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꧁𝐋'π„π¬π­πšπ¬π’ πƒπžπ₯π₯'πŽπ«π¨κ§‚ (PoisonousIvee/Mr.Aznable)


Nov 28, 2017
It was as normal a day as any. The twin suns were beginning to set beyond the horizon, allowing some forgiveness from the sweltering heat they provided. Gunslingers came and went to this saloon, on the dustbowl planet known as Sinan, looking to make their fortune any way they could. Loraine - or Lore, as she was called - worked here in the saloon, listening to the gossip that filtered in and out and using it to her advantage. She was, by no means, an ugly woman - in fact, men of all kinds trird to court her when they came in. She was a rarity, the only woman in the whole system with hair the same shade as the blood that pumped through her veins. She was a firecracker of a woman; not afraid to knock a man over who put his hands on her unwarranted, with a mouth as sharp as a whip. Perhapst that was another reason why men wanted her. She was a challenge; like breaking in a stubborn mare.
But she really only had eyes for one man.

And it was on this day that said man came into town. He tied his massive cyber horse out front before making his way inside. He was well known through the system; massive and powerful, and absolutely cold blooded. He was covered in a thick exosuit armor, his boots drumming against the wood as he walked to the far table. He ignored the eyes on him - some scared, others hateful - as he pulled out his seat and leaned it back on two legs, propping his feet on the table.
Her cold demeanor changed the moment she laid eyes on him. She grabbed his usual bottle off the shelf and moved over to the table. β€œHey there..~” she said.
"Evening, Lore." He greeted, his voice coming out mechanical through the helm of his suit, "Still a sight for sore eyes."
β€œCould say the same to you, without the helmet..~” she said, pulling the cork from the bottle. It was an exotic liquor, close to a bourbon but.. more of an acquired taste. She made sure they always had a few bottles, even though he was the only one who drank it.
He drank a quarter of his body weight in the stuff, and always made sure they had the money to keep it in stock. He was damn good at his job, despite how much people hated him.
"Didn't wanna scare away paying customers." He said as he watched her, "Heard anything lately?"
She smiled. β€œA few choice pieces. I think I finally got a lead on that three count bounty you’ve been chasing for a while.. remember how your suspect went underground?”
β€œWell..” she said, slowly pouring both of them a bit from the bottle, and dancing her finger around the rim before slugging hers back. She hated to admit it, but the foul drink was starting to grow on her. She usually just drank it as a way of flirting. β€œTurns out, some of my girls a few towns over say they saw someone of his description getting pretty wasted at the saloon.. seems he thinks the heat’s off.”
"Wonder if he'll keep the same mindset when my gun's in his mouth." He replied, reaching to remove his helm. It hissed softly as the seals vented open as he set his hat aside, pulling the helm from his head. Beneath the mechanical face was a reptilian one, covered in faded blue spiked scales and smooth off white ones that eent down to his belly. His face was marked with scars, even the fins of his ears were torn and shredded, his horns chipped and jagged. His eyes were sharp; yellow on black and dangerous from years of constant fighting.
He took his glass and slugged back the drink before pushing it toward her for more.
She loved his rugged looks, even if a good bit of people thought she was insane. She poured them both more of it. β€œI’m sure he’ll regret his foolishness..~”
"His friends did." He remarked, feeling eyes on him. His eyes moved past her, to some patrons watching distastefully, and he made a face of dissatisfaction before pulling his gun from the holster and setting it on the table. It was massive revolver, the barrel as thick as his forearm and the cylinder as fat as his closed fist. It shimmered with off blue energies; it was a one of a kind hand canon with every meaning of the word. It was a radium weapon, the bullets heavy tungsten, and if that didn't kill you the radiation sure would.
She smiled. β€œDon’t mind the stink eyes..~” she said, sharing another small glass with him.
"People staring just makes my scales itch." He said, "They don't bother me none." He slugged this glass back and made a low noise.
"Anything else?"
β€œWell, some of this might be better in a less public setting..” she said, slugging back another. β€œBut, it’s about that big bounty..” she said softly. β€œYknow.. that one.” She said, gesturing over to the wanted board. The largest was for a crimeboss, someone who was rumored to not even really exist. Only rumors. But then, he loved the rumors.
He smirked a bit, playing with his glass, "How interesting. Love an old fashion goose chase." He replied under his breath, before glancing up at her, "Why not share a bit more and we can"
β€œInfo or booze, hun..~?” She asked, smiling as she poured them both another glass.
That’s really what this all came down to, raw envy. What did he have that she wanted so badly?
By the time the bottle was empty, he was feeling pretty good. He righted his chair and stood, putting his hat on his head and his helm under his arm before offering her his hand.
She took his hand, smiling up at him. She was trying to appear sober to impress him, but she was hammered by this point.
"I got ya." He told her; he could see it in her eyes she was doing her best to focus on her surroundings, "We'll go slow."
β€œI’m fine, hun, I don’t know what you’re talking about..~” she said as she held onto his arm, silently grateful for the chance to steady herself.
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