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Treble Follows [EEE x LFP] NSFW Images

The man hesitated as they stayed out front and he paused, watching her carefully, "Wait... what do you mean ruin..." he paused, "Oh god... is this one of those curses from being a... whatever. Siren, right?" he said softly as he watched her, "Gods. That woman is a piece of work. No. You can't do that kinda stuff to a guy like me," he said to her, "I'm immune to a lot of stuff. You could sin and I wouldn't care. I mean, I've heard you, its nice," he said teasingly, "But it ain't my thing. I prefer older music. Lounge stuff," he said teasingly as he smiled a little bit at her, "Maybe she was hoping... cause I'm like your dad... I can't be swayed by magic and the such... that maybe that's why you could be here. I guess you opened up to her about that stuff?" he asked.

He then sighed, starting up the car again. He drove them down the block back into town and parked outside an old building with a big sign out front. It was turned off adn there was only two cars in the parking lot but he sighed as he sat there, "We'll just wait for the bar to open, yeah? That's what you wanted anyways," he said to her softly as he stared out, "Is it that bad anyways? I mean.. like... ya know..." he said almost sounding hurt.
“it’s not a curse….if it were I could fix it…” she started to explain but still kept her distance. “I didn’t come here to be a burden….I just…,my gifts are a double edged sword. I’m successful but I just can’t be with anyone and she’s wrong. I’ll handle her. I don’t want to be any trouble for you.” she was going to continue but went silent when he started saying things about how he was like her father and immune to her gifts.

“Thanks…I know my music isn’t for everyone. No offense taken. I like your honestly. She knows enough about my gifts. My love life. My failures and who I’ve hurt. I just don’t dare. Not because I don’t want to it’s just not good for me to be with humans as lovers. Men or women. I’m meant to be alone…” Cordelia refused to elaborate as he started up the car and headed back into town. “We don’t need the bar. You think I’m a drunk anyways…I’m not…I think I’m just trying to forget just for a little bit.” leaning her head back and looking up at the roof of the car when he asked her if it’s that bad it made her sniffle again. “For me it is…I know you don’t date but have you ever found someone you really cared about but it just didn’t work? Like fire and ice? Sadly I’m the fire. I’ve learned to not get close anymore. I came here to learn how to be alone. You seem kind. You really do, but her prediction has yo be bull shit. I’m not good for anyone even if you are like my dad I can’t risk anything. Don’t worry. I’ll talk her out if this.” without thinking she reached over to place a hand on his upper thigh but she pulled back so quickly and went stiff turning to look out the i for hoping he wouldn’t get upset at her comforting gesture.
The man took off his hat as she touched his thigh. Laughing a bit as he radioed in. He told the person on the radio he was getting off for the night, if there was an emergency he'd be reachable through his phone. But otherwise let the others take care of it. He then removed hsi jacket and was soon in a pair of slacks and a white shirt next to her. He got out of the car and then walked around to her side before opening the door. He gently pulled her up and out of the car and took her by the hand, walking her to the bar. He knocked and a woman answered, opening the door, upon seeing him she raised an eyebrow but moved to let the two in as he took her and sat her on a stool.

"So what will you have. And why have you brought some little starlit into my home?" she asked. She looked at her before pouring her a litlte drink and sliding it to her, "There. Something sweet for ya. Sweet and heavy. You look like you could use it," she said before turning to Jack.

"She's the mayors daughter. The woman decided that she needed to be with someone and chose me," he said, "The woman's just being a bit of a crazy old hag and we're just here to share a drink and relax. She's new to town, wanted to explore, and I"m trying to convince her not to run off and maybe open up a little," he said as he took a bottle from behind the counter and poured himself a shot.
A part of her was scared to look over again after the accidental touch to his leg. Cordelia had been dealing with so much and now her own grandmother was being cryptic to the point she just wanted to run away. Was this how her own mother felt? Scared? Afraid? Worried? She felt all of this. Listening to het guide radio in she had no idea about his plan until he got them to the bar while he got comfortable and took off his jacket but was a gentleman getting out and opening the door for her.

