βββ ο½₯ qοΎβ: *.β½ .* :βοΎ. βββ
"This castle will be your grave-"
"So be it. If I'm the cost for my family's future, then my sacrifice would've been worth it."
βββ ο½₯ qοΎβ: *.β½ .* :βοΎ. βββ
Ι΄α΄α΄‘ α΄Κα΄ΚΙͺΙ΄Ι’: κ±α΄ΚΙͺα΄α΄ α΄ α΄α΄α΄α΄Κ | α΄α΄Κ α΄ΙͺΚα΄Ι’α΄
β» β || β· βΊ
You will remember my name 'cause I won't be the same
And I will strike a match and I will hold onto this flame
βββ ο½₯ qοΎβ: *.β½ .* :βοΎ. ββββ
Another quarry, driven to their demise by the vampire's blade over selfish pride and defiled ambition. For every enemy the seventh hero had brought to their end, several more had sprung up in their place. The galaxy in war was a land where the corrupted sprung up like weeds in a garden. Stubborn and many, the assassin was merely a tool honed to excise those that drained the soil, preventing healing from taking place. Sebastian was a weapon passed down to the empress by the vampiric realms, an instrument meant to purge sin through beautiful violence before being disposed of once dull. Yet somehow, the gods of fate, destiny, and future had looked fondly on this father. Given a reason beyond blind devotion, his family, his edge was made sharp enough to cut through whatever the god of the afterlife intended for him.
He had a reason to live beyond the war.
"But you're going to need much more than this to stop me from seeing my family again."β
Sheathing his blade, Sev turned his attention back towards the castle he fought atop of. Several members of his crew were captured, sentenced to an unknown fate within the confines of this prison. While his assigned mission was complete, his heart refused to accept his work here as done. Yan didn't risk herself to infiltrate for this information just for him to settle with any less. Thea did not root for him from his ship, despite its dangers, because she thought of him less of a hero. Marching towards the enemy once again, he made his choice to brave the dangers of the dungeon. Love was a powerful force that stripped him of his fear. Combined with sound judgement, Yan had made him a power to be reckoned with, a monster turned hero deserving of the title of
His presence demanded attention. The dark armor he wore commanded gravity. As Sev entered the building once again, now that their master had been slaughtered on castle grounds, a screeching alarm had been sounded. Guards had mustered from across the forbidden sanctuary, each armed to the teeth in weaponry and armor. Their pride wouldn't allow him to secure another victory without resistance. If he managed to do so, it would make a mockery of them as a species. "
I'm surprised it took the death of your master to finally rouse your attention." Entering the first room, he was met with the surprised glances of several armored cyber-vampires. The lack of respect and the fear within their eyes had made him believe they were taken from a younger generation, well separated from the times of old he originated from. "
Shame. I'd warn you. You take one step to get in my way and it'll be the last of your young eternity."
Foolish and ignorant, one of the vampires had seen this opportunity as a way to boost his family's reputation. Taking the head of a hero would boost his bloodline to superstardom and bring wealth and influence beyond imagination. Though, as soon as he took two steps towards the hero, he fell, seeing his own body fall second to his own head. The vampire hero's threats were not made without the strength to back it. As the others looked on, thinking about the best course of action for their own survival, Sev didn't give them more time to think. His feet were already moving towards the door. His mind was set on a mission to free his own people and kill all who dealt them harm. Judging from the innocence on several of these guard's faces upon seeing a dead body for the first time, it grew clear that they were nothing but innocent children given toys they were never meant to have due to nepotism. If it wasn't for Thea, he would have held no qualms with ending a young life, but in each, he saw bits and pieces of his daughter:
Hope for a kinder tomorrow.
βββ ο½₯ qοΎβ: *.β½ .* :βοΎ. βββ
"Leave. It's clear this was never meant to be a place for you."
"Be wise and give your loyalty to a master worth their weight."
