we're facing a bit of a dilemma."

Having finally recovered from his own laughter, which had been a little bit more mirthful than Viskarra's panicked sounds, Merkur let his mouth quirk up at the corner. Arrogant. So painfully arrogant, even by the standards of a dragon. He put a hand on the small of Viskarra's back, a strangely comforting gesture.

"My intention had been to punish these humans for bringing weapons into our grounds. Then, I saw this thing about to force a bond on a human who likely had no interest in a night-cursed vulture of a dragon. Now, it seems, we are bound. All three of us. My name is Merkur, though I'm sure you were told plenty about me. All the humans have been in uproar about a silver dragon being here."

His other hand found her cheek, wiping away a tear. Neither of them liked this, and they liked each other even less, but the human standing between them was now a part of their soul, whether they wanted to change it or not. Merkur reached out with the bond again, voice still like an affectionate touch on her mind. After all, he had been planning to bond today as well.

Tell me your name, rider. Though I think our third wheel already knows it. He seems enamored with you.

The responding voice was a growl, far beyond what a human could produce. It rumbled through Viskarra's head, not painful, but laced with all the emotion it held. A protective promise for Viskarra and a clear threat for the other dragon.



The growl made her flinch slightly. They will be able to hear your thoughts if you are lucky enough to bond with a dragon. It is so in battle you can communicate with one another quickly. The voice was droll and masculine as it flashed through her mind as a memory. She lifted her chin a fraction and arched one brow. “If you say so..” She looked between them as Merkur laughed. He had joined her in laughing though while her’s had been hysterical, his was filled with mirth. “And I wasn’t worried about you killing me.” She said softly, for it wasn’t them she feared. Faces flashed through her mind, too quick to follow. The three they’d killed flickered to life and faded at the end.

A frown worked between her brows and she glared at Merkur. It isn’t like I am trying to share them.. Her mental voice was annoyed and slightly defensive. She was still stretched between them and she pulled at her wrists some, seeing if either would release them. Noct let her hand go and stepped away from the pair. Letting her arm fall, she rotated her shoulder. It still itched like a bitch, but there was no pain.

Neither dragon was known to her. She knew that a handful of rare dragons had consented to this year’s threshing but their names hadn’t been disclosed. Her focus turned fully to Pulnoc and she tilted her head, curious. Why me? Her unguarded thoughts filtered through both their minds and she winced. “Fuck me..” She didn’t know how to erect barriers, it wouldn’t be taught till they bounded. They had no magic before that. Riders would now share in their dragon’s powers, but how they would manifest was unknown.

The laughter from the one still holding her wrist slowed and died. A hand moved to the small of her back. Warm and reassuring. Some of the tension left her and she turned her golden eyes to him. He seemed softer, almost sweet but what he said made her frown. While aware there was a silver, she’d not put much stock in the fact he’d be looking to bond. He seemed more like he would be fit for Alysone.. The prissy little princess.. They deserved one another. She forgot for a moment that they could both hear her thoughts as his hand lifted, wiping a tear from her cheek. She pulled away from his more than resolutely and moved to stand closer to Pulnoc.

She didn’t know either, but Pulnoc was better suited for her. Less.. pompous. The growl from Pulnoc made her feel safer than the hand on her back had and she eyed him warily. “Viskarra.” She said after a long moment. Is the threshing still going on? Her wondered thoughts blasting across the open channels of their minds as her face tipped toward the sun. It had been at its apex when she’d crested the cliff and now it was starting to slowly descend. Kneeling, Karra picked up the blades. Fitting them into her leathers. They would feel the concern she felt for leaving them around to be stepped on by one of their kind. Her eyes drifted toward the trees and she sighed. I should get the blade Avello was carrying too.

Pausing, she looked down at her hands and sighed. On the left, the tip of the silver tail curled around her wrist and along the back of her hand to her middle knuckle. Her gaze drifted to her right and she found the tip of the tail resting along her lifeline. With her leathers on, she couldn’t see what the marks looked like past her elbows. Her hands curled into fists and she looked over her shoulder at them. “I feel like I shouldn’t have to ask two dragons this, but can you both behave while I get the other dagger?” or will you behave like children the moment I am no longer in sight? This was wondered with a huff of annoyance as she stalked to the woods.

It took her nearly ten minutes to find the corpse. Avello had split like a ripe grape as she’d splattered on the ground. Her stomach turned as she looked down at the body gravely. Karra couldn’t feel bad that she was dead.. That any of them were dead. They had aimed to kill her. Now who else will join them? Bonding with a dragon should have made me safer, but two? I wouldn’t past it those idiots to think killing me would free Pulnoc and Merkur to choose again. Like it works that way. Her mental sigh was drained and resigned. She spotted the dagger glinting in the sunlight several feet above, lodged in the tree. At least no one can step on it there.. I still shouldn't leave it. With a huff she scaled the tree and made her way back to the pair, all three daggers strapped against her chest. Her eyes searched the pair. “So, you said this was a dilemma, but what is the solution?”

The cool water lapped against the shore and she looked at it wistfully. She was still thirsty, but knowing it held the blood of Avello, Viskarra was loath to drink from it. The fact that there was blood in the water didn’t bother her. She wanted no part of Avello in her body. Not even a microscopic fragment. She stood closer to Noct, but her gaze rested on the pair. “And before one of you suggests trying to kill the other, wouldn’t your death mean my death? You could survive mine, perhaps.. But not the other way around.” This was said more to Pulnoc, as if she knew his initial plan.


The pair of them were being treated to the whole catalogue of intrusive thoughts. It should have been expected, but neither dragon had bonded before this. For Merkur, he was barely out of his teens as far as their kind was concerned. It was the first threshing he had taken interest in attending. Noct was more than twice the other dragon's age. After those first two attempts at bonding he had caused a bit of a ruckus about other dragons interfering and had been politely told to wait. So, they were both new to this. And having a human's unfiltered thoughts in their head was not doing either any favors with the situation.

The question of why was one that Noct planned to answer somewhere far from the other dragon, after she learned to shield her thoughts. Her little judgement at Merkur did manage to bring a small smirk to Noct's lips, but the silver dragon seemed less than phased. Instead, he inclined his head politely, even as she pulled away from his touch.

"Despite my human form of choice and my manners, I would much prefer a rider who has scars to show for being here. I came to the threshing with the intent to fight alongside a rider, not be a parade horse."

Her concern was sweet, and neither had the heart to tell her that those daggers would not damage the foot of a whelp, let alone the fully grown dragons who came here. And, despite being an open conduit of thoughts, they did their best not to embarrass her by pointing them out. After all, dragons received a little training about taking on a fresh rider, as well. So, Merkur inclined his head respectfully, toward the direction that human had disappeared into when Noct tossed her. Once she was out of earshot, however, they turned to one another.

Noct had barely moved, even when Viskarra had taken a step toward him. Still as the stars in the sky. Merkur was relaxed, unbothered, at least on the surface. For a full minute, they simply stared at one another, waiting for the flinch. Realizing they were getting nowhere, Merkur sighed and broke the silence.

"This is a problem, but not an unsolvable one. Despite my best efforts, it seems you have a rider. However, we both know she would never have picked you. So, fly on back to the mountains and hide away until she passes on naturally."

Noct bared his teeth, clearly more in touch with his dragon form than Merk was. Still, he refused to yield a step or uncross his arms.

"Shut your mouth and keep your thoughts to yourself. We don't have much of a say in this. Bound and in violation of every law on the subject. We might be taken from her. She may never be a rider. Because you think I'm unworthy, you may have ruined her life."

While he had no love for the other dragon, Merkur had no ill intent for the human. Noct managed to strike a solid blow there. Viskarra was their rider and it was his job to protect her. That much, they agreed on. So, after another tense pause, he almost muttered the words.

"There is no law about being bound to two dragons. Just about trying to bond with a rider that already has a pact. We broke no laws, if you think of it that way."

Noct could see the joy on the other dragon's face as Viskarra shared her every inner musing with them while they waited. That, at least, showed that Merk had not just jumped in to be spiteful. Not wholly. He had wanted to bond and found a human worth stepping in to save. They could come to some kind of agreement. They would have to.

Of course, their new human companion returned with the most difficult question already on her lips. What would they do? Her concern with the possible methods Noct had considered were unfounded. Mostly. So, he chose to clear that up for her, a little smug as she chose to stand closer to him, if only a little.

"Killing another dragon over a bonding dispute would be a heinous crime. No matter how I felt, I would never do such a thing."

The fact that he had excluded Merkur from that statement showed that it had certainly crossed his mind. The silver dragon spoke up, moving a little closer to the other two, a little spark of concern, or perhaps jealousy, in his eyes.

"There is no real solution. We are bound, both of us. There is no disputing that. Once we returned you, we will have to speak with our leaders. We broke no laws, but there's no precedent. By all accounts, you should be dead. But, I won't let them make a decision that keeps you grounded."

There was a pause, his eyes flickering to Noct.

"Neither of us will. That is what we decided. The only choice to have now..."

Merkur took a long step backward and the air around him wavered as the magic burst out like a wave of heat, crackling with the smell of ozone. Then, he was himself, the gleaming silver dragon, sparkling and feathered.