Cordelia was hesitant to take his hand but did and kept quiet. Knocking a women let him him but she complained about him bringing a starlet to the bar and she shrank trying to look even smaller than she was looking down and whispering a soft apology. Maybe she just wasn’t welcomed here either though before she could protest the barmaid brought her a drink; sweet and heavy as she sat down and lifted it up for a sip though keeping quiet. When someone like her was as quiet as a church mouse it wasn’t a good sign. “Thank you. I appreciate it. It’s good.” complimenting the drink but no questions escaped at all. “Get me a shot too. Don’t worry I don’t get drunk easily. And no I can’t run off yet I need to give my grandma a piece of my mind. For the both of us.” she planned on defending both of their honors at least. “If I leave sooner rather than later my grandmother can’t meddle if I’m not here. What do you mean open up?you already know that I am and that I’m terrifying. Don’t you want me out of town too after what your friend told us? besides I think maybe she’s just being silly. Right?” she was looking for reassurance hoping he could tell her that her grandmother had to be wrong. She just met Jack there was nothing between them at all! Maybe she mixed up her visions. That had to be it!
The woman behind the bar laughed as she spoke before pausing, "Oh... I... I'm sorry sweetie. God. You think you're terrifying? We ahve people who live in this town because they're wanted on six continents. This town was founded by old witches from Salem. THAT Salem yes," she said to her, "You're not dangerous, no where near as dangerous as some of our other people. You're just... an oddity. But I get it, I wouldn't want to be with the old man either," she said conspiritorialy as the man huffed and poured himself anotehr drink. She smirked, "He's a nice guy but he's a bit old and I bet he gets whisky dick," she said as he glared at her and shook his head. She smirked again, "So if you don't think anythings gonna happen why are you so afraid? Why leave? Stay. Learn more. Get comfy. Relax a little bit sweetheart. You're amongst friends for the first time, I promise," she told her.

The man then sighed, "Your grandmother has a good track record with her little predictions," he said to her, "But I get it. I'm a bitter old man. A grumbly old piece of," he said to her, "I wouldn't wanna be around me either," he said to her as the other woman made a fake pouty face and chuckled, "Aww... poor baby... see? You hurt his feelings. Old man is actually really soft for ya... that's rare," She teased as he snarled her name in anger, "STACY!"

The woman mixed another drink then put two shots of something sweet but strong in front of her. Whatever it was, a human woulda been knocked out by one shot of it as the man was now drinking straight ouf of the bottle and sighed.
It was nice to hear that she wasn’t terrifying but poor Cordelia just felt so lost and alone. It was nice to hear Stacy talk though and she mentioned whiskey dick it made her chuckle and actually smile but hearing the story of the town it made sense that she wasn’t the only strange creature. “I don’t thank he understands… it’s not that he’s a bad person it’s because of my track record. I can’t be with anyone.” at least Stacy was getting her to talk that would Jack listen?

“My Family fled from here when I was five. And never looked back. It’s really strange to be here. I’ve never been anywhere so being here it’s terrifying for me especially since I’m weird mix.” She was trying her best to explain until Jack said that he wouldn’t want to be with himself either. Cordelia let our a sigh before she would address that. “Jack…. I am a death sentence..”she would say before the new drink was put in front of her and she took the shot and it was sweet but strong though she could handle it even though she winced a little bit at the strength of it. “Even if my songs don’t affect you something else will. I don’t know how accurate my grandmother is I’m dangerous to you. It’s not you I’m upset with…..I’m scared. I could use another…please….” She would ask as Jack drank from the bottle. following his footsteps she wanted to get wasted and forget about her grandmothers prophecy.

