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Gods, she had had thoughts of need and lust before. Sheโ€™d hated herself for finding those who clearly despised her attractive but at least theyโ€™d never known her thoughts. That Merkur had gotten a clear flash of that startling desire, so sweet and needy was embarrassing as hell. Thankfully though, beyond a slight look, he didnโ€™t push past her mental door nor did he make any comment and she was slowly able to let the flash of desire safe as they rose into the sky.

When he knocked, she opened the door for him. Her mind once more tightly in control she curled her hands in his feathers as he warned her to hold on. His body surged heavensward, and she felt the coldness brush her face hand hands, her lower body warm against his heat. The fast accent was nothing compared to when he dove and her cry of pleasure was ripped past them as the wind and air sped past them, but down the bound, heโ€™d feel nothing but joy.

The two seemed to want to race, Merkur almost able to match Noct for speed. Even without asking, she wondered if he could have, had he not been concerned for his new rider. She didnโ€™t ask though and he didnโ€™t share and when they both landed, her hair was windswept and stray locks had slipped free from the leather thing sheโ€™d used to tie it back. Slipping from Merkyโ€™s back, she stroked her fingers along his side as she walked towards his front. Her nails trailed along his scales lightly and she paused to give his snout a kiss before turning to face Noct. โ€œWhy do you think they have us climb the damned wall? To show off for you?โ€

The flash of her smile was offered with her words. As she walked to him. She held her hands up for him for a moment and when he lowered his head, she brushed a kiss to his snout as well. This sort of display wouldnโ€™t happen when they trained, but here, where it was just them? Karra didnโ€™t feel the need to hide her affection. His head rose and she walked to his flank. It took her a moment to size him up and then, she began to scramble up his haunch. She moved gracefully, running along the muscles of his leg. She couldnโ€™t hurt him, she knew this, even as her roes dug into his scales, giving her purchase to run further.

Walking along his back she stuck her tongue out at him. See, I am a big bad dragon rider, I can even mount you all on my own. The double entendre that could have been taken was missed by her as she settled into her seat. Staying seated on Merkur had been almost.. Easy. At least when it came to his size. Noct would push her limits and by the end of riding with him, Viskarra knew her thighs would ache. She needed to learn though and they all needed practice.

Because he had decided to poke her, she poked him back, playful. Her mental voice held laughter as she said, Now how does one get a dragon to go againโ€ฆ Mush? Needling him would hopefully have him sticking to his guns. Sheโ€™d rather fall now, where no one could see her, than before everyone in her flight. Because, all the strength she had might not save her. Sheโ€™d need to learn how to adjust to their maneuvers or risk plummeting to her death. It wasnโ€™t unheard of of dragons letting their riders die early on if they couldnโ€™t keep their seat. Karra knew, without asking that neither dragon would allow her to die without at least trying to rescue her before he became a pancake.

It might make sense, when I am not riding one of you, the other acts as a scout? Kitten, would you pick targets for us both? Noct could likely hut without issue, but if they were both forced to hunt different targets, it could proveโ€ฆ difficult.


Merkur was a strong and mature dragon. A paragon of his kind, seen as the best they could offer for this year's threshing. He could be the one to help change the tide of the war. A warrior though and through. Which made it especially pathetic that he thought so much about Karra's ass as it slid down his side. Her dragging her nails along his scales, about as close to a gentle caress as a dragon could experience, doubled the complications. And to top it all off, she pressed her lips to his snout. He was beginning to wonder if Karra had woken to something with that kiss or if she had a fetish for dragons all this time and they did not know. Not that he took issue. It was simply... distracting.

Noct, aside from his usual pleased huff of air at her kiss, seemed to be immune. Or oblivious. He seemed pleased as she teased him back, that glitter in his eyes again. Things with Karra were just... comfortable. Now that they had settled their disputes over the boundaries of the bond, or lack thereof, things seemed like they would be easy. So, as she made quick work of climbing his haunch, Noct simply lifted himself to full height, stretching his wings full. The double meaning was lost on him entirely, his mind not even working in that direction for now. Merkur, still fully open to the bond and freshly exposed to her thoughts, could not resist.

Going from kissing to mounting that fast? I won't say no, but poor Noct is innocent.

Where Noct might have grumbled, even growled, at the other dragon only yesterday, there was a strange silence. The black dragon could have shut down the bond, hidden away. Instead, there was something like a mental nudge, equal parts playful and shy. It was like permission, an acknowledgement that Merkur could tease her and he would not complain, even if he might have wanted to. Whatever was happening between the three, he was curious.

Once she was seated, though, Noct let that nudge stop, a signal that he was ready to he serious. Only for Karra to immediately throw a little jab at him. This time, he did growl, the bond letting his annoyance mix with his affection. Annoyed, but accepting of her little joke.

I am not even sure what that is meant to mean. Let me think of how Merkur might say this... if you want a dragon to go, you ask nicely. We do not answer to the commands of little human girls.

Close enough.

A little huff of a laugh from the black dragon as he began to flap his wings, lifting them off the ground and going nearly straight up. The bond made it easy for her to make her request of the silver dragon, who gave up on his lazy position to slowly follow them. As much as he wanted to laze about after their flight, he knew the other two would give him grief. So, like a silver bolt of lightning, he shot past them, high into the sky. Merkur left a circular hole in the cloud cover, soaring high up so that he could see for miles and miles.

Northeast, along the ridgeline. A whole herd of antelope. Small and fast. Perfect practice for a novice archer.

And with that, the bolt of silver came back through the clouds, banking wide around the antelope, who jolted and began to sprint as his shadow passed over them. Northwest, angled so that they could left in from their western position and keep the herd parallel between the two dragons. Noct, seeing the line Merkur was creating for them to fly along, shot down at a harsh angle. He even put his head low, letting Karra experience the full force of the wind.

Surprising from someone who has never seen combat. Did they use you to herd livestock?

Merk only offered the mental equivalent of a middle finger as the two dragons swept alongside the antelope, giving Karra a perfect shot. Provided she could compensate for the speed, that is.