Who will you be riding back with?

Noct felt his lip rise in a cruel snarl. It seemed that Merkur wanted to play dirty. So, he stepped back as well, the dying light of the day seeming to blot out around him as he expanded into his original shape as well. While Merkur caught the light, Noct devoured it. With the sunset so soon, the stars in the abyss of his wings were coming to life.

This means nothing, Viskarra. Don't let him concern you with a minor choice. I won't take offense, unlike the petty silver princess.

A huff of amusement from Merkur. It seemed he reveled in the confrontation with the other dragon, even as he gave Viskarra kindness.



He had manners? That was news to her. Casually insulting and making assumptions based on them wasn’t exactly something with good manners did. This was not said, the thought idle and she was unaware if it blasted down their mental pathways as she left the clearing. It would have made her feel silly, to know her concern was misplaced. Viskarra wasn’t quite thinking clearly after her near death experience and the power that was still humming in her veins. That power made her feel both giddy and anxious. Too much of a good thing. Some riders couldn’t handle bonding with one dragon and she was bound to two. Perhaps she should just be happy that she was still in one piece and hadn’t exploded?

She had no idea that the pair might have robbed her of her chance to be a rider. That would have pissed her off more than anything. All the hate, all the pain, all the blood, sweat and tears. When she tramped back into the clearing her nerves still thrummed with power and she crossed her arms across her chest. Her question had been asked and it was Pulnoc who answered first. A brow arched. “Alright, so you will not be killing one another, that is a start.” She said after a moment. Merkur moved closer and she turned her focus to him. Both brows lifted now and they felt the flicker of panic and anger. Grounded? They could ground her for the fluke of living because they… Her eyes flashed with that anger, the golden hues almost metallic as their power coalesced in her.

Merkur stepped back and shifted in that air rippling fashion before finishing his question. She exhaled, he was beautiful. She felt rather than saw the ripple of Pulnoc changing back to his true form. His wings drew her attention and her lips parted. They were both the most beautiful dragons she’d ever seen. The fact that they would make her choose who she’d ride made tension vibrate along her spine and then Noct’s voice rumbled through her mind and she turned to face him. She lifted a hand and when he bent his head toward her, she stroked a hand along his snout. Her fingers were calloused, but gentle as the rubbed along his scales. Thank you for making this easier on me, Noct. His breath huffed out in a warm wave, her short black hair lifting on the current he produced. It seemed pleased, and she smiled at him.

Turning she looked at Merkur. “I will ride you, as I have a feeling you would pout if I picked Noct.” And that is who she would have picked. She felt more of a kinship with him, the scars, the slightly gruff personality. She felt safe with Noct. While Merkur was beautiful, he had an arrogance she was having trouble stomaching. He had offered comfort and had protected her in tandem with Noct. She felt safe with him, but it was different, maybe colder. She moved toward him and she lifted a hand to his haunch, pulling herself up and scrambling along his back till she found the natural seat his scales formed. Her fingers ran through the feathers. They felt like the tattoo on her left hand felt. Soft and downy. “Let’s see what happens..” She breathed, her thighs tightening against his scales.


Noct had always been solitary. Black dragons were left to their own devices most of the time, even their own kin often not hovering too much around one another. Loners who knew what it took to survive when no one else wanted to offer a hand. Except, that was exactly what Viskarra did. She thanked him for doing what he had always done, giving in on what he wanted to keep the peace. When the other dragons claimed his potential riders, when he had sat out for over a decade, simply watching the threshing. While she simply offered him a small thank you, Noct huffed out with no small amount of sweet pain. He had been right to pick her.

That, however, made it even more painful to watch her walk over to his counterpart. Even as Merkur stretched out lazily to allow her to mount him. He had a bit of haughty arrogance, a little bit of triumph, but the words he felt both across the bond and from her mouth still stung. It was simply not his way to let it linger.

I would most certainly have pouted. Flying back with your rider is an important moment. You are my first bond, Viskarra. I don't take this lightly.

The feeling of her crawling across him like a piece of training equipment was a bit irksome, but her weight was barely felt as she settled into the curve at the back of his neck. Strange how well human and dragon fit together like this. Once she was fully seated, Merkur slowly moved from his low stretch and to his full height. He was large, especially among the delicate silvers, leaving Viskarra nearly ten feet away from the ground. Nearby, though, Noct moved to full height and immediately dwarfed the other dragon. Large, powerful, dangerous. Those were the things that described the black dragons even among their own kind. Things to be avoided.

Despite their differences, both dragons seemed to be well-synced. Both flared their wings open together, completely eclipsing the clearing they had settled in. There was a soft growl of warning from Merkur as the muscles tensed under her.

Hold on.

Then, they slammed those massive wings down in unison, blowing the debris away and causing a wave to blast across the spring. The first lurch of momentum was intense, a battle to get that huge amount of weight off the ground. From there, it was smoother. Still so much pressure pushing her down against her seat, but no sharp lunges. A few more flaps to get them well above the trees and on course to the meeting grounds, and Merkur flared his wings wide, letting them glide.

Noct, on the other hand, flew low, almost brushing the trees below them. There was something strange about it, allowing himself to be below the other dragon. That is, until Merkur angled his wings and did a sudden spin. It was customary to give your rider a little test, to make sure that they could stay seated as you learned to battle alongside them. Merkur had that in mind, but there was something else. A touch of camaraderie for the agreement they had made. Viskarra would fly.

So, Noct flew higher, Merkur keeping them steady as they flew toward the flight grounds that most of the riders would have already returned to. For a few seconds, he was close enough that she could touch him, and he waited for it. Waited for that small hand to brush his scales just like it had on his snout only a minute before.

Then, the sun fading away behind them, Viskarra touching his scales while her thighs kept tight around Merkur, they crested the edge of the cliff she had climbed before. The three of them, all arriving together. The two dragons held the position a little longer, let others see them. It was important, to make it known that, even if they fought, Viskarra was their rider. It would be even more important once they left her alone when they were surely called back to their leaders.

With the message sent, Merkur flipped himself back to the upright position, not a lick of mercy for what holding on like that had done to her legs. He expected the best, after all. Noct banked to the side and joined them at even height a moment later. With a glance toward Viskarra, he sent her a simple message through the bond.

I assume no one else has arrived like that today.

The dive they ended into was harrowing, a steep drop down that was likely nothing except Merkur trying to show off how dashing he could be as a streak of silver against the sunset. Right before a violent collision with the ground, his wings flared and slammed down, arresting them just in time to land gentle as a leaf on the field. Noct landed beside, spreading wings devouring the last of the light as the sun disappeared, his inky membrane becoming a copy of the sky above.

Merkur knelt forward, stretching his neck low to the ground. A symbol of the bond, a gesture to show he was equal to the human on his back, head now level with where she sat on his back. Noct mirrored the gesture, and in that moment, the humans gathered realized there was no second rider. The buzz of quiet works began immediately.



Those words in her mind, in that soft, silky voice cut her to the core and her eyes moved to Noct. She’d not wanted to rob him of that moment and for a second, she hated Merkur. For forcing her to choose, for laying bare what it meant for them. That flash faded and she released it as their wings flared. Could she blame him for taking joy in his own bonding? He was proud of her, proud to call her his, even if he took every chance to dig his words under Noct’s scales. One, two, three powerful beats of their wings and they lifted into the air. Viskarra had ridden a horse once when she’d been younger and while some of her seat and the muscles she used were the same, that is where the similarities stopped.

Her laugh was bright and she stretched her arms as Merkur’s spread wide, gliding. Her eyes closed for a moment and she reveled in the fact that she was riding! It wasn’t all for not. I proved each and every one of them wrong.There was a deep seated pride at that. Blood and tears, but I proved them all wrong! Her eyes opened and she looked for Noct. She couldn’t see him, but she could feel him, below the pair. A shadow to Merkur’s brightness. Yin and Yang.

The dip of his wing was the only warning she had before they spun. She didn’t scream in fear, but her shout was of joy, pure unbridled joy. She saw the darker of their trio below her and she tried to picture him in her mind's eye, showing him the beauty of his form, of his wings. While his scars were there, they were not looked at with distaste, or horror. Just a fierce pride. He rose in the air and she took a deep breath, her thighs tightening around Merkur, both her hands leaving his back and she reached out to run her hands along his back. The three of them linked as they flew.

His scales were warm and she stroked her hands along them as they glided. Beneath her, Merkur was just as warm and while it had been cold when they had glided, now, it felt like she’d sunk into a warm bath. It melted into her bone, that heat. Had she been a cat, she’d have purred. An errant thought made her wonder if they were as warm in human form. It wasn’t a sexual question, but one of genuine curiosity.

Viskarra withdrew her hands as she felt Merkur’s body sift beneath her and they righted. Her laugh was bright and she sent a mental snort down the bond. Likely not. Though as they came closer to landing, she felt her anxiety rise. They slammed into the ground in tandem and she sat on her dragon with her head held high, and the pair moved in unison, showing their bond. She heard it, the chatter that erupted like a bomb had gone off in the crowd. Dragons, riders and the commanding officers. Mmm, so.. It begins. She slipped from Merkur’s back, between the pair. A hand reached out to brush both their sides as she stepped up between their bodies.