“What are you? It seems like I don’t have to hide from you. I’m half Siren and half witch and anyone who gets close to me ends up going mad or dying. I’m meant to be alone. Nothing against you Jack. I guess it is a curse. My powers drive whomever I love to the point of madness and death. I’d be damned if I cause another.” normally Cordelia would be full of questions about Stacy but she was just sad and trying her best to reassure Jack it wasn’t anything wrong with him it was all on her.
Stacy snort laughed at the woman and sighed, "Oh god you two really are perfect for each other aren't ya? Well lover boy here isn't gonna say it so I will. He's a hellsing. Or a Grimm, or a... bunch of other words for a man who can't be affected by us magical types. He's immune to the bite of a werewolf, can't be hypnotized by vampires or others... and he's got some resistance to magic stuff like what you got going on sugar," she said to her as she cleaned a glass and got a remote out, turning on TV's as she sighed, "This man has gone through so many god damn women in his time. He strikes out cause he's far to clingy and controlling. Most women don't want a daddy unless he's the sugar kind, right?" she said to her.

The man groaned as he pinched the bridge to his nose, "When did this become about me? What the hell is wrong with you Stacy? You're the one who... you know what, no I won't stoop to your level. Go on. Tell her everything. How about the last three women, two of whom were run out of town by the crazy bitch who runs this place? The other one nearly got killed and then ran off with the guy who saved her, even though I was the one who put in all hte work, I jsut happened to nearly DIE at the end. What a wonderful way to thank me for nearly losing a leg and an eye!" he said bitterly, "You wanna tell her about the four vampires I dated for a time who treated me like pets then got upset when I was upset at them sleeping around? Cause Vampires don't go steady, because they're around for so fucking long?" he said angrily.
“D…did you two date?” Cordelia was watching both of them and the way they were arguing it seemed like they were a couple or had been a while ago and she was even more confused even if Stacy was explaining more about Jack and how he wouldn’t be affected by her really through her off. “You both did date didn’t you? I…I didn’t know…” She began getting nervous but as she explained what Jack was fully she looked at him and wondered if he was immune to her.

She had planned to say more but Jack was getting more upset and talking about his failed relationships. “At least they are alive mostly. I don’t know much about vampires so I can’t really say anything there, but… I figured it would be hard for you to date. I’ve never met anyone immune to my powers. That’s the reason I rarely do life performances it gets really crazy and when I do it’s heavily guarded to keep me safe. Just because I have a successful singer doesn’t make it easy. I guess I’m not his type I’m not a vampire.” she was trying her best to lighten the mood as she watched Jack. Out of reflex she would put her hand on his back and give it a nice pat on the back. “I found something we can drink on? Our failed relationships where we take a shot? What about all of us you to Stacy.” she would take another shot of the strong drink and now she was starting to finally feel something though she wasn’t very close to getting drunk yet but she would want another shot it probably would not be a good idea but she needed the drinks but at least now she knew Jack wasn’t scared of her and he was just as lonely as she was.

“You are cute when you’re angry. We can also toast to our horrible love lives. You can’t keep a woman and I can’t keep anyone without driving them insane. Maybe new beginnings? And probably toasting to giving my grandmother a piece of our minds once we get a hold of her. Deal?” She would ask as she kept checking on Jack hoping he was okay but it was interesting to know that people out there were a immune to her powers and she really wanted to test it so she decided to finally ask. “Can I sing for you? I mean it’s just for science especially since I’ve never met anyone like you. Would you do that for me? You did pretty princess in the car so does that mean you’ll listen to me?” she asked playfully tell Stacy could probably tell that she was lightly flirting
Stacy laughed and rolled her eyes as she went down and got some wax. She stuck them in her ears and nodded over to the stage as the man hesitated, "I was just.... trying to help you calm down! You don't need to sing for me. I don't mind if you do but its not like..." he paused as he realized he was blushing slightly, "I... okay... I guess," he said with a sigh, "Don't think this is about... ya know, anything though," he said to her as he turned to see the woman. He stared at her as she would approach the stage and he moved from the bar to a table, where he could lounge in a chair a little bit.

