The Dragons Tribute (LunarWolf and FluffyPuppy77)


Mar 29, 2018
North America
Surrounded by mountains there is a kingdom that is home to Dragon shifters and just beyond those mountains, there are several large cities and villages. every generation these cities and villages send up one member of their community to be a tribute and work in the dragon's castle, this is to secure protection from the dragon's so that their homes would be safe and should they be attacked aid would come. every generation one city or village is given a great honor as their tribute is chosen as the dragon king's consort, the city would be notified after the consort was chosen and never before.
The dragon of the north rolled his lip to the news. He had seen his fair share of Dragons get chosen to get a bride from the village; they only lasted a few years... Barely any seemed to be able to carry a dragons young, fewer survived the cold. Their land in the north was meant for dragons, not soft fleshy bits......
So this news.....Utterly stupid in his eyes. He shuffled his head aways from the messenger dragon and got a huff. His rocky skin scratched the rock face as he went deeper in to his den.
Most dragons kept two forms, beastial and humanish.... even that couldn't help them breed to the humans. Yes they still were protecting their town of the frozen brides, he would join claws to do that, but pair up.... Ha. They lived in 'homes' with their choice... he preferred to stay as himself and not stoop to a humans level.
He wouldn't help them pick this year, nor did he care to be the chosen. Either do it themselves or choose some one else.
Eve looked at the village elders and her parents as she was informed that she was one of the tributes going north to be chosen at a bride for the dragon. Eve had heard many stories of the brides going there and never returning and to never be heard from again. Eve wasn't thrilled to have been picked especially not since she was already in a relationship but it seemed that that didn't matter any more. Eve looked at her boyfriend who was there as well and he just shrugged like it was no big deal and that upset her even more then having been picked as it told her that he did truly care for her.
The snows and the winds brought a gold scales dragon down the mountains gateway; flanked by a silver and a white- together they carried a wheeled carriage, draped in silver and blue vails.
While the silver and white remained as a beast; a flick of chilly magic had the gold standing before the waiting party as a very tall woman, enveloped in a gold outfit.
Fair winds and tall fields, I greet thee humans, we have come to collect the chosen of the Northern Tribes.” She sweeped herself low in a graceful greeting as the other two bobbed their heads.
I trust the scroll arrived in well condition and the bride still alive?” Her attention to whom she assumed an elder of the village.
the man nodded his head "it did and she is" the man then motioned to Eve "this is the bride" Eve looked at them but she didn't speak as her family wasn't even there with her anymore as they had left to tend to their own things. Even then moved to where they had directed her to go not even bothering to say goodbye to any of them. Eve then climbed in to the carriage after the door was opened and she settled in to the seat
The golden elder watched as the bride in dusty white linens left with spite in her steps and hurt in her heart. The doors closed behind her and the dragons calm demeanor broke.
If this bride is sullied by any other male, elder; deals and protection for this town will be off. You will be informed of the evaluation.” Her gold scaled nose flared as she snorted down to the old males fake hair. “You will not get her back, no matter the outcome.
A single beat and kick off the ground had the larger than a house beast rising in to the air. The white and silver had no wings but they rose with practiced ease and gentleness so that if the girl wasn’t paying attention, she would never know she had left the ground.
To home they returned with the golden dragoness leading.
Eve was untouched in that way while she had kissed her boyfriend she had never gone any further then that. Eve looked out the carriage window and watched was everything flew by and she couldn't help but sigh and question why she had been picked and what she had done to earn the ire of her own parents. Eve didn't know what was going on anymore and she wanted nothing to do with being a tribute but she figured there was little that she could do at this point in time
Upon landing, faces bowed to the golden elder, meeting her with the respect of an Empress. In Short, she was. She held the record for most time leading this wayward nation of dragons- dwindling with each year passing. No magic to sustain them, or hunted by those that did not deal with the beast protection.
The carriage hovered as the twin pulling beast took to their feet and led it to a temple of some degree. Only two humans were on the cold stairs. They were obtained only last year together as they tried to climb the magicked peaks. Clothes suited for the Chilly but clear weather graced them, but they were still thin. They had deemed it stupid to try and go home after seeing this wonderful hidden culture.
They knew of the dragons, they knew their appearances happened only every 50 to 100 years... So to actually be graced with the arrival with ones bride made these two human men awed to silence.
Ones bride being a dragon's. They had witnessed the selection and the snubbing from the dragon of their choice....
"Good Day, your weddedness." One greeted as the descended to meet the carriage door; opening it for the lightly clad woman. Was she not warned, she had nothing to warm her....
"Mrs Elder." The other male greeted the golden lady, once again a human shaped form.
"Well greeted, climber..... Miss Eve Jackson, please. We have some stuff to prepare before you are given to the chosen." her words graceful and gentle to the young lady, an arm extended to escort her up the flight of steps.
Each step would offer more weight of the world to the young girl as she would hold all the secrets of this nation and every meeting held in its walls would be on her to remain strong; if she could not make it up, she wouldn't make a year here. Most of the brides.... they got up, but they couldn't pass the exams with good enough colors.
Eve nodded but she didn't take the woman's offered arm. with a held back sigh Eve then headed up the stairs taking her time and stopping when she needed to which didn't happen until she reached the top of the stairs. Eve felt the air get thin as she walked up but it didn't bother her. Eve could see everyone watching and waiting to see her and she wanted to turn and run to leave to return home but she knew if she did that then they would lose the dragons protection
The dragoness cleared the stairs at the child’s pace. She would call all the brides children; they were never more than freshly mating age.
Save the few that snuck around their parents backs or were harmed by others… they were usually intact.
To the disc. Worry not about those below. They grow excited when we get one of new blood up here. Always is it going to be a match or a dud.” The elder gestures to the disc in the building she climbed to.
The exam is just a way for us to view your health- to see if one MIGHT be able to bear our young. Do forgive the intrusive nature of one of them.
The disc was solid to start, measuring weight and checking how she stood- she had a fine foot structure.
The dial crackled with magic, glowing a light gold as a needle of the light went through the material of her shoe to grab a pinch of blood. The answer to that didn’t come right away as another golden crackle of energy hovered just at her hips as if waiting.
I must ask, though you may be cold, to remove that gown. We must check your inner workings- the magic will sting as it goes in but it will check and vaccinate you if it detects any abnormalities. We’ve had liars in the past, please understand. We need to make sure nothing harms you or your chosen.
Eve looked at her and then nodded her head and removed her dress. Eve wasn't thrilled with the exam but she dealt with it as there was little she could do to make any of it stop as refusal would lead to who knows what happening. Eve closed her eyes but stood still as the magic went through her and as warned it stung. Eve then shivered as she started to get cold. Eve then turned her attention back to the woman to see if she could get dressed as she didn't like being cold.
The thread of magic went from gold to white to black, blue and back to gold.
I see… you had a cancerous ovary. It is fixed now.” The gold dragoness waved away the magic as it left her body. The blood taken from the toe turned up nothing else when it turned the dial from its black state to white.
You may leave the disc. The council is sorry for any discomfort you may have felt.” The girls dress was flicked at and burned to a crisp. “Please proceed forward. We will have a clothing fitting for you before you can meet your new husband.
Normally, the males had a say in their choice of bride. They would be greeted at the steps and walk them together; he would sit in to the exam and offer the magic for it- so the bride would know how he would feel upon entering her body.
Her chosen pairing was a pain in the ass hermit. The council hopped that perhaps.. just maybe, that a human may break his shell and offer the old grumpy beast some company.
As long as he didn’t eat her, the council didn’t care what he did to her. Her town was still going to be protected for the very least a year.
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