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Suggestion Rule 13 should be adjusted.

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That’s why I’m arguing it. If you think it is reasonable to be upset about someone using your idea, present your argument why that is the case. That’s what I’ve done.

And if people didn’t argue things that don’t directly effect them there would have been no white people defending the civil rights movement. Using hyperbole to make my point of course, as obviously this issue doesn’t have as big an effect on anyone.

And if you find that level of concern unreasonable over something you consider so minor, you really shouldn’t be replying in the first place.
I have presented my argument as to why I'd be upset about it. I worked on that idea myself. Regardless if it is simple or not, I would have put effort on that stolen idea. If it was stolen verbatim, I'd realize. As I would if someone grabbed an RP post of mine and acted as if they'd done it themselves. This is my argument, and the argument you're bound to see most often regarding this topic.

Now, you might go back to your point about fandom roleplays, and I'd have to say it is pointedly different. For one, said famous author is unlikely to be on a roleplay forum like this. If they were, they could make a case about other people not making use of their universes and characters. But they're not here. You know who is? Fellow community members. It is a matter of proximity. Not physical, but metaphorical proximity. I'm not personally hurting said author by using their IP. They won't lose a dime over it. But someone on this forum might lose sleep over having their plot stolen.

Whether you think this is reasonable or not is up to you. I think it is, and I think other people would agree, but I understand if you don't.
Yes, strange as this may seem.

I saw that too, and never implied that you had or would.

I never said that you'd made a demand for a rule change. All I did was offer possible outcomes to your suggestion that the rule may need revisiting.

The fact that my way of thinking and addressing a problem doesn't match your way of addressing a problem does not make me wrong. I think differently to you. Last I checked, that's not a crime.
Then what exactly was the point of this part of your post?

“Until that time you will be obliged to follow the rule as currently written; after that time you will be obliged to follow the rule in its new form.“ and “follow the rule as written (regardless of whether you think it makes sense), or leave the site (either by your choice, or forcibly after being called out for rule violations).”

Or do you just like stating the obvious?

And I’m not the one telling people “if you don’t like it, you can leave”. I’m not the one treating having an opinion as a crime, you are.
Mate, there's two ways to look at this.

Either people calling you out are tyrannical and have no touch with reality.

Or then you've done fucked up with your thinking and people care calling you out for a reason.
Mate, there's two ways to look at this.

Either people calling you out are tyrannical and have no touch with reality.

Or then you've done fucked up with your thinking and people care calling you out for a reason.
Or option 3: You people can’t have a civil discussion without taking it personally.

Considering I didn’t call anyone tyrannical, you can put your straw man away, mate.
For it to have been a civil discussion it would have to have not started with OP taking people being people so very personally.
For it to have been a civil discussion it would have to have not started with OP taking people being people so very personally.
Except I didn’t. I stated my opinion, like what this part of the site is for. Your response was a long winded “get a life, loser”.
I have presented my argument as to why I'd be upset about it. I worked on that idea myself. Regardless if it is simple or not, I would have put effort on that stolen idea. If it was stolen verbatim, I'd realize. As I would if someone grabbed an RP post of mine and acted as if they'd done it themselves. This is my argument, and the argument you're bound to see most often regarding this topic.

Now, you might go back to your point about fandom roleplays, and I'd have to say it is pointedly different. For one, said famous author is unlikely to be on a roleplay forum like this. If they were, they could make a case about other people not making use of their universes and characters. But they're not here. You know who is? Fellow community members. It is a matter of proximity. Not physical, but metaphorical proximity. I'm not personally hurting said author by using their IP. They won't lose a dime over it. But someone on this forum might lose sleep over having their plot stolen.

Whether you think this is reasonable or not is up to you. I think it is, and I think other people would agree, but I understand if you don't.
I would like to copy/paste your final paragraph, because THATS how you have an adult discussion and still disagree at the end of it. :)

So far I’ve mostly got told to “get a life, loser”, and “if you don’t like it, you can leave”, which I think completely ignores the point of this part of the site.
And I’m not the one telling people “if you don’t like it, you can leave”. I’m not the one treating having an opinion as a crime, you are.
I'm just reminding you that you, by joining the site, agreed to be bound by, and abide by, the rules of the site - regardless of whether you agree with them or think they make sense.

I'm not responsible for how you choose to interpret my reminder.
No one's said that. Taking that from anything anyone has said is illogical.
“Well I sincerely hope you have a more fulfilling and enjoyable real life social life than your response here suggests you do.”

Please explain another way to interpret that statement than “you obviously don’t have a life”.
Or option 3: You people can’t have a civil discussion without taking it personally.

Considering I didn’t call anyone tyrannical, you can put your straw man away, mate.

No. I am saying that if we truly seek to unjustly brush away your opinions, we are tyrannical. I am saying that one option is that me and everyone else arguing you is mistaken.

Or then you are.
I'm just reminding you that you, by joining the site, agreed to be bound by, and abide by, the rules of the site - regardless of whether you agree with them or think they make sense.

I'm not responsible for how you choose to interpret my reminder.
Sure, feel free to go through and “remind” people not to do things they didn’t even suggest they would do on all the other suggestion posts.
“Well I sincerely hope you have a more fulfilling and enjoyable real life social life than your response here suggests you do.”

Please explain another way to interpret that statement than “you obviously don’t have a life”.
In the logical way. The way in which it was stated.

If your argument has a heavy reliance on people being upset being irrelevant because it is illogical, you can not then get upset at imagined insults. Because that would illogical and therefore irrelevant see.
In the logical way. The way in which it was stated.

If your argument has a heavy reliance on people being upset being irrelevant because it is illogical, you can not the get upset at imagined insults. Because that would illogical and therefore irrelevant see.
Play stupid if you want, mods can decide what you meant by it.
No. I am saying that if we truly seek to unjustly brush away your opinions, we are tyrannical. I am saying that one option is that me and everyone else arguing you is mistaken.

Or then you are.
You should look up “ad populum fallacy”.
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