βββ ο½₯ qοΎβ: *.β½ .* :βοΎ. ββββ
Don't sacrifice yourself for someone who couldn't recognize your value." Reiterating the words of his dearest obsession, the vampire guards had made their way for the gravity assassin to pass through uninhibited. This proverb was well rehearsed and second nature to the hero, but to many of these men and women that worked here to fulfill a paycheck while holding the respect of their families, it was the first time someone ever mentioned the message to them. Moving down a level, Sev saw a familiar pair of horns and glowing eyes in the darkness. "
Fuckin took you long enough, Sev." Able lifted his guitar axe from the shattered remains of a robot, resting it over his shoulders.
"Any longer and I would've thought you needed help." His snark and confidence in his master helped Sev remain at ease, even in the most hostile of environments. "
Floor's clear. Don't know about the dungeon, but with the fucking alarms... I doubt we're going to be able to roam freely."
Then let's get a move on. No doubt, the alarms would call for reinforcements from the nearby garrison." Together, they ran towards where Yan's collected blueprints had led to the basement of the castle. Apparently, it was built during the times of old when Sev was still young, fitted with a dungeon for prisoners of a forgotten time. "
Does this remind you of home?" The demon mercenary teased, running through the neon colored hallways while his eyes held displays of the local map. "
If not for the fighting, then maybe. But this place is nothing like Shimizu. I'm sure when I take her home, Thea would appreciate feeling like a princess." The father mused in response, imagining his daughter and his lover as the princess and queen of a minor domain by the coast. As they spoke however, Sev felt a sudden killing intent, sending a wave of gravity to hold themselves back in response as several vampire in stealth suits emerged from the darkness in front of them with blades in hand.
Fucking vampire ninja?" Able recalled seeing them in action movies as a trope, but to see them in real life was a separate story. Unlike the movies, while they were cloaked in black, their chameleon grade armor had allowed them to conceal themselves in any environment that lacked light.
In addition,
they had guns. "
Oh, what the fu-" Before they opened fire, Sev grabbed a nearby table and threw it at them with its mass enhanced thanks to his gravity gauntlets, slamming them in the body while the two took cover behind corners. Switching their communication to their helmets, Able held still as he grabbed his laser pistol, returning fire blindly to give time for Sev to come up with a plan. [
You vamps always find a way to make everything flashy. Swear.]
Opening his helmet for a moment, Sev opened a bottle that rested on his belt holding a solution of his beloved's blood mixed with ingredients from their garden that helped him keep focus. Drinking it had granted him intensified magical ability, making him more sanguine without sacrificing his own humanity.
Her taste always had a way with grounding him. [
I'll form a barrier. You return fire to prevent them from throwing anything that could break my concentration.] Nodding his head, the two had made true to Sev's plan. Walking in front, his one sided gravity had held the tide of light and lead at bay, devouring all they could fire at them with a handheld blackhole. Believing that they still held the upper hand, as their enemy advanced towards them, the vampires prepared their magic nullification grenades, only to have it be shot out of their hands through an automatic slew of rapid fire lasers that fired
three rounds at the same time. [
See? Told you these twin las-pistols were worth all the credits!]
Given the sudden outburst of weapon fire, the demon had forged an opening for the hero to take advantage of. Using whatever they fired at him against them, towards one group, he reversed the gravity well, returning all he received at once back to sender. With sword in his other hand, he was brought to a duel against the last one that remained, only for his opponent to be outmatched by centuries more of experience before ending up skewered. With the combat dying down for the moment, Sev turned to Able, finding his companion embracing his model gun, rubbing their form against his helmet and kissing both like they was alive and worthy of affection. [
... That blacksmith had really done something special with those. But I'm sure he'd rather have them be used against an enemy, than worshipped like kami.] The vampire sighed, amused at the sight. [
Oh shush! Don't be mad that your gravity katanas can't shoot as fast as these beautiful things.]
βββ ο½₯ qοΎβ: *.β½ .* :βοΎ. βββ
The dungeon.
A den of torment and sin.
