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The Mystics Prediction (Guardian Angel and LunarWolf)


Mar 29, 2018
North America
10,000 years ago a vampires mystisis predicted that in the coming year a child would be born with the power to do either great good or great harm to the vampire people. This child would be born human but what would set it said his the fact that the child's life span would be that of a vampires and their eyes would not be a color combination that humans had. for several thousand years the vampires searched looking for the child go legend so that they could be raised to do great good for them but to no avail. exactly 9,979 years later two children are born twin girls, then Girls are special as one has blue eyes with flecks of gold in them while the other had gold eyes with flecks of blue in them. the father of the two girls knew of the legend as he had been told it be a close friend. knowing that his girls were the child of legend he had his wife split when they were but a year old. the father took one and went to live with the vampires while his wife lived a normal life with their other daughter to keep both girls safe form harm. twenty years later their story is about to have a whole new chapter.

Late in the evening a low red glow could be seen from one of the shop windows, a few minutes later a loud explosion could be heard as the front of a building blew out. soon the flames engulfed the buildings around it. by the time someone noticed the flames three city blocks were engulfed. fire trucks lined the streets as they tried to put the flames out. thankfully someone had called it in before it reached the apartment complex and they weren't having to worry about evacuating the building

It was nearly 1 am when Lin received a call about a three alarm fire . rolling out of bed Lin got up and got dress and then grabbed her binder before she headed out Lin made sure that she had everything she needed while some owners would be glad to see her others wouldn't since she wouldn't sign off on the payouts until she knew what the cause of the fire was. several months ago they had had a male set fire to his own business for the insurance money and lucked out that a staff member lived only a block away and saw the smoke and was able to call for help. Lin recalled that the man had be arrested for arson and then animal that had called his building home had been picked up by animal control and given proper homes. Lina got in to her car and drove to the area. while she wasn't pleased to have gotten woken up that early there was only so much she could do but seeing her would calm a lot of people down.

Eric was sitting in his office going over plans for the clubs remodel. the club was currently shut down and gutted out since they were redoing all the plumbing and electrical as well as making sure the fire resistant materials were being used in the club as well. Eric answered the phone rarely when he was working since he left it to his guard. the male was as involvded as he was in the club so letting him handle the phones while he was working made his life a lot easier plus the male would let him know if the call was important or not.
Ten thousand years ago there was a prophecy that had been predicted about a child that would be born that could either destroy the vampire people or be their salvation. A child that would be born a human but have the life span of a vampire - the key to telling if they were the child of prophecy was by their eyes. A unique combination that no other humans could ever possibly have. Millenniums went by and the vampires searched and searched for this child - to never find a single thing. Then everything changed after 9979 years when a pair of twins were born with those unique eyes that only the special child would have. In order to protect their children it had been decided that the married couple were going to go their own separate directions so that they could protect their precious children. The mother took their daughter Lin and went to live a normal life amongst the humans while the father took their daughter Ravette to live with the vampires. Twenty years have gone by since the girls had been separated and their parents went their separate directions, and now a new chapter is about to unfold for them both.

Ravette, more commonly known as Rave to her friends, was just pushing her jet black hair out of her face as she was humming softly just sitting on the balcony railing of the large house that she was living in with her father and some of the other vampires. At one point she had found it so strange to know that vampires even existed but had quickly gotten use to being around them. They were her family although she had heard many of the vampires around her speak about her mother - a woman that she had never actually met. She had definitely heard the rumors from the others about how she had a sibling - that her mother had left with her sibling when she had been young. But that was about it; she nothing more than that. Asking her father about it had always been futile as he didn't want to tell her much of anything. Made her thing that her parents had just gotten divorced or something like that.

Blue eyes with a strange flecks of gold in them just gazed into the distance before she was spinning around on the railing so that she could hop up from where she was sitting and head off inside the large house that sat atop the hill overlooking a city. She was just heading off towards her room so that she could grab up her phone and send a message to a guy that she had ended up bumping into while she had been at a club a few times. They had had a couple of drinks together and had talked - drunkenly exchanging numbers a number of months ago. Not like it had progressed really past texting each other at that point in time. 'Hey Eric, just reaching out to see how the club is going. Heard it was closed temporarily for remodeling. Makes me a bit sad.' she was texting after a moment in time. Yet it also didn't help that they never saw each other physically because she lived a few towns over - she had only ended up at that club because a few other friends had invited her to go out with them for a girls trip. They had gone camping at a campground on the outskirts of the town that the club was at - which was still a four hour drive from her own home.