Scandalized was the best word for the feeling that rose in Karra at Merkurโ€™s words. It was a small mercy that he didnโ€™t mention the thought that sheโ€™d accidentally shared down the bond and she narrowed her eyes at him. Though that shy little playful nudge from Noct had her cheeks heating and she made a small little sound that neither dragon could miss. She squeaked. An utterly feminine little sound of embarrassment. Neither door closed and she looked from one to the other for a moment. She sent a soft, little mental stroke down the bond at Noct and toward Merkur, it was like her nails on his scales. A little less gentle and shy.

It ended though as she took her seat. All focus. All seriousness. Mush is how you make dogs move. That laughter was still there and she snorted softly. I bet I could prove you both wrong.Though it wouldnโ€™t be about riding. Their bond, the one that seemed to settle both within her presence, was more than the desire to join the war effort, but something softer and far more intimate. If I commanded you to kiss me, I doubt either of you would have a single, huffy arrogant thing to say about it. Like eager puppies, they would be more likely to fight for the privilege than anything else. This thought was not share but there was a smugness down the bond.

Noct rose, not as swiftly as Merkur, but it took more effort to lift his massive bulk. Her fingers ran along his scales, finding the almost grip that they formed. Novice?! Came the outraged response, though it was clear she wasnโ€™t angry. The angle that Noct dove with was harder on her and her but slid some along his scales, wind whipping her face making her eyes water. It did however almost counteract the dive, plummeting like they were the wind pushed her backwards. Her laughter could be felt down the bond even as she drew her bow and took aim.

The first shot missed, but not by much. The speed and the wind were things she needed to learn to calculate. The second arrow hit an antelope but it wasnโ€™t a kill shot and quickly third notched arrow though was fired and the third shot brought the beast down. It stumbled and collapsed in a tangle of limbs, sliding a few feet along the grass. There was joy down the bond and as Noct banked hard to the side, her seat slipped.

Almost in slow motion she felt herself dislodge from his back and her bow was released as she tried to grab at his scales to keep her in place. Her scream was mental and slipped from her throat as she bounced along his broad back, once twice and then she was airborne, plummeting to the earth. Hair streamed past her face, the leather thong ripped from her hair. Her body tumbled through the air, as she tried to right herself in position to the ground. Theyโ€™d catch her, one of them. Even knowing it there was fear, a mind numbing fear as she raced to her death.


Merkur was the one who mentally scoffed at her insistence that they would bow to that order. The dragon responded with all the haughty arrogance that Noct had tried to imitate just a few moments before.

You might command it, but it would be done by our choice. You think other riders command their dragons into their bed?

Maybe he had exaggerated the scenario, but it was true. No one but a dragon could command a dragon to do anything against their will. And even then, most attempts ended in a fight. Only the elders could give an order and expect it to be obeyed. And, just when it seemed like Merkur might be going on another tangent about how great he was, the dragon added in a sly comment.

And it's absurd you think you would even have to even ask for that.

Both dragons pressed on her from the bond. Like she had sent that sensation, the feeling of her nails on their scales, they sent back nuzzles of their snout, and a moment later, the sensation of being pressed between them both that morning. There was a comfort forming, though it would likely not last long once they ended up vying for her attention again. Noct, hearing her mock outrage, decided it would be good to test her.

Even as she managed to keep her seat against the wind, there was another playful nudge from the black dragon when she missed her shot. Then, another when her second was not on its mark. The third, though, got her that warm press of their minds on either side of the bond. Encouragement to go along with a good performance. Now, it was just time for the test. He sent a simple signal to Merkur before he banked hard.

They were closer to the ground than Noct might have liked for a first lesson, but would not be accused of coddling. And, as he felt Karra lift from her seat, Noct did his best not to shout in panic. Two bounces off his scaled back, both easily prevented if she had grabbed the base of his wings as she passed, and she was in the air. She fell, shouting down the bond and out loud, for almost five seconds. Another four and she would be on the ground, a broken heap.

The flash of silver swept over Karra and his talons curved under her arms. With a sharp jerk, her body stopped, held aloft like someone holding a cat up under its front legs. It would leave a bruise or ten, but Merkur flapped higher, faster, until he had closed the gap to Noct. The black dragon had slowed, coasting in circle while he waited for her return. And when Merkur released her, it was right until he former seat, though he imagined the landing must have been unpleasant.

Not your best moment, Karra. You will have to work on holding tighter when you use your bow. My back is smoother than most dragons.

It was a worry Noct had always had. His shoulders formed that natural seat like all other dragons, but he had significantly fewer ridges and spines down his back. The closest he could offer was for her to wedge her heels against his front haunches, though even that would not help much. As they turned to go back to the spot she had downed the antelope, Merkur flew past in a blur again.


And Karra's bow dropped from above, unbroken. Maybe they had been a little cruel, but an unexpected turn could be the difference between life and death. And they would not let Karra risk herself, even if they had to injure her pride. Merkur had been given a swift lesson on that already. When the black dragon finally came crashing to the earth by her kill, he stayed tall and waited for her dismount.

Perhaps we should seek a way to compensate for our size difference. No amount of muscle training will make your legs longer or my back smaller.

Merkur flew down a few seconds later, another antelope in each talon, skidding across the grass of the plains as he released them. Lunch for the dragons as well. They could not exactly share when each could eat a whole animal themselves.



The ease in which he could scandalize her was embarrassing. A kiss is not the same as commanding you into my bed. Karra protested indignantly, that huff she had picked up from Noct coming down the bond. Fine, I shall not command you to kiss me.. I shall only command Noct to do so! It was playful, prodding at his arrogance. In truth, Viskarra wasnโ€™t sure if she would ever command either to do anything. A kiss was harmless and it was a demand that she knew both would want to fulfill. Her laugh was bright and she lifted a mental brow at him. Maybe you arenโ€™t kissing me and I want you to, therefore a demand for a kiss would be required, would it not, kitten?

A press of both down the bond had made Karra feel warm. Comforting that press of their minds against her own, a mimic of how they had pressed her between themselves earlier. It was more than simply being touch starved, the almost craving to be snuggled between their warmth. Sheโ€™d miss it come tomorrow as she would be expected to be back within the confines of the school. They looked the other way when they had free time, but only then. The only bright side was now Karra would have her own room.