βββ ο½₯ qοΎβ: *.β½ .* :βοΎ. ββββ
As the two approached where Yan had suggested the prisoners were held,
immediately the happier mood had turned sour. The scent in the air had reminded Sev of the same world he rescued Thea from. This was no less a prison than it was a brothel, a place where
prisoners were meant to serve their dues with their bodies. "
... To think that even my kind would stoop this low." He wondered how much the other guards knew what was going on; Whether those innocent above knew of the atrocities that occurred right underneath their feet. "
... I'm gonna fucking kill them." Able's heart had become inflamed with blind anger once he realized what was going on. An empty cell was the first they came across, and within it was a pool of blood on the floor next to a stained plushie. "
How fucking vile do you need to be in order to do this?! To fucking people who can't fight back!"
Sev grew quiet. It made sense why Yan had personally asked for him to be personally a part of the recovery team. Remaining calm, he gripped one of the bars to soothe his anger, only to have the steel contort in shape before snapping. It was hard to think of someone like Yan or Thea to be forced into circumstances like these, yet in every face he came across of both living and dead, it wasn't too hard for him to imagine someone he loved in the same position.
He had grown far too used to these scenes. "
Let's move on. See who we could rescue and mourn the rest." While they made their way further and further into the dungeon, they found humans and other victimized species left it catatonic states, unaware of reality as their minds had retreated inward. Others retreated from the bars, assuming that the demon and the armored hero were a part of their captors. Despite how he felt, he couldn't blame them. Other than the alarms, there was nothing identifying about them that showed that they were there to free them. "
Why aren't we saving them, Sev?"
We can't free them unless we know the way is clear for them to retreat safely. Raf and her people will be here soon to claim victory over this planet. We're just here to make their ground fall easier for them. At least, with their master dead and Raf's fleet above, its unlikely that they would have time to even think of doing something to the prisoners here in the meantime." While they moved, they heard the sounds of orbital bombardment from above, each explosion in the atmosphere leading to a thump that put fear in the prisoners inside. Though, while he acted like he was in control, the moment he saw a familiar color of hair in one of the cells, Sev had lost control of himself, ripping apart the material that lay in between her and freedom.
Cait!" Able ran inside immediately, cresting his arms around her and shaking her. She was bruised and naked, signs of malnutrition were obvious and many. "
Cait! Can you hear me? Are you okay? Where's Jupiter?" He took off his helmet, tossing it to the side for her to see him in the darkness. Her overgrown hair had covered one eye, though with her other, upon hearing his familiar frequency, Hecate awoke. "
A... Able?" Her voice was weak. "
Seven? Is this... A dream?" Her eyes had attempted to cry, but only a sliver of tears came out.
Blood had come from the other one, spilling demonic crimson on his armor. "
Its not, Cait. We're here. We came to save you and Jupi-"
He's gone. He decided to defend me and... They made him an example." She clutched her arms around Able with whatever strength she could muster. "
God damn it... We were too late!" The demon cursed, over and over again. Believing that they were safe, Sev took off his helmet as well to reassure his close friend's partner that she was truly safe. His eyes were what instilled confidence in his people and his family. "
We made it in time to save her. That's what matters, Able. Let's focus on what we did right, less we become paralyzed thinking about what didn't." Walking over, he placed a hand on Able's back where her hands had interlocked, both giving comfort to each other to reduce the shock from Jupiter's loss. "
Can you stand, Hecate?" She shook her head. "
My legs, they... They did things that..." Wrapping his arms underneath her legs, Able picked her up. "
You don't have to share. Let's just get you back home." As Sev turned around, he saw a blur move quickly towards him,
striking him at his eye. While he was able to catch the glove of his attacker, the damage had been inflicted, spilling a green ooze from his wound.
βββ ο½₯ qοΎβ: *.β½ .* :βοΎ. βββ
"How quaint. Seven has a heart."
"Your compassion will be your downfall."