Her name was whipped out and the commander of the flight school was stomping toward her, his underlings following with worried looks. The king and the leader of the army and other politicians and cogs of the warm machine stalked toward her. The faces were angry and other’s drew closer, riders, dragons. They crowded the three and it made her feel anxious. Is now a bad time to tell you that a lot of them think I am a changing.. Cursed.. Åndemaner. They would know this as false, it wouldn’t change the predajuice and now she had arrived with not one but two rare dragons.


Her thoughts, that moment where she seemed to shine with all the confidence that she had earned, reached both dragons. It seemed that the one thing they could agree on was their opinion of their rider. While she was wrapped in the warmth that came with being between them, they bathed her in warmth through the bond. Pride, pleasure, and expectation. Noct had known he wanted Viskarra for weeks. Merkur was simply learning that he was pleased with his choice, no matter how wrong things had gone.

The images that flooded Noct, along with the feeling of her hands, the assurance that he was not forgotten while she rode the silver dragon, was everything he needed for the moment. His scars were a mark of pride. Proof that, even without a rider, he had gone and fought for his kind. So, he returned the favor. Sent her back the image of how he saw her. Not some flattery to make her think the scars were not there, but her face when she had stood to fight three people, the determination. She was his and he was hers.

The sudden explosion of interest, and the drool response from their rider, had Merkur sending a little chuckle through into her mind. However, when she slid down and the humans began to approach, he lazily stretched out a clawed foot. Not directly blocking them, but a reminder that his bonded rider was worth more than all their lives combined. Noct, on her other side, simply exhaled sharply, the pure mass of his sending the grass, and their clothes, fluttering. When she told them about her worry, about what they called her, there were two sharply different replies.


I know. I chose you because I understand how... did you really reply so simply?

She is my rider. Whatever stupidity they keep in their simple human heads is not my concern. Obviously, she had proven herself to be well beyond them.

Noct paused. Well and truly froze. His surprise was so stark that it rippled through the bond. He flicked his sky-blue eyes over to the silver dragon. However, there was no way that he could say anything to disagree. For their own reasons each had, they had ended on the same conclusion. Viskarra was not something to be feared or hated or mocked and they would tolerate nothing else. Finally recovered, Noct made it obvious he was about to reply when the bond went quiet.

A wall slammed down so sharply that the dragons seemed to simply vanish from her mind. A heartbeat, two, ten. Then, the wall retracted and they were open to her again. Noct was already shifting, spreading his wings wide. His eyes were apologetic, soft in a way they had not been before. Not even in those first moments of the bond.

Our own leaders with to speak with us. With me. I won't be able to keep the bond open, but he will be able to reach me, if you need me.

Then, with those same thunderous flaps of his wings, the humans that were gathering suddenly shouting and backing away, Noct was in the air. A few more bursts of wind and he was pressed again the night sky, so hidden that only the bond let her know where he was. A second longer, and that slipped away, as well, closed behind that same wall.

Merkur, still stationary and looking at the humans like they were nothing but fresh meat, extended his claws to rip into the turf below him. Tense, and not because all the humans that controlled their little world were stalking close.

They prefer that I stay here. They are... very unhappy with what happened. However, they don't trust your leaders not to take desperate action.

That lazy paw now moved forward again, this time to cut the humans off before they could get within arms reach of Viskarra. They would be forced to either speak over it like a fence or go around, and going around seemed to be an invitation to be turned to molten bone. Yet, even as worried as he was, that grace never left as he placed his head close to Viskarra and nudged her side. He was there if she needed.



While the way he saw her wasn’t not meant to be flattering, she doubted her hair was that rich of color or her face had held such coolness as she’d faced down the three. She didn’t so much as think this, but a flicker of doubt at the image he gave her. Be told you are an ugly duckling for so long and you can’t see your own beauty. Merkur protected her from her own kind and she stroked his side lightly. A thank you for keeping them away from her. Noct blew a huffy breath over those coming close and she bit the inside of her cheek, a hand stroking along his scales as well. She didn’t know what this night would hold but nothing could rip the joy of bonding with them away.

Her face had been so carefully arranged and she couldn’t help the smile at the answers from her dragons. Noct, so serious, so willingly to explain why and the indifference almost of Merkur. No, it was more.. He took no stock of their opinions. Her laughter didn’t leak from her lips, but it was warm in both their minds. Noct’s head turned towards Merkur’s and she was almost snuggled between their necks and she exhaled, schooling her face back into serious lines as something passed between them.

The abrupt severance of the mental link left her feeling cold and she looked up toward Noct with concern. Pulnoc? No answer and she shivered. Merkur? He didn’t answer either, but she could still feel him. Almost as if he passed her message along the wall lifted and she was told that their leaders wished to speak with them, with him. It closed and she exhaled, now knowing the cause and shifted closer to Merkur. To his heat and protective form while Noct rose into the air.

The dragon beside her stretched lazily, like a cat, his talons breaking into the rough dirt floor one the cliff. Kitten. The word was teasing.. And she tried to understand why they’d wanted her to keep one of her dragons with her. Do they think they would try and harm me? He nudged her and she stroked a hand down his snout, before it slid to rest in the warmth of his feathers along his neck. Her focus shifted to commandant. “Sir?” She said it with a slight tilt of her head.

“Where did the other go?”
“Pulnoc, sir.” Said one of her teachers. “Pulnoc,” he corrected himself and Viskarra lifted a shoulder, a half shrug in response. “His leaders called to him.” Was her simple answer. “Did you bond with both, Miss. Viskarra?” This came from Mortimer Devonshire, her favorite teacher. He was an expert on dragons, bonding and was more than a bit odd. She lifted both hands for a moment and new muttering came.

“She cannot be allowed to bond with two dragons..” This from the commander of the armies. “The dragons should have picked one each.” “Well, it isn’t as if we can demand anything from them” “It isn’t acceptable. Can’t we break the bond with the other?” “I am not sure such a bond can be broken.” They spoke as if she wasn’t there and she shifted, snuggling into Merk’s neck and warmth. She felt cold, unable to explain why. “Surely the bonds can’t be set in stone.. There are options..” Are they honestly talking about killing me in front of me? That was bold as she stood beside her dragon.. As they bickered she wondered about Noct and those thoughts shifted to the dragon beside her. Can you tell me how much trouble you are both in? The question was hesitant and unsure.

Merk, do you feel cold too? This too was unsure. Even snuggled into his warmth, her body felt cold. Or is it just me? Was it shock? Shock could sort of feel like this. It made her feel lightheaded as the men and women argued on the other side of a silver paw.


Merkur seemed to be an overly serious creature at first glance, but when the word kitten came down the bond, his immediate reply was one of amusement. Almost like a little mental nudge to go along with the one from his nose. That is, until she asked the next question. Honesty had already been a theme for him, brutal or not. So, his eyes still burning holes in the humans that were crowding around and muttering before approaching, he answered her truthfully.

The bond is at its weakest. You are already full of our magic. You can't live without us. We, on the other hand, would barely feel it if they killed you at this stage.

The answer had something underneath it. A fierce anger that made it clear he did not consider it an option. And, based on the dragons leaving Merkur with her, the others did not either. Most humans thought of riders as soldiers, weapons. Dragons were giving a portion of their life to a human. It was sacred. The very idea made the silver dragon want to shred them to pieces.

The incessant humans were starting to argue about the bond, as if it were not a matter of fact. The one who seemed to suggest breaking the bond was the one to break his composure. He moved his head from its place of comfort next to Viskarra and looked up at them, teeth slowly sliding out from behind his lips. The humans continued for a few moments, oblivious as they ignored the person they were discussing only a few feet away. When they finally realized that Merkur was practically dripping saliva off his fangs at them, they took a reasonable step back.

They will be doing no such thing. Even if they got it into their heads to try, their dragons would forbid it. Humans don't choose the bond. You earned no punishment.

The answer left room for her next question. One he truly had no answer for. What he had told Pulnoc had been true. They had done nothing explicitly against the law. The fact that she lived meant they had not tried to bond one after another. Nor had a double bond been their intention. It had been circumstance. Two dragons ready to bond had opened their well of power. A mishap at best, and a lucky one since Viskarra had not split open like ripe fruit.

I couldn't guess. It won't come to harm you. At worst, one of us will be forbidden from being with you.

The next words came to him slowly, confused. His head moved back to her side as she leaned into his body. The humans, of course, took this as permission to continue talking. He did not hear their words. Only felt the bond pulsing like something was hurting Viskarra, like something was wrong. It was certainly not cold, and this close to him, she would be warm even if it were. Concern, questioning. He prodded unto her mind with gentle attention, looking for a flaw in the bond, to see if it was a delayed reaction. Instead, he found an absence.

A moment later, the bond to Pulnoc cracked open just a fraction. His power flowed into Viskarra like a warm drink, flooding her face and running down the rest of her body until it was filling her to the tips of her toes. The words were blocked, though a pin prick of the other dragon's worry slipped through. Merkur had obviously informed the black dragon of the issue, along with their leaders. It seemed that informed their decisions, as Merkur turned to face the humans.

