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Volare e cantare (PoisonousIvee/Mr.Aznable)


Nov 28, 2017
"Penso che un sogno così non ritorni mai più"

Emil was not your average twenty six year old. He was a gun runner and informant for the local Italian mob - the Buratti family - and he was damn good at what he did. He had been at this a long time, since he was seventeen, and had become pretty well liked by Don Leonè Buratti. He found the best guns and got the best gossip to keep the family thriving.
Sometimes, when he was visiting to deliver news or guns, he would see the Don's daughter floating around. Her name was Rosario, and she was absolutely gorgeous. She was a few years younger than him - just barely five years his younger - and was attending college a good portion of her time. He didn't see her often, but when he did, it was a delight.

Emil was making another run; he would find suppliers and test them out before even attempting to waste the Don's time with them. Now was such a time. This group he had caught wind of boasted importing European weapons - hard to get goods from overseas that he was sure the Don would take a liking to.
Post war, a lot of lower level crime organizations had cheap, broken or fake weapons to sell as exotic or better than they really were. He had done some time in the Army overseas as an armorer, so he knew his way around weapons. He wasn’t the best shot in the world, but he figured if he ever had to use one in his new work, he would be fine. Rosario was a fascination of his, and even with her relation to his boss, he felt drawn to her. He pulled up to the meeting site, sighing as he checked his weapon. Surplus pistol, surplus ammo, surplus holster. Nothing fancy, but it all worked.
Not long after he parked, a black four door pulled up across from him. A couple men climbed out of the car to meet Emil, looking around briefly.
"You Becker?" The driver asked.
“Allegedly.” He said, standing up and shielding his cigarette from the wind as he lit it. “You have the product?” He asked.
He nodded and nudged his head, him and his partner walking around to the back of their car to get to the trunk. They looked to Emil when he stopped between them and the driver reached to click the trunk open.
"As we promised: only the best rifles and pistols Germany could belt out." He said, lifting the door of the trunk. Only, it wasn't various firearms laid neatly in the boot of the car; it was Rosario, bound and gagged and unconscious.
The second man immediately became alarmed and glared at the driver.
"You idiot!! You grabbed the wrong car!!" He hissed. The driver hissed and reached into his suit pocket for his gun, turning on Emil fast.
Emil pulled something out of his pocket quickly, holding it out high. A grenade. It was a dummy, but these idiots wouldn’t know that. “Hold it! One wrong move and all of us are dead.” He said, quickly pulling the pin
"J-Jesus Christ...!"
"Didn't realize Buratti hired psychos...!" They panicked, holding up their hands quickly.
Emil had to think quickly. He held the grenade tight in one hand and drew his pistol, aiming it at one of them. “Pick her up and put her in my car.” He told them.
The driver moved, keeping his eyes on Emil until he couldn't; he picked up Rosario carefully and moved to place her in the backseat of Emil's car.
He needed to make his move now. He waited until the man backed away before lobbing the grenade towards the closest man, and firing off several shots at the man furthest from him.
The second panicked and threw himself as far from the grenade as possible, the driver taking a couple rounds in the chest and falling backward.
He used the last of his magazine on the man who had thrown himself on the ground. He quickly moved to their car, picking up anything that had his fingerprints on it, and driving off quickly back to the don.
Wasn't Rosario supposed to be at school out of town? What the hell were they planning on doing with her?
When he arrived at Buratti's Osteria - the family's means to hide in plain sight - Don Buratti's right hand, Antonio, moved out to greet him.
"That took a lot less time than I thought." He remarked amusedly.
“You should send someone over to that family.” He said as he moved to the back seat, revealing Rosario as he began untying her.
“I have no fucking idea but there’s two bodies and a car at the meeting place.” He said.
"Rosario...! Rosario, wake up...!" Antonio tapped her cheek firmly over and over until she stirred, peeling her eyes open and looking between them.
"Antonio...? Mr. Becker...? Wh... Where...?"
"Come with me, bella, we gotta get you looked at." Antonio said gently, helping her out of the car, "Emil, go tell the boss what happened."
"Emil," Don Buratti looked up at him and waved him closer, "I trust that job you mentioned went well?"
He held his hat in his hands, gently wringing the brim. “Eh.. well, better.. and worse than we’d hoped, boss..” he said. This was going to get ugly. “They uh.. they had your daughter.. I heard them say they’d mixed up cars.. she’s alive, and awake, I just brought her back but uh.. no weapons.. needless to say, both of them are dead, I left nothing tied to us but some brass, but uh.. yeah.”
Leonè was quiet. So painfully quiet. His old face slowly crinkled with a scowl before he looked away to place his cigar in the ash tray beside him.
"Gus. Faro."
"Yes, boss."
"Go to the spot. Clean up and find out who the fuck these assholes think they are. Deal with it."
"Yes, boss." Agosto and Faro stood from the table and left the room. Leonè took his cigar again before looking back down at his playing cards.
"Take a seat, Emil. You want anything? A drink? A smoke?" Leonè offered.
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