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Volare e cantare (PoisonousIvee/Mr.Aznable)

He sat down, more nervous than before. “Eh.. well, maybe a little drink since you’re offering.”
Marco moved to get Emil a drink so Leonè wouldn't have to, but the Don smacked his hand away from the glasses.
"Sorry, boss." Marco humbled and returned to his seat, Leonè giving a small noise as he poured Emil a drink.
"My daughter, was she hurt at all?" Leonè asked.
“She’d been knocked out but I couldn’t tell how.. other than that, no, I couldn’t see any injuries.” He said, thanking him for the drink as he took it.
"I won't forget what you've done. Rosario has been away for school-" he gave a snort, "- wants to be a doctor. So, there would have been no way of knowing until it was too late. I don't think it coincidence they fucked up that bad, meeting you today."
"Papa..." The door opened and Rosario moved in, Antonio right behind her, and Marco shot up in his seat to show his respect. Leonè reached out to her and took her hands, cooing in Italian before checking her over.
"How do you feel, mia bambina...?" He asked gently. She shook her head, smiling groggily.
" head is killing me, but I'll be ok." She replied. Leonè nodded and gestured to Emil.
"Emil was the one who brought you home. Took care of those fucks who hurt you."
"I heard," she smiled softly at Emil, "thank you so much, Mr. Becker."
"I'm not sure how I'll ever repay the kindness..." She said gently. Leonè waved his hand.
"I'll take care of it, bambina. Go rest, get some food." He told her. She nodded, squeezing his hands gently before moving to leave, touching Emil's shoulder as she left.
"I've already called the University. They'll send over the camera footage." Antonio said. Leonè nodded and looked back to Emil.
"How much you get for your jobs, Emil?"
"Really?" The answer seemed to dissatisfy him before he looked to Antonio. His right hand shrugged.
"It's what all the runner's make. He makes extra from info he brings in." He replied. Leonè grunted and looked to Emil.
"Y'git five hundred for your runs. Informants get fifty bucks or so for information, if I recall. Make it a hundred. I shouldn't have favorites, but you rescued my daughter."
When he came out of the back, he spied Rosario sitting at a corner table picking at some burrata and fruit. She looked up when she registered movement and smiled softly.
"I hope I see you again soon, Mr. Becker.."
She smiled more and looked back down at her plate.
His usual routine returned to normal, aside from the extra rolls of money in his pocket. Eventually, he was called to sit in on deals, just to listen and see if everything was on the up and up. He had an eye for these things, and Leonè was beginning to favor his opinion.
Rosario was home a lot more, and she enjoyed the brief moments she had to speak with Emil. She was rather fun to be around; smart and funny.
"Emil," Rosario stopped him on his way out from talking to Leonè one day, "Papa and I would really enjoy your company for dinner tonight. If you have the time?"
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