The woman at the bar sighed, "You two will need to cut if off soon. I got customers coming in for dinner at some point. So you two need to pay for drinks and relax," she said loudly as she had the earplugs in and the man waved her down to get her to calm as he turned to stare at the young siren on the stage. He smirked a little and spread his arms, as if telling her to simply go, as he relaxed a little bit more for the first time since she met the man.
A part of her felt defeated for trying but Jack quickly changed his tune and she approached the stage as Stacy blocked her ears with wax. Though before she would get started she was the one to place money on the bar for Stacy before she’d get up and start singing.

Her voice was hypnotic and at least in the bar could be contained. It was intoxicating and navy with magic that made the air heavier. Cordelia lost herself In the song though when she saw Jack relaxing without reacting she gave it all she had. Her magic persisted the bar as she continued until the very last note she stood on stage watching Jack and waiting for a reaction of any sort as she wondered if he would be affected. Staring at him as she would take small steps off the stage to go sit next to Jack. Eyes in him trying hey best to read him fully.“What do you feel? How to you feel? Any different?” she’d ask hoping at least see if her melody made him act any different toward her at all though what she did next might have pushed a boundary but she had to know as she would stand up again and move in front of Jack and placed a hand on his cheek as she gulped before closing her eyes and pressing her lips against his wondering if her melody entranced him or would he push her away.
The man sat there, listening to her song with a smile on his face. An intersting song for sure. He wasn't quite sure why she'd sing it to him of all people but as she finished he clapped a little and smirked, "I'm agraid I'm not quite under your spell my dear. I'm just...' he paused as she got closer and he sat upright a little more. He paused and stared at her as she leaned in and saw the other woman move towards him. He threw up a hand as the young girl kissed him and he sat there, letting her do it, before she pulled back, "You feel better?" he said softly to her as he stared into her own eyes, "You starting to think your grandma was onto something?" he asked her a little breathlessly as he smiled, "I'd love for you to sing me another song, but I promise you, its not because I'm under some spell..." he said tugging her onto his lap as he smiled warmly at her.

The man put his hands on her cheeks and smiled at her a little as he stared into her eyes while the other woman came back over and poked him on the back, "You two need to go sit in a booth and get some food or something. I'm opening up," she said, "No singing loudly if you wanna keep going," she told her as the man stood up, scooping her with a smirk. He carried her with him, over to the booth and sat down, putting her across his lap as he chuckled, letting her drape herself over him as he smirked, "So... I suppose we're flirting now, no? Does singing always get you all... worked up and kissing random old men?" he teased her.
Cordelia just picked any song did she get one that was newly released for her and that was on her new cd. He did not react at all when she was finished and got closer and he even could hold a conversation after her mini performance. He really wasn’t affected even after she had placed a kiss on his lips. When she pulled back he asked if she was okay and she nodded. “You really are alright…. it didn’t affect you. Not one bit.” When he tugged her into his lap she gasped. this time she did not fight it and sat in his lap and leaned on him. Cordelia was about to answer but Stacy said they need to get into a booth and order food. “No singing loudly. Scouts honor.” she said as she watched Jack. Her eyes and attention on him fully as they moved to a booth. “Y… first person I kissed in a couple of years… The answer is no I don’t go around kissing. It did feel nice. I pretty rusty… I liked the kiss… did you?” she spoke only for him to hear. “M…maybe I can give you a private show… i mean…you don’t like my music but maybe I can sing you lullabies or any other song. For the sake of science…. maybe my grandmother was actually onto something….” with that she would nuzzle his neck. •We really should order before your ex kills us. I currently like living…so… I’m taking it as you are flirting back…am I right? I don’t mind when the person is cute.” hopefully he would catch on that she thought he was cute but no she was curious where this would lead.
The man smirked and laughed a little as she told him he was cute. He shook his head as he let out a soft sigh. He sat there in silence for a little bit, letting her stew before he looked her in the eyes, "I'm not exactly a master at kissing either. Haven't done it in two years or so. My love life has been equally boring. And you know what, if I'm just a little thing for you to blow off some stress I'm not so upset. You are VERY cute and wonderful," he said to her as he ran his hands over her sides and smiled even wider at her. He chuckled, "Oh gods... your grandma is going to be so smug about this shit. I'd almost want to say she can't know but I have a feeling you're coming home with me tonight, so if your not with her house... I think she'll know where to find you. She planned all this after all," he said with a soft sigh, "I've come to accept that some people can see fate. This isn't her hand guiding things. ITs just how things work out. For better or worse," he told her flatly as he shrugged, "But some fun with a starlet who's beautiful and a wonderful singer.... I would love some private shows my dear... for science of course,' he teased her. He then leaned in and stole another kiss, this one going a bit deeper as he let his tongue slide against her lips, seeing if she'd let him kiss her deeper as a hand ran up her back to hold her in place as he heard the woman dropping off there drinks and some food to start with. Chips and dip, simple fair.
Listening uk him he had a similar story though not because if powers like hers. She had been off the market for a while herself. She was to afraid even try again. “I don’t play around with feelings. I won’t do something like that. I just can’t. It’s not me and I know it sounds cliche but I’ve never had a one night stand. I don’t think I could handle it.” She said as she stayed close to him leaning her forehead on his. “I find you cute too. “ whispering softly as she focused in his words. His hands caressing her sides gave her goosebumps and making her shiver in a good way.