This time, he spoke loudly on the bond, open to their dragons so that they could relay it.

Viskarra is bonded with both of us, and through no fault of her own. If you humans try to punish or hurt her, your dragons will be taken to task for it. Now, back to your seats. We will tell you how it will be handled.

The single leg pushed further, blocking them off entirely while he curled the rest of his body around her. His wings tucked tight, letting the moon shine in as he formed a wall between her and the world.


His honesty was both refreshing and terrifying. It also wasn’t something that Viskarra didn’t know. It had never been spelled out, but the first few weeks were the hardest on the rider as their power developed. It could prove that living through the initial bond was a fluke, a false sense of security before she exploded into a fine mist, unable to handle the power from her dragons. It was his anger though, that soothed her the most. That he found this to be an unacceptable option. His anger only made her feel safer and she rand her fingers through his feathers, trying to soothe him as he was soothing her. Merkur had been comforting her, nuzzling closer to her when suddenly his head snapped. The conversation was being ignored by his rider, unable to listen as they casually debated killing her.

Had he looked at her like that, she would have been terrified. Teeth bare, aggressive and none to happy. She didn’t say anything, didn’t offer to soothe him then. They’d said something and he was protecting her. Her golden eyes leveled an unfriendly look at them when they finally noticed the very pissed off dragon. Not in their minds. She answered softly, the tone of her voice almost sad. I shouldn’t have been admitted, I shouldn’t have lived through the crossing or any other of the tests they give us to weed out the weak. I am a monster. Scared, the only survivor from an attack, which is unheard of. Cursed. Her mind flickered to being cornered early on, when the nickname Skarra had been decided on. She’d fought back, defeated most of them.. At the time they’d only wanted to scare her into leaving. They didn't think she’d make it anyway. By the time they realized she wasn’t going to be drummed out, she wasn’t an easy target. That first scare had made her chase any weakness she thought she had until it was gone.

Oddly, she didn’t love the idea of having one of them forbidden to see her. It seemed foolish. If they could find a way to fight together.. They could be a formidable force. A rider and dragon was already a terrifyingly beautiful sight, a rider and two dragons? Her mind was already trying to formulate a way to make these… people eat their words. It was hard though as the cold made her teeth chatter. Even curled into Merkur, she couldn’t get warm. It was that singular issue that stood out, that made her reach out to him and question it. Something was wrong.

The warmth was sudden and Viskarra let out a shuddering breath as warmth poured into her. It almost hurt, the sudden heat after freezing. She couldn’t hear him, but she could feel Noct again. She heard his words even as he curled around her protectively. She curled into his side, her face buried in those warm, downy feathers. She could feel each breath he took, his side rising against her and falling. She couldn’t see anyone else, it was her and her dragon and the link of worry and warmth. She brushed a mental hand down the bond to Noct, to soothe his worry and she closed her eyes.

Thank you, kitty-cat. The nickname was playful, but held something else. Something warm, caring. She didn’t know what she’d ever done to deserve such fierce protectors, but she wouldn’t fail them. She would make sure she was worthy of Merk and Noct.

They had huffed, sputtered and been outraged, but their dragons called them to task and they finally listened to the silver dragon, heading back to their dragons, still muttering darkly. The hope was if and when the Viskarra girl died at least one of them would be willing to rebond. There were a handful of cadets who had not bonded and those who had not come back by now were assumed dead. There were ten who had not bonded though. All skilled cadets.


The things that Viskarra said to him made Merkur want to do more than just threaten. He wanted to open his maw and snap them in half, let his lightning streak across the fields and turn each human he could find into sticky piles of bone. Not many knew what it looked like to be exposed to that kind of energy for more than an instant. It was not pretty, just like the way they had treated his rider. It shocked him a little, to realize how unlike him this was.

Merkur had always been powerful and respected, yet he remained aloof. None of the things around him merited much of his attention. Even this war they were engaging in, a war to save his own kind from being used as spare parts, had just been what was expected of him. Of course they would want him to make the bond and fight to save them. When they threatened Viskarra, though, when he heard how they treated her, his blood boiled. It was like a blinder made of hatred when he heard the things she sent through the bond. And Noct had know. Chosen her because of it. Somehow, that annoyed him too. Being late to the party, as it were.

I'm beginning to believe that most of your kind were chosen to bond by dumb luck. Thinking you cursed for surviving? So they think your scars are some kind of magic, ready to control you? I'm embarrassed my kind bonded with them.

His nostrils huffed and a crackle of ozone filled the air, making Devonshire take a healthy step away, gently trying to get the others' attention. At least one human understood what he was capable of. Only the little scare with their magic, the way it drained Viskarra to be without it, had him forgetting his intention to roast them into unrecognizable forms. Instead, that had him yelling down the other connection he held, the one to other dragons and beasts like them. Noct needed to open his bond. Now.

Once she relaxed into his side, Merkur knew it had worked and knew that something was wrong. He was in a flurry of communication with other dragons, with Noct and his leaders. Only when he knew she would be fine, when he had curled around her and separated her from the humans, did he relax. Noct would come deliver the verdict in person and he would be forced to listen. Right now, though, he was kitty-cat. It would have started a fight even with another dragon, but Viskarra said it so sweetly, like he was everything she had ever wanted. So, he just nudged her sweetly through the bond, a playful reprimand the he knew meant she would do it again.

While they groused about the "worthy cadets" who had not bonded, Merkur peeked one eye open, staring at them. How their dragons allowed such garbage to he spouted, he had no idea. And if they thought this kind of talk would encourage them to rebond, it was moronic. He considered telling her as much when that new prickle in the back of his mind flared to life. Noct was approaching, and the bond snapped open for Viskarra once he was airborne long enough to be away from their meeting grounds.

It was only a few minutes for him to arrive when they were this close to the threshing grounds. Except, he was not alone. Noct was large, but the green dragon who flew beside him made all of the assembled dragons look like toys. Almost twice Noct's size, a rider would never have been able stay seated on him. No, when they started their descent, every dragon except Merkur, still holding his defensive position around Viskarra, stood straighter, lifted their heads.

Eltros, as close to a king as dragons would ever have, was older than the rest of their kind by a century. Ancient and somehow still as youthful as the black dragon beside him, they considered him to be blessed, beyond even dragon. If he was here, the humans must have been in a panick. He was just as likely to offer a friendly nod as he was to open his maw and douse the entire region in flames. Noct scraped claws over the floor of the flying fields, barely a rumble to accompany his bulk. Eltros had every human not sitting sway as he came down like a force of nature.

Eyes like forged gold, like Viskarra's, swept over the humans until they found the commander and the king. Not a drop of respect for them showed. Then, like thunder splitting the sky, louder than a bolt of Merkur's lightning, he opened the bond to all present. Dragon and rider, an incredible offense for someone else. An honor from him.

The human Viskarra bonded two dragons by luck and circumstance, but was chosen for her merits by both. We were shown the memories. Neither dragon wished to share the bond and the human did not ask for it. The pact between rider and dragon is one of our most sacred rites. Pulnoc and Merkur, for negligence, will be given the only punishment deemed suitable. They will do what they never wanted. You will share the bond.

Pulnoc was staring at the line raked in the stone by Merkur's claws, the way he was encircling Viskarra. There was jealousy, pulsing through the bond with bare honesty, but also anger. At the need to do so at all. It seemed like two dragons now wanted to reduce this valley to rubble. Eltros could likely scent it, even contained to the rider's bond. So, he looked over the humans, unblinking and regal.

We are aware of your training methods, of the danger. Record her bond like you would any other. If she perishes under normal circumstances, we will know. If she does not...

The entire world shook. Not from mass, but from the pure magic that poured off the green dragon. Without a rider to channel, subtlety was impossible. Yet, the green dragon could rip the very stones apart with force alone. This was an edict to mankind. If they failed this, the war would likely be the least of their worries.

And that was that. Eltros flapped his wings with enough force to have an aid rushing to cover the king. The sound blocked out the rest of the valley until he was shrinking to a reasonable size in the night sky. Noct, stepping beside the pair, rumbled darkly.

We need to talk when she is finished.


Her lips curled slightly and she huffed a laugh down the bond. I never understood, if I am honest. It was a fluke I survived and I will have the scars from the attack forever. The scars along her face and the latticework of them along her back. Not all of her scars came from that fateful day though. Years of abuse at the hands of peers her own age and others. Her life had never been an easy one and to make it to eighteen with little to no support was a minor miracle. Not everyone had treated her cruelly, there had been a few sweet souls who had seen what her dragons already knew. Don’t be, fear is.. Hard to overcome. Most will never be able to blame the Åndemaner, to exercise their frustration at their helplessness. There was no hatred in her voice, just simple acceptance. I was a scapegoat for those feelings. I was strong enough to take it.. Someone else might not have been so lucky.

There was no way for her to understand that Merkur was annoyed that Pulnoc had known of her history, of her life. She also was unaware of the information being passed between himself and Pulnoc and the others. Of what he was telling them about how she’d felt or even her history. What she did know was the playful rebuke at being called kitty-cat. It hadn’t been said out of malice or from a place of condescension. It had been a sweet name, given to his cat-like gestures even as he defended her. It fit her silver dragon well, and she found herself warming to Merk.