They had all gotten bored camping and nothing had been going on - so they had all decided to head into town to see what they could find. And a club is what they had found. A blast they had the first night and this is where Ravette had ended up bumping into Eric for the first time. And after that herself and her friends more or less frequented the club almost every night for the week that they were suppose to be camping - yet the campground had been so lame. They hadn't even been allowed to start a fire in the firepit and the beds in the cabin were absolutely terrible; needless to say they had decided it would be better to just get a hotel suite for the four of them, so that is what they had done.

The male in question that worked with Eric was actually sitting in his own apartment doing some computer work. His attention did go towards his screen as it was pinging that his boss had an incoming text message - which he would either field and handle himself, or just let it go through. This was something that he was just letting go through to Eric's phone. There were some messages that he just wasn't going to get involved with, and ones from that person in particular were one of those. His attention was turning towards the news as it spoke about the fire that had occurred a few blocks away - a good thing that it hadn't spread any farther than it had. Seemed like it had gone pretty far still but it could have been a lot worse. Sebastian was just letting out a breath of air before pushing some of his shaggy brown hair out of his face, green eyes just taking in something that was on his computer screen at the time. Just an email - but it was one that weighed heavily on him at the time. Information about his mother at the time from her doctor - letting him know about the upcoming surgeries that she had going on and all of this other stuff.
Lin spoke with the fire investigator who had said that it was an electrical fire that one of the old wires in the wall had shorted out and because the building that it had happened in was abandoned there had been no fire suppression system in place. Lin looked at the man with her gold eyes and nodded her head as she listened while she would have to wait for his official report before she could cut people checks Lin was positive people would be getting their money. Lin then headed to talk to those who had policies with her company and let them know what was going on. normally she wouldn't even be involved but someone higher up had decided that she needed to be.

Eric looked at his phone when it dinged and he smiled picking it up. Reading the text he chuckled and then sent a text back "yea we are closed right now but the remodel is going well and we should reopen soon" Eric then looked over at the news and frowned when he saw the report about the fire. he then shot a text to Sebastian to see if their club was effected by the fire or not since he didnt know if it had hit their building
Sebastian was spotting the message from Eric which had him texting back 'No the club is fine as far as I know. But I'll head out to go check just to be safe here shortly.' With that text message sent he was getting to his feet so that he could head out and get to the club - check it out make sure that there wasn't any damage. Or if there was any damage to make sure that he got stuff submitted to insurance so that stuff could get taken care off.

Ravette was just falling backwards onto her bed and looking at the message that she was getting back in response. This had her chuckle before she was texting back 'Well that is good to hear. You'll have to let me know so I can make a four hour drive there.' No she would definitely make that drive without any hesitation at all - and if she didn't want to drive at all she could easily get a ride there from one of the others.
Lin sighed while she talked with people all of them asking her questions and since she was there representing her company she couldn't tell people no that she couldn't answer their questions. Lin wondered how the owners of the club would react to the fact that their building had burned as well while it wasn't as bad as the other two it would have to be rebuilt because of the damage.

Eric chuckled and then responded back "I look forward to seeing you there" Eric was at the club most nights as he ran the place. Eric then sent an thumbs up to Sebastian while he worked on making sure everyone got paid while they were closed
Sebastian was showing up at the club although he was letting out a whistle when he saw the damage. Man that definitely sucked that was for sure and he was soon enough passing through some of the other people that were there so that he could approach whoever was investigating all of this.

Ravette was just smiling some before she was responding back 'Eventually I'm sure you'll see me there. Depends on how long it takes to reopen.' Although she was sitting up after a moment - debating on just making a trip there anyways. She was kind of wanting to meet up with him in person again.
Sebastian would find Lin talking with the investigator again as she was getting more information from him as well as how long it would take him to write his report. Lin sighed hearing it would take a couple days but she knew he had to be certain of his findings.

'I look forward to seeing you and I will make sure to let you know when we open again' Eric looked at the paper he was working on and nodded his head and sighed as he wanted to open sooner rather then later
Sebastian was just walking up after a moment in time before he was commenting, "I am a co-owner of this club here." This definitely had the investigator looking over and apologizing to him and was briefly explaining the situation - at least pertaining to what they had found about the club. And it was pretty obvious that it was just going to have to be rebuilt - well that was probably going to annoy Eric but there wasn't a whole lot that he could do about it. This had him letting out a breath of air before he was actually just calling Eric.

Ravette was chuckling before she was messaging back 'Maybe I'll just have to come to your town just to bug you whether at the club or elsewhere.'
Lin looked at him and felt bad for him knowing that his building had gone up in flames like it had. Lin then went back to reassuring people that everything would be ok. Lin knew it would take time to rebuild and that people were going to be spending a lot of money rebuilding the area.