“Is that in offer to go home with you? If so I accept and we can deal with my grandmother and one nosey vampire later.” she said jokingly but the moment he started flattering her making her blush rose red. It was enough to distract her for the kiss and when her went deeper. Cordelia didn’t pull away but opened her lips to give him entry. Her own tongue began exploring as she heard plates clinking on the table she ignored it since Jack was rubbing her back that kiss would continue until Cordelia pulled back only to talk. “Let’s just enjoy this. I…it’s been a long time since I’ve been touched like this…I’d love to give you a private show after the bar. For science of course. I’ve gotta make sure you can survive my charm….”the food went unnoticed as her lips would press against his again wanting to feel him and his warm tongue and if this was a prelude to later he was at least learning that she would be a very attentive lover for him and she was more than willing to spend the night with him. ideally I would break the kiss again I need to say something very interesting about the food. “I thank you know I’m a bit impatient perhaps we can take the food to go? To your place. I guess I can’t help myself I can’t keep my hands off of you.” she confessed with a cute giggle before her lips found his again.
The male kissed her deeply and longingly as he held her in place. He wanted her so badly. SOmething in him was crying out for this and he didn't know if it really was her powers, or if he was just that lonel... or if it truly was fate. When she suggested they leave he smirked and kissed her forehead, standing up quickly. He helped her to her feet and went ot the bar woman. She looked between the two as he explained he'd need some food to take with him and sighed before returning with two take out boxes with some food stuffs in them. She hadned them to him and told him to keep the details to himself as he quickly escorted her out to his car as others were coming past, finally off work and wanting to spend the night at the bar.

He got her into the side seat and quickly drove the pair out of town past her grandmothers. He drove quietly, sharing a few glances with her, letting her talk or do what she wanted as he simply smiled. Soon enough they were at an older looking cabin and he drove the vehicle up into the driveway that had clearly been added on in recent years. He got out and helped her out of the car again, before all but dragging her into his house behind himself where he shut the door and locked it before lettingo ut a long sigh. He turned to see her again, and before she could react or say much he put the food down and grabbed her, kissing her deeply again as he felt the electric thrill of something race through him.
Cordelia was not the type of woman to just take a man home perhaps she herself was also lonely. When was the last time she let herself enjoy touch? It has been years and she has been scared to let anyone get too close to her again. Was he really immune to her? If he was that would be a very big game changer. He would kiss her on her forehead before standing up and getting her to do the same. For the moment once they got their food to go she didn’t bother to listen to what Stacy said about keeping things to themselves. Once in the car and buckled in the drive was quiet but she eventually broke the silence. “I don’t do things like this normally…. I can’t… are you sure I can’t hurt you? I couldn’t live with myself if I did…”she finally spoke out as they passed her grandmothers house. Her heart was racing as she looked down and keeping her hands in her lap.