She felt as Pulnoc came closer, the bond wide open now. She shifted against Merk, though refusing to withdraw from his warmth and softness. Her golden eyes scanned the dark night sky for him. She found him, his wings almost glowing against the darkness. Brighter and darker all at once. Next to him though was a massive dragon and she knew who flew by his side without question. They all knew of Eltros, though it was very rare to see him. Let Noct get closer. It sounded like a demand, but the tone of her voice asked it of Merkur, wanting him close to her once more as well. Leaning into Merk as she was, she swayed against him, but remained upright, by simple fact she wasn’t really upright.

Only once they had both landed did she pull away, almost reluctantly from Merkur. No one else could see her, but when those golden eyes brushed over her, her own lowered and she inclined her head with respect. Not the only one to do so, but one of the few. His voice brushed through every mind and she looked up at him. If seeing him was rare, to be graced by his voice was a gift. Her eyes flickered between the dragons and a slight smile curled on her lips. Oh, so now I am to be punished? She teased both of them, feeling their barely leashed anger against her mind. That hardly seems fair to me.

The outpouring of magic made her body sway but she didn’t fight it as it rolled over her and through her. She watched as he lifted into the air. Only once he’d vanished into the night did she turn back to the waiting crowd. She slipped from between her dragons and walked forward a few steps. One of the older cadets came forward, tentatively, eyes on the two dragons behind her. “Name?” It was a formality. “Viskarra Ravinac” A hand lifted to Pulnoc first. Merkur had gotten the ride, Pulnoc would be named first. “Pulnoc,” her other hand lifted to Merkur. “Merkur.” The cadet nodded. “Thank you rider.”

Viskarra didn’t bother answering, turning back to the two dragons. The air did that funny ripple and they were both human. Follow me. It was convenient, this mental link. A hand stroked down Noct’s arm and then Merk’s. She slipped past them and into the darkness. She could feel them behind her as she made her way through the tunnels that led back to the ground level that the rest of the school sat on. Though once on that level, she led them away from the glow of lights.

We can talk, but I don’t want to sleep in the school tonight. She explained this as she led them into the woods and through the thick trees. Their destination was a cave system she'd found early on. It seemed dark and dreary at first but the deeper they went, the more it seemed to come to life.

Running water came first and then when it seemed like the cave was nothing but darkness, a faint glow appeared. They followed the rough stone path toward it. There was a curtain of soft green moss and Viskarra pushed through it. The cave shimmered in the darkness, blues and whites of bio-luminescent moss and creatures. A small patch had been set up of moss and some supplies. A small stone fire-pit with the remnants of a long dead fire. “I come here.. At least once a month.” She said softly before dropping onto the soft moss bed she’d made herself with almost feline grace. “As far as I know, no one knows about this place..” Shifting she rummaged through her stores and lifted three apples. She let one roll into her lap before offering them both an apple.


The meaning attached to scars seemed to very greatly from human to human. Some saw them as unsightly, some as a badge of honor. Rarely did the scars someone earned in survival get viewed as a curse. Merkur understood the fear. Knew that many of the dragons felt that same fear of the Åndemaner, but it still struck his as foolish. A disconnect between the real fighters and the ones who lived safely behind the lines. He doubted many of the riders actively serving would look at Viskarra that way. They would see her as a boon, or if they were truly looking, beautiful.

When the two dragons came down and she made her gentle demand, Merkur half uncoiled himself, tail flicking petulantly as he left space for Noct. The black dragon gobbled it up immediately, sitting with the perfect posture of someone who had just been yelled at by his superior. He did not look at Eltros while the massive dragon gave his edict. No, he had known the whole time. Merkur, who had been waiting for everything to go to hell, relaxed noticeably when he heard the details of the news. Even the little jab from Viskarra had him giving that same gentle nudge of reprimand. Her kitten playing with her, though he would never admit how much he liked the way she said it. Noct was too tightly wound for it, though.

Just... let me breath for a moment, Viskarra. Before you start to poke fun.

Merkur had been left behind because he was, well... himself. Noct was the outcast, the one who likely would have tried to force a bond after being denied twice, kept hidden. The suspicion had fallen on him completely. It had not been until Eltros roared so fiercely that two of the other leaders of their flights had literally covered that he had been allowed to share the memory. The concern for their human rider had been almost touching, had it not been coupled with vicious insults to their intelligence, their youth. Being only two decades short of a century and called a child was embarrassing for the black dragon.

However, both dragons wanted to speak with her, to communicate with a little more tact than their bond could allow. So, they met eyes and agreed while she walked up to report their names. He had been ready to shift when she named Pulnoc first. It had nearly made him trip over his own magic and, if it were something he could do, he might have let a tear come to his eye. Truly, he had picked the right human. They were lucky that, if a double bond had to happen, it would be to someone considerate and intelligent. Reality bent around the pair and their human forms were suddenly on display before all the riders present. A common occurrence amount the bound, yet both Noct and Merkur felt a little naked. Like exposing their belly.

The touch sent a shiver down both the dragons' spines. Human touch... it was common knowledge that many dragons, once bonded and comfortable with the other species, would shift and engage in regular sex with humans. The experiences were said to be night and day, and dragons tended to experiment with their rider and others. That little brush of contact was a preview of those desires and neither seemed quite sure what to make of it. Not yet. Neither saw fit to mention it as they moved into step behind her, human eyes following them the whole way.

We can stay with you if you are afraid of your peers stupidity. I'd rather not see Eltros wipe this entire region off the map. It would hurt the war effort.

His warning certainly did not target the correct humans. The unbonded are most dangerous. As if a dragon would bond the one who killed their rider in cold blood.

The walk to her secret cave was a bit more interesting than the pair of dragons had expected. Neither was accustomed to moving through such small places. As the light dimmed, their eyes reflected in the darkness, matching their dragon forms. When they finally reached the hidden cavern, blocked off by a natural curtain and illuminated in a pale glow, both showed a little surprise. It was chilly and a little damp, but fairly comfortable.

Neither hesitated to sit beside her, so close that their legs pressed to hers on either side. The space was cool and, even in these bodies, they were like personal fireplaces, radiating warmth over her. The possessiveness was not exactly subtle either, both refusing to give space up, sitting on the side of their matching marks on her skin.

When she offered the apple, Noct simply took it up, biting into it with the strength of his hidden body, cleaving a whole mouthful off through the stem and seeds. Merkur, on the other hand, picked it up and examined it.

"You do realize these forms change nothing about our inner workings, yes? An apple is barely a piece of candy when it comes to satisfying out hunger."

It has been meant to leave the apple for her, who would benefit much more. However, Merkur's arrogance was unending and, without the bond to filter through his condescension on her behalf, he sounded like twice the ass he usually was. Noct, now chewing the second massive bite of his apple, swallowed and leaned closer to Viskarra, crowding her space.

"I have a space similar to this in the mountains, though I doubt it is as exclusive. I don't mind staying here when needed. But, there are things we need to discuss. Things I was told."

Merkur managed to keep his mouth shut when Noct said that it was not his own words. That meant it was related to the bond.

"We are going to be stuck together. Closely. When a rider has a weaker body, they can become dependent on the bond. It leaves chills when it is cut off, keeps the dragon never more than an hour or two of flight away. It could kill them if left that way. Our double bond seems to have the same effect. Neither of us can completely close the bond or travel long distances. We are well and truly stuck together."

That was directed at Merkur. Being with Viskarra had been the whole point of this, after all.



His soft rebuke made her frown softly, but she understood, at least she thought she did. She stopped her teasing for now. She didn’t know that he’d been kept from finding a rider in the past and the fact that he would have to share her the one he’d waited for, with Merkur.. Was hard on him. She also was unaware of what naming him first had meant to him. It had seemed fair, they both got a first. First ride and named first. Had she decided to ride Pulnoc first, it would have been Merkur’s name that would have been given first. Nor did she understand what that touch along their arms had felt like. It had been meant to soothe and offer comfort after a trying day.

Her lips quirked as Merk offered that they stay with her. Noct is right. The riders may not be happy about the fact I bound to both of you, but it is those without dragons that I worry the most over. Some have been passed over more than once.. People can get desperate and do foolhardy things. Noct had hit the proverbial nail on the head. While the riders might have killed her, Eltros had effectively squashed that idea in them. Those with what they felt was nothing to lose? They might try. No matter, she wasn’t going to make herself an easy target.

Inside her cave, they both collapsed onto her bed of moss with her, pressing between their bodies. She huffed out a slight laugh. The cool air was chased away and she felt warm as if the fire was burning before her. “I didn’t know dragons were so snuggly,” she commented idly as she offered them both an apple. Noct made no comment taking a bite of the apple; though bite was an understatement as half the apple vanished at once.

A brow lifted at Merkur. “Just eat the damned apple, Kitty.” The nickname was used openly and she shook her head taking a bite of her own apple. She’d not understood that their bodies while human-shaped were not quite human. A small flicker of embarrassment filled the bond and she shifted self consciously as Noct leaned in closer. Her eyes met his and she tilted her head, curiously. “Really?” That seemed to soothe the slight unease that had started and she shifted, nodding solemnly.