βββ ο½₯ qοΎβ: *.β½ .* :βοΎ. ββββ
Withdrawing himself, the warden dealt damage upon his serrated dueling sword's exit. "
I've heard much about your regeneration and its limits, friend." Sev felt a pulsing ache come from his wound. "
Sev!" As Able attempted to approach, she felt Hecate shivering in his grasp. "
T-the warden." The vampire who struck at Sev was a champion in his own right, though with desires twisted beyond what the empress was willing to allow. "
Oh, Hecate~ You were a bit of fun. Perhaps I should make you an example like Jupiter. What do you think, you being shamed in front of your rescuers. Your hero. Wouldn't that be..." He licked his lips. "
Alas, I'm not the one to blame for your circumstances. It is all the empress entirely. Choosing him instead of me to be a hero. How foolish." Lifting his blade towards the armored hero, the fencer had readied his weapon. "
En garde, vampire. Let me show you just how far beneath me, you truly are." Accepting the fencer's challenge, Sev took both of his blades and charged, leading to a single exchange of blows before having his katanas be knocked out of his hands. "
Oh~ Not used to the blind spot?" He teased, though Sev didn't appear phased at all. As the fencer stabbed once again, aiming for his head, Sev grabbed the fencer's blade, letting it bury into his gauntlets before snapping it. "
Sev wasn't the best sword fighter, nor did he have to be. But where he lacked, he made up for in guts and bravery. He was trained
to be the weapon, not just in one art but several with his body. "
Then it looks like you'll die better than me." Using the snapped blade as his weapon, he uppercut the vampire's stomach before pulling him back with gravity and impaling him atop his own blade. Holding him out, he commanded his weapons to rejoin his side
through his enemy, ensuring that the final blow was dealt, only giving the fencer enough life to hear his words.
There was a lot he was curious about, from who potentially would have leaked the intel to how he was able to know what type of poison to use against him. However, upon closer inspection of the face that ended Jupiter and abused Hecate, something else had come to mind. "
Congratulations. You were the worst person to have ever stained my blades." Crushing his head through gravity magic, Sev reduced the brain that fathomed the horrors against these prisoners and his people to mist. While he usually did his executions in a quicker, more merciful way, this time, he felt personally motivated to ensure some suffering before letting the demons in hell figure the rest out. Eternal torment of the soul was made personal to those who hurt the people the devils below fancied. "
Sev, are you okay?" Able glanced at his wound with curiosity, concerned that it was far more severe than the vampire had acted. "
I'll be fine. Just don't tell Thea about this."
βββ ο½₯ qοΎβ: *.β½ .* :βοΎ. βββ
"What do you mean, he failed?!"
"He's a fucking rebel champion!"
βββ ο½₯ qοΎβ: *.β½ .* :βοΎ. ββββ
Ten threw his book at the thrall responsible for letting him know about the happenings of the galaxy. Angry that his brother still walked the galaxy, he took a few deep breaths. "
You know what? Just leave my room. I don't want to look at any other failures right now." With a polite bow, the servant took the book that was thrown at her returning back to the confines of his glorious
battle-yacht. Flaunting his family's fortune and influence, Sev's younger brother was accompanied by his glorious neon ship, known as the
Golden Palace. It was his way of taking a spiteful shot at the Midnight Rider. Whatever the Rider had, he made sure it was better. Faster, larger, and much more luxurious across all facilities, he was a castle that moved faster than light across the stars, equipped with enough weaponry and staff to make it a floating fortress.
Turning back to the report, Ten sighed. "
At least that fucker inflicted the poison that I needed him too. No doctor around should be able to take care of that." Turning the page, he looked at the information of the third hero's whereabouts. After his conflict with Gabriel, he went missing from the public eye. Most had thought him dead and Rafaela was forced to continue her campaign without him. "
Perhaps its time to celebrate taking the two most annoying men around Yan out of her life." Pouring himself a glass, he smirked as he ogled at his reflection in the mirror.
βββ ο½₯ qοΎβ: *.β½ .* :βοΎ. βββ
"Once she and my family's estate become all mine.
Soon, the galaxy will follow."
βββ ο½₯ qοΎβ: *.β½ .* :βοΎ. ββββ