When they got to his cabin she let him leave the way as he open the door and got her inside. What’s inside she didn’t have a chance to speak as he put the food down as he took her and placed his lipstick and places left against hers and she did not turn that away closing her own eyes and kissing him back. Maybe she didn’t need this but he could tell she was nervous and scared it was almost like it was her first time. Jack knew it wasn’t but she was still just as nervous. It wasn’t because of his forwardness she was scared maybe he was wrong, but even that tiny voice telling her to be careful she didn’t want to be as she let her tongue slip past his lips hoping he wouldn’t change his mind.
The man slowed down, heart beating fast as he stared at her, his smile faded slightly before he sighed, "Yeah?" he said to her quietly as he stared at her a little. He then paused, realizing she was right. Why was he throwing himself at her. He took a deep breath and sighed, "This isn't... magic powers. I'm afraid to say its a bit more pathetic. I've not been made to feel special by a woman in a long time," he said softly as he smiled, "I guess I was just more than willing to jump into something, as serious or casual as it was because... it felt nice. Good... was it not feeling good for you?" he asked.

He then paused, "Oh... you wanted too... do you want to sing for me some more?" he asked her softly as he smiled, "We can relax on the sofa, I can let you try your spells and things on me to prove to you its not your magical charms that have me... baying for you," he said softly. He smiled happily at her as he picked up the food and walked into an incredibly dated kitchen from the sixties, putting the food down on an old table before coming back into the old feeling living room from the eighties. This whole house was a mix of decades as he sat on a bright orange couch with wood trim. He paused a moment, stood up and pulled it out into a bed before he sat back down and eventually laid down on it, looking up at her from the sofa, "Okay. Go ahead, try to sing to me again Princess..."

He got comfortable on the couch, pulling some pillows and a blanket from somewhere when she'd realize... he didn't have a normal bed anywhere. There was no bedroom. This tiny weird patched together house was spartan because the man more than likely lived at work. He got himself comfortable on the bed, smiling up at her, "Give me your best shot. Mind control me... and... before you start... that uh... kiss back at the bar. Were you trying to seduce me with your song? Is that why you went in for a kiss?"
“No… I don’t think it’s pathetic I’m just wearing your hair because you’re compelled to be and I don’t want that I want someone to actually want me for me…” Cordelia would try to explain. “I want to do this trust me I really want to I just don’t want to be forced you’re very cute I don’t know if you believe me or not but I think so.”she would reach out to touch his face and gently let her fingers caress his cheek.

When he offered a chance for her to try out her magic tricks she nodded and she would look at the sofa since she would rather sit next to him and cuddle him to see if this was actually happening. Every time he called her princess she would blush but this time instead of saying she would have a very nice tune and he could feel the magic well up in the air feel heavy and she would lean her head on him staying close.

When he mentioned the bar she shook her head yes but the fact that he didn’t react made her kiss him again and that’s what made her go back with him.
“When you didn’t instantly throw yourself at me I figured it must be something good and that’s why I kissed you but it felt good and I wanna do it again. Can I kiss you again?” She would let her eyes focus on him but also trail down his lips wondering if he would let her kiss him again. “ The only people who are immune to me or my mother and father and now you must be fate do you believe in fate?” She asked as she leaned her head more and snuggled up not wanting to move.
THe man smiled as he heard her asking him. He chuckled and shook his head, not really answering as he pulled her over to himself. He kissed her hard on the lips, shivering as he held her in place as something clicked in his brain. He wasn't sure what was going on, but he did feel pulled to her. Something like fate. Something like some force that was making him want this yappy annoying little starlet. He felt a twinge of guilt for thinking that earlier and sighed as he pulled her onto him and put his arms around her, hugging her as he kissed her, one hand resting on the back of her head as he did so.