“So that is why..” She mused softly. She wasn’t weak, but having two dragons had been too much for her. That wasn’t.. Shocking. “Will you two be okay with that?” They didn’t have much choice it would seem, but if they were going to be at each other’s throats the whole time this was going to be hard. She took another bite of her apple, leaning back against the cave wall. The cool stone helped ease the heat from the possessive males. Her eyes closed as she thought, “We will need to show them that our bond is more than a fluke. We need to be formidable.” Another bite as she chewed slowly. “You will have to work together, but you know that.. But you need to more than tolerate one another.” Her lashes opened and she smiled at their strong profiles. “Not right away, of course.. But I hope in time..”

Shifting, Viskarra slipped from between them. Standing, she stretched, arms above her head and she groaned softly. “I am going to take a bath, can you behave yourselves long enough for me to do so?” Noct nodded but the grin and teasing from Merk had her shaking her head as she grabbed a change of clothing before wandering further into the cave and out of view.

Deeper within was a spring, the water was freezing but would feel amazing against her aching body. Viskarra slowly undressed and laid her clothing to the side. She wasn’t afraid of them peeking, they didn’t strike her as the type and when she slipped into the cold water she hissed softly and then made a soft, throaty sound of pleasure. The cave was her favorite place for more than its comforting isolation. She took her time bathing, and when she emerged from around the corner her hands were gathering her short hair into a ponytail.

Viskarra had changed, a pair of loose flowy pants that hug low on her hips. The edges of the pants were sanity around her hips and where they fathered at her ankles. Her top was short and made of the same soft fabric with edges of satin. It showed off her slender, toned waist. It also showed off the tattoos that rode up both arms. The details of them on display. At each shoulder a head of a dragon flared. Wings slipping along her collar bone and over each shoulder Nock’s head was more slender, with the mouth open along her pale skin. Merk’s was more delicate, though the pose seemed protective, as his neck curled along her skin.

It was also the first time either of them would see just how scared their little human rider was. She was used to her scars and so she didn’t feel embarrassed. Not about the burn marks that rippled across her back or the scars that traced along her arms or stomach. Far from all of her scars, they were a fair showing all the same. “I feel better now..” She said softly, padding barefooted to them. Her clothing had also been washed and was hanging further back in the cave.


Settled into their little spot in the cave, it was much easier to relax. After all, they had avoided an execution, and most every consequence foe their mistake. Both of them had a rider, even if they were forced to share, and the human military would not dare to force Viskarra out with a massive green dragon threatening their very existence should they try. Things were safe, at least for the moment. That is, until Viskarra called the silver dragon Kitty.

Noct made a choking noise as the massive piece of apple attempted to escape down his human sized throat from his sudden laughter. Merkur looked well and truly shocked at hearing his new nickname out loud. The gauntlet of emotions that he went through in the span of a breath was impressive. Surprise, then horror, followed by embarrassment, and ending with seething anger as his eyes drifted to Noct. There were a dozen different things he wanted to say right then, but he settled for snapping his teeth into the apple, sulking quite effectively.

Noct, still chuckling a little to himself, leaned into Viskarra more. It was strange to laugh at someone like Merkur, yet it seemed that Viskarra was going to be a great balance for them. So, he swallowed the rest of his apple before circling back to her first little comment.

"We don't have your silly human sensibilities, Viskarra. Physical contact is normal for us. And, given the chill in this cave, you need it."

The obvious possessiveness that was radiating off both dragons like a sun was beside the point. It was true that dragons often laid close to one another, with mates pairs draping their tails of wings over each other. If she asked around about this behavior to any of her new peers as a rider, they would likely be happy to inform Viskarra that the pair were most certainly just being a pain in her ass. The subject changed and Viskarra brought up the real problem with their forced proximity. The two of them.

"I can tolerate it if it means that we can do what we formed this bond to do. Protect this land from the monsters who want to use us as puppets."

Noct huffed a sharp breath from his nose, clearly a habit from his true form, and looked away. Sharing was certainly not what he had planned to do when he approached Viskarra. They were kindred souls as far as he was concerned, not forced to have a silver princess as their third wheel. It was only necessity that kept him from fighting Merkur over the subject. Magic or no, Noct was confident he could physically dominate the other dragon. That particular thought was written all over his face as he growled.

"I won't let personal issues stop us from being the best your human kin have seen. If we must do this, then we should use our particular circumstances to be spectacular."

Of course, none of what they said had anything to do with this on a personal level. Neither agreed to stop hating the other, or to tolerate their presence for anything except combat. They were both visibly brooding when Viskarra stood, causing them to bump together in the empty space, snarling as they pulled apart again. Noct only gave her a nod, but Merkur smirked.

"We won't fight. Unless you were worried we wanted to see you all pink and naked. Our tastes tend to be more about scales and haunches."

When she was gone, the two dragons shifted into an awkward silence for a long few moments, not sure what to say that was not fighting when Viskarra was not between them. Noct, ever the serious one, was the first to break the silence, using their human voices to keep it more civil, to keep dragon instincts from flooding the conversation.

"We will have to try opening our magic to her. She survived the bonding, so it should not be an issue. But, it might be too dangerous to have us both give her power at once."

Merkur sneered at Noct, moving further away on the small mat they sat upon. They both cared about Viskarra's safety, but he would never settle for compromise or mediocrity.

"She will be using both our powers as much as she wishes. Don't coddle her because you are lonely and afraid. And stop speaking like an old man. Use a contraction for once."

The pair moved further away again, looking like they might growl and snarl the whole time she was gone. It ended with them looking away, teeth bared without acknowledging the other. It was not until Viskarra came back that they stopped their little stalemate. Noct looked over and his eyes went dark with a protective anger, taking in all the scars that had been hidden under leathers all the other times he had seen her. Merkur just smiled, looking her over in a way that could be taken as flirting or the appraisal of a weapon.

"I'm glad I didn't underestimate you. You look like you certainly aren't some soft thing. Not all of those are old scars. And Viskarra? I do apologize. But, he will be stubborn otherwise."

Merkur never let that smile fall as he ripped open every bit of protection that he had left in place. Most dragons waited days, weeks, before they opened up their power. Merkur was not going to use that as an excuse to let Noct treat her like glass. So, he let his power pour into her. A massive swirling vortex of magic, lightning and gray clouds, the power to rip apart the skies and call lightning on a whim. It would be different when she used it, filtered it through her own subconscious into a blend of their abilities. For now, he was throwing her into a storm.



Seeing Noct choke was almost worth it, though the anger that settled on Merk’s face had her hand slipping into his own. It was a small token to help soothe the hurt of the other male’s laughter. She understood why he might have been upset, but there was no way Noct wouldn’t have learned of the affectionate nickname she’d coined for the silver male. As Noct leaned closed, her thumb brushed along Merk’s palm, small soothing circles. She tilted her head at the explanation Noct offered. “Personal space is a silly human sensibility?” her words were light and teasing as her eyes flicked to the empty fire pit. She wasn’t cold at all, not sandwiched between them as she was.

The huff that ruffled along her skin made Viskarra smile slightly. It was an adorable habit, though something told the rider that her dragon wouldn’t want to be called adorable. His face turned away from them and she watched his profile, a frown between her brows. His words though, didn’t reflect the look on his face and she nodded. It was good enough, their answers. They would be spectacular.

When she rose and they fell into one another she lifted a brow and shook her head as they split like started cats. Biting the inside of her cheek she managed to not smile, though her golden eyes danced with amusement. Sighing at Merkur she shook her head and left them alone, not bothering to comment. As the pair discussed what to do about her and the power they’d have to feed her, Karra bathed, taking her time as she processed the day and its events. It honestly made her tired and wired all at once. She’d bonded! To two dragons.. Who hated one another. The gods certainly had a sense of humor.

Her brows rose. “I am so glad you approve” her voice held something but she shook her head again. Pausing with a canteen of fresh water to her mouth she looked to Merkur above the rip.. “For?” She was confused, clearly she’d missed something.

One gate of power lifted and it hit Karra like a wave. The canteen fell from her hand as her knees buckled. She lost the ability to breathe as his power washed through her, over her. It was warm and held a slight sizzling effect as it rushed inside her. Her knees hit the stone hard as she fell to her hands and knees. Her head bent as her mind and body coped with the power that he was funneling to her. She knew without asking who it was. The asshole kitty had apologized before hitting her with a tsunami of power at least. Her already destroyed nails bit into the stone beneath her and Viskarra opened herself, letting the power ride her for the moment, rather than fighting. In truth Viskarra thought she was doing well with no warning when the power seemed to stutter.

Panting she pushed herself to her knees, head still bent before she lifted her head. Her eyes shimmered like molten gold, though in the center was pure silver.. She bared her teeth at him, a feral gesture as she tried to relearn how to breathe. Her voice was hoarse. “You asshole..” It was raspy and she wondered if she could stand.. Noct was snarling at Merk, pinning him to the gound and she pulled herself up with the wall. “Let him go Noct..” Her legs held as she made her way to them.