Nudging her when she missed had been a way to make light of her failure had eased the pressure she put on herself. Karra needed to be the best, not because of pride but in spite of them. If she showed weakness they would push her harder. Even in the top percent of the school, sheโ€™d been jumped. The two dragons had witnessed it and in part it was because of that foolish act that sheโ€™d bound to them. A warm press was her reward and she smiled brightly, happy and then disaster befell her.

A lesson, but one that still had her heart in her throat. It hadnโ€™t been explained, but some things were best learned by touching the flame rather than having them described. Talons curled under her arms and there was a searing pain along her shoulder joints. The doors slammed almost fully closed, not because she was mad, but she wouldnโ€™t abuse them with pain from her own foolishness. Carried back to Noctโ€™s back she was dropped. This twoo hurt and she winced but stayed silent.

You try doing better. The reply was grumpy, but there was no anger. Rolling her shoulders Karra bit her lower lip to avoid hissing with the pain. Catch. The only warning before her bow fell from the air. Catching it, she slipped it back over her shoulder as Noct descended and then landed. Her body swayed and she slipped from his back, trying to not let the pain show in her features as she did so. If I go into battle with a harness, they will never let me live it down.. It was the first idea that came to her for compensation. There had to be something though. Two other antelope joined the first and she looked at the beasts.

It must have been nice to eat them in a bite or two. It would take Karra a while to properly dress the beast. That idea alone made her groan. I suppose you donโ€™t want yours cooked? A question, though there was still some grumpiness in her tons. There was nothing else for it. She walked to her kill, retrieving the two arrows that had landed. Cleaning them after inspection and they were added back to her quiver. Skinned, gutted and fillets cut free. Karra was careful to waste as little as she could. It was still too much meat for her and she offered them what she couldnโ€™t eat. Next time, she would need to bring supplies to preserve the meat.

Next she made herself a fire, this was done without help from either dragon and their flames. As the meat began to cook she flopped down and sighed. I donโ€™t know what to do about the size thing yet, but there is another issue. As of tomorrow, I canโ€™t stay in the cave until my next free weekend. I will be expected to be back within the dorms. While she didnโ€™t say anything about her worries connected to that issue, they could easily feel them. Do either of you know of a hot spring? That would help ease the ache of her body from the near death fall.


Merkur knew that she was simply being playful. Just as he knew she had no intention of implying they might do more than kissing any time soon. Yet, it seemed like she was more than a little eager to find out more about how touch could feel. It made it easy to rile her up and he had no intention of stopping any time soon.

You can command him to kiss you, but I'll take my own share when I wish. I doubt you will have any complaints from what you showed me earlier.

Noct sent a questioning prod down the bond a the same time Merkur gave Karra the mental equivalent of a nudging elbow and wiggling eyebrow. It was only the sudden chase after the antelope that interrupted their little chat. That and nearly throwing her to her death. There was a spike of concern when the bond was suddenly closed off, but when it opened again, neither tried to push for more information. And when she mentioned a harness, Noct was almost bristling. It seemed that topic was not acceptable.

You will not be fitting a harness on me, whether your dignity could suffer it or not. We will find a solution.

Merkur was already ripping into his antelope when Viskarra asked about cooking the meat. By the time she had finished dressing the animal and began to cook, the dragons had both finished their meals. They offered no help, knowing she would likely snap at them for doing so, with Merkur returning to his casual cat stretching. Each dragon took one of the large haunches that Karra had offered up, neither seeming bashful about the way they crunched the bones and swallowed it in only a few small gulps. The next topic was one they had considered as well.

While dragons being in the school was not unheard of, especially given how many of their kind liked to be intimately involved with humans, it was frowned upon. No one would he so stupid as to forbid them from spending any time they desired with their bonded human, it was still seen as a sign of weakness to constantly have your dragon watch over you. Bonded riders were much less likely to kill one another, given how likley a feud between dragons could form over it, but the humans who had been unworthy and had survived threshing were dangerous. Until Karra knew how to work her magic and protect herself, it would be the riskiest time. Merkur let out a small growl at the insecurity Karra felt.

It is insulting how poorly they care for you humans at that place. What good is killing all your soldiers?

We will simply stay nearby. One of us can stay just outside the limits of the school at all times.

The idea of losing your rider to some rejected student who caught them sleeping was unacceptable. Noct, laying with his front paws crossed over one another, huffed with such anger and distaste that black flames flared from his nostrils. The change of topic was welcome, the black dragon clearly consumed by thoughts of what he might do it someone touched his rider. It was Merkur who spoke up this time.

I know one that is further into the mountains. There is a valley that has a spring running down into the rocks around it. They form natural baths before draining into the earth again.



That arrogance was still there and she lifted a mental brow. Is that so? What if I donโ€™t want to kiss you? There was no real threat of that, but it did prickle a touch that he could take but she couldnโ€™t demand. Then he prodded about that flash and she made a very dragon-like growl down the bond. For a moment, she debated showing him the second half that heโ€™d not seen. How it was Noct, with his head buried between her thighs as she squirmed in pleasure against the softness of his feathers. It seemed far too cruel though. Both responded and Kara just flushed and mentally shoved Merkur, while just seeming embarrassed to the gentle question.

I wasnโ€™t seriously suggesting a harness. It was the first thought I had and even if your dignity could suffer it, mine cannot.That same grumpiness at his indignation at the idea. It hadnโ€™t been a real suggestion anyway. While her rabbit cooked, she looked over his scales. More attention was focused on the larger of the two dragons, though by the almost distracted look on her face, it was clear her โ€˜favorโ€™ was one of calculation not lust or desire. Could she drill through a scale without hurting him? If so.. Could she make something that her boots could hook and and out of with ease? It had possibilities, but it would take some effort and that was assuming it was even a viable optionโ€ฆ

It wasnโ€™t the only concern as her mind shifted to going back to school. Merkurโ€™s anger made her smile slightly. Once we have bonded we become far more precious, though we are still expendable. Keep in mind, Kitty, you and Noct are not expendable. I am. Without me, you two could go on to other bonds, if I fell in battle. If you fall, I die. Out of the two of us, which do you think they value more? Viskarra also wouldnโ€™t put it past the admiral to turn a blind eye to those wanting to kill her. If they claimed negligence, perhaps they could be spared. It was, as the pair knew, not the bonded that Karra now had to fear.