The man kissed her for what seemed like hours before breaking the kiss, eyes opening to stare into her own. There was a lot there, and he could lose himself if he tried. He took in a deep breath and sighed, "I do believe in fate. And I do believe in your grandmas little prophecies... the first thing I thought when I saw you was... she's cute. Damn she's cute. But then I was a little... annoyed by all the questions. I see its all from a good place though. You aren't some high and mighty super star.... I just wonder if you could handle living down here if you did decide to... you know," He said softly as he spun her around, spooning her as he laid the pair down on the bed. He put an arm around her waist and stared out to a blank TV before he reached out for a remote, putting it in front of her if she wanted to turn something on.
Cordelia was very easy to move and pull her over to him. She was so starred for touch it was nice to have someone not be completely affected by her or influenced and it felt real. If her grandmother had told her this she would not have believed her. Fate was some thing she didn’t quite believe in but now she might be newly converted to think it’s real. Every chance she got she would place a kiss on him wherever she could maybe she was doing a bit too much but she liked it. When their lips met again it felt like she couldn’t breathe but she didn’t care it felt like they were melting into one person and he was the one who broke the kiss and gave her a chance to breathe.

“My dad never really told me much about prophecies but my grandmother I don’t think I believe them I guess and now I do. I wasn’t expecting this to happen when I came here to visit. Truth be told I thought you hated me.” she confessed with a tiny giggle. When he described her as being a bit annoying with questions it made her laugh a bit more out loud because it was completely true. “When I get nervous I ask so many questions I didn’t mean to and you have to remember I didn’t have anyone to ask about these things. My mom barely told me anything about this place and my dad respected her decision to not tell me and my grandmother who came to me in my dreams she told me so much but being here it’s completely different I’ve never been in a town like this before.” she began explaining but then Jack mentioned her staying especially since she wasn’t super star level she was still famous and she never thought about living here. What will her mother say if she settled here. When he spun her around and got her comfortable she nuzzled up close to him and went silent before she would actually answer what he was thinking about.

“I don’t know how my mother will feel about me living here I like it but…. it’s so close to the sea I’ve always been told to stay away from him and what happens if something like what happened to my mom happens to me?” it was a genuine question and something she would have to think about but was he really that serious about her already? Reading for the remote she would click the TV on and put on some white noise just to give them something to do. “Do you like living here? I mean you have to since you are the police would you ever leave here? I could probably live here if I found something to keep me here. I like my life but it’s difficult with what I am. Are you really not worried about me messing up or causing trouble?” she couldn’t help the questions but this time she was focusing more on how it would be to live here. “I don’t want for anything and what would I do for work but I guess I don’t have to worry about work really I make a good living I could settle or retire I’ve been singing since I was 16 they scouted me pretty early. I’ve made a good name for myself. What do you want to get out of life?” he was a sweet guy but he had no idea what he would really want but at least now she knew she wanted to get to know him better and she wondered if they could actually be good together.
He sighed and made a sly smile as he put a hand to her lips again. A finger slipped over her lips, tracing them before he plunged it into her mouth and he chuckled, "Shut up..." he said, "You need to stop asking questions princess. Live in the moment. Be happy. Your mother never did anything wrong. People were worrried. THey were paniced. They didn't want to be found out. So they had to put forward the person who did it. The only one we thought could do it was your mother, but there were other sirens living near by... most of them don't come up this far north anymore so... you're not in danger of anything. YOu're safe and I promise I'll protect you like I protect everyone in town," he said.