Her hand came down with a satisfying sound across Merkur’s face. It was hard enough her hand stung and she saw the pale skin of his cheek redden. Her knees still felt weak and so she sat down ungracefully. “Merkur..” His name was soft. “I wasn’t mad that you decided to try.” her eyes flickered to Noct. “And I even sort of get why.. But You will never do something like that again without a proper warning.” Her eyes moved to Noct. “You will also not treat me like glass, I am strong.” Those hard eyes softened, the silver slowly fading from them. “You know that. Don’t let the desire to protect me make us weak. You’d be pissed if I tried to shield you.” The words were still soft and she shifted, crawling back to her place between them.
They were going to try and sleep with her, weren't they? Not sex, but like actual sleep. Rubbing her hand, she slipped it into Noct’s hand and her head fell to Merk’s shoulder. “We can try again tomorrow, okay? I don’t want to be coddled and if I know, I will not be blindsided.” She yawned loudly. She was still hungry, but she was also tired. Food or sleep.. Her mind was puzzling at it when her lashes drifted closed. She could feel sleep pulling at her and she stifled another yawn.

“So sleepy, but I need more than an apple..” Her voice was soft and heavy with sleep. As she curled closer into Merk, her hand pulled at Noct’s and when he shifted close she made a soft purr of happiness. “So warm..” and then sleep claimed their rider as the days events and the power bomb took their toll.


There was a spark of confusion in Noct's eyes when he heard Merkur apologize. Had this dragon ever said sorry in his life? If Eltros was as close as they had to a king, the silver and gold dragons were their nobility. Rarest born and strongest in magic. That was why Merkur had been so frustrating for Noct. Born blessed while Noct had been shunned for his own scales. Even the white dragons, opposite to him, were seen as a blessing, though they were more than twice as common as the elusive metallics. Yet, Merkur had said he apologized. Then, Viskarra cried out and dropped to her hands and knees.

Noct roared, dragons voice coming from a human throat, and lunged the short distance to Merkur. Much to his surprise, Merkur did not even flinch. He did not fight back as Noct clenched his fingers around his throat. No, Merkur was smiling like a cat with the canary. He was watching Viskarra, who stood and stared, teeth pulled back like Noct's were. They were angry and that was fine. Because he was right, and that was more important. The other dragon let go at her command and Merkur shoved him away as he smoothly slid to seated position again.

There was an obnoxious smugness to Merkur as she slapped him. He was a dragon and her slap was barely felt, despire his human form reacting. No, he kept thay infuriating smile until she opened her mouth to scold them both. Viskarra gave them both a little lecture and Merkur knew his face changed a little. The smile had turned to annoyance and he found himself slipping into a colder place than the other two had seen from him. She did manage to berate Noct for being so overprotective, but the whole time Merkur looked like he was ready to share some very choice words with the both of them. It was not until she managed to work her way between them and touched them both in that soothing way that he let those words drop for now. Noct, it seemed, was not content to let her fall asleep in silence.

"It isn't coddling when I'm not sure if you will be ripped to pieces by our combined magic. It's being sensible."

Merkur, content to stop the bickering for the moment, rested his head against Viskarra's as she informed them she wanted more to eat than an apple. After all, there was triumph written in his eyes as the human slipped into slumber between them. Once they knew she was fully asleep, Merkur moved slightly, guiding her from his shoulder and down to the mat of moss that made up her makeshift bed. Noct watched him intensely as the silver dragon moved to stand.

What are you doing?

I'm going to get us all something to eat. You heard her. She needs more than an apple when she wakes. And, Noct? I haven't closed my power off at all. Yet, there she is, sleeping. Not injured. Get over your worry.

Noct thought he might lunge for the other dragon again. Might actually try to rip him to shreds. Except, he was right. Viskarra had reacted to the power no more than a human normally would when that massive well opened up for them. Once it was open, it had faded to the background of her mind in the anger. As long as she did not pull too much at once, she would be fine. He was truly being an overconcerned mother hen. With a silent grumble at himself, Noct laid back on the moss beside Viskarra, closing his eyes even if he could not sleep.

By the time Viskarra began to stir, Merkur was back inside. The silver dragon had glutted himself on a full deer and brought back a second for the other dragon and Viskarra. Noct had ventured outside the cave to shift and devour the majority of the meat, while Merkur went inside. Noct had started a fire ag some point, likely using a spark of that black flame that defied all logic. So, Merkur had gone about roasting a piece of venison for the human. It was entirely too large and would have to be cut down for her to even consider putting a piece of the entire deer flank into her mouth.

"Good morning, oh great human rider. You slept through the night without imploding, it seems."

There was a pause, a moment where he thought over exactly how to phrase this. There was no polite way, so he turned toward Viskarra and, despite her being awake for only moments, said something with a little venom in his voice.

"Don't assume you can tell a dragon when to share his power or how to act, Viskarra. I won't wait on your schedule or Pulnoc's. My power is still open to you."



Sleep had come quickly after such a long day and nestled into their warmth, she didn’t stir, not even when Merkur left her to hunt. The only shift in their rider was she snuggled closer to Noct with Merk’s warmth now missing. The fire replaced the warmth that they provided, though it was a pitiful substitute really. It was the scent of roasting meat that had her stirring and she shifted along her moss bed, turning toward the fire and Merkur. He felt her wake and spoke, his voice sarcastic and she pushed herself up into a sitting position. Rubbing at her eyes with one hand, she watched the silver male. His next words had her eyes darkening with anger.

It wasn’t that he wasn’t right, it was up to him how and when to share his power. He was a dragon and she shifted on her moss bed, looking from him to the deer. Rising to her feet she looked at him, barely taller standing than he was sitting. “You are not wrong,” her voice held that anger that her eyes did. “You control the power.. and decide when to share it” She considered exactly how to snap back. “But you need me. There is a reason your kind bonds with us. Yes, you decide to, but you wouldn’t if you gained nothing.” Her arms crossed under her breasts as she glared at him. “Ask you to warn me isn’t asking for much. We are meant to be partners. If you want to treat me like a puppet for daring to ask you to treat me with respect, you can leave, Merkur.”

Golden eyes flickered to the deer and somehow she knew without asking who had killed the beast. Her voice was like ice as she spoke again. “Thank you for the food, but I will find my own.” Viskarra wanted nothing from him. Stalking past him she headed around the corner and found her uniform. She changed into them, still angry. That anger fueled the desire to figure out some things. Recalling a text she’d read, as she strapped each piece of leather into place, she added a wall of adamant around her mind. Two doors were added. One silver, bright and textured like feathers along the silver wood. The other was dark, stained glass with the colors of the night sky within the glass. Layer upon layer.

Her mind slowly closed off, protecting her thoughts and once she was sure it was in place, she let the hurt that she’d shoved away fill her lip a cup. He wasn’t wrong and she wasn’t mad that he had wanted to try it. It was that he’d thought so little of her that he hadn’t bothered to try and warn her. Being blindsided as if she was nothing more than a tool for his use. He kept the silver door locked and she opened the door to Noct. I have the day off, all new riders do. I wanted to get a head start on practicing, but I want nothing to do with that arrogant asshole right now. Even if he was right in a way. Would.. Would you show me your cave?

She felt fragile and it made her hate Merkur for making her feel like that. She wasn’t weak and that hate slipped through the doorway to Noct’s mind. Hate, hurt and frustration at having such emotions. For being fragile. Still in the darkness of the spring cavern, she curled her hands into fists. Slowly she breathed in and out.. Composing herself in case he was still out there. Picking up her comfortable sleeping close she stalked back into the main cavern and placed her clothing where she’d picked it up from and after a moment of rummaging, pulled out some dried rations. Taking a bite of one, she stalked from the cave.


Merkur was not surprised at the temper in Viskarra's voice. Not when he was just as angry. Such a confusing little human. She somehow managed to find fault in both of the dragons before she fell asleep. Yet, she was growling at him like he had given her some offense. Her words were valid, in a way. Dragons could only loose their magic in large showings. Cannons on the battlefield, their unique breath a pure expression of that magic. Humans were the archers, able to twist the magic into small things, precise things. Dragons could do small miracles when they put their power to it, but a human was more capable of small magics. Warding, controlling objects, and especially their unique abilities, like a dragon's breath, every human their own breed. Then, there was the advantage of having someone to quite literally watch your back when the enemy could change a fallen dragon into a monstrous weapon.

All of that mattered very little when Merkur was drowning in his feelings. So, he sneered at her.

"I don't regret bonding with you, Viskarra. I regret that you also bonded to that clucking mother hen. I couldn't risk warning you when he would stop me. He wants to slowly trickle our power in, test you. So, if you have an issue with my expectations, I suggest you let it go. I won't be holding back because Pulnoc wants to treat you like a hatchling, nor because you feel I slighted you."

When she decided that the meal he hunted for her was of no interest, his expression turned glacial. There was no apology and no attempt to change her mind. So, when she walked off, it was only to the sound of Merkur opening his mouth and turning the flank of meat into ash with a blast of his lightning. A few minutes later, that wall formed around her thoughts and he felt the door close. Not on his power, not even on the bond. Just around her thoughts. He could crash through it if he wanted. He did not even bother to push against it, choosing to ignore the annoying human as she changed and retrieved her rations.


