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Volare e cantare (PoisonousIvee/Mr.Aznable)

Later that evening, when he arrived at the house, Rosario was the first to greet him. She looked lovely, wearing a black and white dress that complimented her perfectly.
He was dreased nicely, able to buy nicer clothes with his raise. “You look.. incredible.” He said.
"Oh," she blushed and smiled, "thank you so much. You look quite handsome." She took his coat and hung it up for him.
"Papa is in the den while Mama and I finish dinner. I'll show you the way."
She just had the perfect body; it could drive any man to sin easy enough.
She knocked before pushing open the door to the den, "Papa, Emil is here."
"Send him in." Leonè called and Rosario moved to let Emil in, "Hey, my boy, good to see you. Welcome! Take a seat, have a glass."
He smiled and sat down, trying not to think about Rosario in front of her father. “Thank you for having me.” He said.
"Of course. You've been doing really well for the family and for me. The stock is always full and we've had our eyes on everyone. If they so much as fuckin sneeze, we hear about it." He said, lighting a cigar.
"Those clowns you killed, the ones what took Rosie, we finally found who they belong to." He said before puffing on his cigar.
"Another family, run by Amadeo Esposito. He's been a real pain in my ass for years, trying to steal territory what don't belong to him." He said.
He smirked a bit, "I know I can." He replied before glancing at the door when there was a knock.
"Amore," a woman peeked in, smiling gently, "dinner is ready."
"Coming, tesoro." Leonè stood and nudged his head for Emil to follow.
They followed the woman quietly for a moment before Leonè looked back.
"Emil, this is my wife, Alessia. Tesoro, this is the young man who helped Rosie not too long ago."
"I can't thank you enough for getting our sweet Rose out of that situation. When I heard, I about burst into tears." Alessia said.
He bowed a bit again, smiling. “I was lucky to have found her, I would hate to see this family pained like that.”
"We're lucky, too. God only knows what would have happened if you weren't there!" Alessia said.
"Alright, tesoro." Leonè said gently before they moved into the dining room. Rosario was finishing setting the table and smiled up at everyone. There was fresh made bread still steaming in the basket, pasta and a red meat he hadn't seen before with two bottles of expensive looking wine.
"Have a seat anywhere you like, Emil." She said gently.
He sat down, smiling a bit as he looked over the spread of food. “It looks amazing..!” He said.
"Oh, you're too kind." Alessia said bashfully. Before the food was dished up, they said Grace and Rosario reached to pour the wine as everyone grabbed for food.
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