He then smiled and laughed as he moved his hand from her mouth, "For a girl who just up and kissed a random man twice her age and then some, and was willing to follow him back to his house on the day she met him, you really do know how to take life by the horns and also just... not let a moment be a moment," He said teasingly before he leaned into her and kissed her again softly, then deeply, his arms running along her sides and up her body as he groaned. He shivered as he held her close and kissed her long enough for himself to come up with an answer, and he finally let her breath before he spoke, "I want to do what most men do. To have a wife. A few kids maybe. Raisae them right. Grow old with a woman I love and die... protecting my community and the people I care about... the usual," He said softly as he smiled.
Jack knew how to get het to be quiet with a finger over her lips as it shut her up along with him also telling her to shut up. It was far from mean but grabbed her attention. “It’s sweet that you’ll protect me. And I do live in the moment when it’s safe.” she retorted but when he spoke about her mothers situation she finally went quiet. His finger moved from het plush pink lips and when he told her about how she came to his house; a man twice her age and then some she laughed cutely. Though when his hands found her sides caressing them it made her make soft noises before he kissed her again. Her own arms wrapped around him not wanting to let him go. She didn’t understand why she had such a strong desire but he was right about het taking life by the horns so why not start now?

When the kiss broke she listened to what he wanted and it was something attainable. “Those are good goals. I want children someday. Marriage is up in the air considering what I am. It sounds easy but I don’t even know how to look so maybe we can…comfort each other. And just do you know she doesn’t bother me..” her hand would reach down to rub his thigh getting dangerously close to his pelvis. “I do recall you calling me cute. Did you know that I think you’re….dare I say enticing?” now she was flirting as she leaned her head so close she could nibble on his neck. Something about him was drawing het in and she finally decided not to fight it.
The male shivered as she spoke to him. He smiled, "I did say cute. Sexy works too. Beautiful..." he teased her, "You are a starlet after all. And I'm a boring bumpkin of a sheriff...' he said softly as she ran her hands on his legs and he let out a soft groan as he sat himself up a bit, staring at her, "YOu're playing a dangerous game missy. You are... enticing to me, I'd say," he told her as he stared ath er, shivering as he watched her.

He grabbed for the remote and turned the volume up, shivering as he leaned forward to kiss her on the lips again, softly this time. A quick kiss that lasted only a moment before he pulled back and settled down on the bed, his back against the wall soh e could sit up slightly as he watched her, curious as to what she'd do next. He knew when to speak and when to keep quite. This was one of those times.
“Oh? I’ll take either…both…all…”she said with a whisper as her hand caressed his thigh and reached up higher as she got a bit bolder with her hand on his manhood. “Well what if I like the country bumpkin and I like dangerous. Now…maybe I can show you how dangerous I can be….”he grabbed the remote to turn the volume up though when he kissed her he felt her purr against his lips though she would pull away and he’d watch her slide off the couch to her knees as her doe like brown eyes looked at him wondering if he’d accept her attention as she started to fumble with his jeans to see if he’d let her get them open.

“I find you very intoxicating Jack…will you let this starlet show you just irresistible you are?” she’d ask tugging more at his pants hoping he’d either help her or tell her no but she really wanted to get him out of them. “I honestly think you’re the one with sirens blood. I just…can’t get enough of you. Is that a bad thing? I don’t think so….I want you Jack….do you want me?” she wanted to know before she would take matters into her own hands and mouth.
The man shivered as he watched her. HE felt her touch him through his pants and his body reacted. He felt his heart beat faster, but for the first time in a while it wasn't because of the threat of violence. It was becasue of want. A need almost. His breathing got shallower as he kepth is eyes locked on her own. She spoke to him with words that were like honey and he felt that siren pull gently now. He could resist it, if he wanted. IT wasn't that hard. But he didn't want to. He just stared at her and watched as she pulled on his pants.

He felt her tug on his pants as he stared, his chest rising and falling before he gently reached out to caress her face. He then paused a moment and reached up, taking off his shirt for her. He was quite the man. As if chiseled by some greek creator he was quite the adonis. However he was scarred. They raced up and down his body, the body of a man. There was hair all over, including his abs, leading down to his pants where he slowly reached down and undid the button on his pants, leaving her to do the rest. Letting her unzip his pants and pull down his trousers, to claim her prize as he ran a hand through her hair.
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