Noct was currently ripping into a particularly tasty goat when the words came through the bond. His head lifted, turning in the direction of the voice despite it being miles away now. The wall around her mind was surprisingly effective, given that she had no training. He could feel her effort to keep the barrier up, to keep her thoughts to herself. So, he kept his words to that pathway she kept open.

I will be there in a moment. As I said, my cave is nothing as precious as yours, but I am glad to share it.

Whether he wanted to see her quickly or not, the goat, partially pinned under his claw to keep it flat as his jaws tore into the meat, was not to be wasted. So, he lowered his head to finish his meal, a small hum of enjoyment rippling down the bond as he filled his belly.

Viskarra was just leaving the cave entrance as Pulnoc angled himself downward. He had taken a moment to take a drink and rinse his mouth and claws in a stream before flying back. Viskarra was not squeamish, based on how she had handled those other humans, but a maw covered in blood was not exactly polite. He sank his claws into the earth as he landed before her, wings sending her hair back in a powerful blast of wind.

Now that you have managed a shield, there are things I would like to discuss with you. Not simply about Merkur's behavior, though I must admit I will not be avoiding the subject. I think it is only fair I tell you why I wanted you as my rider.

As is to show exactly how true that was, Noct leaned forward a little. He knew Viskarra could climb his leg to reach the seat his scales formed, knew she needed no assistance. He also knew he was larger than most dragons and she was shorter than most riders. Being considerate was not an insult, and he hoped she understood the gesture.



She’d heard Merkur, of course, but Viskarra had nothing else to say to him. The pile of smoking ash had been noted as well. They were both upset and he was acting like a child. Something told Viskarra that snubbing his efforts had also been childish, but she didn’t want to look into that closely.. She wasn’t in the mood at the moment.

When Noct landed she smiled slightly at his lean. It was sweet, but not needed. Scrambling up his forelimb, she found her seat. It is amazing what being pissed at someone allows you to learn. She said as she settled into the place between his scales. His body was just as warm as Merk’s though she found herself, for a moment, missing the softness of feathers. He’d wormed himself into her heart a touch and she huffed out a sigh, a mirror almost of the dragon beneath her.

There was also his words that played through her head. Mother hen. The way he’d leaned to help her climb into place. It had been sweet, considerate.. But she could have taken her seat without him. Even if he dwarfed Merkur.. She’d been up for less than half an hour and her head was killing her. Her body rocked as his wings lifted and as he slowly lifted his bulk into the air, she rubbed her palms along his scales. We can talk once we land. Her mental voice was soft and her eyes fell closed as the sun hit them. It bathed her closed eyes in orange and yellow, the heat of it melting into her bones.

His reasonings were his own but she wanted to hear them and hell, she even wanted to listen to him bitch about Merkur.. But she needed to talk to him too. If Merkur was right, they needed to adjust that thought process too. Would Noct also scold her? For daring to complain about being coddled? Her fingers curled into his scales, her mind gloomy. Normally she didn’t mind fighting with people. Most people didn’t like her. It was just a part of her life and yet the stupid arrogant… she mentally huffed.. He had hurt her and he didn’t seem to fucking care. It left her hurting in ways she wasn’t used to. Was it so wrong to have wanted to be warned? It felt more like he was proving a point to Pulnoc, that she could handle something that he was right and Noct was wrong and she’d been caught in the middle of their argument. Used as a test subject.. And had he only.. Only asked her, she would have told him to. Welcomed his faith in her.

The door to her mind that he was locked behind cracked a fraction. Her emotions making impossible to keep the wall up perfectly. He’d feel those last few thoughts. Feel her pain, anger and confusion. When she noticed that the door had gaped a sliver he’d feel the fear and shame that it had slipped and then it was pushed closed tightly. Noct felt none of this, her mind locking him out as well.. Only the feelings for Merkur having allowed him a glimpse of her feelings.


Noct had never gotten much experience dealing with the emotions of others, much less a human who was being tugged between two dragons. So, he let her comment about the power of anger slip by. He would certainly not disagree given his temper since their bond was formed. He was ready to let it all go and simply fly, except for the sudden feeling of Viskarra settling between his shoulders. It made him freeze, made the dragon feel something in his chest he would not let show, certainly not let slip through the bond. He had a rider. No matter what Merkur said, Noct had finally gotten what he wanted.

So, when he lifted them off the ground, there was nothing but satisfaction. No matter what their situation was, he had chosen correctly. The feel of her small body and the hand running along his scales made him realize that it would he worth it. Viskarra would stand beside him while they proved the world, and Merkur, wrong. He felt the silence when her emotions were pushed behind that door, did not bother to pry. It was her right to keep that door closed, and sooner or later it would be a necessity given the number of beings currently occupying this bond.


The flight to his cave, higher in the mountains and well past the threshing grounds. He was slightly concerned that it might stretch the limits of the bond, but he had been a similar distance away when she had called to him. More importantly, though, he wanted to enjoy the flight. So, he took his time, rose high into the sky, almost brushing the clouds, then angled himself down to let Viskarra feel the thrill of speed as he dove toward the jagged mountains. When he finally splayed his wings wide, bringing them to a slow glide, the entrance was already visible.

It was more of a cavern than a cave, wide and tall enough that Noct barely landed before he tucked his night-sky wings in and took a few small trotting steps inside. This early in the morning the cavern was dark and chilly, the sunlight only just peeking into the space. He settled down onto his haunches, this time to relax more than to let her down. In fact, he made no indication that she needed to dismount at all as he slowly settled onto the floor. There were occasional grooves and claw marks in the stone, signs that it was a regular napping spot for not just Noct. Now that they were alone, he reached out, pressed against that door in her mind. When it opened, he did not wait to tell her the truth.

I am sorry that I could not share all of this before. I could barely stomach the idea of Merkur knowing about my... vulnerabilities.

He crossed his feet over one a other, laying his head flat atop them. He knew that there was more they should discuss, with what Merkur did being the first. However, he needed Viskarra to know why he acted the way he did.

I was rejected to bond twice. Two threshing in a row, another dragon approached the human I made contact with and bonded instead. Black dragons are seen as an omen of death. So, I was told to stay away. And did so for fifteen years.

The rest was a bit more embarrassing, certainly more personal. Even trying to keep it back, a little of his embarrassment crept in.

I had permission to try again this year, so I watched you. All of the humans. And I saw how they pushed you aside. And how you made them look like fools for it. I wanted a rider who understood what I had gone through and was still strong.


Despite the brooding of his rider, she did take joy in his flight. As he rose and fell through the air with her upon his back and as he got close enough to the cotton floss clouds she could have reached out ant touched them. When he dove, he felt through the bond the joy, though most of her emotions rested safely behind the door. It was odd to have to focus so hard on keeping her mind sealed off, to keep all her thoughts and feelings from spilling across the bond. Yet, she didn’t want to hide the joy Noct brought her, the pleasure at being in the sky upon his back.

When they settled into the cave, she shifted in her seat, but didn’t get down from her perch. As he stretched out, growing comfortable in the common place, she rested her arms along the ridge before her, Viskarra’s cheek pressing to them’ snuggling into his warmth as he spoke down the bond. She didn’t bother using the bond to speak back. “It is alright, Noct.” His name was gentle and she ran her nails along his scale, a pet of sorts.

As Pulnoc spun his tale, she felt her heart hurt for him. He truly did know and once his voice grew silent she shifted again and crawled off his back. She came to stand before his muzzle and she rubbed her hands along the tip of his snout. “Shift, Noct.” It was a demand and a request bundled into one. There was the ruffling of magic along her skin, that shimmer of light as his body shifted into his human-like form. Karra looked up at him for a moment before throwing her arms around his neck.

Her smaller body pressed to his as she held him close. She couldn’t offer him comfort in his true form like she felt like she could like this. Her arms were strong as they held him and she buried her face in his neck as he bent toward her. She inhaled his scent, warm and woody with a soft sweet scent and something deeper that made her want to nuzzle closer.

“I am sorry,” It had never been her fault, but she understood, he knew she did and she hugged him tighter still. “Anyone would have been lucky to have you as their dragon..” Her words were brushed against his shoulder and she closed her eyes. “But.. While it sucked… I am glad you picked me.” It made her feel special. To be the one he wanted. Not a fluke of a choice, but desired because he saw a kindred soul.

Tears prickled at her eyes and she hid her face against his neck for a moment. She didn’t want to cry, it felt.. Foolish and weak. Not used to having support of any kind or being wanted, it made her ache to remember that no one else had ever wanted her. Not even Merkur had known he wanted her. It had been a competition of sorts against Pulnoc and he’d seen something in her.. But mostly, if felt like he wanted to hurt the black dragon.

“You are a beautiful dragon,”
She said after a moment. “And even if you did represent death, death can be beautiful. It is a part of life.. An end to a story and the beginning of something new. Who could fear that?” Her words were still brushed against his skin as she held him close, unwilling to release him.

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