The plan did not fill her with confidence. Close was not with her. Not with her might mean sheโ€™d still die in the night. Once she had magic, sheโ€™d be safer, but that came in time. Even with their powers flowing through her, a steady hum of wealth to draw from, it wasnโ€™t magic for her just yet. The little huff from Noct had her changing the subject. Her hand stroked along his side, offering comfort as Merklur answered. That sounds lovely.. Would you take me? It was a request, matched with the sweetness of her voice, a softness they would only be the ones to see.

Merkurโ€™s agreement had her climbing back onto Noctโ€™s back. I want to try something. Was all she said at the less that subtle pout from the dragon. Once more the two rose with their ride aloft on Noctโ€™s back. Merkur led the way and as they flew, Karra started to plan. It had to do with how close the pair flew, the wind. She was tracking all of it as they glided through the air. Noct flew slightly above Merkur, the smaller silver dragon rippling through the air. She opened her mind to them both and showed them the beauty she saw in him. How his scales looked in the sunlight, how they glinted and how his feathers rippled in the wind.

Distraction at its finest, she held onto the look of him as she shifted in her seat. It wasnโ€™t the first time Noct had felt her shift, likely chalking it up to discomfort after the fall. It would stay that way until he felt her rise fully and with a running jump, Karra was airborne. Wind ripped past her as she fell, Her leathers doing little to keep her warm as she swam through the air. Angling her body she all but dove for Merkur. When she was just above him, her fingers curled in his feathers and she settled herself onto his back snuggly.

Outrage was coming, she knew it, but she took a moment now, to show Noct how she saw him. How the night of his wings made it seem like there was a starry sky above her. How his scales seemed to eat the light. How massive he was, how strong it made him seem. She held out against their joint anger and outrage for a moment. Proud that her maneuver had worked out. It was something she wanted to perfect. Slipping from one to another would make her harder to track in battle and while killing a dragon would kill her, killing their rider would take the dragon out of the fight almost immediately. The shock and pain of losing a part of yourself wouldnโ€™t be easy on anyone.


Merkur was honestly a bit confused by her question. Just as dragons did not take orders, they were not ones to give them to one another. He was a bit more intense when it came to his bonded human, but the idea of forcing her to do anything like that was abhorrent. He had heard stories about humans and, despite the playfulness in her tone, he felt like he needed to be clear.

Then, you don't kiss me. But, you may kiss me whenever you wish, unless I say otherwise, and I will do the same. No need to complicate it.

The topic of the harness got a single mental huff from Noct. It seemed they were going to communicate mostly through mental gestures if Noct continued to influence Karra. He had been defensive because most humans were woefully unaware of what might offend a dragon. They were considered mounts by anyone outside of the riders themselves, who all quickly learned that such a sentiment would end with you eaten. Though, Noct did find a flaw in her logic about the bond.

Dragons do not consider their riders expendable. We do not bond lightly. And, given that we have two bonds, it may be more permanent for us than you think. We do not know if the double bond will make it echo between us, make it twice as intense.

The words were fairly ominous, but the feeling behind them was much better, a little note that she should value herself more. That they did not find her dying in their place an acceptable option. Luckily, Noct's protests made her shift the topic before the black dragon could get more morose. The idea of a bath sounded lovely, though he doubted there would be a pool that could accommodate his massive size. And when she climbed onto his back, he did not protest when she claimed to want to try some idea. That was why they were out here.

Merkur's pout was indeed subtle, but only because they had agreed to swap after their hunt. He could accept that Karra needed to practice more with the black dragon. Whatever it was, they moved into a safe position for it, with Noct launching himself high while Merkur stayed low, ready to catch her if anything went wrong. Noct had simply been waiting for Karra to tell him what the plan was, when he felt her shifting. The black dragon assumed she was trying to prepare herself for whatever it was, and he was correct it a way.

When she stood and leapt from his back, the bond roared with a whirlwind of emotion. Fear and outrage and anger all exploded at once. And Merkur looked up in time to see the little human dropping toward him. Luckily, he was aware enough to flare his wings slightly, slow down to match the wind resistance that robbed her of speed. And when she landed, there was no sympathy for the pain that shot through the bond. Noct, flying high above, closed the bond to a narrow opening so that it would not affect her. Merkur, on the other hand, simply spoke with a flat tone.

I won't say a word. Pulnoc will manage just fine.

And they left her like that. Silence from one end and cool disappointment from Merkur. For the entire twenty minute flight to the pools, they made the human sit in silence. Merkur had barely even touched the ground when everything shook. Noct had slammed down so hard the water in the cascading stone pools rippled and spilled. He was in human form before Karra could even consider discounting, though Merkur laid flat so she could not avoid him.

"Do you find this to be some joke? Is your life something you wish to throw away because of pride? Or does it simply amuse you to make us worry? A single word! All you needed to do was send a single word down the bond. Instead, you throw yourself into the air after having the gall to be angry with Merkur when he opened his power to you! One slip and you would have slid down his back before falling to your death. Dammit, Karra! What were you thinking?"



It was interesting to think there would ever be a case where Merkur wouldnโ€™t want a kiss, but Viskarra didnโ€™t push it. He wasnโ€™t wrong, there was no need to complicate it. Her mind turned to the problem at hand. Harnesses were out. Neither dragon nor rider would allow him to be harnessed like some simple beast. Outside of their lands, many considered dragons beasts and it was a point of pride for both dragons and their riders that they were far more. You may not, but mine do. You in theory will continue to bond for generations. I will only live so long in their eyes. I wasnโ€™t speaking to the unusualness of our own bond, but in broader strokes. Noct wasnโ€™t incorrect, they had no idea what her death would do to the pair. It was uncharted waters for all.

The emotions that slammed into her were shuttered out. Oh, she knew they would both hate it, but if they could do things without warning, so could she. Warning them would have likely resulted in nothing but protests from both. The idea though, she was sure had merit. Merkur had adjusted as needed to allow her to scramble onto his back and settle into place. It hurt, yes, but it would be valuable in battle to pull attention away from one of them or to swap, so she was harder to track.