"you're welcome to come and see me any time you want" Eric looked at his phone when it rang and he saw that is was Sebastian. this had him answering the phone and then speaking "hey man what happened how bad is it?" Eric was more then a little worried that the remodel was going to be delayed even more then it was but if it was delayed he would deal with it
Sebastian was just letting out a breath of air before he was commenting, "Well the remodel is definitely going to be a... remodel. From top to bottom." That would definitely going to be enough to tell him everything that he was needing to know about the damage. Yet again perhaps it worked in their favor, they had been talking about just rebuilding completely at some point.
Eric sighed and then pinched the bridge of his nose "the damage is that bad?" Eric knew if they needed to rebuild that they would be using fire proof material to protect his investment in the future
"Yeah it was bad. Not as bad as the other buildings... but still pretty bad." was all Sebastian was saying into the phone before letting out a breath of air.
Eric echoed his sigh before he leaned back in his chair "We will need to get in touch with the insurance company so they can help pay for the repairs but at this point, we would be better off just demolishing and rebuilding from the ground up." Eric sat back up and then opened one of the filling cabinets and pulled out the paperwork "Our contact is someone named Linette"
Sebestian was just listening to what Eric had to say after a moment in time before he was giving a chuckle when he heard the name, and was just looking at the woman standing in front of him. Luckily he had met her in person before so he did know what she looked like; so that made it far easier. "Well that won't take me long at all to get into touch with her, as she is here it seems." With that he was actually hanging up so that he could approach Lin and speak to her - going through the formal route of telling her that she was wanting to make an appointment with her to discuss insurance stuff. No he wasn't going to bombard her there - not like others... that wasn't fair to her at all.

'I was thinking perhaps if I come out... You could show me some sights around your town.' Ravette was texting Eric after a moment in time - having absolutely no idea about what was going on with the club at that point in time. Yet to be honest if she knew what was going on - she would probably offer to help him with the work. She was looking at her door when there was a knock and one of the vampries that lived there was coming in asking if she was wanting anything since they were headed down to the kitchen - and returning to their room had them going right past her room. "Oh some hot chocolate would be lovely." she was cooing and the vampire was giving a thumbs up before heading off.
Lin looked at him when he mentioned making an appointment to go over insurance stuff and she smiled as he was being more sensible than everyone else there at the time was being. Lin pulled out her phone and looked at her schedule "I can meet you at nine in the morning if you are willing to meet that early otherwise I am not open again till Thursday" Lin didnt mind making time to meet with him since he was the calmest of the people there but she figured it had to be hard on him as well having to deal with the fire.

Eric looked at her text and then responded "well the club is going to be closed longer then planned due to a fire but if you want to come and visit I would be happy to show you around" Eric then sent the text and then looked over the rest of the documents he had on his desk
Sebastian was chuckling before he was commenting, "Nine works out perfectly. Also... What is your preferred drink? I'll bring something with me - my treat and thank you for making the time so soon with plenty of other people to help as well." With that he was pushing a bit of his shaggy hair from his face and just letting out a breath of air.

Ravette was sitting up when she read that message and was just pursing her lips. Oh that was just terrible to hear. 'Oh is there any way I can help?'
"I prefer caramel macchiato with extra caramel" Lin then thanked him for getting her a drink as she doubted she would be getting any sleep between now and then so she would be running on coffee for the day.

"not right now but thank you for offering" Eric smiled seeing that she cared so much as to offer to help
Sebastian was chuckling before he was commenting, "I'll bring you some coffee then when I see you in a couple of hours." With that he was raising a hand so that he could get going - actually speaking with the fire crew to see if it was safe for him to enter the building. Damaged but he could still go in - which meant that he could grab a couple of important things.

Ravette was just taking her hot chocolate from the vampire that came in before she was sipping at it. 'Of course.'
Lin wished him a good night and then went back to work talking to people. after awhile she managed to calm everyone down and was able to head home so she could change and then head to the office to get started on her work.
Sebastian was just messaging Eric to let him know that he would be meeting with their insurance at nine that morning.
Eric sent back and thumbs up and then told him to head home and get some rest before the meeting as he wanted him sharp for it.
After a couple of hours Sebastian was returning to the office so that he could have a meeting with Lin. While he was doing that, Ravette was about an hour away from the town having decided to just get out there so that she could hang out with Eric.
Lin was sitting at her desk looking over the paper work for Eric's business and nodding her head. they were covered so they wouldn't have to fight and the fire investigator had worked double time and had gotten the report done early so they could process claims.
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