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Treble Follows [EEE x LFP] NSFW Images

The male shivered as she spoke to him again. She wanted him. She needed him. He was happy to give her what she wanted. He thrust a litlte more, shivering as he began to push harder and harder. A growl built in his throat as he pushed her down into the bed, pinning her as growled loudly into her ears. He wanted to breed this little starlet. This simple siren. His maw curled back into a snarl as she felt him push faster and harder and soon enough she felt the knot push into her, before, with a single last pump, he knotted her.

He let out a small howl of pleasure as he collapsed a bit on top of her, his cock twitching as he came inside of her. He panted heavily as he laid atop her a little bit, and grunted as he slowly rolled over, pulling the woman atop of him as the knot kept all that he spilled into her tight inside of her body. A plug to keep his seed inside of her and basically ensuring that he had knocked her up. He panted a little more as he moved his hips against her own, grinding against her as he couldn't thrust anymore. Now he simply moaned a little and looked up into her eyes, making sure she was okay.
Cordelia was pinned down and it felt so amazing but she had no idea what she was about to feel when he would eventually push himself into her but at the moment the thrusting and pumping was driving her wild and her moans filled his house. The growling would take some getting used to but she had no idea what was about to happen between the pair of them. Her moaning turn into a cry of a mix of pain with pleasure when they’re not finally pushed into her tiny hole.

It hurt like nothing she never felt before and she couldn’t even describe it let alone talk! her entire body started trembling as she would reach up and grab onto his shoulders digging her nails and him without thinking it was just a reaction to the pain she felt. His howling would drown out The cries she let out as he filled her yet again. Clapping on top of her leaving her shaking and trembling like a leaf blowing in the wind. When he rolled over he took her with her considering how they were entangled now and she collapsed on top of him trying to catch her breath and even though she was full of so many questions there was no way she could ask it after such an extreme exercise.

When he finally looked up at her she could see she didn’t look too bad but she had tears in her eyes though even though this felt good the new feeling with something that scared her but now with her on top of him she closed her eyes and laid on him trying to catch her breath as he felt or possibly heard how fast her heart was racing after what they just did and she had no idea how important and not inside her would mean especially ensuring that she might get pregnant after this one time.
The old man grumbled as he lay there with her, holding her tightly as he sighed, "Fuck... that old... woman... is gonna pay for this," he said as he huffed and puffed like the big bad wolf of old. He stared up at the ceiling, eyes dialated as he stared into her own eyes as she laid on top of him. He kissed her softly as he saw her nervous look up at him as he shook his head, "Its okay... hey... its alright, I know... you're scared. You're feeling lost..." he said to her softly, "But I'm here sweetie," He said to her softly.

He kissed her softly now, lips pushing to her own as he kissed her and squeezed her to his form, the werewolf throbbed inside of her, knot tying the pair together, keeping all of what he had deposited tight and inside her, ensuring she'd absorb every bit of it. He took in a deep breath and sighed, shaking his head, "Your grandma... I think she drugged your food sweetie," he said to her softly.

He took a deep breath, "This connection? This is real... its all... very... VERY real. God is it..." he said softly as he bucked his hips gently, rolling himself into her as he groaned, "Ugh... I uh... its..." He began to growl and moan again as he moved himself against her before stopping himself, "Bad Jack...' he growled, "Uh... right, listen, I think she wanted us... to hook up and gave you something to... encourage it," he said to her.
He could tell by looking at her eyes she was scared but the way he spoke to her was calming her down but he could tell she was still nervous. Everything was so new to her and she never been with someone like him as her eyes watch tears and she was too nervous to say anything at all but she could feel him throbbing inside of her making her whimper. The soft kisses he made had her calm down as she leaned into him and whimpered against him.

She didn’t pull away from his kiss but he could tell she was so nervous and even more scared. “My grandmother did this to us? Why would she do this?” She would ask curiously even though she probably knew her grandma thought she was lonely and how she avoided dating ever since her ex-boyfriend. When he rolled and pushed more into her she gasped and whimpered loudly. Every time he moved it made her body tremble as the night was still inside of her and with each movement he took her with him as she held on clinging to him afraid to move too much especially since she never felt anything like this inside of her. “I… i’m so sorry… i’m sorry from my grandmother we can talk to her later we both can I’m so sorry Jack…” he could hear her starting to panic because she knew what she was and now learning what he was this must’ve been a bad idea and even though he wasn’t upset she was worried how this would actually turn out and they would eventually have to question her grandmother about this. “If you’re worried I’ll never speak about this again… we can forget what happened and maybe she’ll tell us why… I can’t tell you how embarrassed I am…” she could hear there was remorse in her voice as she was trying to fix what happened but she had no idea how but at least Jack didn’t sound angry at least for the moment and a part of her thought maybe he would get angry later about what her grandmother did especially after they just slept together.
The male squeezed her as he chuckled, before putting a finger too her lips and sighing, "Hey now... none of that. You just slept with a werewolf sweetie. We don't let go. We stick around. Wolves mate for life," he said in a low growl of pleasure as he chuckled, "You are MINE now... and I ain't letting you go..." He said. The man then closed his eyes, "You're safe with me. I'm not gonna forget this. And I just... I dunno. It feels right. Your grandma probably was onto something, I'm more worried you might freak out and get upset... you had a life ahead of you, and you're a big star... you could have any guy. Why take the shlubby sheriff of some sea-side town?" he asked her softly as he closed his eyes and took in a deep breath before letting it out slowly.

He shook his head, "We can talk about her later. Right now I wanna know more about you. You feel any different? Better? You took a lot from me, again not a bad thing,'H e said quickly, correcting himself, "You just need to relax a little and..." He kissed her softly on the lips now, removing his finger, "Let life happen..." he told her, "You seem to have enjoyed yourself... think you can sing me a little song my sweet little canary?" he said as he ran a hand through her hair softly.
Jack held her close as she whimpered not that she was upset at him but this was all so much to take in and hearing him talk and felt like she was losing her mind especially when he said werewolf even though she saw it with her own eyes. At least she wasn’t panicking yet she was scared and worried and he said mate for life and she had no idea how to take it.

The good thing about him was he was trying to get Cordelia to talk which was quite helpful. “Feel? I don’t know listening to all of this I’m so confused…. why would my grandmother do this to us? I’m sure you don’t wanna be stuck with me.” he could hear he was really worried but he did ask her to sing for him so she was a little too scared to before she would finally speak a bit more about herself. “You really think I could have anyone with what I am? That’s not the case and when I think that very dangerous you’re asking me to do that? You’re gonna regret this later and I have no idea what my grandmother would give you this death sentence…” her voice was very sad as she was trying to explain herself but not get too deep into it. She felt his fingers run through her hair so she wasn’t quite sure how to handle him and she had no idea what would happen when they would split up later and he said werewolves made it for life and she had no idea what that would mean for her.

“I’m sure you don’t wanna be stuck with me there’s gotta be a way to get out of this for both of us this was just a mistake right? Do you regret anything?” She would ask him look up at him wondering what he would say to that.
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