Emotions shuttered, she could feel Noct, but his mind was all but closed to her. Viskarra knew he was angry, hell that they both were. Sighing she slipped her doors to slivers. They had not had riders and while both were older than she was, she wasnโ€™t some child. So while they flew, all silent, Karra stewed with annoyance.

Upon landing, she stayed on Merkurโ€™s back and her body trembled visibly as Noct slammed into the ground. The world rippled and he was a human and already. He stalked toward them and Merkur lowered himself flat. Helping the other dragon in his own way. Her own anger ignited and she climbed off Merkur sparing a dirty look for him before facing the angry dragon before her.

Her hands rose and she shoved him hard as he shouted at her. โ€œI am not some child Pulnoc!โ€ She growled and pushed at his chest again. โ€œSo you will not shout at me like I am.โ€ Her hands fell away from his chest and she crossed them under her breasts, glaring up at him. โ€œI trusted you both to catch me. Had I told you that I wanted to leap off your back or Merkurโ€™s back, what would you have said? Honestly?โ€ A brow lifted sardonically. โ€œEven not coddling me, would you have been okay with me putting myself โ€œin dangerโ€ like that? Something tells me that neither of you would have wanted me to try.โ€ Her features were furious. โ€œAnd you both decided to see if I could stay seated, no warnings. It wasnโ€™t much better than what Merkur did and when I decided to try something, I get scolded?! Was it because the oh so powerful and magnanimous dragons decided together that it was okay? Because you are both older than me? Because you know best?!โ€ At this point Viskarra was spoiling for an actual fight.

Shaking with anger she snapped at them both. โ€œAs to what I was thinking, it could be a useful tactic to draw fire from one of you or to get away from fire myself if I am being focused and I might not have time to warn you. I might need to make that leap of faith and trust the other to see the mental image and slow, as Merkur did so I can switch seats. We were also more than high enough that I knew heโ€™d be able to catch me. Unlike when the pair of you decided to test if I could stay on your backโ€ฆโ€ Her words hung in the air, the fury of the tiny female rider radiating off her.

โ€œMy life isnโ€™t and never has been something to throw away. What I did had nothing to do with pride. Nor do I find this a joking matter. You should know better, Pulnoc. To think so little of me or my actions and to assume so little of me that Iโ€™d make you worry for simple amusement.โ€

Gods above, she wanted to hit him. To stalk away in anger. To start walking back to the castle.. But sheโ€™d never make it in time for lessons the next day. Fucking Dragons..


The raging human who came at him found a very different version of Noct standing there. When she shoved him, it was like pushing against a wall. There was simply too much weight and power packed into his human form for her to do much about it. Merkur was watching from a distance, unhappy with the stunt, but unwilling to involve himself in what he knew would be a massive shit show of a fight. He knew they both had their reasons, but had Karra gotten hurt, had died because he failed to catch her, he would never have recovered. Not really. So, he let Noct lay into her.

Noct felt the anger go cold inside of him, felt all of her words sink into him like knives. He should have felt a little remorse, should have regretted yelling at her when becoming her dragon had been so important to him. Her words were just so... naive. They turned his flaming rage into a something hard that he knew would lead him down the wrong path even as she pushed him again. So, he let her burn out. Let her get her feelings in the air. And when she seemed like she was done, he raised his lip like a snarling animal.

"Is that what you think? You think this has anything to do with me coddling you or treating you like a child? Well, Viskarra, let me explain. We are not your fucking human army. We do not let humans die for the sake of practice. And this bond we share is not for show. I asked for one word."

Noct stepped away, letting her be frustrated in her own little bubble. She seemed to think that she could turn him into the mess that the silver dragon had been when confronted. Noct was an outcast, and that had turned him into something rougher around the edges, just like Karra had done to her. He did not cave when someone pushed him, verbally or otherwise. So, he stared down at her, eyes hard and brutal.

"You could have sent Merkur the image. Could have told me you planned to jump. Because what we did was a small test. You decided to throw yourself into the air with less than a day of experience flying. I suggest you learn to speak over the bond while you do other actions, because catching a free falling human with no warning is not as simple as you seem to think. Do not accuse me of coddling you and in the same breath say you expected to be saved if you fail."

Noct huffed a breath out and his rage was so jagged that black flame licked the air, disappearing in a plume as it rose into his face. He turned sharply and stalked toward the pools, done having this conversation. He had no tolerance for her antics, her assumptions. Even so, he let the bond open completely. It would be stupid arrogance to block her out. Instead, he let the emotions inside of him float in the bond, miasma made up of icy rage and true, complete terror.

The silver dragon padded over to her, claws clicking on the stone one moment, then the gentle pad of human feet the next. He had decided to forgo his shirt, still clearly planning to take his bath one way or the other. A gentle hand moved to rest on Karra's shoulder, his thumb stroking against her even though he doubted she could feel it through the leathers.

"He wasn't trying to coddle you, Karra. It isn't so easy as adjusting when someone is in free fall. We understand the thought, but without you sending me a mental picture, I had to guess where you were in the air. You tried to sprint before you walked. Now, come get in the water with me and relax. You don't need to prove anything to us."

Merkur let his bond slide open as well, let her feel how much fear had been in both dragons. The silver dragon wished he could see all the scars she did not wear on her skin, could see where this need to throw herself fully at any perceived enemy came from.



Mollified would have been the best word to how Noct made her feel and her mouth closed with a snap, her eyes flashing. He.. had points but so did she and he hadnโ€™t really bothered to acknowledge her own points. No, she didnโ€™t think it had anything to do with coddling her, but treating her like a child? Yes.To assume that sheโ€™d wanted to bring him to tears, or anything of the sort was also folly. He wasnโ€™t Merkur. Merkur had needed to be humbled, Pulnoc needed it too to a point. He wasnโ€™t fighting alone, but with a team. She hadnโ€™t warned them, but Viskarra had kept the bond and the image of her falling open. She hadnโ€™t entirely blindsided them. To claim she had was a sticking point for her and as he stepped back, she felt her own anger turn icy.

Temper flaring from the dragon in his human form with his deadly black flames she watched him turn and march off.His feelings were not hidden from her and though she didnโ€™t close the bond fully she pushed the door to a crack, unwilling to let his rage eat along her skin. Terror, that struck more of a cord and as Merkurโ€™s hand came to rest on her shoulder she looked down. She couldnโ€™t feel his thumb against her shoulder, though it would have been comforting.

A sigh slipped from her and she turned to face him. โ€œI donโ€™t think he was coddling me.. But I am not.. Foolhardy.โ€ Despite her most recent actions. โ€œI didnโ€™t jump out of a desire to scare or amuse. Nor as repayment for before. I honestly thought it would be a good idea and I did and do think you both would have not favored the idea nor allowed it.โ€ She wouldnโ€™t be swayed on this. โ€œI took a calculated risk. I did trust you both. We were more than high enough that you could have caught me.โ€ Her hand rose to his cheek. โ€œLike lightning.. The way you fly. Would it have hurt, hell yes.. But It is a good idea to master such a maneuver.โ€

His bond was open and she felt it from both sides and her eyes darkened to almost a honey brown and she nudged the door more closed, not needing to feel it from both ends. They had rights to their emotions, but she had the right to her own too. Viskarra carefully pulled from his grasp and started to pull weapons from her leathers. The small pile of bow, daggers and arrows were treated carefully and next she bend to unlace her boots. It took time, but they were pulled off and fell with a clatter from her hands as each was removed.

Beginning to pull at the buckles attached to her leathers, one after another the leather loosened around her slender form.. Pulling at her top, leather fell to earth in a pile. Underneath her top was a simple black bando, the fabric hugging her small breasts, pressing them flatter than they were normally. Next came her pants, they too fell after a series of buckles. Stepping from them, Merkur would be the first to see the true extent of her scars.

Her back by far was the worst. With lines criss-crossing along the muscles, circles and the jagged lines of a whip. Burns and cuts. Eyes lowered she padded to a pool. Even now, there was evidence of the day's treatment. Under her arms, near the ink of their tattoos, and even around the tattoos, the skin was discoloring. Her thighs too held traces of bruises from trying to force herself to stay seated. One foot slipped into the warm water and it slowly licked heat up her skin and she sighed before slipping deeper into the warmth. In the water, she curled up, her legs pulling to her chest, her forehead on her knees.

Dragons made her want to cry.

Crying was weak.

Concentrating on her breathing, she let the heat eat into her aching, chilled body.
โ€œI didnโ€™t mean to scare either of you..โ€ She said after a while. โ€œI.. I am sorry.โ€ Karra didnโ€™t feel she was entirely wrong, but sheโ€™d made mistakes too. Heโ€™d entered the water after her and she lifted her head to look at him. The ends of her hair were wet, the dark locks heavier with the water soaking into them. โ€œWould you have stopped me?โ€ She asked softly, curious. โ€œIf I had told you?โ€ Now, she wasnโ€™t so sure. Sheโ€™d thought theyโ€™d want her to take it easy after her first fall, after the bruises had already started to bloom. Would they have?

The desire and need to be held pulsed through her and she looked at Merk.. Unsure if heโ€™d want to hold her. No one had ever held her in the past. Why would now be any different?#7cb3ba


It was hard to make Karra understand how different a dragon was from a human. They opened those bonds, let their emotions lay bare, not to make her feel ashamed. They did it because it was how a dragon communicated. They did not have facial expressions, and had significantly less body language to show. So, a dragon let their mind lay open to the precious others they could trust. And when that door nearly closed completely, it hurt. Just a little, in a way Noct could not bear to even say, it hurt. But, it did not stop him from stalking off and standing beside a pool of spring water far away. He stared at the steaming water, not really seeing anything.

Merkur seemed to do the opposite of Noct. The black dragon had gone hard, turned anger into armor. Merkur let himself empty out, tried to ignore that Karra closed her door to a sliver foe him as well. The other dragon would be stubborn on this, he could tell. Might drag it out for days. If he left them alone, this would turn into a mess. It was strange to be the one in charge of his emotions. So, when she finished explaining why she was so angry, what she thought they had intended, and began to strip out of her clothing, he refused to turn away.

"He didn't mean that. That you did it to punish us. He is an angry old dragon used to having everyone be against him. Just like you are used to that. You don't talk, you fight. You don't get told you are wrong, you simply get punished."

Watching the leathers come off, Merkur tried not to be distracted by how soft her skin likely felt. Tried not to focus on how much he enjoyed kissing her. Which became incredibly easy as her pants slid down and he saw the swaths of scars. What ran through him a moment later was rage. So dark and terrible and inhuman that the fraction sliding from the sliver of door she left open was enough to swallow a weak person. It said one thing. Kill. Whoever had done that, he would kill them. For a dragon, killing was second nature. They were predators, but he would not give whoever was responsible the dignity of clean death. And for a heartbeat, the door to Merkur closed. Wholly and completely. Snuffed out like when they had been speaking to their elders.

Merkur focused on other things, on the mirror tattoos running up her arms and to her shoulders, the bruises from her efforts to stay seated, the curve of her shoulder where it met his neck. Good things. Things that were real and in front of him. And, before she had even reached the water, the door cracked open, then swung wide, and that awful rage was gone. For now. Following Karra, he shifted his clothing, opting for just trunks, snug against his body. None of the clothes were real, anyway. He was technically naked, but that was not important now. He needed to maintain control.

And when he sank in to the water, he saw Karra resting her head on her knees. It felt so... vulnerable. And he waited for her to speak. When she was ready, she said words he knew must have been hard. She just felt so broken in that moment. Like the hard scales she wore had been chipped somewhere. It was how he had felt earlier. When he realized how wrong he had been in his life.

So, the silver dragon moved to sit beside her and put his arms around her shoulders, pulling her head into his chest. It was a strange gesture, so foreign to a dragon, but it had helped. And he hoped it helped now, as his answer was not kind.

"Right now? No. I would have refused. You just rode a dragon for the first time yesterday, Karra. We will be the best, but rushing headlong toward every challenge will get you killed sooner or later. And we won't allow that."

His left arm drifted down, stroked his fingers along her side and down her back. This was a more draconic gesture. Touching, pressing close, letting them breath your scent to let them know you were there. And his fingers did not hesitate as they passed over her web of scars, only stroked up and down on her skin.



Had she known how closing her mind to them hurt, sheโ€™d have thrown the doors wide open and suffered through their emotions even if it hurt her to do so. Viskarra might have been mad but she wouldnโ€™t have hurt either of them intentionally. Dragons and humans were not the same. Their reactions, emotions and bonding all differed greatly. Though in some ways, they were similar. Touch was a large thing for both species. To touch and be touched was a sign of affection. One that Karra and Noct had not really known. Merkurโ€™s voice spoke softly as she explained herself. Tried to. Her Kitten wasnโ€™t wrong. She was only ever punished. Though, when it came to school, she wasnโ€™t wrong. It wasnโ€™t pride, not really. She worked so damn hard to now have any weak spots for the others to pick at.

Rage had been unexpected and for a moment, she had paused to look at him. Confused. The rage had nothing behind it she could sense with her door mostly closed to him. Had no idea it was the marks on her body. Had she known, she might have taken it both the way it was meant and felt the need to cover herself. Viskarra was used to her body, the way it looked and the worry that others would ever see it had passed long ago. Though she was comfortable in her skin, Karra in no way found herself beautiful. Others had robbed her of any vanity or pride in how she looked. โ€œSkarraโ€ She knew she was ugly and merely accepted it.

The door closed though on his side tightly. She frowned and didnโ€™t push at the door. He was close enough that it didnโ€™t bother her too much. Merkur knew what it would do if it was closed too long and Karra trusted him. As the water rippled along her body and he joined her in the hot spring she kept her eyes closed tightly. She wouldnโ€™t cry.. She wouldnโ€™t.

When she spoke, he shifted, closer till she could feel his heat stronger than the water around them and his arm slipped around her, pulling her close. It wasnโ€™t known to him this method of comfort but it broke something inside of Karra and she curled into him, hiding her face against his neck. His words did not soothe, and perhaps they only furthered the need to release her emotions as she cried against his shoulder. Viskarra didnโ€™t tremble with her tears, they fell silently, hot against his skin. Nails biting into her thighs to keep more of a display from showing even as his hand stroked down her back.

Fingers didnโ€™t hesitate along her scars, though she felt the tips of them run along the puckered skin. Eyes tightly closed she nestled closer to his heat and scent. Processing his words. โ€œI donโ€™t know how to not.. Push myself to breaking.โ€ She couldnโ€™t explain it with her words, so she showed him an example. It was of the bow. How when sheโ€™d been so terrible, how the others had ripped into her. It was a weak spot, something they could exploit. The scene didnโ€™t linger and flashed to her fingers bleeding from her practice and she did so day and night for several days until she could hit the targets without looking. It was how sheโ€™d survived to this point.

It was intrinsically who she was.

Weakness could not be tolerated. Weakness made her a target more than just existing did. She couldnโ€™t fix how she looked. Couldnโ€™t make her scars vanish and make herself beautiful. She couldnโ€™t change her past either, make them see her as anything other than cursed. Sheโ€™d beat them all and if they didnโ€™t respect her, which she knew would never come, they would know that they couldnโ€™t touch her. And lord hard they tried. The door had not closed, had she remembered, it would have snapped closed again after sharing something so deeply vulnerable. Heโ€™d seen, felt all of it. Just as was a flash of her being ganged up on, not in the forest, but in the dark while she lay in her bed. It was as if she suddenly noticed and the door slammed shut for a moment. Completely blocking him as she tried to regain control of her emotions.

Only once she had herself under control once more did the door open. She too, started to pull away from him. Embarrassed by both outbursts. This seemed like the right thing to do, though Karra did not want to move away from him, sheโ€™d.. Liked being snuggled up against him. His warmth, the scent of him. It made her feel safe, cared for and.. Almost loved.


Merkur could never explain it to Karra. Or, he thought he never could. Humans, her superiors and teachers aside, had a strange belief in forgiveness, in the sanctity of life. Dragons did not kill without reason or meaning, and they had a higher tolerance for their own kind. However, if someone did what had been done to Karra to a dragon? Their species would not matter. They would be ripped to pieces, seen as something worth more dead than alive. So, when he saw those scars, there had been only one solution. Kill. Punish. And Merkur was worried she might think there was something wrong with him.

So he had pushed it somewhere deep down and joined her in the water. Worse, when he pulled her close, he could almost feel her heart break over the bond, even as she tried to hold it in. Her years hit his skin and Merkur felt his power rising, alive and angry in response to her emotions. Not because she was crying, but because it made her feel like she was weak when she did so. Dragons lacked the ability, but opening your mind to others and sharing that emotion was normal, healthy. Karra had been denied that her entire life. He was beginning to understand more why Noct had latched into her.

So, he did what he could. Ran hands over her skin in gentle sweets and little circles, pressed his hand to her ribs and on her shoulder. Spots he knew it would comfort a dragon to have his snout pressed to. And her explanation made so much sense. How did one stop pushing when there was no one to tell you to stop? To tell you that you could rest. All she had were enemies. And when that door slipped, when the images came through, his arms tightened around her.

The images were so vivid. How she pushed herself past breaking, never let them have a moment to see her weak. When they got a hold on her, she fixed whatever they thought they could dig into. Made her armor perfect. And now she was stuck inside of it. The last image, the others bearing down on her in bed, made Merk's eyes snap open even as the door pressed tight. When she finally tried to pull away, he kept his grip tight. But, not tight enough for her to avoid pressing her back to Noct chest.

The black dragon had slipped into the water as soon as she had let the doors slip, when he had seen how others treated her. Not the few weeks he had watched, when she was strong enough to keep them away. The time before that. The pain she had been put through and the things she had done to keep it away. His own arms went around her waist and he moved forward, pressing her face back to Merk's chest.

"You do not have to stop pushing. You just need to listen when we try to stop you. I will not treat you like a child, but you cannot be so flippant about ignoring our concerns. And... I am truly sorry for lashing out because I was afraid."

The black dragon leaned down and gave her the most animal affection he could muster. Not trying to speak to her human mind, but her instinct. He pressed his face to her neck, buried his nose into the space just under her ear, and breathed in her scent, no less lovely from how she had worked all day. His hands spread across her belly, long fingers and wide palms nearly covering her whole abdomen. Merkur understood what he was doing. Calming a wild animal. So, he brought one hand around to lift her chin, to make her look up as he leaned down and whispered against her lips.

"You aren't alone anymore, Karra. And you won't be ever again. You're stuck with us."

And the silver dragon captured her lips, full and deep, but full of only the sweet affection of her soul bonded partner.



Both doors had been thrown wide and Karra didnโ€™t know that until she felt Noct at her back as Merkur held her to him. His spicy almost earthy scent mingled with the fresh, clean and floral scent of Merk. His warmth pressed against her back and Her body stilled as his arms enveloped her. They cuddled her between them, her face gently pressed back to Merkurโ€™s chest and she felt for a moment, whole. Sheโ€™d a vague memory of once being cuddled like this by her parents. Safe during a storm that rent the night sky with fury. Sheโ€™d been almost five. So much time had passed, since Viskarra had felt true comfort and after barring the most vulnerable parts of herself, it shook her to her very core.

Words rumbled against her back as Noct spoke, his voice soft. His apology and his words of reason were met with a nod as he buried his nose just below her ear. Her own scent of apples and dragonโ€™s blood the spiciest there. Strong hands spread across her bare stomach and she trembled in their arms. Her eyes prickled again. There had been a fear that sheโ€™d not be enough for them too. That they, in time, would see her as nothing more than the humans in her life saw her. That weakness would turn them away. Sheโ€™d been a fool and she knew this as they pressed closer.

A hand caught her chin and Merkur lifted her face toward his. So close, that as he spoke, his mouth brushed against her own. Those pretty gold eyes shimmered, tears within them again. His promise made the first tear fall, even as his mouth captured hers. A hand rose ro rest on his chest, while her other held Noct to her tighter as she allowed herself for the first time in a long time, to feel vulnerable and not weak because of it.

Leaning back into Noct, his strength and warmth, her hand slipped up Merkโ€™s chest and her fingers pulled him down into her a bit more, holding the kiss as her tongue brushed his. Their human wasnโ€™t as strong as sheโ€™d always made herself seem, or rather, she was soft, along with all those hard edges sheโ€™d created. With them.. She could be soft. Theyโ€™d never turn her away. That new reality settled in as her tongue danced with his and only once her body demanded breath did she pull away. Only to turn her back now pressed to Merkurโ€™s chest and her hand pulled Noct closer. Neither of them would escape without a kiss. Her fingers threaded through the hair at the nape of his neck as she leaned back into Merkur, pulling Noct closer. Her mouth met his, with the same warmth and gentle need that Merkur had claimed herโ€™s with.

Waring tongues could only last as long as she could forgo a proper breath and after a few moments she broke that kiss too with a soft gasp. Snuggled into Merkur, she gazed up at Noct. โ€œI am sorry for scaring you. I didnโ€™t mean to.โ€ Her palm rested over where his heart was and she laced her fingers with Merkur as he held her. โ€œI will do better about communicating and about listening to your views.โ€ Her nose wrinkled and for a moment, levity entered the steaming pools with them. โ€œThough I do not promise to always take the advice.โ€ Her smile was shy and she turned her head to nuzzle her cheek against Merkurโ€™s. #7cb3ba


Merkur knew that the tear he caused this time had been a good one. A realization that this was not some temporary agreement, they were not here by some mistake, they would not be leaving. So, when he kissed her, he knew it was an important moment. The first moment of their true partnership. She was not some human to be used as a conduit for their magic. She belonged to them and they belonged to her. When her hand slid further up his chest, though, he was caught off guard. Surprised by the way she let her tongue slip into his mouth, played with his own. The silver dragon let out a soft groan, pressing his mouth to her own more fiercely, going so far as to nip her tongue when she pulled away.

Noct, pressed so close that her scent, all spice and sweetness just like the human in his arms, was making his head swim, felt the movement as they kissed. Her hand moved to his own and his fingers flexed, touching her soft skin that was stretched tight over her muscles. She was no soft little girl, but everyone deserved a chance to let themselves relax, be something they normally could not be. There was no jealousy in him as the other two kissed. Only a little surprise when she pulled away from Merk and turned in their arms.

When she kissed the black dragon, he rumbled like an earthquake, deep from inside his chest. Her tongue found his and the older dragon stiffened for a moment. Then, his tongue met her own with ferocity. It appeared he liked how it felt from the way his hands now roamed her back, trying to understand the effect of this human gesture on his body. Eventually, he found the curves of her rear, hands sinking into soft skin, digging in hard enough to pull her a little closer even as Merkur pressed against her from behind. When they finally pulled apart, Noct almost chased her, almost continued the kiss. It was only her obvious shortness of breath that stopped him. And her apology struck him directly in the heart.

"I apologize for treating you like a child. I was... not saying what I meant. And I expect we will clash again. Often. So, I will collect myself before I tell you why I think you are being a foolish little human."

There was sweetness in the words. Noct understood that Karra thrived on being aloof, acting like none of this bothered her. So he would match. Or, at the very least, try to avoid screaming again. It was around that point that Noct realized he still had her plump little ass in his hands. Not showing how flustered that suddenly made him, he slid his hands up to her lower back. Meanwhile the silver dragon cleared his throat, reminding them he was there.

"I'm so happy you two have learned to make nice, but I believe we were trying to relax in a bath. That did the exact opposite of relax me."

It was his turn to press his face to the side of her throat, though he gave her a small bite, then moved further down, to the curve between her neck and shoulder, and opened his mouth wide. Another dragon gesture, a claiming bite that said he wanted her. It was the dragon equivalent of asking someone to leave a party with you. Noct lifted an eyebrow at the action. Clearly the silver dragon knew something he did not, or was simply bold. However, he was not going to let Merkur have the lead.

So, Noct tilted his head to the opposite side, his teeth finding the same place on the opposite side. It left Karra sandwiched between their bodies, this months on her neck as they waited for her to accept an invitation. It was not clear which one realized she would likely not understand first, but the intention started to float over the bond. Touching, affection, closeness. They were not inviting her to go bend over a rock somewhere, but to be intimate. To soothe. To share.


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